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1 . On the beaches, in the deepest reaches of the backcountry — even nearly 100 feet underwater, the noise of navy training jets (喷气式飞机) is unbearable for people and even endangered southern residents — tiger whales, a new scientific research shows.

In a paper published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, scientists reported an underwater microphone fixed in nearly 100 feet of water offshore of the runway at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, clearly picked up the sound of the jets, at levels known to affect tiger whales’ behaviour. “To the tiger whales at that depth, the noise is about as loud as a ship 650 feet away,” said Rob Williams, lead scientist and an author on the paper.

Tiger whales use sound to find food, so underwater noise can affect their ability to get enough to eat. Lauren Kuehne, lead author on the paper, said she was surprised at just how clear the jet noise was even deep underwater, showing the noise easily spreads to depths where Chinook Salmon, the tiger whales’primary prey (猎物) , are often found. “Mentally I was prepared for noise, but not for that; it was clear as a bell. It has given me a whole new appreciation. We don’t use our ears the way animals do. For them, it is life and death,” said Kuehne.

The number and duration of daily overflights, the team stressed, also outnumber those in a majority of studies that have dug into the impacts of noise from military aircraft, worldwide.

Williams said the study demolishes the assumption that the noise of the jets doesn’t travel underwater. “The original understanding is that the noise is going to bounce off the ocean,” Williams said. “Here we show it doesn't. The sound goes underwater. We have shown that it is noisy, and noisy enough to require paying attention to.”

1. How did researchers confirm the effect of the noise on tiger whales?
A.By adjusting the sound of jets.B.By collecting noise underwater.
C.By observing tiger whales’ behaviour.D.By picking up tiger whales’ brainwaves.
2. Why is underwater noise dangerous to tiger whales?
A.It scares off their natural prey.B.It affects their hunting activity.
C.It destroys their sense of hearing.D.It makes them nervous underwater.
3. What does the underlined word “demolishes” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Irregular Airplane NoiseB.Underwater Species Protection
C.Unknown Underwater SoundD.Non-ignorable Undersea Annoyance
2024-09-10更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省部分高中2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
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2 . UC Berkeley Youth Recreation Summer Camps

UC Berkeley Youth Recreation will provide a wide variety of one-week outdoor experiences and activities for the youth on summer camps 2024. Here are four best summer camps.

Windsurfing Camp

This camp is designed to teach students the basics of windsurfing, including balance and self-rescue. Through a combination of classroom instruction, demonstration and water time, campers are able to master the basics of the sport. A comfort with wind and water is strongly encouraged. Campers must be ages 10~17 to register. All campers must be able to swim and weigh 100 pounds or more to safely use public windsurfing equipment.

Price: $330. Those who have participated before can receive 10% off.
Sailing Camp

Campers learn and review the essentials of sailing at their experience level on the beautiful San Francisco Bay! 2024 brings exciting updates to the camp and helps sailors master new skills. Previous sailing experience is required. Campers must be ages 12~18to register. All campers must have basic swimming skills.

Price: $255.
Skateboarding Camp

In this camp, skateboarders will learn mechanics and basic riding skills such as balance, riding switches, and dropping-in. Skaters will be assessed on the first day of the session and the lessons will be adapted to their ability. All participants are educated in skateboard safety. Campers must be ages 8~16 to register. Participants must bring their own skateboard, helmet (头盔) and knee & elbow pads (护具).

Price: $300. $240 per person for group registration.
Rock Climbing Camp

Learn climbing skills, knot (结) - tying, top-rope climbing and equipment care. Sites include Strawberry Canyon, Remillard, Indian Rock and Cragmon t Parks. Campers must be ages 9~15 to register. All campers can enjoy the bus service to and from the campsites.

Price: $275.
1. What is a must for the participants of Windsurfing Camp?
A.First aid knowledge.B.Appropriate weight.
C.Previous learning experience.D.Personal protective equipment.
2. What is special about Skateboarding Camp?
A.It is intended for primary pupils.
B.I’ll issue certificates of excellence.
C.It bases its lessons on campers’ levels.
D.It gives a 10% discount for group registration.
3. Which camp offers public transportation for camp-goers?
A.Windsurfing Camp.B.Sailing Camp.
C.Skateboarding Camp.D.Rock Climbing Camp.
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3 . Anime(二次元) culture has become a very common culture in our daily life. As people's minds become more and more open, most people gradually begin to accept anime culture. Although increasingly more young people like anime culture than before, many still don't know why there are so many people like anime culture in reality. What is its attractive charm?

First and foremost, anime is not immature and cynical(玩物丧志的). Many people don't understand people who like anime, just because they don't try to understand anime. They only evaluate it through other people's words and their own knowledge. Of course, the comments are not very pleasant. After all, the older generation don't agree with anime.

Moreover, the reason why today's young people like anime so much is not because they are killing time, nor because they are addicted to animation, but because of pressure. Today's society is completely different from that of the 1980s. Back then, having a motorcycle or a big TV at home was already impressive. But now, cars, houses, and savings are everywhere, and young people are easily suffocated(扼制).

When we see anime protagonists invincible in the drama, willing to sacrifice everything to defeat enemies for their dreams and friends, it's like seeing us unwilling to be outdone in reality. Aren't those bosses in anime just like the things that bring us pressure in reality? When we see anime protagonists hitting them one after another, it's like we're putting all the pressure on ourselves, and we feel exhilarated(畅快淋漓).

In recent years, the rapidly rise popularity of anime games such as Genshin Impact(原神) and Love of Light and Night(光与夜之恋) has certainly brought a rich side to the life of the current young generation. Luo Xiang once said: "Paper people are virtual, and after a long time in the virtual story, they are unwilling to enter the real story." It is normal to embrace anime cultural , but we still need to have expectations for the future and believe in our youth and dreams.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To enhance people's awareness of anime culture.
B.To persuade people stop contacting anime culture.
C.To lead the deeper description of the anime trend.
D.To arise reader's love to anime culture.
2. What is the seniors' view of anime?
3. What are the reasons why young people like anime drama ?
A.Young people cannot bear the enormous pressure of house loans.
B.Young people are often oppressed by their parents and elders.
C.Young people have lost confidence and hope in the current reality of life.
D.Young people have found their dream selves through the characters.
4. What can we infer from what Luo Xiang put in the article ?
A.We cannot treat the virtual world as an Eden to escape real-life problems.
B.The current world is too false and not worth our time to pay attention to.
C.In order to let people return to reality, all anime games should be banned.
D.The anime world is as important as the real world.
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4 . The humble beaver (海狸) could hold the key to saving our water, according to a new research at has found how their da m building skills protect the rivers threatened by climate change.

The research, done on the rivers in Colorado, found the wooden banners built by beavers raise water level upstream. As it builds up, the water flows into surrounding soils and secondary waterways. These acts separate out extra nutrients and pollutants before water reenters the main channel downstream.

Extreme weather events, such as severe storms, impact water quality in major river systems. Droughts and floods are becoming more frequent, and the scientists have also found they are contributing to an increase in the American beaver in the US, and consequently an explosion of dam building.

The team chose to monitor a 40-kilometer stretch of the East River. They reviewed data on water levels gathered hourly by sensors fixed in the river and the areas along the river.

They also collected water samples, including from below the ground’s surface to monitor nutrient and pollutant levels. The researchers compared water quality along the stretch during a historically dry year, to water quality the following year when water levels were unusually high. They also compared these year-long datasets to water quality during the nearly three-month period, starting in late July2018, when the beaver dam blocked the river.

The study revealed the dams increased nitrate (硝酸盐) by nearly 50% by increasing the pressure of the water flow upstream 10 times over, which pushed more water out into the surrounding areas. The nitrates are absorbed and digested by tiny organisms in the soil. This helped increase the oxygen content and quality in the rivers.

Beavers’ hard work is responsible for the land they love.

1. What do the wooden barriers created by beavers act as?
2. What is the direct result of frequent droughts and floods in Colorado?
A.More dams emerge on the rivers.
B.More American beavers appear in the US.
C.More pollutants are removed from the rivers.
D.More oxygen is created in the rivers.
3. Why did the researchers collect water samples from below the ground’s surface?
A.To keep an eye on the water quality.
B.To improve the nutrient of the stretch.
C.To remove pollutants from the river.
D.To decrease the effect caused by the flood.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Dams do good to water quality.
B.Beavers contribute to climate change.
C.Extreme weather catches researchers’ eyes.
D.Beavers help protect rivers against climate change.
2024-07-08更新 | 124次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省七校协作体2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
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5 . Kids are even more in the bag of social media companies than we think. Many of them have given away their online autonomy fully to their phones. For them, the only acceptable online environment is one designed by big tech algorithms (算法).

As children’s free time and imaginations become more and more tightly joined to the social media, we need to understand that uncontrolled access to the Internet comes at a cost. This spring, I visited with a group of high school students in Connecticut to have a conversation about the role that social media plays in their daily lives and in their mental health. More children today report feeling depressed, lonely, and disconnected than ever before.

There are countless problems with children and teenagers using social media. But the high schoolers with whom I met alerted me to a hidden result of teenagers’ growing addiction to social media: the death of exploration and discovery. Algorithmic recommendations now do the work of discovering and pursuing interests, finding community, and learning about the world. Kids today are, simply put, not learning how to be curious, critical adults—and they don’t seem to know what they’ve lost.

We all know the journeys in life matter just as much as the destinations. It is the sweat to get the outcome that makes the outcome more fulfilling and satisfying.

What the kids I spoke to did not know is that these algorithms have been designed in a way that unavoidably makes and keeps users unhappy. Social media companies know that content that generates negative feelings holds our attention longer than that which makes us feel good. If you are a teenager feeling bad about yourself, your social media feed will keep delivering you videos and pictures that are likely to produce negative feelings.

We should take some measures. Teenagers and kids are to be inspired to determine if we will really be happier as a species when machines and algorithms do all the work for us, or if fulfillment only comes when humans actually do the work, searching and discovering, of being human.

1. We can learn from paragraph 1 that social media companies ______.
A.earn a lot of money from kids
B.have a great impact on kids
C.make kids give away their phones
D.provide necessary services to kids
2. According to the author, what is the result of children’s addiction to social media?
A.They become more dependent on their phones.
B.They feel less depressed and lonely than ever before.
C.They are unable to find community and learn about the world.
D.They gradually lose the ability to be curious and critical.
3. Why do social media companies prefer content that generates negative feelings?
A.It helps them gain more attention from users.
B.It makes users feel more satisfied with their products.
C.It encourages users to explore and discover new things.
D.It promotes the development of artificial intelligence.
4. What should be done to change the current situation?
A.Limit the use of social media for children and teenagers.
B.Inspire children to complete the work without the help of algorithms.
C.Encourage teenagers and children to explore and discover the contentment of life.
D.Redesign social media algorithms to make users happier and more fulfilled.
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6 . Artificial intelligence is making its way into classrooms, suggesting a future where education is more personalized and active. AI’s ability to customize learning and provide immediate feedback could change how students learn, making education more effective and attracting.

Schools globally are starting to see the benefits of AI. For example, adaptive learning platforms can now tailor lessons to each student’s pace and style of learning, improving engagement and understanding. DreamBox Learning, an AI-powered math platform, has already showed how such technology can improve students’ abilities in problem solving.

However, there’s a notable concern raised alongside these advancements —the AI divide, or the growing gap between those who have access to advanced AI tools and those who do not. A 2023 report by the Educational Data Trust found that wealthier school districts are three times more likely to have adopted AI-powered learning platforms compared to the under-resourced districts. We don’t know what this technology will look like 10 years from now, but the current trend shuts out poor districts. It’s in the big dog’s best interest to do so, but it sucks anyways.

Addressing the AI divide requires a concerted effort. Policymakers have the power to level the playing field by supporting AI accessibility in all schools. Schools and educators have a role to play too. They must train their students to use AI as a tool. They can foster partnerships to share AI resources and focus on building universally essential skills like critical thinking and digital literacy. Tech companies and community groups have roles to play as well, such as offering AI expertise and support to schools lacking resources.

AI in education has both advantages and disadvantages, with the promise of transformative(带来变革的)learning coming alongside the risk of deepening divides. As we accept AI’s potential, we must also make sure that it serves as a tool for to help everyone, paving the way for a future where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

1. Why does the author mention “DreamBox Learning” in paragraph 2?
A.To show the advantages of AI.
B.To introduce an AI-powered social media platform.
C.To help students to solve math problems.
D.To improve students’ abilities in problem solving.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards AI in education?
3. What does the underlined word “concerted” in paragraph 4 refer to?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.AI in Education—A Double-edged Sword
B.AI in Education—A Great Success
C.AI in Media Platform—An Advanced Tool
D.AI in Classroom—A Replacement for the Teacher
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7 . Roger Crawford had everything he needed to play tennis — except two hands and a leg. When he was born, he didn’t have palms but only a thumb-like projection (突起物) extended directly out of his right forearm and a thumb and one finger stuck out of his left forearm. He had only three toes on his shrunken right foot and an undeveloped left leg which was later cut off.

The doctor said Roger suffered from a rare disease affecting only one out of 90,000 children born in the United States and he would probably never walk or care for himself. Fortunately, Roger’s parents didn’t believe him. “My parents always taught me that I was only as disabled as I wanted to be,” said Roger. “They never allowed me to feel sorry for myself or take advantage of people because of my disability.

Roger could swing a tennis racket (球拍). Unfortunately, when he swung it hard, his weak hold usually launched it into space. By luck, Roger found an odd-looking tennis racket and accidentally put his finger between its double-barred handle when he picked it up. The close fit made it possible for Roger to swing, serve and volley (截击) like an able bodied player. He practiced every day and was soon playing — and losing — matches.

But Roger never gave up. He practiced hard and the surgery on the two fingers of his left hand enabled Roger to hold his special racket better, greatly improving his game. Although he had no role models to guide him, Roger became crazy about tennis and in time he started to win.

Roger went on to play college tennis, finishing his tennis career with 22 wins and 11 losses. He later became the first physically disabled tennis player to be certified as a teaching professional by the United States Professional Tennis Association. Roger now tours the country, speaking to groups about what it takes to be a winner, no matter who you are.

1. What happened to Roger when he was born?
A.He had only one le g and two hands.
B.He was a baby born with disabilities.
C.His right forearm was cut off by the doctor.
D.He suffered from a deadly disease.
2. What do we know about Roger’s parents according to the text?
A.They were afraid that Roger would never walk.
B.They thought Roger would live like a normal person.
C.They believed Roger would recover after the surgery.
D.They asked Roger to play tennis.
3. Which of the following best describe Roger?
A.Determined and friendly.
B.Caring and creative.
C.Strong-willed and hard-working.
D.Sensitive and independent.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A born disabled man lived a successful life.
B.A tennis player was certified as a teaching professional.
C.A disabled man won the tennis match.
D.A college students suffered from a rare disease.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Can you smell it? The beer? The sweat? The excitement? Festival season is well and truly here — and all things could not be more ready. Here are some of the best UK music festivals for 2024.


Glastonbury is the biggest music festival in the UK (maybe even the world), and for good reason. It’s an undoubted legend. Despite all the very real fields and TV coverage, it’s not entirely sure if it exists on earth. But prepare that tickets are impossibly difficult to get your hands on.

Location and Time: Worthy Farm, Somerset. June 26-30


Talk tents are pretty much a given at every festival, but ALSO is all about giving equal footing to both ideas and music. There will be around 300 inspiring events across 14 stages, ranging from comedy to talks from respected speakers. There will be many delicious food traders to choose from, too, so you can nourish your stomach as well as your mind.

Location and Time: Park Farm, Compton Verney Warwickshire. July 12-14

Green Man

Green Man has earned itself fame for being the UK’s “mini Glastonbury”. Tickets can be sold out in just four hours, without any of the line-up announced. As its name suggests, the festival has outstanding green elements: compost washrooms, no single-use plastic and all power from hydrogen or solar energy!

Location and Time: Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. August 15-18

Lost Village

With rainbow-lit woodlands, junkyard cars and professional performers, Lost Village is like stepping into a fairy tale — one where four-to-the-floor techno plays for hours on end, and you’re allowed to be as naughty as you like. It also hosts workshops, as well as live music and many health experiences, allowing you to sweat at open-air yoga or in the wood-fired hot tub.

Location and Time: Norton Disney, Lincolnshire. Aug 22-25

Keen to join in the fun? We bet you are. Latest information to the best UK music festivals for 2024 will be updating on this page. Click here for more if you want details.

1. Which one is the shortest-lasting music festival?
A.Glastonbury.B.ALSO.C.Green Man.D.Lost Village.
2. What do Glastonbury and Green Man have in common?
A.They are both about green land and fairy tales.
B.There is no definite news on whether to organise the events.
C.Diverse environmentally friendly equipment is applied.
D.It’s hard to book tickets because of their great popularity.
3. Who will be most likely to attend Lost Village?
A.Music-lovers who like driving cars to rainbow-li t woodlands.
B.Music-lovers who want to step away from a fairy tale world.
C.Music-lovers who highly value their health.
D.Music-lovers who are crazy about delicious food.
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9 . Over the years, as I dealt with the pressure of finishing my Ph. D. and starting my post-doctor, I had grown more competitive. I pushed myself to be t ho first to generate thrilling results and to publish in high-impact journals. Those who could have been collaborators (合作者) became rivals I hated.

But the effect of this competitive character was exactly the opposite of what I had hoped for. When I encountered scientific problems, I thought I had to solve them myself instead of asking for help. The pressure became overwhelming. I began to feel alone and lost. I became less and less productive.

I emailed my mentors (导师), explaining that I had put myself second and the job first for too long. They told me that I wasn’t the first academic to feel that way, and that I wouldn’t be the last. They agreed that I should take the time I needed to take care of myself. So, with my mentors’ support and an uncertain future, I left.

Back home, I spent time with family and friends and opened up about my struggles. At first, I was ashamed. But the more I talked about my demons, the more other people told me about their own. I also started to receive emails from my workmates. After a few lines asking how I was, many expressed worries about how they were managing the stress of academic life. Vulnerable (脆弱的) researchers were poking their heads out of their shells. Our relationships deepened. I began to feel less alone.

Three months later, I was prepared to go back to the science that I loved, and I now had a foundation to be more open with my colleagues. I understood that we all struggle sometimes, and that collaboration can be more powerful than competition.

With a bit of time, collaboration has replaced competition. Working with others and seeking help doesn’t weaken my value or contributions; it means we can all win. I no longer feel lonely and unhappy.

1. How did the author feel after adopting a competitive approach?
A.Empowered and successful.B.Overwhelmed and isolated.
C.Motivated and productive.D.Ashamed and annoyed.
2. Why did the writer take a break?
A.He was always the last.B.He needed some time to readjust.
C.He got serious homesick.D.He failed to care about himself.
3. What does the underlined phrase mean?
A.Trying to be open with others.B.Starting to walk out regularly.
C.Being more confident in research.D.Tending to be happier than ever.
4. Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.From competition to cooperationB.From selfishness to selflessness
C.From problems to solutionsD.From uncertainty to certainty
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10 . Is forgiveness against our human nature? To answer our question, we need to ask a further question: What is the essence of our humanity? For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity. The first view involves dominance and power. In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness, Droll (1984) made the interesting claim that humans’ essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against their basic nature, much to their harm. In his opinion, forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others, who might then take advantage of them.

The second view involves the theme of cooperation, mutual respect, and even love as the basis of who we are as humans. Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings, we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. Without love, our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. For example, how well has slavery worked as a mode of social harmony?

From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans, forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.

As an important note, when we take a Classical philosophical perspective, that of Aristotle, we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive, but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive. The actuality of forgiving, its actual appropriation in conflict situations, develops with practice.

1. What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness?
A.People should offer mercy to others.
B.People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
C.Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity.
D.Aggressive people should learn to forgive.
2. What does the example in Paragraph 2 illustrate?
A.To forgive is to love.B.To fight is to grow.
C.To dominate is to harm.D.To give is to receive.
3. What is the writer’s attitude toward forgiveness?
4. What is message of the last paragraph?
A.Forgiveness is in our nature.B.Forgiveness grows with time.
C.Actuality is based on potentiality.D.It takes practice to forgive.
2024-06-27更新 | 465次组卷 | 4卷引用:2025届辽宁省普通高中高三上学期期初考试模拟英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般