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1 . ①Have you ever noticed that fruits and vegetables are still fresh after a long journey? Using the right vehicle (交通工具) for transporting helps keep the quality of the fruits and vegetables. Reefers can be one of the great helpers.

②Reefers are trucks that work like a large fridge. They have a special system that is designed to help keep products fresh. The system keeps certain temperatures and controls humidity (湿度). At the same time, it lets in fresh air and lets out gases like CO2. The system has several parts.

·Control unit: Change the temperature, humidity and airing of the reefer container (集装箱).
·Interior fans: Help the air move around inside the container.
·Fresh air vent: Gases can escape through the air vent, and fresh air can flow (流动) inside the container.
·Unit evaporator: Keep the humidity at the right level inside.
·Condenser: Cool the air in the container and move it around.
These parts make reefers a good choice for transporting fruits and vegetables.

③ The reefer temperature for fruits and vegetables is one of the most important factors. It can affect their quality. But reefers only maintain the temperatures of products, not change them. You should make sure products are already at the correct temperature before loading them into the reefer container. The reefer temperature for vegetables should range between -1℃ to 13℃. Here are a few examples: carrots: 0℃; cucumbers: 10℃ to 13℃. For fruits, the proper temperature is from -1℃ to 4℃, like apples: -1℃ to 4℃; grapes: -0. 5℃ to 0℃. The reefer temperature for fruits and vegetables should be proper to provide high-quality products for markets and stores.

④ When using reefers to transport fruits and vegetables, you should know how to pack them correctly. Use boxes that allow for air to move around. Cardboard boxes and plastic bins with holes are OK. Avoid putting boxes too close to the walls of the container, or the air won’t be able to flow smoothly. Separate certain fruits and vegetables from those giving out a gas which makes them ripen faster.

1. What do we know about a reefer from the passage?
A.It’s a system to make fresh air.B.It’s a truck to transport fridges.
C.It’s a vehicle to keep products fresh.D.It’s a helper to sell fruits and vegetables.
2. Which of the following about the system is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Fresh air vent changes gases into fresh air.B.Interior fans let the air out of the container.
C.Unit evaporator can keep the container new.D.Condenser makes the air cool in the container.
3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.What affects the reefer temperature for fruits and vegetables?
B.How does the reefer temperature change fruits and vegetables?
C.What is the proper reefer temperature for fruits and vegetables?
D.How do you know the reefer temperature for fruits and vegetables?
4. Which part of the magazine is the passage probably taken from?
2024-05-20更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市龙湾区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 .

Be Flood Smart

What are the types of floods?

Floods happen when a large amount of water covers the land that is usually dry. There are three main types of floods: river floods, flash floods and coastal floods.

River Floods

Flash Floods

Coastal Floods

They happen when the rain lasts for a long time, and the river can’t hold all the water.

They are the result of a rapid and heavy rainfall. The rainfall raises water heights quickly.

They are caused by storm surges (风暴潮) connected with tsunamis, typhoons, etc.

What effects do floods have on people?

How do we protect ourselves in floods?

Number of deaths by floods around the world in 2023.

Since 1998, floods have affected more than 2 billion people around the world. Many people have lost their homes, even their lives in floods. In 2023, 617 people died from floods.

Know the signs and what to do when floods come. We need to be smart to protect ourselves!

·Prepare an emergency bag with food, medicine, etc.
·Pay attention to weather warnings.
·Make a plan with your family.
·Turn off gas, water and electricity.
·Move things to safety.
·Get to a higher place and stay safe.
·Call 999 if in danger.
·Follow advice from the governments.
·Stay at a safe place.

1. What type of floods may happen when it rains rapidly and heavily?
A.River Floods.B.Flash Floods.C.Storm Floods.D.Coastal Floods.
2. How many people died from floods in Asia in 2023?
3. What should people do when receiving “Severe Flood Warning”?
A.Prepare some medicine.B.Move things to a higher place.
C.Call 999 when it is dangerous.D.Turn off gas, water and electricity.
2024-05-20更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市龙湾区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读以下材料,从下面方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中 (其中有一项多余),选出能填入1-4题的最佳选项,并完成5题的任务。

Smart Cities around the World

Smart cities use technology to make things better for people and improve the lives of people. Now let’s explore some smart cities around the world and learn about their slogans.

Breathe freely with smart maps!

London has many new ways to use data (数据). One of its creative examples is an app showing a way with clean air on the map of the city. If people have to go out on a day with bad air quality,     1    .

Use smart apps, live relaxing lives!

In New York,     2    . With the data, people can get the information they need through apps. For example, they can find out where they can ride bikes in the city.

Smart learning, happy kids!

Singapore, the “Garden City” has smart ways to make the city children-friendly. In some libraries,     3    . For example, when a teacher tells a story about a tiger, a picture of a tiger will be shown. This makes the stories more lively.

Green life in passive housing!

In Berlin, passive housing (被动式住宅) is a popular way to help save energy. A passive house usually has thick walls and windows. Also,     4    . This way, more sunlight can go into the house. No matter how cold it is, people inside the house can still keep warm.


In Hangzhou, people can live a smart life with a smart phone, no need for cash or a wallet. For example, they can take the subway simply by scanning a QR code. They can also use smartphones to pay the bills when in hospital.     

A. kids can listen to stories in cool ways
B. kids will also hear the sound of a tiger
C. the biggest windows usually face south
D. they can find out the way with the cleanest air
E. the government makes its data open to all local people
5. 请根据文本内容,为杭州设计一条宣传标语。(不超过10个词)
2024-05-19更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市瓯海永嘉乐清苍南四县区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 .

Julie Andersen’s great interest in diving (潜水) led to her love for sharks and the ocean. She turned her love into a job and started ocean conservation groups. Conservation is the act of keeping or protecting something. Conservation work includes protecting art, animals in danger and the other parts of the natural environment.

Andersen began diving in 1995. She started diving in places that are famous for sharks. Unluckily, the number of sharks there became smaller and smaller. Soon she realized that she must do something for them. So she founded the Shark Angels and helped people around the world learn about sharks. She even sold her house to support Shark Angels.   

Twenty years later, she is still working. As a leader of Professional Association of Diving Instructors(PADI), Andersen believes PADI is a good industry to encourage people to keep on saving sharks and their ocean homes. She often says, “I am filled with hope. The past several years have taught me that a single person can make a difference. And I am sure we can make a bigger difference together.” Andersen sets a good example to other people in the world. Now more and more people are entering the diving industry and getting to know the importance of protecting sharks and their ocean homes.

Actually, Andersen’s goal is to make it possible for everyone to experience, fall in love with and, in turn, protect our world’s largest and most valuable ecosystem (生态系统). “The ocean gives us life. We need to do the same in return and leave our blue planet better than we found it.” Andersen says.

1. Which of the following is “conservation” according to the passage?
A.Saving tigers.B.Feeding the fish.C.Drawing pictures.D.Keeping a pet dog.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Andersen studied hard to protect sharks.B.Andersen helped people learn about diving.
C.Andersen did a lot to support Shark Angels.D.Andersen became famous for diving in 1995.
3. What’s the result of Andersen’s effort?
A.PADI has been the largest diving industry.B.More people have taken diving courses.
C.PADI has got many prizes in saving sharks.D.More people have joined in protecting sharks.
4. Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To discuss the importance of PADI.B.To show the problems of environmental pollution.
C.To explain the meaning of ecosystem.D.To introduce a lady’s journey of shark protection.
2024-05-19更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市瓯海永嘉乐清苍南四县区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-六选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 根据短文内容,从短文下方的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

Learn to Welcome Change

Have you seen new plant life, or felt the days getting lighter and longer? By seeing changes in nature, you can enjoy changes in your own life too.

    1     It may happen when you lose baby teeth and grow new ones, or when a tiny seed grows into a beautiful flower and fades at the end.

    2    We may have to change our daily   habits, like   moving   home, changing school or our favourite foods running out. These changes can feel uncomfortable, but it’s OK to feel sad or disappointed when things happen out of expectation.

    3     When you experience change, it is helpful to talk to someone you trust. Besides, try to notice how you feel in your body and also your thoughts.

    4    Get comfortable, sitting or lying down. Notice your breath-feel how you breathe in and out. Notice your thoughts in the same way —how they are coming and going. Just keep paying attention to how you feel and be kind to yourself.

    5    It can bring new opportunities. And remember, even when things seem difficult, the sun will rise again, flowers will return and there will be new adventures waiting for you.

A.Change isn’t always bad.
B.Change is a natural part of life.
C.How can you notice your feeling?
D.Here are two useful ways to deal with it.
E.Sometimes, changes are not easy to be dealt with.
F.Change can help you improve yourself all the time.
2024-05-19更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市瑞安市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In a high mountain area in central Utah stands the world’s oldest, heaviest and largest tree, Pando. And it’s dying!

Pando means “I spread” in Latin and it’s a name that makes sense. Pando is a big group of trees that all grow from the same roots (根). They look separate but are all connected underground by their roots. With all these roots connected, the whole group of trees can share water and food.

________. In summer, animals (mule deer and cattle) feed on the new leaves, making it difficult for the trees to grow. The number of mule deer has even increased because their natural enemies (mountain lions, bears) have disappeared. The second problem is from people. Hikers and campers like this area because of the colorful leaves in autumn. But getting too close and stepping on the new growth has made Pando smaller and thinner over the last 50 years.

Protecting Pando is challenging. Putting fences (栅栏) around it to keep animals away has helped new growth. But deer are smart, and they’ve found ways to get through the fences. Other efforts have included cutting or burning part of Pando to encourage new growth. Pando grows back very quickly after a forest fire, and these fires do not reach temperatures that would kill its root system.

Michael Grant, one of the scientists who helped name Pando, warns if the trees are in trouble, the whole ecosystem will be in danger too. We need to make people understand the long-term effects of our actions.

1. Which picture is Pando?
2. Which of the following can be put in the blank — in Paragraph 3?
A.It’s in trouble for two reasons.B.We should do something to save it.
C.Nobody knows why it is dying.D.Plenty of tourists visit it every year.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.the rootB.PandoC.the forest fireD.the mountain
4. What’s the purpose of this passage?
A.To introduce Pando in Utah.B.To show the trouble Pando has.
C.To ask people to protect Pando.D.To share ways to look after Pando.
2024-05-19更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市瑞安市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 .

①“Why don’t you ever listen?”

“You just don’t understand me!”

“You’re of no help at all!”

②Sound familiar? When you’re having a difficult conversation with your parents or friends, accusatory words like those can stop a discussion. As soon as one feels attacked, the defensive (防御的) walls come up, and real communication becomes all but impossible. We focus on the other person’s behavior first, without spending time thinking about and telling why we’re feeling hurt. Here lie the differences between “I” and “you” statements.

③An “I-statement” is a sentence beginning with the word “I” that tells another person how you are feeling in a clear way. For example, you might say, “I feel...” or “I become nervous when....” I-statements are a powerful tool to help you express your feelings to someone else without blaming (责怪) others. “You-statements,” such as those listed above, are statements that begin with the word “you”, pointing out what other people have done wrong. These statements often mean that the listener is responsible for something.

④Why are I-statements important? When you start a conversation by talking about the other person’s actions, you’re sending the message that they’re the problem. For most people, this immediately leads to them becoming defensive and trying to throw blame back onto you. However, starting a sentence with ‘I’ helps us talk about difficult feelings and how the problem is affecting us, and stops other people feeling blamed. This can be seen in the case when you feel left out. Instead of saying “You always leave me out”, you can say “I feel hurt when I’m not invited because it feels like I’m not welcome”. With this I-statement, you’re being honest about your feelings, but you’re not presenting them as something the other person did to you. As a result, the listener tends to experience this as more friendly, opening the possibility of further conversation and hope for a solution.

⑤It’s a simple change, but by being a little more careful of how you express yourself, you may find people are more likely to positively listen to you and understand more about what you are trying to say.

1. What does the underlined phrase “accusatory words” mean?
A.Words that attack others.B.Words to explain reasons.
C.Words that sound familiar.D.Words to start conversations.
2. Which of the following might be an “I-statement”?
A.I know that everyone in the family is busy.
B.I am anxious when everything is in a mess.
C.I think you are right by telling me the truth.
D.I feel sad because you don’t listen to me carefully.
3. How does the writer support his idea in Paragraph 4?
A.By using sayings.B.By asking questions.
C.By telling a story.D.By giving an example.
4. Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To encourage people to use I-statements.
B.To explain when I-statements should be used.
C.To show the disadvantages of you-statements.
D.To suggest being careful of others’ you-statements.
2024-05-15更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When nature meets man-made roads, it’s seldom a good thing. Millions of animals get killed by cars every week. So, engineers tried to build green bridges for animals over busy roads. These bridges help keep animals and people safe.

The idea of green bridges isn’t really new. In fact, the first animal crossing appeared in France in the 1950s. As well as Germany, which has made more than 80 green bridges since 2005, Canada and the United States are also trying to protect native wildlife by building animal bridges over the years.

Although there are various designs, most green bridges share something similar. First, they are usually quite wide, giving animals plenty of room to move. Second, they are usually covered with soil and plants to look like the forests that lie on either side of the roads. Lastly, they are wider at the ends, spreading out where they meet the land. This helps gather animals onto the bridge and guide them out when they leave.

People may wonder ________. In Canada’s Banff National Park, 11 kinds of large animals such as bears, elk and cougar s have already gone across these green bridges more than 200,000 times since 1996. In some places, we’ve also seen a 90% drop in accidents between animals and cars where these bridges have been built.

These crossings are clearly a step in the right way to offer living chances and safety to wild animals. And with these bridges, both animal and human deaths on roads will continue to go down.

1. Where was the first green bridge built?
A.In America.B.In Canada.C.In France.D.In Germany.
2. Which picture can show the design of most green bridges according to the passage?
3. Which can be the best to fill in the blank ________ in Paragraph 4?
A.if these green bridges really work
B.if Canada built the best green bridges
C.if it is easy to walk across green bridges
D.if there will be new designs for green bridges
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Green Bridges: Helpful Ways to Save Plants
B.Green Bridges: A New Home for Wild Animals
C.Green Bridges: Safe Crossings to Protect Wildlife
D.Green Bridges: A Creative Road System for Busy Traffic
2024-05-15更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文介绍了沙特阿拉伯正在建设的未来城市The Line。

9 . Imagine a city built as a line across the desert. It can run on 100% clean energy and 100% renewable water. That sounds impossible, but it’s becoming a reality.

Saudi Arabia is building such a city called The Line. It starts from the mountains of Northwest Saudi Arabia and pushes its way to the Red Sea. With an area of just 34 square kilometres, it can be home to 9 million people. The Line is 500 metres tall, 200 metres wide and 170 kilometres long, with two huge mirror walls standing on its both sides.

To put living experiences and natural environment first, The Line is designed to have three layers (层) . The top layer has no roads or cars, keeping over 95% of the nature around. Carefully designed environment makes the best balance of sunshine, trees and other natural sights. The middle layer is for services. All of them are operated by AI. Robots and a huge man-made moon make the city a technology paradise (天堂). From shopping malls to sports areas, wherever you go, you will be amazed at how convenient life can be. The lowest layer is the most important pat which shows how fast the city runs. The Line’s high-speed railway powered by electricity makes it possible to travel end to end in 20 minutes.

The plan started in early 2021 and is expected to finish its first stage in 2030. However, not everyone shows enough confidence in the plan. Environmentalists argue that mirror walls of The Line will bring danger to animals. For example, birds may hit onto the glass or even die when they migrate every spring and autumn. Besides, some commentators (评论员) also question whether the city will be built successfully. But Tarek Qaddumi, the director of the plan, seems sure, “We hope to get faster, better and greener results, with less environmental influence. It will set a new standard for future city life.”

1. What’s The Line according to the passage?
A.A city that will lie under the Red Sea.
B.A city that will be built in the shape of a line.
C.A city that will have a population of 11 million.
D.A city that will have stone walls on the two sides.
2. Which picture shows the three layers of The Line?
3. Which best explains the underlined word “migrate” in Paragraph 4?
A.①To travel to a new place or country, usually to find work and live there.B.②To move from one place to another according to the seasons.C.③To move information on one computer to another.D.④To begin using a new computer system.
4. Why does the writer write the passage?
A.To tell who will build The Line.
B.To advise people to visit The Line.
C.To introduce a future city called The Line.
D.To show the difficulties of building The Line.
2024-04-22更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 .
Graphic organisers are visual (视觉的) tools that help learners connect ideas and show relationships among different information.
Check out some examples of graphic organisers.

It divides information into two groups. It is often used to show advantages and disadvantages.
Take a quick look at why you should think of using graphic organisers.
●They bridge what you’ve known with what you’re learning and help you remember.
● They help you better organise ideas and plan writing.
● They make self-learning easier and help you solve problems on your own.

● They’re easy to understand and help save time while you’re sharing ideas.

Fishbone Diagram
It looks at the different causes that lead to a certain result.

Circle Map
It’s used to collect ideas with a main topic in a smaller circle and related ideas in a larger one.

Sequence Chart
It presents steps or events in order and tells how one thing leads to another with arrows (→).
1. Which graphic organiser best shows advantages and disadvantages?
A.T-chart.B.Fishbone Diagram.C.Circle Map.D.Sequence Chart.
2. How can graphic organisers help you?
A.Correct mistakes in writing.B.Save time while choosing tools.
C.Develop problem-solving skills.D.Improve relationships with teachers.
3. What is the text?
A.A road map.B.A weather report.C.A learning guide.D.A thank-you letter.
2024-04-21更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省温州市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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