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1 . What will our homes be like in the future? Here are some predictions:

Want to take a shower when you get home? You’ll be able to let your smart water heater (热水器) to start heating up when you’re on your way home.

Did I turn off the oven? Did I close the window? Everyone may have a moment like that. But in the future, your home will check these for you.

In your home of the future, all of your devices can work together to make your life more comfortable. When you turn on the lights in the morning, your windows will open at the same time. The lights will slowly turn off by themselves after the sun appears.

Your home may have dangers. The hackers (黑客) could open your door and cause a mess at your home through your phone or other devices. Your home will tell you about it but you can’t arrive in time. So people will have to be careful of their personal information.

1. In the future, what can we do on our way home?
A.Take a shower.B.Let the water heater work.
C.Keep working.D.Have a look at our smart home devices.
2. What will our life be like in the future in smart homes?
A.More comfortable.B.Very busy.
C.Very safe.D.More boring.
3. Who will let you know if someone breaks into your home in the future?
A.Your friend.B.Your home.
C.The police.D.Your neighbor.
4. What can we NOT learn from the passage?
A.There might be dangers about smart homes in the future.
B.The hackers might only come into your home through the phone.
C.The lights will turn off by themselves when the sun comes out.
D.You don’t need to worry if you forget to close windows in the future.
5. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Some Beautiful HousesB.Some Famous Predictions
C.A Better WorldD.Homes of the Future
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读表达
〔1〕The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on lunar(农历) May 5th. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zongzi and racing dragon(龙) boats. (88) In order to remember Qu Yuan, one of the greatest poets in China, people hold the dragon boat races every year. That is the origins(起源) of this festival.
〔2〕Qu Yuan was born in Zigui of Hubei Province over 2,200 years ago. Qu Yuan was an honest offieial(官员) of the state of Chu, during the Warring States Period (战国时期) (475—221 BC). He was upright(正直的) and wise. He wanted to bring his country peace and make the state stronger, (89)____________ the country was in the hands of bad officials. So he failed. At last, he was very disappointed(失望的). He ended his life by throwing himself into the Miluo River. It was said that people jumped from boats into the river and tried to save him. But it was too late. Also, they were very sad. They threw zongzi into the water to feed the fish in the river. They hoped that the fish would eat zongzi instead of the poet’s body.
〔3〕Now we often read his poem Li Sao which is filled with deep love for his country. We can see the dragon boat races and have a kind of Chinese food named zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.
1. Why did people throw zongzi into the water after Qu Yuan died? (no more than 15 words)
2. What was Qu Yuan like? (no more than 7 words)
3. Translate the underlined sentences in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.
4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with a proper word.
5. 给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。
2017-03-09更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届山东泰安泰山区九年级五四制下期末考试英语卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . When we think of paper, we think of newspapers and books. But there are many other uses. Only half of the world’s paper is used for books and newspapers.
Paper is very good for keeping you warm. You have perhaps seen homeless men asleep on a large number of newspapers. In Finland(芬兰), it is sometimes -40℃ in winter. The farmers wear paper boots(靴子) in the snow. Nothing could be warmer.
Each year, more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper cups and plates for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper. You can wear paper hats, paper dresses, and paper raincoats. When you have used them once, you may throw them away and buy new ones.
The latest use of paper seems to be paper houses. These are not small houses for children to play in, but real, big houses for people to live in. You can buy a house with three rooms for about 500 dollars. It’s cheap. You can put it up by yourself in a few hours, and you can use it for about five years.
1. Only half of the world’s paper is used to _________.
A.build houses
B.help the homeless people
C.make chairs, tables and beds
D.print(印刷) newspapers and books
2. The farmers in Finland wear paper boots in winter _________.
A.to be cool
B.to feel cool
C.to keep their feet warm
D.to save a lot of money
3. Long before we began to use paper to make chairs, tables and beds, _________.
A.we had already had paper cups and plates
B.we could wear paper hats and paper dresses
C.we could buy paper boots and shoes in paper shops
D.we had no paper cups or paper plates
4. The latest use of paper seems to be paper houses. These houses are _________.
A.big and strong enough to live for seventy years
B.made for children to play in
C.made only for the rich people
D.not expensive and easy to build up
5. After you use a paper raincoat, you may _________.
A.use it for a long timeB.throw it away
C.lend it to othersD.sell it to others
2016-12-19更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届山东泰安泰山区九年级五四制下期末考试英语卷
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。

Soap operas are a kind of popular culture in America. Every weekday, lots of fans from all over the world are waiting to see their favorite soap operas.

Soap operas were first on TV in 1952. The soap opera is not about soap, and it is not an opera. It gets this name because soap companies (公司) paid for the shows, and they tell stories just like operas do. What makes the soap operas special is that the story never ends.

There are daytime and nighttime soaps. Daytime soaps usually have more information. Nighttime soaps are usually once a week, and each lasts for about an hour.

Soap operas are having a difficult time in today's TV market, but they are here to stay. Big fans will never give them up easily!

1. TV soaps have a history of about __________ years.
2. Soap operas have the word “soap” in the name because __________.
A.they were popular like soaps.
B.they only told stories about soaps
C.the TV station was near soap companies
D.soap companies paid for the shows
3. How often are nighttime soaps?
A.Once a night.B.Twice a week.
C.Once a week.D.Three times a week.
4. The underlined word “last” means __________ in Chinese.
5. Why are soaps operas special?
A.Because fans can only watch them on weekday.
B.Because their fans come from around the world.
C.Because the story in them never comes to an end.
D.Because they are having a difficult time in the market.
2016-12-13更新 | 253次组卷 | 2卷引用:2015-2016学年山东泰安泰山区七年级(五四制)下期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.
Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasn't built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.
Even so, travel isn't difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat.
Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem. Sometimes tourists will have such strange experiences. One moment they walk across the Rialto Bridge, and there’s nothing special. But when they come back to the bridge an hour later, it’s underwater and everyone is wearing rain shoes.
Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city get lower little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters. Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made the ice of the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋) melt( 融化). Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water comes, more than half of the city is underwater.
Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower. The Italian government has asked some of Italy’s biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be build under the seawater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project is helping solve the problem.
1. Which is the best way to travel in Venice?
A.The waterways.B.Taxis and cars.
C.400 bridgesD.Boats and rain shoes.
2. What doesn’t cause Venice to get lower and lower?
A.The ice of the Arctic Ocean melt.
B.Seawater is everywhere around the city.
C.People used too much underground water
D.The temperature has become higher over the years.
3. What can we infer from the last passage?
A.Venice is sure to stop getting lower.
B.High waters won’t hit Venice any more.
C.Scientists can solve the problems easily
D.Some possible ways help to solve the problem.
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The Places of Interest of Venice
B.The History of Venice.
C.The Specials and Problems of Venice
D.The MOST Project of Venice.
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Many people believe that yellowing and wetness are the greatest enemy of stamps. In fact, stamps are afraid of not only wetness, but also light and dirty things. People protect their stamps in several different ways.

To protect stamps, we should   never touch the stamps with our hands. This avoids moving dirty things onto them. Stamp tweezers (镊子) should be used in all conditions.

Stamps are printed things. The colour will slowly disappear if the stamps are put in the light for a long time. So we should not put stamps in the light for long. Direct sunlight must be avoided as well.

Wetness is an important   problem for stamps. Some   collectors   will put stamps   in separate plastic (塑料) bags. However, it is possible that some stamps have taken in some water from the air before they are put into the plastic bags. Stamps become yellow easily and rapidly after they take in wet air. To protect the stamps, some people also put the stamps into a special room which has a machine to keep the air cool and dry. However, not many people can afford that.

To keep stamps, stamp collectors usually put them under plastic covers. It is a common and simple way. This helps because the plastic cover keeps the stamps off the wet air. It also stops the fingersfrom touching the stamps.

Some   collectors   prefer   to   store   stamps   inside   a   plastic   box   with   desiccants (干燥剂).However, we should take care not to let the stamps. touch the desiccants. On top of that, don't   take your stamps out on a wet day.

1. One way to protect stamps is that we should never touch them __________________.
2. What will disappear if we put the stamps in the light for long?
3. When do stamps become yellow easily and rapidly?
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
2016-12-12更新 | 489次组卷 | 5卷引用:2016届山东省泰安第六中学九年级3月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . How do you spend your spare time? There will be different answers to it. Most people in Poland have their own ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to have a rest, but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time. They have many different hobbies, which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.

Many Polish people like traveling. They look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to the sea or a lake to swim, because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.

Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time. They are usually crazy about football, and football is regarded as the Polish national sport. Many football fans may support a certain team, so they go to watch every match of the team they support, and they buy many things that have any relation with the team. Watching sport and doing it are both good ways to relax.

In addition, doctors say that doing sports is very good for the health. Many people in town, especially young men, often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep fit.

Besides these ways, Polish people have many other ways to spend their free time. And they really enjoy their free time.

1. Polish people have many different hobbies in order to        .
A.solve their daily problems
B.finish all their work
C.make some friends
D.relax themselves in their spare time
2. Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains?
A.Because they hate traveling.
B.Because they can get exercise from it.
C.Because they can find a new place.
D.Because it is comfortable and funny.
3. Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Playing sports.B.Climbing mountains.
4. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Football is many Polish people’s favorite sport.
B.Young Polish people often go to the gym.
C.All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.
D.Most Polish people like watching sport.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Polish culture is colorful.
B.We can have many ways of spending our free time.
C.A doctor can give you good advice.
D.It is no need doing sport activities.
2016-12-12更新 | 160次组卷 | 6卷引用:2015年初中毕业升学考试(山东泰安卷)英语
阅读理解-单选(约100词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . Hello! I’m Jim Green. Here is a photo of my family. I’m English. This is my mother. Her first name is Mary. This is my father. His first name is Steve. My telephone number is seven-six-o, nine-one-seven-six. My friend is Li Lei. His English name is Paul. He is in China. His telephone number is 281-5248. Who’s that in the photo? It’s my Chinese teacher. His name is Liu Yong. He is a good teacher.
1. My first name is _______.
A.JimB.GreenC.Jim GreenD.Green Jim
2. My father’s last name is _______.
3. My telephone number is __________.
4. What’s Li Lei’s English name?
5. _________ is in the photo, too.
A.Liu LeiB.My cousin
C.My uncleD.My Chinese teacher
2016-12-12更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年山东泰安泰山区五四制七年级上期中学情检测英语试卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
9 . Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful. popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have heard of “hot yoga” before. Now. in India. a new kind of yoga. water yoga. is becoming more and more popular among the local people.
In the city of Agra. people practice yoga in water. It is more difficult to practice yoga in water than on land. But practicing yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).
Harish Chaturvedi. a lawyer. teaches people water yoga for free—even the poor people can learn from him. “Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga. because the body does not get tired so quickly.” he said. “Everybody can learn to swim. but if they learn yoga at the same time. they will never feel tired.”
“The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water. and you will not have any breathing problem.” he added.
Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from illness. He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are interested in it and come to learn from him.
“Harish is very good at performing yoga in water.” said Sudhir Narayan. a water yoga student. “He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.”
1. What is Harish Chaturvedi?
A.A teacher.B.A lawyer.
C.A doctor.D.A swimmer.
2. Why is water yoga more popular than others?
A.Because you can learn to swim at the same time.
B.Because you don’t get tired so quickly.
C.Because it can keep people fat.
D.Both A and B.
3. The underlined phrase “for free” in the passage means _______.
4. There are more _______ than _______ in Harish’s yoga class.
A.children; adultsB.adults; children
C.women; menD.olds; adults
5. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Ways to keep fit
B.Water yoga in India
C.Hot yoga in the world
D.Harish Chaturvedi and his classes
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Bikes are popular in the Dutch(荷兰). In fact, nearly half of all travel in the Dutch is by bike. Now, one Dutch bike designer(设计师), Thomas, has taken the country’s interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.

The big bike has eight sets of pedals(踏板) for kids, a driver seat for an adult, and three other seats, comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school. The bike even has a motor, which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.

So far, Thomas tells Fast Company, he’s sold 25 school-bikes, at a price of $ 25,000 each—less than it would cost to buy a traditional school bus with the same number of seats. Along with the traditional color, the bikes, are colored yellow so that they can be seen easily.

Thomas says he’s sold school bus bikes to neighboring countries such as Belgium, England and Germany, but so far, the school bus bike hasn’t been sold in the United States. If the U.S. agrees to buy this kind of school bus bike, it could do a lot of good to improve exercise for a young age and help them keep healthy.

1. How do people in the Dutch usually go to work?
A.By car.B.By bus.
C.By bike.D.On foot.
2. How many seats does the school bus bike have?
3. The school buses are yellow in the Dutch because _______.
A.the color yellow is easy to paint
B.yellow buses can be seen easily
C.yellow is the national color of Dutch
D.it’s the designer’s favorite color
4. Which country of the following hasn’t bought a school bus bike?
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Thomas made a new kind of school bus.
B.A school bus usually costs $ 25,000.
C.Thomas sold bikes to Asian countries.
D.Riding school bus bikes helps keep kids healthy.
2016-12-12更新 | 389次组卷 | 6卷引用:2014年初中毕业升学考试(山东泰安卷)英语
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