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听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . What programme comes first on TV?
A.A talent show.B.A movie.C.A basketball match.
2024-04-17更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高三下学期4月期中英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
2 . What was the final score?
2024-04-15更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高三下学期4月期中英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The basketball court was filled with eager students and cheerleaders were waving their pompoms at the stands. Excited cheers could be heard from all sides of the court. My teammates and I got fully prepared for our basketball competition. Our hearts were pounding in expectation of the competition ahead.

“And let’s all welcome the Blue Team!” the emcee (主持人) announced through the microphone. All of us marched in proudly as everyone cheered at the top of their lungs. “And welcome the Red Team!” the emcee announced, and the Red Team came in. We were astonished to see that the Red Team was filled with tall and strong members! We were trembling with fear as we walked slowly towards the centre of the court. As we were short of teammates, our confidence in winning wavered (减弱).

The judge threw the ball and the other team quickly caught it! The ball danced between their hands. Our defence seemed to be in slow motion compared to the Red Team’s swiftness. Soon, the other team scored!

We were losing the match as time passed. To make matters worse, our star player, Tom, even tripped and fell, hurting his ankle! We were losing hope as our best player was gone. Just then, our captain called for a time-out. On the bench, our captain announced that this would be his last match. “Come on! Don’t give up! I want to win one last trophy (奖杯) before I quit. Let’s do it!” he insisted, giving us a wide smile. Hearing this, our team held our fists tightly. We were focused on winning this match and making our captain proud! The judge threw the ball once more. I jumped as high as I could and caught the ball. I ran as fast as lightning and scored. Our opponents were nervous but they still scored a few goals to catch up. A few minutes later, we were neck to neck, locked in a tie.


Whoever scored this one goal would win the competition!


The crowd erupted into deafening applause.

阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world.     1     Football as we know it today started in Great Britain, where the game was given new rules.

That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.     2     You don’t need expensive equipment; even the ball doesn’t have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags.

    3     It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognize the skill of professional players—how they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see—or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.

What’s more, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it.     4     Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. World War I had broken out months before, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together—one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.

“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, ... ” said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “    5    ” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realize that our planet is shaped like a football.

A.It is also a game that is very cheap to play.
B.While others think football is just a matter of exercise.
C.I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.
D.It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field.
E.Besides, football can help people improve physical exercise and skills
F.The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China.
G.Another factor behind football’s global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field.
2024-04-09更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了澳大利亚的跑步者Erchana Murray-Bartlett ,在150天内跑完了150 场马拉松,打破了世界纪录。她开始这次马拉松挑战是为了呼吁人们提高对澳大利亚的动植物灭绝危机的意识。
5 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Australian Murray-Bartlett completed 150 marathons in 150 days,     1     (run) 6,300 kilometers (3,900miles) from the country’s northern tip to the southern city of Melbourne, which could be     2     new world record.

The 32-year-old runner     3     (cross) the finish line on Monday after a feat (壮举) that, if     4     (confirm), will beat the previous world record of 106 consecutive marathons set by British national Kate Jayden last year. CNN has reached out to Guinness World Records to confirm Murray-Bartlett’s official standing.

While Jayden sought to raise money     5     refugees, Murray-Bartlett completed her run -- documented on Instagram -- to raise awareness of the threats to Australia’s biodiversity.

“Australia is fantastic     6     beautiful. And that was one of the key things I wanted to get out of this run. It was to present Australia’s     7     (various) to the world -- we have globally significant national parks, the Great Barrier Reef, and exploring them on foot is such a unique, different way to do it,” Murray-Bartlett said.

Australia,     8     has one of the world’s worst records on extinctions, last year announced a 10-year plan to try to prevent any more species from dying out in the country. The country’s wildlife     9     (suffer) the effects of natural disasters and the climate crisis in recent years, including     10     (destroy) bushfires in 2019-20 that killed or displaced nearly 3 billion animals, according to estimates from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

2023-12-31更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省淮安市楚州中学新马高级中学二校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Dive into icy depths may not sound appealing, but for enthusiasts of cold-water therapy (治疗), the benefits greatly outweigh any short-term discomfort. Participants claim jumping into or swimming in water no warmer than 15 degrees Celsius leaves them energetic and clear-headed, and even relieves pain.

Cold-water therapy has become more mainstream in recent years, in part due to the influence of Wim Hof, a famous Dutch extreme athlete who developed his own method of cold therapy coupled with conscious-breathing techniques, but it’s not a new trend. 2,000years ago, ancient Greeks used water therapy to relieve fatigue and treat fever.

In Scandinavian countries, a traditional sauna (桑拿) session is sometimes followed by a cold swimming. Changing between hot and cold temperatures enables blood to move quicker in the skin. High-performance athletes also use ice baths or cold showers to help reduce the delayed-onset muscle pains that follows intense exercise. And recent research suggests impressive benefits for mental health and stress management.

Cold exposure increases “feel-good” hormones, says Harper Phillie, one of a study’s authors. Swimming is also good exercise and often a social activity, which helps to get rid of anxiety and allows the body to feel both pleasure and motivation. Harper has been Coldwater swimming for nearly two decades and compares the stress of cold-water therapy to that of intense exercise. “Done safely, it’s a pretty effective way to train the body,” he says, “But if you’ve got a heart condition, you have to be careful.”

If open water isn’t your thing, consider cold showers. For those wanting to try Coldwater swimming in a lake or ocean, ease into it with short exposure times—just long enough for your body to get past the shock. Never start by submerging your entire body in at once, and always swim with a friend. Gradually increase the time you spend in cold water to three or four minutes, at least once a week. “That’s all you need to get the benefits,” says Harper.

1. What may contribute to the popularity of cold-water therapy?
A.Appearance anxiety.B.Celebrity effect.
C.Peer pressure.D.Sports fever.
2. Why do the Scandinavians favor a sauna after a cold swimming?
A.To keep their skin smooth.B.To relieve the muscle pain.
C.To bond closer with friends.D.To increase their blood flow.
3. How does cold water therapy benefit Phillie?
A.By killing time.B.By lifting spirits.
C.By removing fear.D.By curing diseases.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Cold swimming makes you clear-headed
B.Tolerance training benefits intelligence
C.Dive into coldness, stay in fitness
D.More icy exposure, more gains
2023-12-31更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省名校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . What will the man do this weekend?
A.Go for a barbecue.B.Watch a basketball game.C.Have fun in a park.
2023-12-31更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A nine-year-old boy has set a new 5km parkrun world record for his age group. Louis Robinett, a member of the Poole Runners junior athletics club, shaved 13 seconds off the previous world record, which was set in California in 2017, after he crossed the line in 17 minutes and 40 seconds.

Louis, who broke the record at the Poole parkrun in Dorset on Saturday, said, “I’m on top of the world right now. It’s a huge deal to break a world record. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family and the team at Poole Runners.”

Louis was accompanied on the parkrun by Dion Garner, a member of his athletics club, as all under-11s in the 5km event must run within arm’s length of an adult. Garner said of Louis’s achievement, “His natural talent, combined with his dedication and spirit, is mind-blowing. He loves the sports and has really practiced a lot.” A spokesman for Poole Runners said, “With his new world record, Louis has raised the bar for young athletes everywhere. This isn’t just a win for Louis, it’s a new benchmark (标准) for youth sports, inspiring children all over the world to aim higher.”

Parkrun was started by 13 friends as a weekly event in Bushy Park, southwest London, in 2004. By 2015 more than 80,000 people were gathering in parks around the world each Saturday to participate in a parkrun. Only three years later about a quarter of a million people were taking part in parkruns each week, in 1,500 events spread across 20 countries. In comparison, 48,000 runners took part in the London Marathon this year.

1. What is the previous 5km parkrun world record?
A.17 minutes and 27 seconds.B.17 minutes and 23 seconds.
C.17 minutes and 40 seconds.D.17 minutes and 53 seconds.
2. How was Louis after breaking the world record?
A.Surprised and thankful.B.Modest and satisfied.
C.Grateful and proud.D.Thrilled and shocked.
3. What does the underlined word “dedication” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. What can we know from Paragraph 4?
A.Parkrun is ancient but increasingly popular.B.Standards are needed to make parkrun formal.
C.Parkrun originates from pals’ run during the week.D.Over 20 countries are competing to host a parkrun.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For people suffering from depression, there’s an all-natural treatment they should use — getting more exercise. It could help fight depression, even if people have a genetic risk, new research shows.

For the study, researchers collected information from nearly 8,000 people and found those with related genes were more likely to have depression over the next two years after examining them. But that was less likely for people who were more active at the study’s start, even if they had a family history of depression. Higher levels of physical activity helped protect even those with the highest genetic risk of depression.

Both high-intensity (高强度) exercise and low-intensity activities were associated with a reduced risk of depression. Adding four hours of exercise a week could lower the risk of a new episode (一段经历) of depression by 17%, according to the study. “Our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, being physically active has the potential to remove the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically risky,” said lead author Karmel Choi. “On average, about 35 additional minutes of physical activity each day may help people to reduce their risk and protect against future depression episodes.”

Depression is a common mental illness globally, with more than 264 million people affected. “Depression is so ubiquitous, and that underlines the need for effective approaches that can impact as many people as possible,” Choi said. And mental health and primary care providers can use the findings to advise patients that there’s something meaningful they can do to lower their risk of depression.

1. How did the researchers reach their conclusion?
A.By analyzing a mass of data.
B.By conducting genetic research.
C.By comparing various levels of activity.
D.By tracking the subjects for many years.
2. What does the study show about depression?
A.Physical activity betters medical treatment.
B.Exercise is able to decrease and prevent it.
C.Different levels of exercise intensity matter the same.
D.Exercising 35 minutes daily is the most effective treatment.
3. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To discuss a disease.
B.To introduce a method.
C.To analyze a genetic risk.
D.To explain a phenomenon.
2023-12-23更新 | 81次组卷 | 28卷引用:湖南省常德市汉寿县汉寿县第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . The heroes helping the stars shine

The 19th Asian Games, which comes to a close on Sunday, has witnessed the great contribution of people from all walks of life.

Liu Shuyi

The security staff member has been responsible for the protection of rifle (步枪) and pistol ammunition (手枪弹药) for events such as shooting and modern pentathlon (现代五项运动).

“Due to the varied gun control policies in different countries, we worried that athletes might not understand the local rules. However, those concerns were all relieved when everyone showed understanding and cooperation.” Liu said.

Lu Baolin

“I wake up every day at 2:00 am, set off at 4:30 am, drive more than 30 kilometers to take athletes to the competition venue, and then return to the Asian Games Village. Each round trip takes almost two hours, and on each competition day, I make the journey three times,” Lu said.

His son is also involved in the Games, providing security services. Due to their work commitments, they hardly see each other these days. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family spent over an hour chatting via video call, celebrating the festival together online.

Shi Futian

As a sports reporter at English-language newspaper China Daily, he said “I feel very lucky to participate in such a huge event as a journalist. I also hope that through our media coverage, more people will get to know the athletes and understand their stories.”

Li Guanlin

A volunteer at the Basketball Arena in Shaoxing Olympic Sports Centre Gymnasium, and his job is to ensure that the court is free from debris (碎片), sweat stains and watermarks, and to ensure the smooth progress of the matches by helping prevent athletes from slipping and avoiding any unnecessary injuries.

“When I am on duty at the court, my family will look for me during the live broadcast.

They told me that seeing me busily working makes them realize how much I’ve grown up.”

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1. What can we learn about Lu Baolin?
A.He is in charge of the security service.
B.He has to make a journey among different cities.
C.He sacrificed time spent with family due to his duty.
D.He doesn’t need to be an early riser during the Games.
2. Whose job is to guarantee the safety of the athletes on the court?
A.Liu Shuyi.B.Lu Baolin.C.Shi Futian.D.Li Guanlin.
3. Where is the text most probably taken?
A.A sports magazine.B.An online forum.
C.A government report.D.A history textbook.
2023-12-22更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市滨城高中联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期期中(Ⅱ)考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般