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1 . The warm climate, water plants and wetland in nature reserves provide an ideal living environment for wild animals. This makes them feel like going back to nature. In reserves, people watch and study animals’ living habits, activities and so on.

Now, the AI system in reserves plays an important role in studying wildlife. Instead of using binoculars, people just sit in front of a big screen and then they can watch every move the animals make. The AI system helps in many ways. First, the AI system can tell the differences between different types of wild animals and record the changes in numbers based on their tails, feet and beaks. Second, it can keep recording animal behaviours for researchers day and night, while in the past, such recording could not last. Moreover, it can check unusual behaviours among the animals. If an animal walks or flies in an unusual way or lies on the ground for a while, the system can help find out what happens. So researchers can take quick actions to save it in time. Besides its main functions, the system can help to warn the unauthorized (未经许可的) people away from the protected areas. The AI system is also served as an educational platform (平台) for the people. By using it, visitors can watch and learn more about the wild animals living in the reserve.

However, there are problems. On one hand, the AI system itself sometimes mistakes an animal for another, or a plant for an animal. On the other hand, people still need to go around to get a whole understanding of wildlife because the AI system has not been put in at every corner of the reserves. To further develop the AI system, the reserves are now working with more high-tech companies.

The functions of reserves●The reserves help wild animals feel like     1     to nature.
●Researchers can watch and study wildlife in reserves.
The AI system used in reservesThe advantages●It can tell the differences of wild animals and record the changes in numbers based on their looks.
●It can help researchers keep recording animal behaviours without considering     2    .
●By using it, the risk of wild animals’ getting hurt and deaths will be quite     3    .
●It warns unauthorized people not to enter the protected area.
●It increases visitors’     4     about wildlife.
The problems●It sometimes makes mistakes.
●It hasn’t     5     covered the reserves yet.
2023-08-10更新 | 572次组卷 | 5卷引用:2023年江苏省镇江市中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPT has taken the internet by storm, winning 100 million users since it came out in November 2022. People can ask the robot to write stories and emails, create instructions for cooking a certain food, translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions. In its own words, it is “a language model trained in a large amount of internet text to help users get human-like text.”

Compared with Siri or other chatbots, ChatGPT uses a much bigger information center for training. It also uses stronger software (软件) and hardware to learn things by itself. For example, if it provides a wrong answer to your question, you can tell it the right one and it will correct itself. “It’s a totally different chatbot,” computer scientist Liu Xiaoguang from Nankai University told Tianjin Daily. “The knowledge level ChatGPT shows is the same as a university student. That’s why it shocked the world.”

But one big problem with ChatGPT is that it makes mistakes or even gives false information. When Rezza, a 28-year-old from Indonesia, used the robot to write an essay (论文), it “gave out many examples which other writers actually hadn’t mentioned at all”, he told The Guardian. Since the robot is trained using words from the internet, it can also pick up biases (偏见) about certain groups. These are all things that need to be dealt with.

1. Which can replace the underlined part in Paragraph 1?
A.Succeeded greatly online.B.Done harm to the internet.
C.Brought strong wind and heavy rain.D.Caused serious changes of the weather.
2. Why did ChatGPT shock the world?
A.It can find mistakes by itself.
B.It works differently from other chatbots.
C.Its information center is easier to control than Siri’s.
D.Its knowledge level is as high as a university student.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Anybody can make mistakes.B.Anybody may give false information.
C.ChatGPT needs improvement.D.ChatGPT can’t get on well with humans.
4. What might be the best title of the text?
A.ChatGPT is Coming!B.ChatGPT is Catching the World’s Eyes!
C.Can ChatGPT Take the Place of Humans?D.Can ChatGPT Avoid Biases Properly?
2023-07-21更新 | 521次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023年山东省潍坊市中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In the near future, the doctors who treat our illness might be tiny machines that swim through our bodies. Some movies have played with the idea of making machines the size of a cell (细胞). Today robot technology has brought the idea closer to the real life. In my laboratory, I’m just trying to build such intelligent, or smart, tiny robots.

Tiny living things, such as bacteria (细菌), have many intelligent actions. If we can make robots copy some of them, it’s very exciting. The way bacteria travel across their environment is unbelievable. At first, they move around without purpose, but when they start sensing food, like an amino acid (氨基酸), they will move gradually in that direction. As an expert making robots, I think it is great to make tiny robots that can do the same thing.

For example, look at something like E. coli (大肠杆菌). It can sense amino acids around it. It can change how it’s moving. It can rebuild or repair itself. In fact, E. coli does all these so well that some researchers are using it as part of their tiny machines. They are making their tiny robots get free rides from E. coli. And E. coli does all the sensing for tiny robots and directs their movements.

We’re already using smaller and smaller medical tools, like catheters (导管) that can travel deep into your brain to treat a blood clot (血块). Next, we will put tiny robots into the body that can travel into even smaller spaces and treat illness at an early time. Imagine a tiny robot that can treat a blood clot deep in your brain that can’t be reached with the catheters we are using today.

We may not actually need something as powerful as artificial intelligence (AI) in these cases. We can still build a very useful tiny robot with a low degree of intelligence. For example, if a tiny robot notices a blood clot, it can slowly move in that direction, and carry medicine directly to that part. It might only have the intelligence of bacteria but could still work.

1. What can we learn about the writer?
A.The writer is a middle school teacher.B.The writer is a dentist from a hospital.
C.The writer is an expert making robots.D.The writer is an expert making medicine.
2. What are some researchers doing according to Paragraph 3?
A.Using tiny robots to sense E. coli.B.Letting E. coli work for their tiny robots.
C.Changing tiny robots into E. coli’s drivers.D.Telling tiny robots to direct E. coli’s movements.
3. What does the writer think of the catheters today?
A.They will be widely used by doctors in the future.B.They are not able to get to tinier areas in the body.
C.They will be smarter than tiny robots in the future.D.They can help doctors take care of patients on time.
4. What’s the last paragraph mainly about?
A.AI plays an important role in developing tiny robots.
B.Tiny robots can run fast and treat a blood clot easily.
C.Tiny robots with a low degree of intelligence are still useful.
D.We still need very powerful artificial intelligence to treat illness.
2023-07-19更新 | 334次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年四川省德阳市中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Computer scientist Mary has an idea for a new robot to help her work with children. How should it look? The robot should have arms to be able to lift things. And if it is going to communicate with people, it will also need a face. Scientists believe that giving a robot a face can make it seem more friendly. Humans would also like to pay more attention to robots with faces. But what kind?

For Mary, she wants to make sure that her new robot doesn’t look too much like a human. She wants people to just treat it as a machine-person. If it looks more like a human than a machine, she thinks users might find it a bit creepy and feel afraid. Mary also believes that robot faces don’t need to look a lot like ours. Her research shows that we can enjoy communicating with robots whether or not they look like humans, because our brains are able to look for faces. Just put two circles on top of a robot’s body, and we will see a face.

Dave feels differently. He believes that although at first we might be afraid when seeing a robot with a lifelike face, we may soon get used to it. If robots are going to work closely with humans, they should look as much like us as possible. After all, faces are an important part of the way we communicate.

To make his robots look as much like real people as possible, Dave invented a special skin (皮肤) for their faces. With this skin, robots can show human-like expressions and appear to be angry, sad, happy or surprised. Dave’s robots are also programmed to copy expressions. How? Just imagine his robot is looking at you. The cameras in its eyes send pictures of your face to its central computer!

1. Why do scientists think a robot needs a face?
A.It will become more beautiful.B.It can do better in lifting things.
C.It will pay more attention to children.D.It can better communicate with people.
2. What does the underlined word “creepy” mean in paragraph 2?
A.Uncomfortable to look at.B.Impossible to touch.
C.Boring to talk to.D.Difficult to understand.
3. Which of the following would Dave most probably agree with?
A.People should treat robots as humans.
B.Robots need to express their own feelings.
C.Robots shouldn't look too much like humans.
D.People can easily accept robots with a human face.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To explain the reasons why robots should have faces.
B.To suggest what humans can do with robots with faces.
C.To share ideas on what kind of faces robots should have.
D.To show how scientists invent robots with different faces.
2023-07-17更新 | 1434次组卷 | 7卷引用:2023年广东省广州市中考英语真题
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填一个单词。

John: Hello, ChatGPT! I’m John. What can you do to help people? For example, improve their English?
ChatGPT: As an AI(人工智能) language model, I can do many things to help people improve their English. I can offer advice on grammar and vocabulary, help with pronunciation and provide feedback(反馈) on written or spoken English. What’s more, I can take part in conversation with people in English which can help them practice their language skills interestingly and naturally. Would you like me to help you with any problems of your English?
John: No, not at the moment. That sounds even more powerful than some English teachers. So do you think you’ll replace(替代) some human beings in some areas, such as English teachers, news reporters or people who do customer service work?
ChatGPT: No. I don’t think I can replace them completely. Though I can provide useful help in many areas, I am still a machine and there are things only human beings can do. English teaching, news reporting and serving are far more than skills. They are also about feelings, thoughts, cultures and so on. However, I believe that I can be a valuable tool to support and improve the work of human beings in these fields. By working together, better results can be achieved to those we serve.
John: Great. I like your ideas. So my next question is, what advice would you give to human beings in order to be better prepared for the future?
ChatGPT: Good question, John. Here are a few pieces of advice for people to think about. First, develop thinking ability. In a word, instead of copying others’ ideas, you should have your own thoughts. Next, learn to work together with machines. Don’t be afraid of AI, it’s important to know how to work together with machines to improve your own abilities. Then, develop skills only human beings have, like creativity, and empathy(共情). Fourth, keep learning and changing. The world is changing fast and it’s important to stay up to date with the latest development s in technology and other fields. I hope these tips are helpful, John.

The relationship between ChatGPT and human beings to ChatGPT’s eye

ChatGPT can help human beings in severAI ways, including English learning.ChatGPT won’t replace human beings     1    , for the following reasons.People can     2     several suggestions from ChatGPT and keep learning and improving.
*Offer advice on grammar and vocabulary.
*Help with pronunciation.
*Give feedback on     3     spoken and written English.
*Have conversation with people in English to help people improve language skills in a fun and     4     way.
*ChatGPT can provide useful help,     5     it is still a machine. There are things only human beings can do. They are     6     skills. They are also about feelings, thoughts, cultures and so on.
*Working together with human beings, we can     7     better results.
*Develop critical thinking. That’s to say, don’t copy others’ ideas, have their own thoughts     8    .
*Don’t be afraid of AI and improve their own abilities by     9     together with AI.
*Develop skills     10     creativity and empathy, which only human beings own.
*Always keep up with the latest developments.

2023-07-14更新 | 442次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年江苏省泰州市中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 .

Could you imagine being in a car driven by a computer, not a human? Recently, China has made a big step toward self-driving technology. Since August 2022, driverless taxis can run on roads in Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenzhen.

Why do we develop self-driving cars?

Self-driving cars bring us many benefits. They use computers to sense the things around them and make better use of space. This means fewer traffic jams and better parking of cars. For disabled or blind people, self-driving cars can also help them get around more easily.

According to official statistics, each year, more than 1.35 million people are killed on roads around the world, and more are injured. It’s reported that self-driving cars could reduce road accidents by 90 percent and save governments a lot of money. The main cause of car accidents is human error(错误). By using computers, self-driving cars don’t make poor decisions or lose focus like humans do.

But self-driving cars aren’t perfect. If something unexpected on the road happens, self-driving cars can’t react(反应) as fast as a human driver could. Also, during weather events like heavy snow, self-driving cars wouldn’t see the lines on the road easily. It might lead to an accident. The car’s computer system would be broken by someone, causing it to crash or change its direction.

It’s clear that there is still a long way to go to make self-driving cars a common and safe sight(景象) on our roads. And China is taking the lead in making this happen, said China Daily.

1. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Disabled people.B.Self-driving cars.C.Taxi drivers.
2. What do we know about self-driving cars?
A.They cannot make good use of space.
B.They always react faster than humans.
C.They do not lose focus like humans do.
3. We can infer(推断) that China ________ in self-driving technology.
A.will make greater progress
B.aided many other countries
C.is going to cut its total costs
4. The writer writes the text to ________.
A.encourage more people to buy self-driving cars
B.tell people several advantages of self-driving cars
C.introduce the present situation of self-driving cars
2023-07-13更新 | 451次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年贵州省中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Have you ever imagined what life will be like in the future? Here are some surprising statements from an international group of forty scientists. They said that in the near future, our lives would change beyond our wildest dreams.

Firstly, humans can grow body parts themselves. Dr. Ellen Heber-Katz is one of the forty scientists. He says, “People will think it common that sick organs (器官) can be repaired. It’s just like the way we repair a car.” Damaged parts will be taken away. Scientists could use human cells (细胞) to grow new organs. New technologies like this will also help people to live longer. Within forty years, most people will be able to live to be one hundred years old.

Secondly, the scientists have thought that a machine will be invented to “read” the minds of animals. In the future, we will be able to “talk” to animals. Scientists say that humans may first “talk” with mammals (哺乳动物) and then other vertebrates (脊椎动物) such as fish.

Our houses might also change beyond our imagination. Dr. Susan Greenfield says that when you enter the living room, sensors (传感器) will know you. They will turn on the lights. If you talk to the lights, they will change to the color of your choice.

But what would be the biggest breakthrough (突破) over the next forty years? A number of scientists believe it would be the discovery of aliens. NASA scientist Chris Mckay says, “We may find aliens in space and talk with them.” He believes marks of alien life may even be found here on Earth.

What an amazing world it will be! Does life in the future sound cool to you? Let’s wait and see what will really happen then!

1. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
A.Scientists can use human cells to kill damaged parts of human bodies.
B.All people will be able to live to be one hundred years old in forty years.
C.In the future, humans may be able to communicate with dogs and aliens.
D.The sensors will turn off the lights after you leave the living room in the future.
2. Which scientist believes we will find aliens?
A.Chris Langdon.B.Ellen Heber-Katz.C.Susan Greenfield.D.Chris Mckay.
3. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
(①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2. ...)
4. The writer wrote the passage in a tone (语气) of ________.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Life in the Future
B.The Biggest Breakthrough
C.What Humans Will Be Like
D.How We Can Live Longer
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

8 . ChatGPT, a new chatbot model! Developed by Open AI, has quickly become a hit all over the world because of its powerful conversational abilities.

It can write emails, computer codes (代码), songs, poems, and even short stories, and has passed a number of tests within seconds. Experts around the world are discussing whether AI should be used in education. Some schools have banned(禁止)it. The New York City’s Department of Education, for example, banned ChatGPT from its public school networks, and some people are warning that it could encourage more students to cheat, especially in exams.

Many more welcome this app, saying that, like most technologies in history, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for the development of education.

Accepting AI as early as possible is a good choice. Schools should make preparations for including AI in their teaching plans. They can start by offering AI courses, because by understanding how it works, they can make better use of it. Besides, students with good knowledge of AI are more competitive when it comes to getting a job, as an increasing number of jobs are being done by computer programs. AI powered education technologies can be used to make the learning experience more suitable for each student. As for teachers, AI can free them from doing some boring work so they can focus on their teaching.

Since we cannot avoid ChatGPT and other AI powered apps from entering the field of education, we should make efforts to make sure they have a positive impact(积极影响)on society and the future of education. AI helps to make learning much more interesting and enjoyable, but humans need to work very hard to win the race with technology.

1. Why is ChatGPT banned in some schools?
A.It can offer help quickly.
B.Students may chat on it.
C.It can pass a test in seconds.
D.Students may cheat in exams.
2. In what way can AI help students?
A.It offers students a number of jobs.
B.It suits students’ personal learning.
C.It frees students from boring work.
D.It allows students to focus on learning.
3. What is the writer’s attitude(态度)towards ChatGPT?
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.AI apps still have a long way to go.
B.Humans will be left behind by technology.
C.The future of education depends on AI apps.
D.AI must be made good use of in education.
选词填空-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文通过讲述Ammaar Reshi用ChatGPT等AI工具创作儿童图书的故事,讨论了人工智能对艺术家和作家的影响。
9 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供1-5小题选用,第二个方框供6-10小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。
A. into            B. came from          C. successfully        D. completed       E. pleased       F. angrily

One day, Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT. A chatbot is a computer program that can imitate(模仿) human thinking and writing. Reshi wondered if he could use the program to produce a children’s book     1    . The book must be interesting for children to read.

The idea for the book’s story     2     a conversation Reshi had with ChatGPT. The conversation was about a girl named Alice. Reshi wanted to use another AI program Midjourney to create illustrations(插图) for the book. Midjourney can translate words     3     pictures. Reshi couldn’t wait to start this work.

A few days later, Reshi     4     a 12-page book, Alice and Sparkle. “Anyone can use these AI tools,” he said. “They are easy to get, and not hard to use.” But in fact, not everyone was     5    .

A. instead of       B. searches       C. spread       D. without       E. opinions       F. if

When Reshi shared the book online, a discussion started. Some people thought he was clever. But artists had different     6    . The problem, they said, was not just the poor quality (质量) of the artwork. It was the way the artwork was made.

Midjourney     7     through millions of pictures across the Internet to create new pictures. Think of the artists who put their works online. Their works were used     8     their permission(许可). This might be harmful to them.

Many artists and writers are nervous about their future. Will people pay them for their work     9     it can be done more cheaply by an AI program? Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent. “As somebody who makes money and finds joy in writing, I feel deeply worried to see people choosing cheap AI work     10     real human writing,” a reporter says.

Reshi says there should be protection for artists and writers. “It’s really important to let artists and writers take part in these AI tools.”

2023-07-06更新 | 300次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年山东省临沂市中考英语真题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 研读报刊“畅所欲言”专栏,结合文中信息回答问题并表达观点。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。

In each Opinion section of the The New York Times for Kids: China, we visit a different Chinese school and invite kids to express their opinions on a certain topic(话题). In March, we went to Shenzhen Bay School to record students’ opinions on how humans and A.I.(人工智能) get along.

1. What’s the topic of the Opinion section in March?
2. According to Andy, what can humans do better than A. I.?
3. Why does Eileen want to predict earthquakes?
4. From Eva’s opinion, what ability does A.I. have?
5. In your opinion, what else could A.I. possibly do for us?
2023-07-05更新 | 304次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年山东省威海市中考英语真题
共计 平均难度:一般