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1 . We often see ants looking for new homes and returning with other ants if they’ve found a good one. Ants do this by teaching. And a team of scientists have developed small robots to study how ants teach one another. The robots can behave like rock ants. They use one-to-one teaching — an ant discovers a better home and teaches the route (路线) to another.

In their research, the scientists replaced the teaching ant with a small robot. They circled an area with two homes for the ants. One was their old home, and the other was a new, better home built for them. The researchers waited for an ant to leave its old home and put the robot directly ahead of it.

Then the robot moved towards the new, better home. During its journey, the robot stopped from time to time to wait for the follower ant. The ant needed to look around and get familiar with things around it. When the robot led the follower ant to the new home, the ant examined the new home in its own time and began its way back home. The robot had successfully taught the route to the pupil ant.

A key part of the teaching is tandem (纵排的) running. One ant leads another slowly along a route to the new-found home. The pupil ant memorizes the route so that it can find its way back home by itself and then lead another ant to the new home, and the process repeats.

1. What’s the role of the small robot in the study?
A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A researcher.D.An engineer.
2. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about ______.
A.steps in building a home for ants.B.preparations for the teaching process
C.locations of the small robot and the antD.differences between the two homes for ants
3. The small robot stopped on its way because ______.
A.it ran too fast
B.it went the wrong way
C.the follower ant returned to its old home
D.the follower ant needed time to remember the route
4. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.Some ants can learn from humans.B.Ants usually look for new homes together.
C.Things around may help an ant find its wayD.Repeating can help an ant improve its memory.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Using robots to study ants’ teaching process.B.Passing knowledge to ants in an easy way.
C.How rock ants look for a new home.D.How rock ants know their way.
2023-12-30更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省本溪市2022-2023学年九年级下学期期初教学质量监测英语试题
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2 . Have you ever heard of the Eternal Flame Falls (永恒火焰瀑布)? It’s one of the most special waterfalls on our planet.

The waterfall is in a park in western New York, the USA. As we come close to it, we will smell something like bad eggs. That’s the smell of natural methane gas (沼气) produced by ancient rocks that are awfully hot. At the heart of the waterfall is a small flame.

The burning flame has been there for a long time. The locals believe it was created by elves (精灵). According to them, we may come across one while looking at the flame if we are lucky enough.

Another popular idea about the flame is that it’s alive because of the natural gas. It is widely believed that it was first set on fire a hundred years ago. Although the flame once went out, it was lit again right away.

However, Indiana University researchers think differently. The temperature of the flame is much higher than the boiling point of water, but their study shows that those rocks are not hot enough to lead to such a result. This means something else keeps the flame alive. However, the researchers are unable to discover the real reason behind it.

Arndt Schimmelmann from the university further explains that this special place has a different way to produce gas. “If there is another way of producing gas, there might be more gas sources (来源) than expected,” he adds.

1. The waterfall is special because of ______.
A.its bad smellB.its long historyC.the local storiesD.the flame in it
2. What can we learn about the flame?
A.It burns things that get close.B.It has been burning for long.
C.It was created by an animal.D.It has never gone out.
3. The fifth paragraph is mainly about ______.
A.why the rocks are so hot
B.what keeps the flame alive
C.the result of a research done by a university
D.some different opinions on the burning flame
4. Schimmelmann believes ______.
A.the flame may go out at any timeB.the burning point of the gas is low
C.the methane gas isn’t from the rocksD.he can find out how the flame was formed
5. The purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.talk about the cause of the flame
B.call on people to protect the environment
C.ask people to visit the Eternal Flame Falls
D.introduce some special waterfalls to visitors
2023-12-30更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省本溪市2022-2023学年九年级下学期期初教学质量监测英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读文本,然后根据内容回答问题。

As we all know, kids are always interested in everything around them. They know the new thing by seeing, touching and even tasting it. Sometimes, there is something that isn’t suitable or safe to do so. As a result, it’s very necessary for them to stay healthy. Kids should pay more attention to their lifestyle and help themselves have healthy life habits. Here are some useful tips for kids.

Kids hardly care about basic hygiene (卫生) . They share everything from drinks’ to snacks. So it is important for kids to know the basic hygiene habits such as washing hands before eating, brushing teeth at least twice a day and so on. Similarly, kids should protect themselves from other kids with different kinds of infections (传染病) .

Healthy eating helps to live a healthy life. Kids should pay attention to the eating habits. Encourage themselves to eat healthy food such as fresh fruit and vegetables. And eat different kinds of food at different ages. Kids should know junk food is bad for health and try to eat less junk food.

Different activities can be planned to teach kids the importance of staying healthy. Some simple reading materials can let kids know about their bodies. Also, playing games about brushing teeth and having meals is very useful and funny for kids. Certain group games and activities or even funny street plays can also help kids understand the importance of staying healthy.

1. How many tips does the writer offer to kids?
2. What can be avoided if kids care more about basic hygiene?
3. How can kids know about their bodies?
4. What do you think is the healthy eating habits? Why? Write 30 words or more.
2023-12-30更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .

Treasure Island is a famous story. The hero, Jim Hawkins, finds Captain Flint’s map. Captain Flint was a pirate (海盗) and had lots of gold. He hid his gold before he died, and there is a cross on the map to show where the gold is. It is on an island in the Caribbean Sea. Jim and his friends buy a ship, get some men and go to the island to look for the gold.

They set sail but then they discover that Long John Silver, the cook, and the other men on the ship are all pirates. The pirates are planning to kill them. As soon as they get to the island, Jim and his friends fight the pirates. The pirates do not kill them, but take the map.

The pirates go to look for the gold, and Jim follows them. Although they find the place, the gold is not there. Later, Jim knows it is because of Ben Gunn. Jim meets Ben Gunn on the island and he tells Jim and his friends that he was a pirate, a friend of Captain Flint. He has now decided not to be a pirate. Ben Gunn found the gold some time before. He agrees to share it with Jim and his friends because they will take him back to England.

What happens after that? Read the book yourself!

1. What does Jim Hawkins do in order to look for the gold?
A.He visits the Caribbean Sea.B.He kills Captain Flint.
C.He buys a ship and an island.D.He becomes a pirate.
2. When do Jim and his friends lose the map?
A.When they get on the ship.B.After they fight the pirates.
C.As soon as they set sail.D.Before they meet the cook.
3. Who does the underlined word “he” refer to?
A.Jim Hawkins.B.Ben Gunn.C.Long John Silver.D.Captain Flint.
4. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To tell people to be brave and friendly.B.To encourage people to read more books.
C.To warn people not to believe pirates easily.D.To hope more people can read Treasure Island.
2023-12-29更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市铁西区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Habitats (栖息地) are places where animals live. Animals often hide in their habitats. They hide from other animals that might eat them. Animal habitats can be found all around us. In caves (山洞) and water, with flat places and trees, animals live where their needs can be met. They can go wherever they like.

The rainforest is a hot and rainy place. It is home to half of the world’s wildlife. The rainforest has unusual characteristics.

The desert is a place where it’s hot and dry. It seems no animal could ever live there for long. But in fact, this habitat is full of creatures, big and small—snakes, camels (骆驼) and foxes all seem to belong there!

The Arctic (北极) is cold. The winds here blow strong. Yet it is still home to some animals. Whales seem to think it’s quite nice. Arctic foxes live in very cold places. They can change their colors. In summer, the foxes are brown. And in winter, they are white.

These are places where animals have amazing habitats. There are several other places you may know. Your home just might be a habitat for pets. You give them what they need to grow!

1. Animals choose their living places according to their________.
2. Where do half of the world’s wild animals live?
A.Caves and water.B.Rainforests.
C.Deserts.D.The Arctic.
3. What can we know about Arctic foxes?
A.They become brown when they are old.
B.They become white in summer.
C.They change their colors according to their age and size.
D.They change their colors in different seasons.
4. What’s the structure of the passage? (①=Paragraph 1)
2023-12-29更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市西丰县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Some children cannot wait to grow up. Because once you become an adult, you are free to make your own decisions. More importantly, you can do all those things that you cannot do now because you are too young. So, the question is. “At what age do you really become an adult?” Well, people become adults at different ages in different places.

In Australia, the 18th birthday is a very important event for young Australians because it means they can do almost anything they want. They can vote (投票) , learn to drive a car, get married, join the army and even buy their own houses. However, even if they can do all these things, most Australians have to wait until their 21st birthday to really celebrate becoming an adult. This is the traditional adult age not only in Australia, but also in the US and the UK. It is their first year of true independence. Traditionally, people were given a key to their houses by their parents when they turned 21, meaning they could come and go as they like. Even though 21 is the traditional adult age in many English-speaking countries, the law nowadays is different in each country. In the UK, you can join the army at 16 and even get married at 16 if your parents allow. Young people in the UK can learn to drive a car at 17 as in Australia, although they have to wait until they are 18 to vote.

In China, there is a different age for each of the stages of becoming an adult. You can vote and learn to drive a car when you are 18, but if you want to get married, women have to wait until they are 20 and men until they are 22. Chinese people celebrate important birthdays every 10 years-so when young people turn 20, they can expect a big party!

No matter what age you are, becoming an adult is really about learning how to be independent and responsible. Once you are finally able to take care of yourself and make your own decisions, then you can say that you are truly all grown-ups.

1. At what age do Australians really become adults?
2. Who does the underlined word “they” refer to?
A.Chinese people.B.Young Australians.
C.Young people in the US.D.Young people in the UK.
3. Why do people in Australia get the key to the houses when they really become adults?
A.Because it is a tradition.B.Because the law decides it.
C.Because they can leave when they want.D.Because they can come home when they want.
4. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Independent grown-upsB.Cannot wait to grow up
C.What makes one a real adultD.Kids and adults in different countries
2023-12-29更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市西丰县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A primary school in rural (农村) China provides free meals for its students.

There are more than 1,000 teachers and students in Jingwai Mingde Primary School in Xuanwei, Yunnan province. With 10 hectares of farmland, the school plants vegetables and raises pigs and chickens itself. The produce is used to feed the students. And it has fed itself for 16 years.

Each class has a piece of land to plant vegetables or raise animals. Students do farm work during the class twice a week with the help of the teachers.

The school has set up a greenhouse with fruit trees for students to learn about nature, instead of listening to teachers in the classroom. There is also a zoo in the school. It keeps sika deer, ostriches (鸵鸟) and other animals to help students get along with animals.

“The farm work helps the students build excellent characters,” said school headteacher Lei Yingfei. “They all like it very much.”

Do you like the school? Do you want to experience the colorful school life-growing vegetables on your own, eating healthily and playing with animals? You can do all these at school!

1. What does the underlined word “hectares” mean in Chinese?
2. When did Jingwai Mingde Primary School begin to use the produce to feed students?
A.In 2007.B.In 2017.C.In 2005.D.In 2015.
3. Why did the school set up a greenhouse?
A.To plant vegetables or raise animals.B.To help students learn about nature.
C.To keep sika deer and ostriches.D.To have a zoo in the school, too.
4. Which is the true purpose of the school’s farm work?
A.The students get along well with animals.B.The students build their excellent characters.
C.They all like it very much.D.They can do all these at school!
2023-12-29更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市大东区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读与表达

Winter has come. Here are some fun things to do:

Why not warm up with a hot pot (火锅)? Hot pot has a history of over 2,000 years in China. It’s one of the most popular dishes. You can have both meat and vegetables during the meal.

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival is usually held from December to next February. You can enjoy the world of ice and snow. There are thousands of great ice sculptures (雕塑) of buildings, animals and so on. Remember to wear warm clothes and shoes.

China Snow Town is like a wonderland. The snow there can be as deep as 2 meters. You can go horse-or dog-sledding (狗拉雪橇), or building a snowman! The fun is endless.

1. How long has the hot pot been in China?
2. When is Harbin Ice and Snow Festival usually held?
3. What is China Snow Town like?
4. How do you usually spend winter? Write 30 words or more.
2023-12-28更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市大东区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)

9 . You might hear someone talking about the Plank Challenge (平板支撑挑战). Recently, it has become more and more popular. Why? Planks can be done almost anywhere. And doing the plank needs a little time and the steps to do it are simple. What’s more, doing planks can bring people lots of benefits (益处).

Have you ever felt that when you tried standing on one leg, you couldn’t stand up straight for more than a few seconds? It’s not because you were drunk, of course. But it’s because your muscles (肌肉) weren’t strong enough to give you the balance you needed. Doing planks will help you achieve that balance.

Planks are great for improving your body’s metabolism (新陈代谢) by building up your muscle groups. Having strong muscles means you burn more calories (卡路里) when you’re exercising or even when you’re sleeping. Since you’ll be burning more calories, you’ll feel hungry a lot more often. This can be a great chance for you to begin eating a healthy diet. And you will become much healthier.

Doing planks is also important to mental (精神的) health. Just think about it: you are sitting in your chair, at home or at school, all day long; your muscles get tired, and your legs get heavy. Doing plank exercises will relax the muscle groups that may cause stress in the body. As a result, they may help to calm your brain and even can treat anxiety and worry.

So are you ready to spend 5 to 10 minutes every day staying fit and healthy? Then jump in and make doing plank exercises a part of your life.

1. Why does the Plank become a more and more popular sport?
A.Someone is talking about the Plank Challenge.B.You can do it almost anywhere in a little time.
C.You don’t need to follow many steps to do it.D.A benefit will be certainly brought to people.
2. What can cause you to burn more calories even when you’re sleeping?
A.Having strong muscles.B.Standing up straight.
C.Eating a healthy diet.D.Treating anxiety and worry.
3. Which of the following can best explain the implication (内含) of the last paragraph?
A.Finding a way to keep you balance is very important.
B.Feeling hungry more often shows you’re healthier.
C.Plank exercises should be necessary in everyone’s life.
D.People now pay more attention to their mental health.
4. How is the above text organized?
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Have you wondered why clouds are white? When sunshine reaches Earth’s atmosphere, the small water drops in the clouds threw back all colors of light, making them white. Although this happens in the sky, scientists recently learned that phytoplankton (浮游植物) in the sea can help make clouds whiter.

According to their paper, a group of scientists have used satellites (卫星) to watch the skies above the Southern Ocean for five years. They found that clouds near south of 60 degrees latitude (纬度), which is closer to Antarctica, were probably much whiter than clouds farther north.

It turned out that the Southern Ocean is a special place where phytoplankton grows healthily. Phytoplankton is a tiny creature that cannot be seen by the human eye. It lets out a chemical (化学物质) called dimethyl sulfide (二甲基硫) into the air. The chemical works with other gases in the atmosphere and makes tiny particles (微粒). They then come together to form water drops.

Dimethyl sulfide works as a “seed”, Meinrat Andreae, the scientist who first found the phytoplankton’s abilities, told Scientific American. The more “seeds” there are, the more particles are made in the air. It then leads to more water drops and then whiter clouds.

The scientists further found that the amount of phytoplankton is the highest in the summer as the water becomes greener. At the same time, the clouds become whiter.

1. When did the scientists probably begin to watch the skies above the Southern Ocean?
A.In 2018.B.In 2020.C.In 2021.D.In 2023.
2. From the text, we know that more water drops are made mainly because there are ________.
A.more seedsB.more air
C.more chemicalsD.more Dimethyl sulfide
3. According to the last paragraph, we can infer (推断) that ________.
A.the water becomes greener and cleaner in summer
B.the amount of phytoplankton is higher and higher
C.the more phytoplankton there is, the whiter the clouds turn
D.the scientists often begin to study phytoplankton in summer
4. How is the text organized?
(①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2, ...)
2023-12-27更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
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