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1 . 假定你是李华,最近听说美国朋友Mike体弱易病,你给Mike写信,建议他要加强锻炼来强身健体。要点包括:
Dear Mike,

Sorry to know that you feel weak and often fall ill. I am writing to give you some advice.


I sincerely hope you can build up strength by taking exercise.


Li Hua

7日内更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水市武强中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . When it comes to being fit and healthy, we’re often reminded to aim to walk 10,000 steps every day. This can make many unhappy because it is a task difficult to achieve, especially when we’re busy with work and other businesses — and yet where did this number actually come from?

The 10,000 steps a day target sens to have come about from a trade name pedometer (计步器) sold in 1965 by Yamasa Clock in Japan. The device was called “Manpo-kei”, which translates to “10,000 steps meter”. This was a marketing tool for the device and has seemed to have stuck across the world as the daily step target. It’s even included in daily activity targets by popular smart watches,such as Fitbit.

Research has since investigated the 10,000 steps a day target. But while some research has shown health benefits at 10,000 steps, recent research from Harvard Medical School has shown that,on average, around 4,400 steps a day is enough to clearly lower the risk of death in women. This was when compared to only walking around 2,700 steps daily. The more steps people walked, the lower their risk of dying was, before leveling off at around 7,500 steps a day. No additional benefits were seen with more steps. Although it’s uncertain whether similar results would be seen in men, it’s one example of how moving a little bit more daily can improve health and lower risk of death.

Recent research at the University of Texas has also shown that if you’re walking fewer than 5,000 steps a day, your body is less able to metabolize (新陈代谢) fat the following day. A buildup of fat in the body can also increase a person’s likelihood of developing heart disease and diabetes. This is further supported by earlier research which showed people who walked less than 4,000 steps a day could not change this decreased fat metabolism.

If you want to increase how many steps you get daily, or simply want to move more, one easy way includes walking to work if possible, or taking part of an online exercise program if you’re working from home. Meeting with friends for a walk — rather than in a cafe or pub — can also be useful.

1. What does the author think of the 10,000 steps every day?
A.It is hard to achieve for many people.
B.It is likely to go out of style quickly.
C.It is obviously good for women only.
D.It is helpful to slow fat metabolism.
2. What does research from the Harvard Medical School suggest about the target?
A.It matters as much as 7,500 steps a day.
B.The more steps, the lower risk of death.
C.A bit more than the target can improve health.
D.About half that target appears to be enough.
3. What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Absence of earlier research.
B.Recent findings of fat buildup.
C.Problems of less daily walking.
D.Possible causes of physical challenges.
4. Which of the following is one of the suggested ways according to the passage?
A.Working at home.B.Treating friends in a cafe or pub.
C.Driving to work.D.Signing up for online exercise programs.
2024-01-06更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月期中英语试题
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3 . For people suffering from depression, there’s an all-natural treatment they should use — getting more exercise. It could help fight depression, even if people have a genetic risk, new research shows.

For the study, researchers collected information from nearly 8,000 people and found those with related genes were more likely to have depression over the next two years after examining them. But that was less likely for people who were more active at the study’s start, even if they had a family history of depression. Higher levels of physical activity helped protect even those with the highest genetic risk of depression.

Both high-intensity (高强度) exercise and low-intensity activities were associated with a reduced risk of depression. Adding four hours of exercise a week could lower the risk of a new episode (一段经历) of depression by 17%, according to the study. “Our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, being physically active has the potential to remove the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically risky,” said lead author Karmel Choi. “On average, about 35 additional minutes of physical activity each day may help people to reduce their risk and protect against future depression episodes.”

Depression is a common mental illness globally, with more than 264 million people affected. “Depression is so ubiquitous, and that underlines the need for effective approaches that can impact as many people as possible,” Choi said. And mental health and primary care providers can use the findings to advise patients that there’s something meaningful they can do to lower their risk of depression.

1. How did the researchers reach their conclusion?
A.By analyzing a mass of data.
B.By conducting genetic research.
C.By comparing various levels of activity.
D.By tracking the subjects for many years.
2. What does the study show about depression?
A.Physical activity betters medical treatment.
B.Exercise is able to decrease and prevent it.
C.Different levels of exercise intensity matter the same.
D.Exercising 35 minutes daily is the most effective treatment.
3. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To discuss a disease.
B.To introduce a method.
C.To analyze a genetic risk.
D.To explain a phenomenon.
2023-12-23更新 | 81次组卷 | 28卷引用:河北省唐县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月期中英语试题
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4 . Boston Marathon runners in recent years may have seen a smiling furry face around the two-mile mark. It’s Spencer, the therapy (治疗) dog, who became known as an unofficial mascot (吉祥物) for the marathon, He’s shown up on the sidelines every year since 2015—rain or shine.

One particularly rainy marathon catapulted Spencer’s fame, In 2018, his owner, Richard Powers, decided to put a bright yellow rain coat on the dog, making him stand out even more than he usually does. Photos of Spencer, who holds a “Boston Strong” flag in his mouth, went viral, and he became an inspiration to runners and onlookers alike, During the marathon, some runners stop in their tracks to take selfies with the dog-the line sometimes growing to 20 runners long.

But in 2020, Spencer was diagnosed with a tumor (肿瘤). His owner was worried, but Spencer is a fighter. He got the care he needed and survived. In 2021, he was back on the course and it was really kind of a miracle and that really hit home to a lot of people.

Unfortunately, Spencer caught another tumor—this one cancerous—and Spencer began chemotherapy. Powers didn’t think his beloved dog would make it out to the marathon of 2022. “Miraculously, he’s still here with us and an even bigger miracle, he was strong enough to go to the marathon,” he said.

After recovering, Spencer was back to work—not just at the marathon—but as a therapy dog, alongside his companion, Penny, who is also a golden therapy dog. Powers takes his two therapy dogs around to schools, hospitals and senior living centers.

“He’s a gift to us and we’re very lucky to have him. He’s too good so we want to share him with as many people as we possibly can. He does make a difference,” Powers said.

1. Why is Spencer referred to as a mascot for Boston Marathon?
A.He has a smiling furry face.B.He appears at the event annually.
C.He is not recognized officially.D.He works as a therapy dog for runners.
2. What does Spencer bring to runners?
3. What did Spencer go through in 2020?
A.A failure in the marathon.B.Caring for his owner.C.Fighting against a disease.D.Going viral.
4. What was Powers’ initial attitude towards Spence’s appearing at the marathon of 2022?
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5 . The Games are the world’s largest sporting event and almost 10 million tickets are set to go on sale for the 2024 Olympics, with 2.8 million for the Paralympics. Spectators will experience the 2024 Games alongside the greatest sporting champions in a unique atmosphere―celebrating with the whole world.

A number of different options for attending the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be available, but they will all be sold via a single site. For the first time in the history of the Games, ticket sales will be online only and accessible worldwide.

Tickets for the Olympic Games are now available without any draw(抽签). Tickets for various sessions may go on sale at anytime up until the Olympic Games, so stay tuned! For the Paralympic Games, single tickets and day passes for several Paralympic sports are on sale.

The Summer 2024 Olympic Games will take place from 26 July to 11 August 2024 and the Summer 2024 Paralympic Games will take place from 28 August to 8 September 2024.

Please note that Paris 2024 reserves the right to modify or adapt its sales policy for tickets and hospitality at anytime. By buying tickets or hospitality packages (贵宾套票) outside the official channels, the buyer runs the risk that tickets or packages are not delivered to them or the access will be denied by the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee in accordance with the terms and conditions, In addition, all buyers are informed that unauthorized sale or resale of tickets outside the official channels, constitutes(构成) an offense under French law.

1. What is special about the ticket sales of the 2024 Games?
A.Draw-based tickets.B.Online-only sales.
C.In-person sales only.D.Unlimited tickets.
2. When can a sports fan attend the 2024 Games?
A.26 June to 11 July 2024.B.28 July to 12 August 2024.
C.11 August to 28 August 2024.D.30 August to 8 September 2024.
3. What may a person risk when buying tickets outside the official channels?
A.Access denial.B.Guaranteed delivery.C.Higher prices.D.Special privileges.
2023-12-14更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市N20名校联合体2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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6 . It will come as no comfort to a child shivering (打哆嗦) on a playing field on a cold winter’s day. But regular organized school sport helps children in their academic studies in years to come. The researchers said other “structured” activities such as music or religious activities were not as beneficial for attention-as taking part in a games lesson. The difference in academic ability was noticeable even at age ten, with those who had taken in sports since the start of junior school performing better than those who hadn’t.

The Canadian study looked at children aged six and then ten. Professor Linda Pagani said: “We worked with information provided by parents and teachers to compare kindergarteners’ activities with their classroom activities as they grew up. By the time they reached the fourth grade, kids who played structured sports were clearly better at following instructions and remaining focused in the classroom. There is something special to the sporting environment — perhaps the sense of belonging to a team to a special group with a common goal— that appears to help kids understand the importance of respecting the rules and honoring responsibilities.”

Researchers began studying 2, 694 Canadian children around the age of six, with teachers filled in questionnaires about their behavior in school. Meanwhile, the children’s parents were interviewed by phone or in person about their home life. The exercise was the repeated four years later to test what effect the behavior had.

Professor Pagani said: “We found children who had better behavior in the kindergarten class were more likely to be involved in sport by age ten. Nevertheless, we found those children who were specifically involved in team sports at kindergarten scored higher by the time they reached the fourth grade.” The researchers believe sporting activities and attention skills go hand in hand. Professor Pagani added: “The results should be encouraging for schools looking to cut childhood obesity rates and low attainment in schools.”

1. What kinds of children may do better in their academic study according to paragraph one?
A.Those who join in structured activities.
B.Those who don’t shiver on a cold winter’s day.
C.Those who don’t like school sports.
D.Those who take part in game lessons.
2. What did the researcher focus on in their research?
A.The classroom activities.B.The results of the exams.
C.The performance at kindergarten.D.The time spent in classrooms.
3. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
A.How scientists carried out the research.
B.Why parents were interviewed by phone.
C.How kids behaved at home or at school.
D.How many sports kids did at school.
4. What can we infer from Prof. Pagani’s words in the last paragraph?
A.The research will be of great benefit.
B.It’s necessary for children go to kindergartens.
C.Childhood obesity rates can lead to low attainment.
D.Team sports will be reduced at kindergartens.
2023-12-10更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:县河北武邑中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月期中英语试题
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7 . “Second place is just the first loser” is a well-known saying from the legendary NASCAR champion Dale Eamhardt. Or as my father put it jokingly, “It’s not enough to win. Your friends have to lose too.” We may not want others to know our thoughts, but many of us think this way, because we are born to compete with each other. However, if left unmanaged, this can create disagreements between ourselves and others. Fortunately, there is a way to solve this problem: instead of always going for gold, aim for the bronze (铜牌) .

To expand on the wisdom of Earnhardt, let’s put it another way: although second place may be the first loser, third place can be the real winner, at least when it comes to happiness. A 1995 study discovered that bronze winners appeared happier on average than silver medalists, while another research in 2018 studied U.S. athletes in the Olympics from 1904 to 1936 and found that those whose best performance was silver lived to 72 on average. Gold medalists beat this by living to 76 But the first prize went to the bronze winners, who lived to 78.

The social concepts of upward and downward comparison help explain the difference. Silver medalists see themselves as the first loser because they compare themselves only with the champions. However, the bronze winners compare downwards with those who have never made it onto the podium at all. Therefore, they feel better about themselves and thus, happier. The feeling shows up in improved health. In fact, researchers have found that comparing ourselves with the unfortunate ones can help prevent a negative mood. The comparison is not from a feeling of ill will, but because rewards in life are relative (相对的).

The worldly happiness strategy of working for gold every day is foolish. Stop spending most of your time feeling like a silver medalist or always relying your happiness on a single result. Rather, aim for healthy competitions in which you do your best without the expectation of being the top winner.

1. What will be influenced by the type of medal one receives?
2. What does the underlined word “podium” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.The place to receive the awards.
B.The place to meet his or her fans.
C.The place to build up one’s body.
D.The place to have the competitions.
3. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Who Is the Real Winner?B.How to Win a Gold Medal?
C.Should We Work for Gold?D.Is It Difficult to Win?
4. Who might be attracted by this article?
A.Athletes.B.Reporters. C.Doctors. D.Soldiers.
2023-12-09更新 | 89次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省石家庄市精英中学2023-2024学年高一上学期英语期中试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
8 . What did the man do last night?
A.He played a game.B.He watched a movie.C.He did some training.
2023-12-07更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水志华实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. For what did the woman win $200?
A.A quiz.B.A show.C.A book.
2. Where did the woman and her friends win a bottle of whisky?
A.At a pub.B.At a canteen.C.At a lottery store.
3. What is the man expecting?
A.To write a better book.
B.To win a bigger lottery prize.
C.To share the woman’s prize.
2023-12-06更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省昌黎文汇学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . Why is the woman talking to the man?
A.To inform him of a contest.
B.To ask him about the contest.
C.To encourage him to enter a contest.
2023-12-06更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省昌黎文汇学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
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