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| 共计 62 道试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 容易(0.94) |

1 . The holidays can be a difficult time to stay on track with your fitness goals.     1    . Even the most disciplined people can find it difficult to stick to their fitness routines during the holiday season. Here are some expert-recommended tips that can help you stay on track.

    2    .

Planning is the best way to make sure you don’t lose track of your goals. Plan your workouts for the week and mark them in your schedule to assure they are a part of your day.

Exercise early.

    3    . Make sure workouts are in the morning and you’ll set yourself up for a productive day. Then you can enjoy holiday activities and time with family without worrying about when you’ll have time to exercise.

Keep moving.

Research shows that getting up for just five minutes every 30 to 60 minutes and performing light activities reduces the risk of heart disease risk factors. Small efforts to get moving can help your overall health during the holidays. In addition to staying active, try to avoid sitting for long periods of time, such as when watching football games or eating.     4    .

Think out of the box.

The holidays are busy, but do your best to avoid the “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to physical activity.     5     — like taking a family walk around the neighborhood before opening Christmas presents.

A.Plan ahead
B.Plan out your route before you go
C.Exercising in the morning is one of the biggest tips
D.Remember: too much sitting is harmful to your health
E.Your schedule will be filled with family gatherings and celebrations
F.Get creative with exercise and make physical activity a family affair
G.Rather than skipping the gym altogether, make time for a quick workout
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How did the woman know the gym?
A.From a friend.B.From a website.C.From a newspaper.
2. How long is the gym open a day?
A.16 hours.B.19 hours.C.24 hours.
3. What service does the gym offer now?
A.Nutritious meals.B.Free membership fee.C.Experienced personal trainers.
4. What does the woman decide to do at last?
A.Pay a visit to the gym.
B.Choose a personal trainer.
C.Apply for a membership card.
2024-04-03更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市任丘衡实中学2023-2024学年高二下学期一调英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Here are four writing contests available for high school students.

Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards

Skipping Stones magazine recognizes high school students that are working to promote multicultural and environmental awareness. The written submissions can include short stories, poems, and essays. Winners will receive an honor award certificate, and a year-long subscription to the magazine.

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Noteworthy former winners include John Updike, Truman Capote, and Joyce Carol Oates. Each submission is judged on technical skill, originality, and the presence of a clear vision and voice. Regional and national award winners are qualified for a variety of different monetary awards in addition to publication in the National Catalog.

Bennington Young Writers Awards

Submissions are accepted in the fiction category. Students in 10th through 12th grade can submit a one-act play or a short story, recommended by a high school teacher. The first-place fiction winner receives $500 and the second-place winner receives $ 250.

The Claremont Review Writing Contest

The Claremont Review holds an annual contest in fiction and poetry writing. Submissions are welcome from writers aged 13 to 18 and must be previously unpublished. Winners and those receiving honorable mentions will be published in the autumn issue of The Claremont Review and will receive a year-long subscription to the magazine.

1. Which contest did Truman Capote once win?
A.Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards.
B.Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.
C.Bennington Young Writers Awards.
D.The Claremont Review Writing Contest.
2. Which is a must to enter for Bennington Young Writers Awards?
A.Being a local.B.Paying the entry fee.
C.Handing in an unpublished entry.D.Having a teacher's recommendation.
3. What will the winners of The Claremont Review Writing Contest get?
A.Different cash prizes.B.An honor award certificate.
C.Free magazines for 12 months.D.An opportunity to visit a college.
2024-03-27更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市沧县中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月模拟预测英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Where would Humbert’s 60th marathon take place?
A.In Paris.B.In Athens.C.In Boston.
2. When did Humbert first start racing?
A.In 1998.B.In 1983.C.In 1982.
3. Why does Humbert feel uncertain about taking part in the Olympic Marathon For All?
A.Her family members object.
B.The number of runners is restricted.
C.Her age exceeds the maximum age limit.
4. What is the speaker doing?
A.Recommending a lifestyle.
B.Promoting an event.
C.Introducing a person.
2024-03-27更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市沧县中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月模拟预测英语试题
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是李华, 英语课上老师要求同学们分组讨论体育锻炼对高中生的重要性。请你写一篇英文发言稿, 代表你所在的小组发言。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Hello, everyone,
2024-03-26更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市泊头市高三年级八县联考一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Youyou 是一位视障跑步者,他与领跑员共同训练,最终达到一致的跑步节奏,两人共同进步并因此建立了友谊的故事。

6 . “The benefits brought to my life from running are not only physical. Running gets me out of home,” says Youyou, a visually impaired (视觉障碍) runner.

Yachi has been pacing (领跑) for Youyou for several years. They crashed into each other repeatedly when they first tried running with the 30cm-long rope between them. When they run, a 30cm-long blue rope connects Youyou’s left wrist (手腕) to Yachi’s right. They move like each other’s mirror image, using the rope as a form of communication. When Yachi’s and Youyou’s speeds are the same, the rope will naturally relax. The two don’t actually need to talk too much about running. Now, they run like each other’s clones.

Thanks to the rope, running is no longer a lonely task, explains Yachi. “This is a matter of achievements for both of us. Not only am I helping him improve, he is also pushing me to hold on and be strong,” he says.

When preparing for a competition, more pacers join them, forming a running formation. During training, Yao Ying runs in front, Yachi is on Youyou’s left, and Xiao Yu’er is at the back. Watching them run from behind, the unbreakable formation seems to surround (包围) Youyou; but in fact, all of them are surrounded by the unbreakable force of friendship.

Training is no longer the only purpose of their runs. It also allows them to hang out together as friends. When they go out to eat, Youyou doesn’t really like the restaurants that are overly attentive because he’s visually impaired, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Yachi, Yao Ying and Xiao Yu’er all know Youyou well. No matter what they do, how much progress in running is made, and what exciting competitions are waiting, running has allowed them to connect and head into the unknown together, which in itself is a great achievement.

1. What can be inferred when the rope connecting the runner and the pacer relaxes?
A.They have different speeds.B.Their rope should be removed.
C.They need further communication.D.Their running pace is harmonious.
2. What does Yachi think of running with the rope?
A.It is a boring task.B.It is a win-win practice.
C.It stops him from running faster.D.It requires him to push the runner.
3. Why does Youyou feel uncomfortable in the restaurants?
A.The food is not pleasing.B.He isn’t treated normally.
C.He isn’t offered enough care.D.There are too many people there.
4. What is the suitable title for the text?
A.Pacing Is More Than Just RunningB.Friendship Develops with Competitions
C.An Excellent Running Team Is Being FormedD.A Visually Impaired Runner Achieves Success
2024-02-18更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用: 河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A few years ago, I felt like a true failure. I was doing Weight Watchers for the third time in order to lose weight, but not making ________.

At that time, I spent hours every day working out to my videos and was still ________. I thought I was meant to be overweight forever and there was no need to ________ it. I needed a ________ of heart and mind. That change came in the most ________ way. It came with running. After dinner on Thanksgiving, I went out for a ________ with my family. I had turned my little MP3 player on and was ________ the music when my favorite song came on. I felt like dancing, but that was impossible, for I had my children with me. So I caught the speed a bit and started to run slowly. I was quite ________ with my burst of activity.

What was more surprising was that I ________ the next morning and went out again. After running, I felt strong and ________ at the same time. I ________ the good feelings I felt when I used to run 20 years ago and decided that I wanted more of that. I ________ up for a spring race and practiced hard for it.

________ my weight is still heavier than what I would like, I no longer care about it. I try to stay more focused on my life. Most ________, my workouts are less than an hour per day and I take Sundays off completely. My ________ is to keep exercising in my life but not let it control my life. After all, I am so much more important than my weight.

A.got upB.broke downC.checked outD.came back
A.In caseB.Soon afterC.Even thoughD.As if
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Arm wrestling(扳手腕) is a type of athletic contest.     1     Each one places an elbow(肘) on a table, holds the hand of the other and tries to force it back to connect with the table.

    2     In their view, it doesn’t require many things used in other sports, including physical strength and other skills. In fact, it is not just physical strength; strategy plays a key role. Good observation is also necessary for success in arm wrestling. What’s more, competitive arm wrestling is an organized sport with very specific rules. Anyone who breaks rules may even lead to losing a match.

Like many other sports, there are different classes in arm wrestling. For championships, players are divided into classes by weight.     3    

Arm wrestling has a very long history. It started as just a Saturday night past time. A journalist named Bill Soberanes founded the sport around 1952. Since the American Armsport Association(AAA) sanctioned(认可) it, many organizations have worked hard to support and promote competitive arm wrestling.     4     Some are local, representing certain regions, while others try to promote the sport on an international level. Whether small local or international championships, arm wrestlers from all walks of life put their skills to the test, pushing their bodies to the limit.

Now, arm wrestling attracts a variety of people, of all ages and backgrounds.     5    Many people enjoy the sport purely for fun, while others approach it with spirit common in true competitors.

A.There are two competitors in the contest.
B.Their health conditions need to be considered.
C.Arm wrestling is widely accepted among the young.
D.Many people don’t think of arm wrestling as a sport.
E.It can be as exciting for the young as it is for the old.
F.They contribute to improving the image people have of arm wrestling.
G.There are also different divisions for those who wrest with the right hand, in contrast to those with left one.
2024-02-05更新 | 67次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A pacer is someone who runs in races or marathons to help set the pace for runners. There are different types of pacers. A race pacer usually carries a sign highlighting a specific competition time for a race. He helps runners reach their goals without relying on technology, such as a smart watch or GPS. Professional pacers are used in long-distance races. They run at different sections of the race to inspire runners. A record pacer helps a professional runner set a new record, who often leads the race for a predetermined distance at a predetermined pace.

A runner being paced runs directly following a pacer. Having a pacer can be helpful for a long-distance runner because researches show that it takes more energy to lead in a race all through the race than to follow another runner. The pacer takes on the responsibility of timing and establishing the pace so the runner only has to focus on his own running. Having a pacer as a guide in a long race can take some of the stress and pressure off by keeping an even pace. The pacer may also provide encouragement along the way to work towards the goal.

There are times, though, when running with a pacer can be more stressful than beneficial for a runner — especially for amateur runners. Not having taken professional training, you set a goal to run a particular pace, but then you realize this may not be the best speed for you. In some cases, the pacer is running too quickly for what you can stand. Other times, you could misjudge your abilities and run a slower pace than what your body can bear.

It is important to note that you don’t have to stay with a pacer just because you started with him. If you feel strong at the end and want to finish faster, you can run ahead. Or if he is too fast, you could slow down and maybe even join the slower pace group behind you.

1. What does a record pacer do?
A.He provides technical support.
B.He helps a runner keep the record.
C.He offers medical help to a runner.
D.He leads a professional runner at a speed set beforehand.
2. What does the underlined word “amateur” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What advice does the author give us in the last paragraph?
A.Changing pacers from time to time.
B.Following the pacer strictly all through the race.
C.Giving up something and preparing for a breakthrough.
D.Listening to your body and doing what feels right for you.
4. In which section of a website can the text be found?
A.Sport and fitness.B.Science and technology.
C.History and culture.D.Health and lifestyle.
书信写作-告知信 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定你是李华,你校上周组织拔河比赛,你班获得了第一名。请给你的英国朋友George讲述本次活动。内容包括:
1. 比赛的目的;
2. 比赛的情况;
3. 你的感受。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
参考词汇:拔河比赛tug of war
Dear George,


Li Hua

2024-01-16更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般