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1 . Eric Attayi, owner of the Urban Bicycle Gallery in Houston, Texas, has watched the pandemic transform his shop in a way most businesses can only dream of.

Bicycles are selling before he has time to assemble them for display. Attayi said he'd matched his 2019 sales by the start of May. He's had to hire new employees to meet demand, and hasn't taken a day off since February. Attayi said now the phone doesn't stop ringing and his guys get overwhelmed. He'd given raises and started buying lunch for his stressed staff.

As unemployment reaches record levels and small businesses scramble to survive, bike shops have been an exception.

They're thriving whether they're in car-dominated cities like Houston or more traditional biking areas like New York. Keeping enough bikes in stock, and finishing repairs in a timely manner, has become a challenge. Customers are being turned away, in some cases.

New customers are looking for ways to be active and outdoors. Bike shop owners say that the closing of gyms and yoga studios during the pandemic has contributed. Others say customers are looking for a commuting alternative to public transportation. Social spacing is easiest on individual modes of transportation, like cars and bikes. In March 2020, US cycling sales increased 39% when compared with March 2019, according to a survey.

"Bikes are like the new toilet paper," Attayi said. "If it's available, buy it."

Robert Keating, owner of the Triathlon Lab outside Los Angeles, said he's never seen anything like the current bicycle boom in the 37 years he's worked in bike shops. He's shifted his shop from a focus on high-end bicycles to affordable bikes people are likely to ride in their neighborhood. Beach cruisers have been especially popular, he said.

Bike shop owners are also wondering how long the current boom will last. Some said customers were more interested in biking because with less car traffic, roads felt safer. Their interest may decrease as traffic returns. But some cities have begun to reallocate street space to bike lanes, which could lead to more biking in the long term.

Phil Koopman, owner of BicycleSpace in Washington DC, compared the current bicycle boom to 1999, when many people bought computers to prepare for Y2K.

"Then those companies didn't sell a lot of computers for a few years because everyone already had one," Koopman said. "That's the big question. Is this a one-time thing or is it something sustainable?"

1. What can we learn from Para l and Para 2?
A.Most businesses have experienced the same development as Attayi's shop.
B.Attayi's 2019 sales were as many as those of the start of May.
C.Bikes are flying off shelves, overwhelming shops.
D.The staff's wages were raised because they had no day off since February.
2. What does the underlined word They in Para 4 refer to?
A.Unemployment levels.
B.Small businesses.
C.Bike shops
D.Stressed staff
3. What is the challenge for bike shops?
A.Jo attract customers when they are not keen on biking.
B.To survive in car-dominated ciles.
C.To promote their sales in traditional biking cities.
D.To prepare enough bikes for sale and do repairs quickly.
4. Which is not the reason why more customers are turning to bikes during the pandemic?
A.They can spend much less on qualified goods.
B.They cannot go to gyms and yoga studios.
C.They prefer biking to public transportation.
D.They are trying to find an active way in the open air.
5. We can infer from para7 and para8 that _______?
A.The current bicycle boom was totally within Keating's expectations.
B.Triathlon Lab used to mainly sell bikes that were unaffordable for most people.
C.Roads feel dangerous when there are more bikers.
D.People lose interest in biking because there is no bike lane.
6. What is Phil Koopman's attitude towards the bike boom?
2020-06-30更新 | 188次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届天津市南开中学高三年级模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约730词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Addiction is a term that we hear all the time but it’s a surprisingly tricky concept to pin down. Orally, we might say things like: “Oh, I downloaded this new game on my phone and I’m totally addicted to it.” But from a clinical perspective, we think of addiction as occurring when someone has found that their life whether it’s’ their relationships with friends or family, their ability to perform their jobs, or something else has been knocked off-kilter (冲昏头脑) by desire to perform behavior.

Prof Robert West, editor-in-chief of the journal Addiction, defines addiction “a psychological condition that involves repeated powerful motivation to engage in a behavior that’s learnt through experience, and that has either actual or potential harmful consequences”. Under this definition, it is possible to be addicted to anything—not just substances—if it turns from a want for it to a need for it, and it puts a person at risk of harm.

In 2008, Bowden-Jones set up the National Problem Gambling Clinic. To date, this is the only NHS-funded treatment center for people with problem gambling (赌博). Despite seeing some of the most severe cases of gambling addiction in the country in her clinic, she is keen to point out that the scale of the problem might not be as extreme as some would think. Despite lots of people gambling and the pervasive (遍布的) nature of gambling advertising, problem gamblers make up less than one per cent of the population.

Yet she wonders whether there is something about how modern technology has become increasingly risky. “The more you have availability, the more you uncover vulnerability,” she says. And there’s concern among researchers from several different countries that online games and apps are taking inspiration from gambling to keep people playing, and paying. These include what are known as “loot boxes”. These are prizes, paid for with real money, where the contents are not known until they’re purchased. Recent research has suggested purchase of these prizes is linked to higher levels of problematic gambling behavior.

However, Bowden-Jones points out that technological advances have also improved support for some people with problematic gambling. Software now exists to block gambling-related websites across people’s devices. Banking apps can allow a person to disable any ability to spend money on gambling, cautiously, by just toggling (切换) a switch. She believes that this is a big step forward -historically people were encouraged to hand their finances to their partners. This can put pressure on relationships and there is strong evidence to show it can increase domestic violence.

It’s hard to tell addiction is on the increase, partly because as yet there aren’t standardized measures by which to assess things like problematic gaming, and large-scale surveys have not been done. But just because we might see people glued to their phones while they’re on buses or trains or while walking down the street, it doesn’t mean we’ve become nation who are addicted to the Internet.

Nonetheless, in 2018 the World Health Organization announced that it was classifying gaming disorder as a mental health condition, decision they based on a review of the evidence and after discussion with experts. However, some researchers worry that this classification will lead to overdiagnosis of gaming The NHS does not offer treatment for gaming disorder, and a pilot treatment clinic has been delayed. It’s clear that we know very little about how many people have gaming disorder, and it’s likely that the vast majority of people who play games do so with no harm to their health whatsoever. Having said that, for those who are worried, it is possible to spot the warning signs of pleasurable activity becoming compulsion (强迫力), either in yourself or in those around you.

Robert West has some final words of advice for those individuals who are trying to reduce their need for a behavior. “Self-control is much easier when you set fixed boundaries than when you leave the rules more flexible,” he explains. Be strict with yourself and don’t allow your boundaries to slide, then even if you do slip up, you can get back on track.

1. What is addiction according to the first two paragraphs?
A.It is a repeated desire to perform a behavior.
B.It is a physical and mental condition.
C.It is a habit of downloading new games.
D.It is the direct result of carelessness.
2. What does Bowden-Jones think of gambling addiction?
A.It is affected by gambling advertising.
B.Its scale is small and fewer people develop it.
C.It can be treated in a NHS-funded center.
D.Its severity is beyond imagination of some people.
3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Online apps take inspiration from gambling.
B.More prizes lead to more gambling behavior.
C.More money brings more prizes in loot boxes.
D.Too much use of technology brings more risk.
4. What do technological advances in Paragraph 5 indicate?
A.Banking apps are popular among banks.
B.They can increase domestic violence.
C.They can bring about positive results.
D.Software can block gambling-related websites.
5. Why do researchers worry about the classification of gaming disorder?
A.Playing games do no harm to lot of people.
B.We’ve become a nation addicted to the internet.
C.It isn’t scientific and may lead to wrong diagnosis.
D.A pleasant activity may become a strong force.
6. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Is addiction on the rise?B.How addiction is defined?
C.Is Robert West’s advice reasonable?D.What is Bowden Jones’s research?
2020-06-29更新 | 187次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开区高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A job is more than just a job, especially to the older generation. “It’s not the money that matters, but the sense of self-worth,” 56-year-old Cheng Wonlan said. So, every day Ms. Cheng carries a bag of parcels, letters and documents of all shapes and sizes and does her rounds in North Point. She’s a courier (快递人员).

Five years ago, Ms. Cheng was a nurse at a private clinic. She had worked there for almost 30 years but was made jobless when the doctor migrated ( 移 居 ). It was extremely difficult for her to find another job as a nurse. “People do not trust my ability when they learn how old I am,” she said. After two years of searching, the mother of two eventually found another nursing job. But then after two years, she quit. Why?

“My colleagues were young and they didn’t understand me because of my age. They often asked me, ‘You are so old, what are you working for?’ I was very unhappy.” She said. So while the rest of her family left for work, she was left to lonely boredom at home. Then, one of Ms. Cheng’s neighbours told her about Employee’s Retraining Board (ERB) offering retraining courses for older people on specific occupations, such as convenience store assistants, junior clerks and so on.

“I was interested in courier work. I didn’t think my age was a barrier because I was fit and healthy,” she said. Upon graduation from the ERB, Ms. Cheng was offered a job by the Speeding Shuttle Courier Service Company Limited. But then Ms. Cheng was caught between honour and employment. It took Ms. Cheng 24 hours to make up her mind and eventually she took heart and went off to work as a courier.

Ms. Cheng’s employer is delighted with her. “Ms. Cheng has been working with us for two months and has shown a good responsible attitude to work.” Anthony Chong, who runs the company, said. Mr. Chong said he hired older people because they were able and reliable. “Age is not an important factor but attitude is. Many old people are more capable than youngsters. They will not run from difficulties but young ones will,” he said. “It is not easy to recruit (招募) young people since they shy away from hardship and challenges.”

1. Why was it difficult for Ms. Cheng to find another nursing job?
A.Nursing clinics were hard to find.
B.She found it difficult to trust others.
C.People thought she was too old to work.
D.People didn’t think she had enough work experience.
2. Ms. Cheng left her second nursing job because .
A.it was too difficult
B.she was too old to do the job
C.she was bored with changeless jobs
D.the other staff made her feel uncomfortable
3. Employee’s Retraining Board is aimed at .
A.finding jobs for older people
B.teaching new skills to older people
C.training older people to be healthier
D.providing older people with chances to earn money
4. According to Anthony Chong, young people .
A.are able and reliable
B.are less experienced than the older ones
C.are fitter and stronger than the older ones
D.are more likely to give up than the older ones
5. From the text, we can learn Ms. Cheng is _____ .
A.determined and responsible
B.intelligent and confident
C.capable but stubborn
D.purposeful but lazy
2020-06-28更新 | 244次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届天津市和平区高三第二学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 容易(0.94) |

4 . The recent widespread interest in all branches of psychology has accustomed us to accepting an idea which,when first offered,seemed laughable:We all,at some level,spend most of the time on reverie(幻想)。We dream either consciously or unconsciously,awake or asleep,of a situation in which we feel we should be happier than we are in real life.Occasionally some childish ideas of happiness or success break out in to confuse or prevent us from living an adult life.Sometimes the dream is refusing to leave the safe shelter of the nursery,where all wants were met as soon as felt,where warmth and food and love were given freely and unearned.As Emerson wrote,"We do not believe there is any force in today to match or recreate that beautiful yesterday.We linger in(徘徊)the ruins of the old tent where once we had bread and shelter."To some extent this is true of all of us,but less true of the happy and successful adult than of others.

At other times,funnily enough,the life-wasting reverie is about success:The mild man is Napoleon or the ugly woman is a charming singer.If reality never broke in upon such reverie,the dreamer might be happier than if he were to find himself in a position to realize some part of it.Such reverie is in itself compensation for a life of dull routine.But,the world being what it is,the dreamer must live,for part of his time at least,in the cold atmosphere of fact.This is no Land of Cockaigne:Roast 1t pigs do not run about crying,"Eat me!"Fruit does not fall from the trees into our mouths..

The deeply rooted dreamer will struggle only just as much as he needs,and no more.He will do anything half-heartedly to get his bread and butter.Then,when his daily task is over,he will be hack to his dreams again,whether he realizes it or not. He succeeds at only one thing:in clearing away a little space,gaining each day a few hours of free time,for just one purpose-to go on wasting his life.But his

dream is happy.It is,for him,a true compensation for his failure in every other relation,and so he continues in it.Yet,since after all happiness is the true goal,he believes that the smallest success in reverie brings with it more happiness.

However,it is important to remember that failure is real,for otherwise we will not prepare ourselves to fight it.

1. People's spending most of the time on reverie is something that
A.was laughed at by people in the past
B.most people are greatly fed up with
C.psychologists are very interested in
D.psychologists have widely accepted
2. People who are living in reverie
A.are filled with fear of the future life
B.usually have a happy childhood
C.always enjoy recalling their past life
D.are happier than any successful adult
3. People living in the Land of Cockaigne______
A.think that they are the greatest of the world
B.could enjoy all they need for life without work
C.will realize life means struggle
D.usually live a life of dull routine
4. Which of the following about deeply rooted dreamers is TRUE?
A.They'll never work for life even when they're starving.
B.They admire heroes so much as to become Napoleon.b
C.They don't feel happy due to the little things they have.
D.They'll never do any more than keeping themselves alive.
5. The writer suggests in the passage that_____
A.we should stop spending most of our time on reverie
B.people can realize something vital through dreaming
C.we should prepare ourselves to fight failure
D.people can gain more happiness from reality
2020-06-13更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开中学高三月考英语试题

5 . Dad and I loved baseball and hated sleep. One midsummer dawn when I was nine, we drove to the local park with our baseballs, gloves, and Yankees caps.

“If you thought night baseball was a thrill, just wait,” Dad told me. “Morning air carries the ball like you’ve never seen.”

He was right. Our fastballs charged faster and landed more lightly. The echoes of our catches popped as the sun rose over the dew-sprinkled fields.

The park was all ours for about two hours. Then a young mother pushed her stroller toward us. When she neared, dad politely leaned-over the stroller, waved, and gave the baby his best smile.

The mother stared at him for a second, and then rushed away.

Dad covered his mouth with his hand and walked to the car. “Let’s go,” he said. “I’m not feeling well.”

A month earlier, Bell’s palsy(贝尔氏神经麻痹)had struck Dad, paralyzing the right side of his face. His smile, which once eased the pain of playground cuts and burst forth was gone.

As I slumped in the car, I began suspecting that our sunrise, park visit wasn’t about watching daylight lift around us. This was his effort to avoid stares.

After that day, Dad spent more time indoors and no longer wanted to play catch.

For Bell’s palsy suffers, most recover in several weeks. Other cases take a few months to heal. But after nine weeks of therapy, the doctor admitted she couldn’t help Dad.

Dad coped through humor. He occasionally grabbed erasable markers and drew an even-sided wide smile across his face. Other times, he practiced his Elvis impersonation, joking that his curled lips allowed him to perfect his performance of “Hound Dog”.

By the time I entered fourth grade that September, dad could blink his right eye and speak clearly again.But his smile still hadn’t returned.So I made a secret vow I would abstain from smiles of any kind.

Nothing about fourth grade made this easy. Classmates were both old enough to laugh about pop culture and young enough to appreciate jokes. Kids called me Frowny the Dwarf.(I was three foot ten.) Teachers accompanied me into hallways, asking what was wrong. Breaking the promise I had made myself was tempting, but I couldn’t let Dad not smile alone.

When I asked my PE coach, “What’s so great about smiling?” He made me do push-ups while the rest of the class played ball game. Then he called Dad.

I never learned what they discussed. But when I got off the school bus that afternoon, I saw Dad waiting for me, holding our gloves and ball. For the first time in months, we got in the family car and went to the park for a catch.

“It’s been too long,” he said.

Roughly a half-dozen fathers and sons lined the field with gloved arms in the air.

Dad couldn’t smile, but he beamed, and so did I. Sundown came quickly. The field’s white lights glowed, and everyone else left. But dad and I threw everything from curve balls to folly floaters into the night. We had catching up to do.

1. Why did Dad choose to play baseballs one summer dawn?
A.They could perform better in the morning.
B.Morning air was more suitable for playing baseball.
C.He tried to escape others attention to his face.
D.The park was empty and they could enjoy themselves
2. The underlined phrase “abstain from” in Paragraph 12 means_______.
A.seek forB.give up
C.recover fromD.break into
3. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 13?
A.The boy lost his ability to smile.
B.The boy couldn’t appreciate pop culture
C.The boy must have suffered many wrongs.
D.The boy tried his best to make Father smile.
4. Why did the father accompany his son to the park for a catch that night?
A.He had made a complete recovery.
B.He thought night baseball was a thrill.
C.He was instructed by the PE coach to do so."
D.He intended his son to return to normal
5. Which of the following can best describe the author’s father?
A.Selfless and lucky
B.Responsible, and humorous.
C.Sensitive and stubborn.
D.Generous and determined.
6. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Losing My Father’s Smile
B.Making a Hidden Secret
C.Playing Baseball in the Morning
D.Recovering from a Face Illness
2020-06-13更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开中学高三月考英语试题

6 . Scientists say they’ve developed a system using machine learning to predict when and where lighting will strike.The research was led by engineers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.

European researchers have estimated that between 6,000 and 24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year. The strikes can also cause power outages, destroy property, damage electrical equipment and start forest fires. For these reasons, climate scientists have long sought to develop methods to predict and control lightning. In the United States and other places, ground-based sensing devices are used to identify strikes as they happen. But, no system has been created to effectively predict lightning.

The system tested in the experiments used a combination of data from weather stations and machine learning methods. The researchers developed a prediction model that was trained to recognize weather conditions that were likely to cause lightning.

The model was created with data collected over a 12-year period from 12 Swiss weather stations in cities and mountain areas. The data related to four main surface conditions: air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed.

The atmospheric, data was placed into a machine learning algorithm (算法), which compared it to records of lightning strikes. Researchers say the algorithm was then able to learn the conditions under which lightning happens.

Amirhossein Mostajabi is a PhD student at the institute who led the development of the method. He said, “current systems for gathering such data are slow and complex and require costly collection equipment like radar or satellites.”

“Our method uses data that can be obtained from any weather station,” Mostajabi said. “This will improve data collection in very remote areas not covered by radar and satellite or in places where communication systems have been cut,” he added.

The researchers plan to keep developing the technology in partnership with a European effort that aims to create a lightning protection system. The effort is called the European Laser Lightning Rod project.

1. Why have climate scientists tried to predict and control lighting?
A.To collect relative data.
B.To reduce the destruction lightning has been causing.
C.To create a scientific system.
D.To do research in relation to machine learning.
2. The four mentioned surface conditions include all the following EXCEPT________.
A.air pollution
B.wind speed
C.relative humidity
D.air temperature
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 5 refer to?
B.The system being tested.
C.The atmospheric data.
D.The machine learning algorithm.
4. What can we learn about Mostajabi from the passage?
A.He developed the method and the system himself.
B.He thinks the current systems are too slow and simple.
C.He is a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
D.He believes their system does much better in data collection.
5. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A.Lightning Causes Huge World Wide Damage.
B.Scientists Test Systems to Predict Lightning.
C.Machine Learning Has Made New Breakthrough.
D.A New Approach Has Improved Data Collection.


Welcome to West Lakes Institute of Technology.You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on your first day of the second semester:

1.Wear your pre-admission student number on your lapel(衣服的翻领)at all times.

2.Do not enter any classroom where classes are already in progress.

3. When asked to provide,basic information about yourself,be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip.

Students who have pre-paid the enrollment fee

9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m.(no later)you should visit the foyer of the Old Chapel building to receive your new student information kit.Once you have your kit,you are not required until 10:30 a.m.,so you can relax in the Student Centre until you are called over the PA system.

Students who are yet to pay the enrollment

Go directly to the Admissions Centre and be prepared to pay your enrollment fee($150 cash only)to the New Admissions Officer.You will be asked for your address and your preadmission student number(the number on your green enrollment acceptance advice slip).Note that this is NOT the number which is later displayed on your student card.Once you have paid your enrollment fee, follow the instructions above for students who have pre-paid their fee.

Student Cards

Student cards will not be issued until Thursday.Photographs,however,will be taken on Monday afternoon.Make your way to the Library at the following times:

1:00 p.m.-Film and Photographic Arts

1:45 p.m.-Marketing

2:30 p.m.-Travel&-Tourism

3:15 p.m.-Hotel Hospitality

4:00 p.m.--Fashion&Design

4:45 p.m.-all other Art students

Photographs of students in all other courses will be taken Tuesday afternoon.

Welcome Address

The Director of the college will address all new students in the Main Hall at around 10:45 a.m.When you hear the announcement that directs you to assemble in the Main Hall,make your way swiftly past the canteen area,through the courtyard and into the Hall.No food or drinks are allowed in the Main Hall.


The canteen is situated on the ground floor of the student building.Since the canteen is also used by members of the public,you will be asked to produce your enrollment acceptance advice slip.Failure to do this will result in all purchases being charged for at non-discount prices.Cooked lunches,are,served only between 12:15 p.m.and.1:30 p.m.

Student Information Kits

The latest student information kit contains a 52-page booklet which tells you where you should go in the afternoon.Look on page three to find the course you have enrolled in,and follow the instructions given.Areas designed for the various tutorial sessions for each course are listed on page 4 to 6.If you are required to have your photograph taken during a group tutorial session,quietly excuse

yourself,and return to the session as soon as possible.
1. According to the passage,students who have already paid the fee
A.should give their address and student number to the New Admissions Officer
B.can enter any classroom to have a rest
C.are required to receive their kit before 9 o'clock
D.can have a minimum of 30 minutes to relax after getting the kit
2. We can learn from the text that"students' enrollment acceptance advice slip_____”
A.displays the same number as that on the student card.
B.allows students to buy things in the canteen at a lower price
C.is only essential to students who haven't paid the fee in advance
D.is required when taking the pictures used for the student cards
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.Marketing students can get their 'student cards at 1:45,Monday afternoon.
B.Students are allowed to have their lunch at 12:30 p.m.in the Hall.
C.The assembly call will be made before the welcome address begins.
D.Students can get their student cards from the Library.
4. We can learn from the last paragraph that during a group tutorial session,
A.you can take a picture
B.you can do anything you like
C.you can leave for the photograph requirement
D.you can read a 52-page book
2020-06-13更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开中学高三月考英语试题

8 . When I was a child my father taught me five words that I've used all my life- in my acting career,as a mother,in my business activities.If I _______ that I was afraid of the dark,or if I seemed worried about meeting new people,Dad would say, "Stand porter to your_______."

A porter is a gatekeeper,who stands at a door _______ people in or out.Dad would get me to _______myself stopping destructive things--such as fear-at the door,_______ saying“Come in"to faith,love and self-assurance.

As an actress,before I went on camera,I'd make sure anxiety_______ and confidence in my ability came in.As a mother,when I was _______about my children, I would try not to let worry in but would _______my mind with trust in them.

Of course,there were always times I'd_______ those words.

In 1972 my husband,Fillmore Crank,and I opened the doors to our own ________in North Hollywood.This was a new business venture for us,and it was a lot more ________and complicated than we had ________.

We were on call 24 hours a day.Something was always going ________. Electricity went on the blink,food wasn't delivered,employees called in sick.Once, a flu epidemic ________ left us with no maids.Fillmore gave me a ________:scrub floors or do the laundry.For 10 days I folded enough king-size sheets to________ the whole state of California.

Then there was the________ crisis.The price of gasoline doubled,and tourism in California ________.How could we fill our beds?What if we kept losing money? What if we failed?Fear and worry were sneaking in.But I caught them just ________.I stood porter.

I stood in the door of my mind and sent fear packing.

These days at the hotel,whenever fear tries to________,I just smile and point to the sign that reads No Vacancy.

A.showed upB.stayed outC.cut inD.broke down
A.in timeB.on purposeC.at randomD.by chance
2020-06-13更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开中学高三月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I was enjoying this afternoon more than I had expected. Often, the tryouts for the spring musical tested the limits of my patience and nerves, with one hopeful girl after another taking turns walking onto the wooden stage, delivering an adequate but uninspired version of some Rodgers & Hammerstein number, and then being politely excused by Mrs. Dominguez as the next name on the list was called.

However, this was to be my third straight year in the musical, and the confidence that my seniority afforded me around the more nervous newcomers allowed me to take pleasure in radiance (光辉)of my own balance.

I had already sung my audition (试唱)song an hour ago, starting the day's ceremonies. This year, I used "God Bless the Child", a choice I found to be quite sophisticated since Billie Holiday's version of it was familiar mostly to adults, and even then, mostly to adults of the previous generation. More importantly, it required a reserved performance, which I felt showcased my maturity, especially because most of the other auditioners chose songs that would show their enthusiasm, even if it meant their technical mastery would not be on full display.

Normally, the first audition was feared by most. Mrs. Dominguez would ask if anyone wanted to volunteer to "get it over with,” but no one would make a sound. Then, she would call the first name off her list and the room would drop into an uncomfortably serious silence as the first student walked nervously up to the stage. I often imagined during those moments that I was witness to a death-house resident taking his march toward a quick curtain.

But not this year. I had decided to make a show of my own self-confidence by volunteering to go first. Such a fearless act, I had figured, would probably instill (灌输)even more fear into my competition because they would realize that I had something they clearly lacked. Mrs. Dominguez had seemed neither surprised nor charmed by my decision to go first. Although she was annoyed by my escalating (增加)pride, I also acknowledged that I was one of the more talented actors and was probably correct in assuming myself a winner.

At this late stage of the afternoon, I felt like a queen, sitting in the back of the auditorium with my royal court of friends and admirers. They took care to sit far enough away from Mrs. Dominguez that they would not be caught in the act of belittling (贬低)the other students’ auditions.

To me, the endless parade of the ambitious who sang their hearts out for three minutes each was like clowns performing for my amusement. As Mrs. Dominguez read another name off her list, I prepared myself for a special treat.

1. What did the writer do one afternoon?
A.She enjoyed her time watching the audition.
B.She performed in the school spring musical.
C.She attended the selective trial of the school musical.
D.She helped Mrs. Dominguez to select musical talent.
2. The writer believed the song she chose for her audition .
A.was the most sophisticated song by Billie Holiday's version
B.would allow her to more effectively showcase her enthusiasm
C.would be the most inspiring Rodgers and Hammerstein number
D.would likely be more recognizable to her parents than to her friends
3. The main purpose of the underlined statement in paragraph 5 is       .
A.offer a contrast created by the writer's decision to go first
B.present reasons why this year's audition was the strangest
C.suggest that the writer's imagination no longer involved the same imagery
D.inform the reader that students' fears of going first were something of the past
4. Why did the writer volunteer to perform the first audition of that day?
A.To guarantee her role in the play.
B.To break the uncomfortable silence.
C.To show the competitors her advantages.
D.To leave a good impression on the audience.
5. The passage portrays the writer as        .
A.concerned and nervous
B.proud and indifferent (漠不关心的)
C.friendly and generous
D.confused and surprised
完形填空(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . People get truly happy and success by becoming the best and the most genuine(真实的) version of themselves, not on the outside - on the inside. It's not about a brand or a _______ It's about reality: who you really are.

It sounds simple, I know. The problem is, it's very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to _______ it out.

_______ worth doing in life is ever easy. If you want to do great work, it's going to take a lot of hard work to do it. And you're going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some _______ that will scare you so much. But what's the _______ of life if you cannot find yourself and try to become the best?

That's what Steve Jobs _______ when he said: Your time is _______, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out (淹没) your own inner_______. You have to_______ something - your gut (直觉), fate, life, or ______________. This approach has never let me down, and it has ______________ to my life.

Now, let's be ______________ about this for a moment. Insightful as that advice may be, it sounds a little too ______________ to resonate (引起共鸣) with today's quick-fix culture. These days, if you can't tell people exactly what to do and how to do it, it will ______________ deaf ears.

Not only that, but what Jobs was talking about, or what I'm talking about, requires focus and discipline, two things that are very hard to ______________ these days. Why? Because, focus and, discipline are hard. It's so much easier to ______________ to distraction (分心).

There's a business concept called opportunity cost. When you choose one course of action, you will miss out on all the other opportunities you might choose to ______________. People ______________stop to consider that until it's too late.

And yet, the opportunity for adventure is right there in front of each and every one of us. Until you take it, you'll never know what you might ______________. All you have to do is to ______________ the journey. So, take action!

A.drawn close attentionB.attached great importanceC.made all the differenceD.struck a sensitive nerve
A.turn outB.bring aboutC.fall onD.involve in
A.come byB.stand byC.look forD.care for
A.get downB.give inC.give riseD.pay attention
2020-05-20更新 | 215次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市南开区高三下学期模拟考试(一)英语试题
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