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1 . Most animals live in a special place or habitat (栖息地). They get everything they need to live from their living places. Animals have different physical features (身体特征). They help them live better. Let’s have a look at how these animals live.

The Polar Bear

The polar bears live in the Arctic ( 北极). It’s easy for them to find the food—seals.

The polar bear has long and stiff hair on its feet. With these hairs, they won’t be easy to fall down on the ice. These hairs also keep the bear’s feet warm on the cold ice.

The Maned Wolf

The maned wolf is not really a wolf, but is part of the same family as dogs, wolves and foxes.

     ▲ People call it “red fox on stilts (高跷)”, because of the color of its furs (毛发). It lives in the tall grasslands of South America. It eats small birds and animals, and it also eats a lot of fruit. The maned wolf has very long legs, like the legs of a deer. They help it look for food over the tall grass.

The Camel

Dromedary camels are the camels that have one hump (峰) on their backs. These camels live in the desert (沙漠). These deserts are mostly sand. Camels have two special ways to protect themselves. They have two rows of long eyelashes (睫毛) to help keep the sand from getting in their eyes. They can also close their nostrils (鼻孔) to keep out the blowing sand.

1. The underlined word “stiff” means “________” in Chinese.
2. What can be put in the blank “     ▲ ”?
A.It is really a fox in some ways.
B.It is like a fox in some ways.
C.It is wild like a dog in some ways.
D.It is strong like a lion in some ways.
3. Which of the following animals are dromedary camels?
4. According to the passage, we can know that ________.
A.the polar bears living on the ice can find the seals easily.
B.the maned wolf never eat fruits to live.
C.camels have only one special way to protect them.
D.all animals live in a special place.
5. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.where animals liveB.when animals sleep
C.what animals eatD.how animals live
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . We often talk about the weather. Here are some passages about the weather. Let’s read them together.

Passage 1:

Is it hot or cold, cool or warm? It always goes up and down. When the sun comes up, it warms the air and the temperature will go up. When nights come, the air will get cooler and the temperature(温度)will fall.

Passage 2:

We can’t see it, but we can feel it. It can move the air. When it comes, we can see the branches(树枝)of trees are moving. Do you like flying kites? It can carry your kite high in the sky. It can also blow your hat off.

Passage 3:

The rain is falling all around. It falls on fields and trees. It rains on the umbrellas here and on the ships at sea.

Passage 4:

We often see it in winter. It looks white and many people like it a lot. When it comes, the ground will put on her white clothes. And children are specially happy then, because they can make snowmen.

1. The underlined word “fall” in Passage 1 means “________” in Chinese.
2. The underlined word “it” in Passage 2 refers to(指代)________.
A.the airB.the sunC.the weatherD.the wind
3. Which one maybe the best title(题目)for Passage 3?
A.The rainB.Ships at sea
C.Falling on fields and treesD.Taking your umbrella
4. Passage 4 mainly(主要地)talks about ________.
5. Why do children feel happy when it snows?
A.Because they can stay at home.B.Because they feel very cold.
C.Because they don’t need to go to bed.D.Because they can make snowmen.
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Solar terms, also called Jieqi in Chinese, are 24 special days in the traditional Chinese calendar, known as the “fifth great invention” of China, solar terms show the Chinese wisdom of dividing time.

Spring Begins

It is the first solar term in the 24 solar terms. It lifts the curtain of the spring season. After that, everything turns green and becomes full of vigor. The daytime becomes longer and the weather gets warmer. The day is also called “Biting Spring” since people eat traditional food such as “Spring Roll” and “Spring Pancake”.

Grain Rain

Grain Rain is the 6th of the 24 solar terms and also the last solar term of spring. It falls every April19th to 21st. During this solar term, there will be more rainfall, which can help grain grow. On that day, the southerners go to the tea garden to pick tea and the northerners eat the Chinese toon(香椿).

Grain in Ear

Grain in Ear will come on June 6 this year. In some parts of China, people also call it the “busy planting day”. On this day, farmers are very busy. Farmers in the south plant rice. And farmers in the north harvest wheat. Many fruits also become ripe. Everything is very lively!

Great Cold

Great Cold, the last solar term in 24 solar terms, comes around January 20 each year. In this period, the cold waves from Siberia arrives in China. When this day arrives, it’s time to welcome the Spring Festival. People get busy with buying new things, salting the meat and preparing New Year good. “Great Cold” represents the end of 24 solar terms and also marks the end of winter.

1. After Great Cold,          is coming.
A.Spring BeginsB.Grain RainC.Grain in EarD.Rain Water
2. What kinds of food do people eat on “Spring Begins”?
A.Rice dumplingsB.MooncakesC.Spring Roll and Spring PancakeD.Turkey
3. Which is the last solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar?
A.Spring BeginsB.Grain RainC.Grain in EarD.Great Cold
4. What’s the weather like during the “Grain Rain” period?
A.There will be more snowfall.B.There will be more rainfall.
C.The weather gets warmer.D.The weather gets colder.
5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Many fruits also become ripe during Grain in Ear.
B.When Great Cold arrives, people begin to welcome the Spring Festival.
C.On Grain Rain, the southerners go to the tea garden to pick tea.
D.On Grain in Ear, farmers in the north plant rice while farmers in the south harvest wheat.
2022-07-08更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年福建省南平市中考模拟英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Animal behavior is an interesting and attractive study. Scientists research the ways animals use to look for food. They study how animals protect themselves from their predators, and which animals kill other animals for food. All of this helps us understand how useful animals can be.

Each country or culture raise some animals for food. In the United States, people mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs. In other countries, people might raise sheep or buffalo for meat. These differences come in part from weather and other environmental conditions. People around the world eat all kinds of fish and shellfish from oceans and rivers. In some countries, people don’t always choose some animals, such as dogs, for food while in other countries such animals may become people’s favorite food.

In West Africa, animals provide humans with more than food. They have been helping people do daily work for thousands of years. Horses, oxen, and other work animals pull heavy things. Elephants, camels, and other animals carry people and things from place to place. Carrier pigeons (信鸽) have been used to send messages.

People also receive health benefits from animals. For example, dogs and cats can help calm people down. This is helpful for people to fight illnesses. Animals can also reduce stress, helping people to draw their attention to learning new information, such as reading. When people are walking their dogs or horses, it encourages exercise.

Animals and humans share space on Earth, so keeping a healthy relationship with animals around us is in our best interest.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Where animals live and how they look for food.
B.The relationship between animals and humans.
C.The different things animals can do in different countries.
D.What humans should do when communicating with animals.
2. The underlined word “predators” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
3. Which animal can be seen in West Africa to help people?
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.People around the world eat all kinds of fish.
B.Horses are helpful for people fighting illnesses.
C.Elephants encourage humans to do more exercise.
D.Africans mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs.
5. Which of the following is the structure (结构) of the passage?
2022-07-07更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年福建省泉州市晋江市中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Do you sleep well? If your answer is no, the following might help you.

Set a certain bedtime and rising time

       A certain bedtime and rising time can help you build up your body clocks. Set a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Don’t change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.

Avoid exciting activities just before sleeping

       Exciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrow’s plan, or read an exciting story before turning off the light, it doesn’t give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.

Keep the bedroom for sleeping only

       It’s a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read, talk on the phone, or discuss important matters with your family members. Break that habit to get better sleep.

Don’t go to bed too early

       Your body usually lets you sleep only the number of hours it needs. You should decide how many hours you must sleep in order not to experience daytime sleepiness.

Take a warm shower before your bedtime

A twenty-minute warm shower at a temperature of about 45—50 not only is a great relax at day’s end, but also raises your body temperature by several degrees. The coming drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.

1. If you want to build up your body clocks, you should ________.
A.go to bed neither too early nor too late
B.set a certain bedtime and rising time
C.keep the bedroom for sleeping only
D.take a warm shower before sleeping
2. Why should you avoid exciting activities just before sleeping?
A.Because they will get your thoughts running.
B.Because you have to make tomorrow’s plan.
C.Because you should read an exciting story.
D.Because you will have to turn off the light.
3. Your bedroom should be kept for ________ only.
4. According to the passage, ________ will make you feel sleepy.
A.taking a cold showerB.your body temperature dropping
C.your daily experienceD.raising your body temperature
5. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.We Must Sleep Well
B.How to Set a Certain Bedtime and Rising Time
C.Ways to Have a Good Sleep
D.Some People Don’t Sleep Well
2022-05-31更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年福建省厦门市莲花中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 .
What is my name?Novel Coronavirus virus(virus)(新冠状病毒)
What do I look like?I look like a crown(冠), I am very small, so you cannot see me with your eyes.
Where am I from?I was first found in wild(野生的)animals, but some people like catching wild animals, so I can just move from animals to people.
What can I do?People are afraid(害怕)of me because they will get sick(生病)if I get into their body. I can move from one person to another, making many people sick. That’s why people are at home and keep away from me.
How can I get into your body(身体)?I can get into people’s body through(通过) their eyes, noses and mouths. You will get sick easily if you:
Don’t wear a mask (口罩)when you go out.
Don’t wash your hands often. Go to places lots of people.
Can they kill(杀)me?There are some ways to kill me, but following ways won’t be helpful:
Staying in the sun. Taking a hot shower. Taking Vitamin C
1. Why do people can’t see the virus with eyes?
A.Because it is too big.B.Because it is very small.
C.Because people get sick.D.Because it looks like a crown.
2. What can we do if we want to keep away from(远离)the virus?
A.Stay in the sun.B.Go to places with lots of people.
C.Take a hot shower.D.wear a mask when we go out.
3. The virus can get into our body through ________.
A.Through animalsB.Through eyesC.Through handsD.Through ears
4. Which is TRUE about the Novel Coronavirus according to the passage?
A.The novel coronavirus comes from humans.
B.Scientists can do nothing to help the sick people.
C.The novel coronavirus can make people very sick.
D.People have to be in hospitals to fight against(对抗)the virus.
5. Where may the passage be from?
A.A story.B.A novel.C.A science book.D.An art book.
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Do you know pleasure of Farmhouse (农家乐)? It’s a new way for holidays in China. Now, more and more people are interested in it, especially young people. Every weekend, thousands of people drive to the countryside. The farmers invite them to their farms even homes. Many people help the farmers work on the farms, such as fishing, watering the crops or picking apples. If you come to the farm, you will fall in love with the country life at once. Here you can listen to the birds, enjoy the beautiful view of countryside, breathe the fresh air and watch the crops grow. You can even taste the fresh produce, such as tomatoes and strawberries.

Pleasure of Farmhouse brings a good chance to enjoy the life of countryside, especially for people living in the cities. It can make them relax.

One farmer said, “Welcome children to our farms. We will show you where your food comes from.”

1. What is a new way for holidays in China?
A.Climbing mountains.B.Doing farm work.C.Pleasure of Farmhouse.D.Fishing.
2. What can visitors do in the countryside?
A.They can enjoy the beautiful view.B.They can work with the farmers.
C.They can taste the fresh produce.D.They can do all of above.
3. What does the underlined word “view” mean in Chinese?
4. Pleasure of Farmhouse can make ________ relax.
A.farmersB.visitors from citiesC.young peopleD.children
5. In the last paragraph, the farmer said they would show us ________.
A.how to work on farmB.where we could grow crops
C.where we could make foodD.the pleasure of working
2022-05-14更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉州南安市2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中教学质量监测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . We usually preview(预习) in study. The teachers often say to us, “Please preview for the next lesson.” So why is it so important for us to preview for the next lesson?

In the preview, we can learn the topic(话题) of the lesson like food, sports or other topics. We sometimes meet some problems(难题) in the preview, so we can ask our friends or teachers for help.

Preview begins with the new words. New words are the first part of English teaching. First, we can know about the connection(联系) between new knowledge(知识) and old knowledge. Second, we will learn about the knowledge that we are studying better. Third, the preview of words can make us know about the knowledge we have learned better.

Ye Shengtao also has the same idea. Just as he said, “Learn to read the text by yourself in preview, you may think more deeply.”

So preview the new class next time before you start, it will help you a lot. You will learn more easily in the new class and will also follow the teacher’s words quickly.

1. When you preview, you need to know something about ________.
A.the last lessonB.the next lessonC.the first lessonD.all of the lessons
2. Preview begins with ________.
A.the new topicsB.a new pictureC.the new wordsD.a new book
3. Which is of the following is TRUE if we preview?
A.We won’t know the topics we will learn.
B.We can know about the connection between new knowledge and old knowledge.
C.We can’t learn about the knowledge that we are studying better.
D.It can make us know little about the knowledge we have learned better.
4. Ye Shengtao tells us to ________.
A.learn to countB.learn to find the topics
C.learn to read the text by ourselvesD.learn to think more deeply
5. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Why is preview importantB.How to learn Engish well
C.New ways of learningD.New words are the first part
2022-05-14更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉州南安市2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中教学质量监测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Every school has its rules. The rules are different. Here are some school rules in different countries.

In Japan, most schools ask the students to be in school uniforms (校服), for example (例如), sports suits and skirts. In many Japanese schools, if the school doesn’t know, students even can’t go to the movies, go out of home in the evening or play computer games.

In America, students can wear indoor shoes in some schools, so students can’t fall down, and they are safe when walking or running on the floor. They should keep the school clean, too.

Students can’t eat gum (口香糖), because it’s hard to clean up the gum.

In England, students can’t have strange hairstyles (发型) in some schools. But the students can have certain (某些) hairstyles during the World (世界) Cup.

1. The students can’t go out of home in the evening in ________ if they don’t tell their schools.
A.JapanB.ChinaC.the USAD.the UK
2. The students can’t eat gum at school in America because ________.
A.eating gum is not safeB.students must keep the school clean
C.it makes students forget their studyD.gum costs much money
3. The underlined word “strange” means “________” in Chinese.
4. What does NOT the writer talk about in the passage?
A.Sports clothes.B.After school activities.C.Students’ hairstyles.D.School lunches.
5. This passage is mainly about ________.
A.school uniformsB.school hairstylesC.school shoesD.school rules
2022-05-14更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省宁德福鼎市第六中学片区2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中阶段性质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约150词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 .

These were the first men on the moon. They were American. When astronauts (宇航员) come back to the earth, they will look a little different. They will have thin legs and fat faces, because there is no gravity (重力) in space.

This is Laika, a space dog who became one of the first animals in space. In 1957, she traveled into space alone and moved around the earth.

This is a sleep station. Four astronauts can sleep here. They can sleep upside down or standing up.

In the space kitchen, there are over a hundred kinds of food. There is a food pack(包) for every meal. The astronauts eat on trays(托盘) . Magnets(磁铁) hold the trays down on the table, or they will fly.

1. Astronauts will ________ after coming back to the earth according to the reading.
A.become tallerB.become heavier
C.have short legs and thin facesD.have thin legs and fat faces
2. We can learn that Laika went to space ________.
A.as the oldest animalB.together with other animals
C.over sixty years agoD.with five astronauts
3. What’ s the use of magnets in the space kitchen?
A.To make the food delicious.B.To stop the trays from flying.
C.To make the table look beautiful.D.To stop the food from going bad.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The first men to go to the moon were from Russia.
B.Laika was the only animal to go to the moon.
C.Astronauts sleep in different ways in the sleep station.
D.Astronauts must stand up when they sleep in space.
5. Where can we find the reading?
A.In a science magazine.B.In a history book.
C.In a book on animals.D.In a news report.
2022-05-13更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉州市永春第一中学2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
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