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1 . The Olympic Museum’s educational programs are now free!

As of 1 January 2023, our educational programs are free! Teachers can tailor their visits to their own needs and interests, choosing between self- guided tours, guided tours and workshops, with online educational resources also available.

Here is all the practical information you need to organize your visit. In order to make a reservation, please fill in the pre-reservation form. This form is a must for all types of visits. There are four ways to visit the Museum with your class:

●Guided tour: Visit the permanent exhibition accompanied by one of our activity leaders.

Duration: 90 minutes

●Workshop + guided tour: Themed tour of the exhibition (permanent or temporary depending on the topic) and workshop in the Gym or Studio, all accompanied by an activity lender.

Duration: 2×45 minutes

●Workshop + independent visit (optional): Accompanied by an activity leader, make the most of a themed workshop and extend your Olympic experience by visiting the exhibitions independently.

Duration: 45 minutes for the workshop, unlimited for an independent visit

●Independent visit: Access to all exhibition areas except educational areas.

Duration: unlimited

Practical Information

Self-guided visitors in groups with a reservation will be given priority at the entrance. If the exhibitions are too crowded, we may not be able to give you the privilege.

Safety distances between adults and students/ children must be respected.


All our educational programs are free of charge for those under the age of 16.

●Children up to the age of 15: free

●Students aged 16 and over & adults: $ 14

●Accompanying adult (1 for 1-10 students, 2 for 11-20 students, etc.): free

1. What can a teacher do when planning a visit to the museum for the students?
A.Tailor a guided tour for unlimited lime.
B.Make a reservation without filling out a form.
C.Choose an independent tour in educational areas.
D.Design a self-guided tour with a 45-minute workshop.
2. Visitors have priority access to the Museum when        .
A.the exhibitions are too jammed
B.they are in a guided tour group
C.safely distances between people are respected
D.reservations are made for their self-guided groups
3. What is the cost for three teachers to take 17 students aged 15, and 2 aged 16 for a tour?
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2 . An 82-year-old Chinese female pilot has set a record in the country’s airline industry after flying a small plane for 40 minutes in Beijing. Miao Xiaohong, one of China’s second team of female pilots, controlled the Tecnam P2010 plane to take off, turn, climb, dive and land safety at the Shifosi Airport in Pinggu District of Beijing.

In 1956, Miao Xiaohong, who graduated from a high school in Jinan, won a position in the second team. She graduated from the flight school in 1958. in the following years, she flew many important missions. In 1963, she undertook a mission to airdrop materials for the flood-stricken areas in Hebei Province. Poor visibility prevented her locating the target areas as the clouds were about 100 meters above the ground, but she managed to finish the task.

In 1989, she retired and started her writing career. When she collected material for her books, she found that many aged pilots in other countries still flew, and she had the idea of returning to the sky. To prepare for the flight, she walked 3,000 steps every day and moved her arms to meet the requirements for the high-altitude flight. Different from past flights for missions, this time her goal was to enjoy the flight. She said that it was exciting and fresh. “Seeing the boundless blue sky unfold in front of me, I feel it is very open,” she said.

The trainer said that Miao Xiaohong could finish the 30-hour flight to get a license for commercial flights. She said, “My physical condition is good enough to finish the 30-hour flight but it is not so important for me to get such a license. After achieving my dream of returning to the sky, I hope to encourage young women to join the airline industry. I’m 82 years old and I can fly again. You, the young people, can fly and will fly better than me.

1. What can we learn from the airdrop mission carried out by Miao Xiaohong?
A.She was a very beautiful pilot.B.She had excellent flying skills.
C.She suffered from poor eyesight.D.She usually completed hard tasks.
2. What made Miao Xiaohong have the idea of flying a plane at the age of 82?
A.Her deep love for flights.B.Her wish to set a flying record.
C.The requirements of her books.D.The influence of other aged pilots.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Miao Xiaohong?
4. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Returning to the blue skyB.Coming to join in the flight
C.Managing to finish difficult tasksD.Improving yourself to set a record
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3 . Eating a traditional Mediterranean-type diet-rich in foods such as seafood, fruit, and nuts- -may help reduce the risk of dementia (痴呆) by almost a quarter, a new study has revealed.

Experts at Newcastle University found that individuals who ate a Mediterranean-like diet had up to 23% lower risk for dementia than those who did not. This research, published today in the journal BMC Medicine, is one of the biggest studies of its kind.

Scientists analyzed data from 60,298 individuals from the UK Biobank, including individuals from across the UK, who had completed a dietary assessment. The authors scored individuals based on how closely their diet matched the key features of a Mediterranean one. The participants were allowed for almost a decade, during which time there were 882 cases of dementia.

The authors considered each individual’s genetic risk for dementia by estimating what is known as their polygenic (多基因的) risk-a measure of all the different genes that   are related to the risk of dementia. They found that there were similar associations between sticking to Mediterranean diet and dementia risk in individuals with higher and lower genetic risk for this condition, which may indicate that even for those with a higher genetic risk, having a better diet could reduce the likelihood of developing the condition.

Dr Janice Ranson, joint lead author on the paper, said: “Dementia impacts the lives of millions of individuals throughout the world, and there are currently limited options for treating this condition. Our study shows a Mediterranean diet that has a high intake of healthy plant-based foods may be important for future strategies to reduce dementia risk. For example, the dementia prevention efforts could go beyond general healthy diet advice and focus on choosing specific foods and nutrients.”

The authors caution that their analysis is limited to individuals who self-reported their ethnic background as white, British or Irish, as genetic data was only available based on European countries, and that further research is needed in a range of populations to determine the potential benefit.

1. What did scientists do during the study?
A.They scored the Mediterranean diet.
B.They tracked the participants’ health.
C.They collected data from 60298 families.
D.They selected 882 potential dementia cases.
2. What can we infer about the Mediterranean diet from paragraph 4?
A.Its effect is closely related to the polygenic risk.
B.It increases one’s chance of developing dementia.
C.It can reduce dementia risk regardless of one’s genetic risk.
D.It can provide protection against various genetic diseases.
3. What are Dr Janice Ranson’s words mainly about?
A.Values of the study.B.Features of the study.
C.Elements of a healthy diet.D.Ways to deal with dementia.
4. What will further research most probably focus on?
A.Finding out more benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
B.Applying the findings to the treatment of dementia.
C.Involving participants of diverse races and nationalities.
D.Studying the rate of dementia within different age groups.
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4 . Scientists at Purdue University created the world’s whitest paint — a discovery that not only adds yet another choice to the “which white should we paint this wall” dilemma, but also might help the climate crisis.

The paint was developed by Purdue mechanical engineering professor Xiulin Ruan and his team. It works through a passive cooling technology that offers great promises to reduce space cooling cost and global warming. “When we started this project seven years ago, we had saving energy and fighting climate change in mind,” Ruan said in a podcast (播客) episode of This Is Purdue. They wanted to create a paint that would reflect sunlight away from a building, dramatically decreasing the need for air conditioning.

Heating, cooling, and lighting account for 28 percent of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions. And overusing air conditioning can overwhelm a city’s power grid and cause blackouts (停电). In a Queens blackout in 2006, 175,000 people were left without power, which lead to 40 deaths. This paint could effectively be an alternative to air conditioners in some places.

The paint reflects 98.1%of solar radiation while also giving out infrared (红外线的) heat. Because the paint takes in less heat from the sun than it gives out, a surface coated with this paint is cooled below the surrounding temperature without using power. Covering a roof area of 1,000 square feet with the paint could create 10 kilowatts ofcooling power, the researchers found.“That’s more powerful than the air conditioners used by most houses,”Ruan told This Is Purdue.

You can’t buy the paint just yet, but researchers are partnering with a company to put the paint on the market. While individual action to fight elimate change can help save our planet, it’s important to note that the vast majority of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions can be traced back to 100companies. Maybe we can douse(浇) those companies with this white paint, too — it could be worth a shot.

1. What is known about the paint?
A.It has different colors.B.It doesn’t cost much.
C.It uses heating technology.D.It is climate-friendly.
2. What is the Queens blackout mentioned to show?
A.The poor management of power.B.The significance of the paint.
C.The importance of air conditioning.D.The result of global warming.
3. Which aspect of the paint is talked about in Paragraph 4?
A.Its application.B.Its function.
C.Its composition.D.Its disadvantage.
4. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.The quality of the paint needs improving.
B.The paint will bring profits to the 100 companies.
C.Researchers want to see the paint in commercial use.
D.Individual efforts matter in creating the whitest paint.
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5 . Unbelievable Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

Horses are picky eaters

Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔), their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can’t sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say.

Whale says thanks

In 2018, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times.

Pandas like to be naughty

Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw or ducking its head when confronted by a stranger.

A cat honors its owner

Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo’s grave every day since the man died in September 2018. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now “stands guard” the grave for hours at a time.

1. What can horses do to pick delicious grasses?
A.Feel them.
B.Taste them.
C.Smell them.
D.Observe them.
2. What do the whale and the cat have in common according to the passage?
A.They are clever.
B.They have a grateful heart.
C.They are active and lovely.
D.They have a good sense of smell.
3. Which of the following acts like a human baby according to the passage?
A.The whale
B.The cat.
C.The horse.
D.The panda.
2023-04-29更新 | 125次组卷 | 23卷引用:辽宁省六校协作体2019—2020学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
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6 . Saddle attached. Mount up. Reins in hand. Racing with the wind and jumping to the sky, freshmen Natalle Gordon and Lauren Tate become one with their horses. Gordon and Tate participate in equestrian (马术) jumping and hunting with the Texas Rose Horse Park and King’s Equestrian organizations. They will be competing in jumping and hunting events during October.

“My favorite part about riding and jumping is the high speed,” Gordon said. “I’ve had a lot of exciting and crazy moments.” Gordon has been riding for 4 years and participates in hunting events, a slow and complicated variation of jumping. Hunting events are subjectively judged based on how well the horse performs over fences. The pair of rider and horse is judged on style, pace, and manners as well.

Gordon’s horse, Casino, is a Welsh pony. Together the two have achieved impressive results including first place in a Derby, a large competition in the equestrian world, which was a big accomplishment.

Tate, on the other hand, participates in jumping events and has been riding since childhood. Jumping is a fast paced and less formal event. Jumping is scored objectively. The horse and rider’s goal is to clear all the fences in the course as quickly as possible without making any mistakes by knocking over the bars of the fence.

“It’s a speed round,” Tate said. “You just have to be the fastest person and get to the jump and win.” Tate’ horse, Chief, is a Chestnut Appendix. Together they have gotten champion awards in jumpers. “I love Chief,” Tate said. “I’m really proud of the work we’ve done together.”

Both Tate and Gordon have bonded through horse riding. Along with bonding with each other, they have established a deep love of their horses. “It’s you and your horse out there,” Tate said. “You are never alone. You’re partners through it all.”

1. What can we know from the text?
A.Tate began to ride 4 years ago.B.Gordon and Tate have got champions.
C.Jumping is scored subjectively.D.Gordon and Tate fight in the same race
2. The underlined word “clear” in Paragraph 4 means closely to ________.
A.move awayB.tidy upC.leap overD.figure out
3. What do we know about the riders and their horses?
A.They grow inseparable for their harmony in races.
B.They find it challenging to make progress every time.
C.They become competitive because they fight against each other.
D.They turn enthusiastic about trying other games about horse riding.
4. Which column of a newspaper is this text probably from?
2023-03-27更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期初质量监测英语试题
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7 . Diet research is always messy, and study results on nutrition and bone health have been wildly inconsistent. But gradually something clearer is coming out. As we draw up resolutions for what to eat in the coming 2023, it’s useful to look at new data on Vitamin D, as well as recent research on coffee and other foods.

Bone is a dynamic tissue, constantly replaced with new cells. Calcium is the key nutrient for building bone, and Vitamin D enables us to absorb Calcium from the food we eat, so doctors often recommend D supplements to counteract age-related bone loss. Today more than a third of American adults aged 60 and older take this Vitamin.

But a huge study published this past summer found that taking Vitamin D for five years did not reduce the rate of fractures(骨折)in healthy adults aged 50 and older. That result built on earlier findings, led by the same team, that D supplements do not improve bone density. Besides they declared that it’s time for medical professionals to stop pushing these pills and quit ordering so many blood tests for Vitamin D levels.

“Food and incidental sun exposure likely provide enough Vitamin D for healthy adults,” says Meryl LeBoff who led the study. But LeBoff puts an emphasis on “healthy” adults. The study did not focus on those who already have osteoporosis(骨质疏松). Such people would be wise to remain on extra Vitamin D and Calcium, she advises.

What does help maintain strong bones for all of us? The easy answer is foods that are high in Calcium, such as dairy products, sardines and tofu. For those of us who like to start our day with coffee, modest consumption may help our bones. Although very high level of caffeine-say, six to eight cups of coffee-cause Calcium to be lost in urine(尿)one or two cups seems to have a beneficial effect. A study led by Ching-Lung Cheung of Hong Kong University linked three digestive by-products of coffee with greater bone density. “Coffee intake, if not excessive, should be safe for bone.” he says. “And if you still have concerns, add milk!”

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.A common understanding of Vitamin D.
B.A brief introduction of bone tissues.
C.A way to develop and consume Calcium.
D.A doctor’s advice to help improve bones
2. If you counteract the age-related bone loss, you will ________.
A.remove Vitamin D from your body
B.extremely depend on Calcium intake
C.discover how bones and ages are related
D.make up for retired or dead bone cells
3. We can learn from Meryl LeBoff that ________.
A.fractures are not necessarily related to bone density
B.medication is required for enough Vitamin D intake
C.D supplements should be taken only when necessary
D.Vitamin D levels should be removed from blood tests
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Surprising Findings on how Diet Builds Better Bones
B.Safety Concern over Vitamin Intake for Healthy Bones
C.Hidden Relationship between Vitamin D Bone Density
D.Where Messy Diet Research will lead in the Coming Year
2023-03-27更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期初质量监测英语试题
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8 . I grew up in a poor family. This was something I did not realize until I was older. I thought everyone in the city took the bus, because everyone in my neighborhood took the bus. I thought everyone in the city used the food bank, because all my friends’ families ate the same government-labeled food as my family ate. We all wore hand-me-down clothes.

Shopping with my mom made me first understand that my family was a little different. My mom used paper money that looked different from the paper money others in line were using. I asked my mom why our money looked different. She said that we used food stamps that were provided by government so we could eat.

In high school, I was still embarrassed and wished we were not so poor, but I loved my mom and the other members of my family and knew we had things to be proud of. Though my mother was uneducated, she taught me how to love and told me to believe in myself. Growing up in a poor family taught me perseverance(毅力) I have always believed in myself and my abilities. I knew I could focus on schoolwork and build a life that looked different from my childhood.

As I became a man, I started understanding how my experiences made it possible for me to be resilient(有适应力的), and how to respect people for who they are as an individual and not by what they have. I think there are a lot of fixed images placed on those experiencing poor life that do not actually come from the people experiencing it. These opinions come from people on the outside trying not to look into the experience. “Hardworking, trustworthy, reliable, clean, efficient, successful and disciplined” are all words not specially connected with poor life. But those words are very much shown by those experiencing poor life. I am proud to be who I am and proud of where I’m from.

1. Why does the author mention his experience in Paragraph 1?
A.To show similar living environment to others.
B.To introduce a normal way of poor people’s life.
C.To stress his values born out of his poor early life.
D.To indicate his unawareness of poverty at an early age.
2. How might the author feel about his family background before high school?
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The poor should be respected based on how they look.
B.The author’s poverty inspired him to pursue material wealth.
C.It’s poverty that has motivated the author to develop good qualities.
D.Poor life will definitely contribute to an individual’s quality building.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Tiredness due to poor life as a child.
B.Differences among the poor.
C.Lessons from poverty-struck childhood.
D.Misunderstanding of poverty.
2023-03-27更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期初质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Can you regain the thrill of reading that you experienced as a child? Time to dust off some of the best childhood classics ever written.

Heidi by Johanna Spyri

This is the story of five-year-old Heidi, an orphan(孤儿)who is sent to live with her rough grandfather in the Swiss Alps and charms everyone she meets with her sunny personality-from the scary grandfather to Peter the shepherd, his blind grandmother and, in fact, the goats.

What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge

It tells the story of rebellious(叛逆的)Katy Carr and her violent brothers and sisters running relatively wild, despite the best efforts of their father and long-suffering aunt. There are a lot of life lessons provided in these pages but it’s never high-handed, always gentle and quietly inspiring.

The Story of Holly and Ivy by Rumer Godden

This story is about magic, Christmas and the power of making wishes. The series of events that bring Holly and Ivy together wouldn’t stand up in real life for a nano-second, but the story is so movingly told that every time you read it, your faith is restored in the wonder of Christmas, a time when dreams come true and wonders can happen.

The Flight of the Doves by Walter Macken

It presents the fast, crazy and hair-raising journey of orphaned brothers and sisters Finn and Derval Dove, on the run across England to escape the control of their evil stepfather and reach their beloved Irish granny in the west of Ireland.

1. Which of the following best describes What Katy Did?
2. What book is The Story of Holly and Ivy?
A.A fantasy literature.B.A historical record.C.A fairy tale collection.D.A family education book.
3. What do Heidi and The Flight of the Doves have in common?
A.The stories happen in Britain.B.They have good endings.
C.They belong to adventurous stories.D.The characters have no relatives.
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10 .

A team of students from Stanford University are making efforts to launch a satellite powered exclusively by water into orbit (轨道) around the Mars. The team names itself the Super Lunar Explorers.

These creative students are now attending a competition called the Future Space Challenge, which is held annually by NASA, the American space agency to find more talents in space. The winners will be publicized in about a month. The final three winners will be announced in early 2023. They will get to ride on NASA’s space launch system in early 2024.

The principle behind the competition is simple: to think, design, build and launch “qualified small satellites”. NASA officials required that the satellites must be able to perform “advanced operations near and beyond the moon”. Twenty teams are competing for the championship. But the Super Lunar Explorer satellites are totally different. They use only water to power their spacecraft, which has never been done before.

Such a novel idea for a water-powered satellite came from Peckon Lewis, who works at Stanford University now, who once worked as NASA’s chief technologist. He has always been wondering whether something other than rockets can be used to push spacecraft beyond earth. “A lot of things we send into space these days is with the help of rockets——the only way we get anything into space,” he said, in a Stanford press release. “But if we could try something that has been already there? If we could do that, if we could re-fuel spacecraft while they’re already in space...”

The spacecraft is about 30 centimeters in length, and the two pieces are interconnected. The lower part of the satellite is designed to store water, which will be separated by solar panel into two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. When one combines hydrogen and oxygen with a spark (火花), an explosion was caused. This provides a forward movement, known as thrust.

1. The Crucial part of the competition “the Future Space Challenge” is ______.
A.to think, design, build and deliver a qualified-small satellite.
B.to launch a satellite to take a watery flight to the moon.
C.to make the satellite perform advanced operations near and beyond the moon.
D.to launch a satellite powered only by water into an orbit around the moon.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.There is a lot of rubbish of rockets and satellites in the orbit these days.
B.The team members of the Super Lunar Explorers are the students of Peckon Lewis.
C.A water-powered satellite will soon be sent into the orbit around the moon.
D.The explosion of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen provides power.
3. According to the passage which of the following will Peckon Lewis agree with?
A.To ban using rockets for the sake of safety.
B.To design a water-powered vehicle to push spacecraft.
C.To use something already in space as power.
D.To try using water in space to push spacecraft.
4. What would be the best title of the passage?
A.A Water-Powered Flight to the Moon.
B.A Competition for Water-Powered Satellite.
C.A Design of Water-Powered Space Journey.
D.A Spacecraft Powered by Water.
2023-03-13更新 | 102次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省瓦房店市高级中学2022-2023学年高三下学期期初考试英语试题
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