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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章以在大都会艺术博物馆展出的一幅1565年的绘画作品“The Harvesters”为例,结合其它艺术作品,说明了可以通过过去的艺术作品了解当时的农业情况。

1 . Pieter Bruegel’s 1565 realistic painting The Harvesters hangs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “The work describes farmers cutting wheat nearly as tall as they are,” Ghent University biologist Ive De Smet says. “Nowadays, if you walk through a wheat field, you basically see wheat is about knee-high, which is a consequence of selective breeding (培育) from the second half of the 20th century.” De Smet says he’s teaming up with art historian David Vergauwen of Amarant to look at things where they can spot differences in shape, in color, and in size. Wheat is just one example of how historical artwork can help track the transformation of food crops over time.

Friends since childhood, they took interest in plants in artwork and began with a visit to the Hermitage Museum in Russia — where they noticed an odd-looking watermelon in an early-17th-century painting by Flemish artist Frans Snyders.

“So if you think of a watermelon, you cut it through, it should be dark red on the inside. But that one appeared to be pale and white.” De Smet assumed the painter had done a poor job. But Vergauwen said, “This is one of the best painters ever from that era. So if he paints it like that, that’s the way it must have been.” Other paintings showed that both red and white watermelons were raised during the 17th century.

The team hopes to set up an online research database of historical plant artwork. They create a social media hashtag (主题标签) for it. Anyone could send pictures of relevant artwork and details of plants when they visit a museum or exhibit through the hashtag. But, they add, the sources need to be realistic. “If you’re going to use, for example, Picasso to understand how a pear looked, you might be misled.”

1. What can we learn from De Smet’s words in paragraph 1?
A.Humans have mainly fed on wheat since 1565.
B.Wheat has gone through great changes in height.
C.The scene in The Harvesters may be unbelievable.
D.Selective breeding affects agricultural structure.
2. What is Vergauwen’s attitude to the watermelon painted by Frans Snyders?
3. Why is the social media hashtag created?
A.To encourage people to focus on art.
B.To collect more paintings for their database.
C.To advertise their research database.
D.To share some historical plant artwork.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Ancient paintings focused on food crops.
B.Two men create a database of plant artwork.
C.Plants today are different from their ancestors.
D.Old art reveals agricultural information.
2022-11-30更新 | 331次组卷 | 6卷引用:浙江省舟山市2022-2023学年高考首考模拟英语试卷(二)
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2 . I had not hugged a friend or a family member for more than two years until recently when my sister flew in for a brief visit. For safety, we met outside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me from the inside out. It’s strange, but only now do I truly realize how much I’ve missed embracing loved ones.

I grew up through war in my hometown of Sarajevo, Bosnia, and every moment was full of danger. On one peaceful morning, I had begged my mom to let me go outside after spending weeks indoors. She finally agreed. I was outside for only 10 minutes when I was caught in an explosion. I ran to my neighbor’s house for safety and hung my arms around her neck just as my legs collapsed underneath me.

Thankfully, I made a full physical recovery, but the emotional scars never left me. Years later there was another explosion near my house. I was safely inside, but my father had left to buy a loaf of bread. He had only just missed the explosion. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable. I was caked in tears as I held him tight.

That same night my parents managed to arrange my escape from our war-torn city. I was 16 and came to America on my own. A generous host family took me in. They had a large dog called Oscar. Over the next several months, I secretly struggled with feeling homesick and worried about my family back home. Despite managing quite well at school, I couldn’t express my feelings. The only way I shared how I felt was by giving Oscar a big hug.

It is yet another sad aspect of our pandemic(疾病大流行的) lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing on our minds. For many of us, even hugging a relative or a friend comes with stress and anxiety over risks and precautions. As I look back on my past, I count myself truly lucky to have been held, shielded and encouraged at some of the most key moments of my life by the power of a hug.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Experience of war.B.Love for family.
C.Impact of pandemic.D.Power of embracing.
2. How did the author feel when she hugged her father?
3. What can we learn about the author from the passage?
A.She had her arms hurt in an explosion.
B.She missed her family very much while in America.
C.She couldn’t catch up with her classmates at school.
D.She recovered quickly from the wounds of the war.
4. What does the underlined word “shielded” mean in Paragraph 5?
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3 . The State of the World’s Birds — report from conservation group Bird Life is the latest critical survey that highlight the scale of the current biodiversity crisis. It says, more than half the world’s bird species are in decline, as human activities including agriculture and expansion into habitats continue to wreak havoc on bird populations.

“We have already lost over 160 bird species in the last 500 years, and the rate of extinction is accelerating,” said Lucy Haskell, who is lead author of the report. “Historically, most extinctions were on islands, but worryingly there is a growing wave of continental extinctions, driven by landscape-scale habitat loss.”

The report reviewed data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Analysis showed that 5,412 of bird species worldwide, or 49 percent, have declining populations, while 38 percent are stable, 6 percent are increasing, and 6 percent have unknown trends. One in eight species is threatened with extinction, and also highlighted the massive scale of population loss in several well-surveyed areas.

The expansion and intensification (集约化) in agriculture is the leading threat to birds, the report said, impacting at least 73 percent of threatened species. Unsustainable logging and management of forests is another significant threat, impacting nearly half of threatened bird species.

Birds play an essential role in the health of ecosystems around the world. They are predators, pollinators, seed dispensers, and scavengers, and help to move and cycle nutrients across wide ranges. “Birds tell us about the health of our natural environment — we ignore their messages at our peril,” Lucy said.

Authors of the report said that governments must prioritize more sustainable agriculture practices and the protection of natural habitats in order to slow population decline in bird species. There are numerous examples of populations bouncing back with the help of well-coordinated conservation programs. “If we give nature a chance, it can recover,” said But chart, who is chief scientist for Bird Life. “There is no denying that the situation is terrible, but we know how to reverse these declines.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “wreak havoc on” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Gradually change.B.Sharply increase.C.Slightly disturb.D.Seriously damage.
2. How did the report show the state of the world’s birds?
A.By listing causes.B.By making comparisons.C.By analyzing data.D.By answering questions.
3. What is the major threat to birds according to the report?
A.Illegal hunting for birds.B.The development of agriculture.
C.Poor management of forests.D.The loss of landscape-scale habitats.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Birds play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity.
B.Governments have protected natural habitats greatly.
C.Conservation programs need to be updated more frequently.
D.Scientists are confident about slowing population decline of birds.
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4 . Snowboarding genius Su Yiming made a name for himself by winning China’s first Olympic gold in the sport on Tuesday. By cleanly stomping back-to-back 1800 tricks, the teenager landed the biggest prize so far in his young career—gold in the men’s Big Air at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The notable achievement realized a childhood dream to reach the peak of the sport, which he began to learn at the age of 4.

Now with two shinning medals hung around his neck, the 17-year-old described his superb Olympic debut ( 首秀) as an unbelievable experience that has made all his sacrifices worthwhile. “This feels so surreal that I’ve finally accomplished what I’ve dreamed of since I was little,” said an emotional Su.

Over the past four years, Su has combined his talent with hard work to produce one of the swiftest rises to prominence the sport has ever seen. When the Shougang Big Air venue hosted its first international event, Su was an unknown qualifier, who didn’t even make the final runs. Just over two years later, Su is the name on everyone’s lips at the venue’s Olympic debut—drawing the whole nation’s attention to the sport he loves.

“The biggest motivation (动力) for me is my love for snowboarding,” Su said, when asked about the secret to his success. “In snowboarding, I feel like I can show my own style and creativity. Every time I ride my board, it’s always a joyful moment. I hope through my experience, I can inspire more young people to get interested in the sport.”

Su, a former child actor who featured in action movies, said the Olympic gold will encourage him to seek for more breakthroughs—even beyond his athletic career. “I enjoy snowboarding just as much as I enjoy acting,” said Su, who turns 18 on Friday. “I think I still have a lot of possibilities to explore in my future career either in snowboarding or in acting. But now I just want to enjoy the moment and celebrate it as the best possible birthday gift.”

1. What does the underlined word “landed” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. According to Su himself, what is his secret to his success?
A.His acting experience.B.His talent and hard work.
C.His being fond of snowboarding.D.His life dream of achieving success.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Su?
A.Talented and thoughtful.B.Lovely and famous.
C.Creative and kind-hearted.D.Hard-working and devoted.
4. What’s Su’s attitude toward his future?
2023-12-14更新 | 97次组卷 | 16卷引用:2023届浙江省舟山市高三1月份首考英语模拟试题
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5 . 43-year-old John Chadwick started live-streaming (直播) life of the birds with their chicks.But just weeks after uploading the videos to YouTube, he gained millions of views from around the world.

John said, “To think that tens of millions of people have been watching the birds from around the world is just incredible and quite overwhelming.”

The sound engineer bought the bird box by accident. He placed it on a willow tree in his back garden in March, and within hours two blue tits (蓝冠山雀) moved in and they had five chicks. At first, he only wanted to show his family what the birds were up to.

John said, “Within a day the birds moved in, and I wanted to know what was going on inside. I started to livestream and do video highlights every day-on the first day 100 people watched it. It showed things like the chicks being fed in the nests as the parents carried in caterpillars (毛毛虫). After three months, I had 2, 000 subscribers.”

John decided to put a final video together and keep it as short as possible-showing the birds going into the nests, the eggs hatching, and the chicks fledging(长羽毛).

Now despite the huge global success of the videos, John is unlikely to make enough for a nest egg of his own. He still needs to struggle for his family. But some people say they find it quite relaxing and genuinely fascinated by John’s videos.

He said, “My personal challenge to myself was to get out of my comfortable zone. And I enjoy exploring new areas. But I keep in mind that I need to care for my family.”

1. Why did John livestream birds’ life at first?
A.To kill time at home.
B.To know more about the birds.
C.To get him closer to his family.
D.To call on people to shelter blue tits.
2. What trouble is John faced with now?
A.His financial problem.
B.Little blue tits’ settlements.
C.Improvement of his final video.
D.Challenges from online viewers.
3. Which words can best describe John?
A.Intelligent and hardworking.
B.Helpful and wise.
C.Knowledgeable and generous.
D.Adventurous and responsible.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Bird Lover’s Video of Blue Tits Attracts Millions of Fans
B.A Video Raises People’s Awareness of Protecting Birds
C.Technology Can Greatly Affect the Survival of Wildlife
D.A Bird Lover Makes Efforts to Protect Rare Blue Tits
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6 . 下面文章有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

Going to a boarding school is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. Socialization is a big thing for students and it is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger. You may probably miss your friends from former school. Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feeling of being lonely. A boarding school is a great chance to make new lifelong friends. The question is: How?


You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate,but even if you are completely different from each other, with a little effort and understanding, the two of you may become best friends.


If you leave your door open,this shows that you welcome visitors. As a result, people will naturally stop in and say hello. Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold. Other students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.


Getting involved in organized socialization is a great way to meet new people. It also helps you get more familiar with the campus. By staying active in school groups such as clubs and organizations, you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.


Get to know your classmates as you’ll be spending several months with them. Starting conversations in class is a great way to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are. Short friendly discussions can build lifelong friendship.


If you’re athletic, trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing as joining a club will do. You will instantly meet a large group of people who share your interest in sports.

A.Close the door to keep away from theft
B.Leave the door open sometimes to welcome potential friends
C.Join clubs or organizations
D.Get to know your roommate
E.Try out for a sport
F.Talk to classmates
2020-04-23更新 | 281次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届浙江省舟山市高三1月份首考英语模拟试题

7 . If you cut in line, you might just be a bad person. The queue is a regulation where the reward (the ice-cream stand/dining room/ticket booth) is earned through patience. Your choice to avoid this time-honored process will be bound to draw the anger of those you pass by, drawing remarks like “Whoa there, Chief,” the passive-aggressive “There’s a line, you know!” and of course, the incredibly common “Hey, Copernicus, why don’t you guide yourself to the back of the line?”

But, in the moment in which you really cannot wait, for example, the entire royal family has prepared a dinner party upon you last minute, then there is a way to cut the line correctly.

There are a few different ways to consider and a few different methods to employ. The regularity of the situation is very important. If you’re waiting to use the photocopier at work, you might be more likely to manage a successful cut than if you were waiting for a lifeboat on the Titanic. Sure, that might be an extreme example. But the importance of the event does matter.

For those requests in normal situations, emphasizing either the urgency of your task or the simplicity of your task proved to be effective: experimenters who said “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the photocopier?” had a cut rate of 60 percent and experimenters who said “May I use the photocopier because I need to make copies?” saw a success rate of 90 per cent when queuing for the copy machine.

If you have a couple of extra dollars lying around, bribing members of the line also proved to be effective. And most of the time, the person being bribed didn’t end up accepting the money, because even the offer showed that the briber had a sense of desperation.

1. Why does the author use the remarks about Chief and Copernicus in paragraph 1?
A.To illustrate the reaction from members in line.B.To encourage those who want to cut in line.
C.To praise the behavior of cutting in line.D.To provide advice which helps cut in line.
2. Which of the following is not a wise way to cut in line?
A.Giving the members in line money.B.Stating the emergency of the event.
C.Considering the regularity of the situation.D.Defending the right of cutting in line.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.Be Patient When Queuing.B.Acceptable Ways to Cut in Line.
C.Time and Tides Waits for No Man.D.Special Rights under Emergency.
2020-07-09更新 | 287次组卷 | 6卷引用:2020届浙江省舟山中学高三高考仿真模拟考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了位于Honesdale Main Street 1030号的Cooperage项目正在进行一系列活动。

8 . A number of events are going on at the Cooperage Project, located at 1030 Main Street in Honesdale. Enjoy!

The Cooperage Maker Fair

The Cooperage Maker Fair will be held from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Friday, June 12 on the grounds of the City Museum. The Maker Fair is a place where people show what they are making—a showcase for invention and creativity,and share what they are learning. Anyone interested in presenting their projects, hobbies and experiments should apply to take part at www.cooperagemakerfair.com.

Such Sweet Thunder

At 7:00 pm on Wednesday, June 17, there will be a film screening of comedy Twelfth Night as part of the Such Sweet Thunder: Shakespeare’s Plays on Film Series. Dr.Robert Dugan will introduce the play with a brief background. Admission is free, but due to limited seating, booking is required at www.suchsweetthunder.com.

Sounds Like Teen Spirit

On Thursday, June 24,there will be an event called Sounds Like Teen Spirit from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.Sounds Like Teen Spirit is designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the talent of our community’s youth.School-aged students are encouraged to share their performing art on stage at the Cooperage Project!

Great Brazilian Music Tour

On Saturday, June 27,a fantastic opportunity is ready for you to listen to some great Brazilian music by the musical group Minas. It is from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, and doors open at 2:00 pm.We encourage children and their families to come to learn all about the rhythm, excitement and sound of Brazilian music.The two-hour performance is sure to be fun for the whole family. The admission charge is $5 for each person, and all the money will go to the local food bank. You can also give away old clothes and money at the entrance.

1. Which event requires people to make a reservation?
A.Such Sweet Thunder.B.Sounds Like Teen Spirit.
C.The Cooperage Maker Fair.D.Great Brazilian Music Tour.
2. When does the event students can put on their own performances at ?
A.On June 12.B.On June 17.C.On June 24.D.On June 27.
3. What can you do at Great Brazilian Music Tour?
A.Show your gift for invention.B.Make a donation.
C.Perform with Minas on stage.D.Learn to make music.
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9 . Jules is now in his sixties, and is one of the many homeless people who live on the streets; he buys a newspaper most days. Today, with his fellow tramps, he reads about yesterday's student demonstrations.

Like many of the tramps who live under the bridges, Jules was not always so poor. A long time ago he was in the Navy, and like many who have been to sea for a long time, he has stayed slim and fit. Despite the strict organization on board ship, he loved his life, and had the opportunity to see many countries. He visited Poland and Russia; in South Africa he realized what he valued in each country was the people he met. He was always astonished and delighted by the ways in which the people he met differed from one country to another. Some day, he hopes, everyone will see the world as he does.

After many happy years in the Navy, he had to retire. The good things in life always come to an end. His mother and father had long since died and he’d lost touch with his other relatives. He became an industrial designer. He was happy, although it wasn’t the same as the sea. He never wanted to get married and have children.

And then there was the period of darkness. He smiles sadly. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at his hands. There are tears in the corners of his eyes. This is something that he cannot bring himself to talk about. ''It all went wrong, '' he whispers.

He was silent for a while, then recovered. He began to talk more loudly. ''Look at me now---it makes me angry. And what about the President? He's been in power for years, and look what he's done for us. Nothing! I am still out on the streets and live the life of a dog.''

1. What can we learn about Jules’ life in the Navy?
A.He only visited three countries.
B.He enjoyed the life on board ship.
C.He was very well paid for the job he did.
D.He liked meeting people from different countries.
2. Why did Jules change his job according to the passage?
A.He wanted to start a family.B.He wanted to be near his relatives.
C.He didn't enjoy the work any more.D.He was too old to stay in the Navy
3. What is Jules's opinion of the President?
A.The President should increase pensions for old people.
B.The President had not had enough time to change things.
C.The President should have done more to help people like him.
D.The President should not allow homeless people to stay on the streets.
2020-07-14更新 | 186次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届浙江省舟山中学高三高考仿真模拟考试英语试题
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10 . Summer is here, and with it comes a chance you'll get too much sun. While there's no cure for sunburn, a small but fascinating new study suggests taking large amounts of vitamin D after exposure may prevent the associated redness and inflammation (发炎).

In the paper, researchers exposed 20 volunteers to a light resembling solar radiation to induce a sunburn on a small piece of skin. They then gave the ''burn victims'' large amounts of vitamin D, and followed up with participants one, two and three days (and a week) later to measure skin redness and thickness. The researchers found that vitamin D decreased inflammation and redness, compared with taking a placebo (安慰剂). And this effect increased in proportion to how much was consumed. Vitamin D also appears to increase the activity of a gene called arginase-1, which is involved in tissue repair and healing. Taking 50, 000 international units (IU) of vitamin D--125 times the recommended daily allowance-led to a significant reduction in redness and inflammation, compared with the placebo. Those who took 100,000 IU had even less redness and pain; and those who took 200, 000 IU had the greatest reduction in inflammation.

This is the first study to show vitamin D can reduce inflammation, and suggests that it   ''could potentially help prevent sunburn, '' says senior author Kurt Lu, a physician scientist and assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University.

It used to be thought vitamin D was primarily involved in building healthy bones and muscles, but recent research has found it has many more roles, including influencing inflammation, such as the kind associated with sunburns.

So, if you get burned, should you take a lot of vitamin D? The study authors don't recommend it. ''I think that's probably not a good idea and not well established by this study, '' says Barbara Gilchrest, a physician scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. Such large amounts, if taken repeatedly, have the potential to cause vitamin D toxicity (毒性).

1. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.An unusual method for relieving sunburn.
B.Tips for how to travel safely in summer.
C.A suggestion on taking vitamin D properly.
D.Advice on how to take medicine effectively.
2. How do the researchers confirm the healing effect of taking vitamin D?
A.By observing the inflammation of skin every day.
B.By measuring the thickness of skin after a week.
C.By increasing the daily volume of vitamin
D.By comparing the effect with that of placebo.
3. Figures are used in paragraph 2 in order to ______.
A.recommend the daily intake
B.argue against the benefits of more Vitamin D
C.show the more Vitamin D, the greater benefits
D.stress the potential danger of too much Vitamin D
4. What can be inferred about the function of vitamin D?
A.Repeatedly taking large amounts of Vitamin D is beneficial.
B.Vitamin D may bring more advantages to us than what has been found out.
C.Don't take vitamin D unless your doctor approves you to do it.
D.Vitamin D is more useful for curing sunburn than building healthy bones.
2020-07-14更新 | 186次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届浙江省舟山中学高三高考仿真模拟考试英语试题
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