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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . A lot of people assume the more work they put in at the gym, and the longer and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be.     1     But if you want to get the best gains, the key is to focus on the quality of the work rather than the quantity.

Your body is capable of making only tiny adaptations and improvements at any one time. Once you've given it enough push to make these changes, any additional work you do after that point won't be making you any better.     2     This is because you'll need longer to recover afterwards. Besides, you won't feel fresh when you start your next session. Ideally, it's just enough to do the smallest amount of work required to promote growth in every workout.     3     Thus the minimum amount of exercise brings the maximum physical gains.

    4     For example, if a new gym-goer wants to get stronger, he might start a squat (深蹲) workout, which is made up of ten steps, each having five repetitions. In theory, it's a sensible way for building strength. If he's only attempted three steps in his previous exercise, it's far from enough. The fourth step would push him past his previous limit and force adaptation. But the subsequent steps are meant for more professional people.     5    

As a general rule, regardless of your experience, aim to only increase the volume of any exercise by one step from workout to workout.

A.It seems logical.
B.Instead, it'll harm your progress.
C.It's natural that you may want to keep fit.
D.After that, you can stop exercising during the day.
E.Only in this way can you enjoy the benefit of exercise.
F.They would just increase the chance of injury for beginners.
G.How much exercise you need to do depends on your current fitness level.
7日内更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市重庆市沙坪坝区重庆市第一中学校高三下学期5月模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。对一名体育选手而言,要想在一场激烈的竞技比赛中脱颖而出,充分细致的 准备工作必不可少。

2 . Entering competitions can be fun, and it’s a good way to hone(磨炼)your skills. While you can’t expect to win every time, you can increase your chances of winning with the right strategy and preparation. These are general tips that can be applied to your competition of choice.

Research and choose the right competition.     1     Choose a competition at which you’ll excel, and make sure it’s far enough in the future that you have plenty of time to train effectively. Do some research into the judges and organizers as well to see what they look for in a winning competitor.

Don’t psych yourself out. Plenty of people get scared off by a competition’s requirements and don’t enter in the first place.     2     Since you’ve done your research, you can be confident in your choice to compete and your potential to win. So, stand strong even when you have your doubts and when others may be dropping out.

Learn your competition. Remember that you’re not competing with everyone in the competition. There may be many applicants and candidates, but there will only be a few contenders(竞争者)and finalists.     3    

Make a checklist. Everyone has different productivity styles. If it helps, consider making a training checklist.     4     A checklist is what weightlifters do, for example, to keep track of the exercises they’ve done, the number of reps, and the weight. With a written checklist, you also have one less thing to think and worry about.

    5     Leave sticky notes on your mirror or car steering wheel. Write down anything motivational to keep you inspired. It doesn’t have to be specific. It can simply be, “You OWN the track today!” or “35.5 IS my time!”

A.Stick to your training.
B.Others drop out along the way.
C.Give yourself encouraging reminders.
D.Focus on understanding and beating them.
E.This is the time to set reasonable and achievable goals.
F.It provides you a sense of accomplishment along the way.
G.It might be important if you don’t have a coach to guide you.
2024-03-13更新 | 163次组卷 | 4卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Is walking good exercise?

For exercise to really count, it has to be hard or complicated, or leave you totally wiped out with muscle pain for days-right? Not at all! While high-intensity activity certainly has its place, so does the most basic, accessible form of exercise: walking.    1    

Walking is great for all exercise levels.

One of the biggest reasons walking is so popular is because it’s a low-impact exercise. It doesn’t put nearly as much pressure on the joints(关节)as running or any sort of jumping or hopping movement.     2     It’s a gentle way to get the blood flowing and circulate oxygen and nutrients(营养物质)to muscles.

Starting is easy.

For people just getting started with fitness, walking is a wonderful form of aerobic exercise(有氧运动).    3     Just get up and walk, and you’ll get your heart and lungs working. Unlike other forms of cardio-like running, biking, dance workouts, or boxing-walking isn’t frightening, and it doesn’t require lessons or special equipment.


Enhanced blood flow is going to improve recovery and help ease muscle pain. Although it is not going to completely heal it, it can help reduce it and accelerate the muscle repair process.     5     Chemicals that are released in the body when our cells create and use energy to power through a tough workout may further boost recovery.

A.Not just for beginners.
B.Excellent for recovery.
C.The risk of injury is relatively low.
D.Walking can also help the body sweep away waste products.
E.Walking is a form of mental health treatment for many people
F.You don’t need any earlier or special knowledge or training to start.
G.Recently, it’s become an even more vital physical activity for many people.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The basics of running aren’t hard to master. Mostly, you need comfortable shoes, sports clothes and steady speed. But sometimes we make things more difficult than they really are.

    1    .
Treating training runs as races

If you expect to cover today’s three-mile training run faster than last week’s three-mile training run, you’re doing it wrong. Yes, you’ll run the same distance faster over the long term, but that doesn’t mean constantly trying to break your past time record.     2    . Think of a race like a test. Then, training is studying.


If you start with a run-walk program, you may think that walking is to have a rest, which are not running. But when it comes to the fitness they build, walking and running are the same thing, just at different speeds. Walking isn’t a rest at all, but it’s part of your training.

Running hard with easy walk breaks

It may make you run for a while and stop to rest for a while.     4    . If you must mix running with walking on your easy days, make it a easy walk and a slow run.

Discouraging yourself

This may be the biggest mistake you’re likely to make as a new runner. You’re annoyed that you’re slow, so you push yourself to go faster than you’re ready for. But the way you get faster is by training at a pace that is appropriate to your current fitness.     5    .

A.Run a race to put your speed to the test
B.Here are some mistakes new runners make
C.Thinking walking is the opposite of running
D.Running to break a time record is called racing
E.The best shoes was the ones that feel good when you run
F.Most training runs should be with confidence rather than chasing speed
G.A combination of running and walking won’t teach you how to run continuously
2023-10-13更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市部分学校2022-2023学年高二下学期5月联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The summer heat and humidity can make even the most dedicated outdoor runner feel un motivated. For those who want an alternative to running on the roads without losing their fitness, deep water running, or aqua jogging, could be a useful cross-training exercise. Many runners turn to deep water running as the last resort when they are injured because aqua jogging is not weight-bearing.     1    .

To get into this exercise, you will need access to a pool that is deep enough so that your feet don’t touch the ground. The depth of the water should be at least five inches less than your height.    2    There are different kinds available to purchase or rent online and at swimming pools. Wear one that feels comfortable.

The best way to aqua jog is to imitate running on land. The movement of your arms and legs should look similar to land-based running. Everything except your head and the top part of your shoulders should be underwater.    3    But practice a running motion once you feel more confident in your balance and core control.

    4    Runners should treat the first three sessions as a learning experience rather than a hard workout. Workouts can be continuous, easy running or a combination of short bursts at a comfortably hard pace followed by brief periods at an easier active recovery pace. The sessions can be as short as 20 minutes.

As helpful as it is, aqua jogging is not meant to replace all of your regular running. Your heart rate will be slightly lower while aqua jogging for the same level of exercise on land.    5    .

A.Work your legs up as you would in a run.
B.Getting used to running in the pool takes time.
C.A cycling action of the legs is easier to start with.
D.Professional instructions are essential for beginners.
E.So increase your speed if you want to increase intensity.
F.It provides tremendous benefits to healthy individuals, too.
G.A flotation belt around your waist will help your running technique.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Why Do Speed Skaters Wear Glasses?

The reasons why skiers and snowboarders wear glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if you’ve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight reflected off the snow can make it hard to see.     1     Special colored lenses (镜片) create contrast, so your whole path won’t look like one flat expanse of whiteness. Not to mention that eyewear protects your eyes from any snow coming into your eyes.

Olympic speed skaters, meanwhile, are racing inside on smooth ice.     2    

According to NBC Olympics, glasses can increase visibility on indoor tracks, too, and some skaters’ lenses are used to help with that. And while the ice may look smooth from a distance, those sharp blades (冰刀) can kick up ice chips.     3     In the event of a crash, shatter-proof glasses (防摔眼镜) also protect skaters’ eyes from blades and body parts.

    4     Short-track speed skaters can go as fast as 30 miles per hour or more, and long-track speed skaters sometimes hit about 35 miles per hour. The wind resistance generated by such speed is enough to make any skater’s eyes start streaming with tears. Imagine leaning your head out the window of a car that’s going around 35 miles per hour on a cold day: You’d probably want to be wearing glasses, too.

Glasses aren’t a requirement.     5     Belgium’s Stijn Desmet, for example, has raced in Beijing without eyewear, as has China’s Zhang Chutong.

A.So why do they wear glasses?
B.UV rays can even damage your eyesight.
C.Definitely all the speed skaters wear glasses.
D.But the biggest reason just might be their speed.
E.You’ll occasionally see speed skaters without them.
F.That could pose problems if they end up in your eyes.
G.Athletes are all smiling and praising quality of glasses.
2023-08-21更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市部分学校2022-2023学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Three stretches (伸展) you should do every day

For one who doesn’t get much physical activity, a sore and achy back is a common problem.     1    . What are the basic stretches everyone should try?

Here are a few simple moves that anyone can fit into their daily exercise.


Slowly rolling your neck in one direction, then the other, is a simple but effective way to relax some of your muscles. When you’re done, move on to rolling your shoulders forwards and backwards. They may seem simple, but these are really good for reducing stress and tension in the body. Most people hold a lot of tension in their shoulders.     3    .

Forward folds (弯曲)

Even if you can’t touch your toes, folding your body forwards is a great move for loosening up your back.     4    : you can stand up and bend down towards the ground, sit down with your legs in front of you and reach towards your feet, or even just bend forwards in your office chair.

Butterfly poses

It’s great for you to stretch your back and inner thighs.     5    . If the pose is new to you, don’t worry about making the stretch very deep — you can move your feet further away from your body to make things easier, and stay seated straight up.

A.Neck and shoulder rolls
B.Walk forwards and backwards
C.Rolling them really helps relieve it
D.You should take long and deep breaths
E.Sit with your feet together and knees apart
F.There are a few ways you can go into a fold
G.However, making stretches can help improve it
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . People refer to never forgetting how to ride a bike or throw a baseball as examples of “muscle memory”, the result of a motor learning.     1     It is a phenomenon that previously trained muscles acquire strength after a period of disuse.

Previous research has shown that the changes actually persist in the muscles themselves. In one study of mice, the results suggest that after nuclei in muscle cells multiply in response to an overload of training, those extra nuclei aren’t lost during subsequent periods of inactivity. They are retained (保留), essentially waiting to be reactivated. If you fell off the fitness wagon (马车) during the pandemic, don’t be frustrated. Once you have got additional nuclei, you are banking the capacity.     2     In fact, a recent study revealed that less than eight weeks of retraining were needed to regain your former fitness. It depends on how fit you were initially, how long the layoff was, how old you are and how long you’d been exercising.

    3     It means you still have a distinct advantage when it comes to regaining your former level of fitness. And the principle applies to both resistance training and endurance training. The best way to regain your muscle memory is to start at a level below what you were accustomed to doing, and then gradually increase in terms of duration, frequency, then intensity.     4    

Ultimately, muscle memory is a payoff for all the past work you put into learning a sport.     5     You will never know how much muscle memory you may have until you start training again.

A.The best way to tap into it is to “get back on the horse”.
B.Physiologists, on the other hand, define it in a different way.
C.This convinces the researchers that muscle memory may not be long lasting.
D.That is to say, we can do the sports automatically without conscious thought.
E.It is generally safe to increase these elements by 5 percent every week or two.
F.It is evident that the more you exercise, the more muscle memory savings you will have.
G.All this news about muscle memory is encouraging for those who fell off the fitness scheme.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Helping Your Kids to Be Interested in Sports

Being active and moving is something that is so important for us all, especially for children.     1     However, some parents can feel shocked when they see that their child isn’t interested in sports. So how can you encourage them to have ago?

It is such a good idea to lead by example when you are a parent. This is true for a variety of aspects, but especially forgetting children involved in sport.     2     So you need to be someone who is interested and active, if you want any hope of them doing so too. If you lay on the couch all day then they will just learn to do that too.

    3     Although they can choose who they want to support, seeing your enthusiasm for a particular player or team can be just what is needed to start their journey. You could look for a team uniform store to get them a sports shirt with their name on for example, as well as see the team play at one of their games.     4    

If something is dull, it will be hard for children to be enthusiastic about it. This will make them resent(讨厌) it, which is not a good thing for later in life. If they show particular skill and learn to play sport, then more practice and training can come in.     5     When they can enjoy what they do, they will only see it as something fun to do, rather than what we as adults might see it as, such as a chore to burn calories.

Whatever sport your child chooses to play, encourage them and make it fun, and then it will be something that they will want to carry on doing as they go about the rest of their lives.

A.They won’t be interested in sports if you’re not.
B.here are some other tips that you would share with them.
C.Share your enthusiasm and it will help to lighten a passion.
D.So think about ways that can get them to be active in the sports.
E.How active a child is will impact their overall health and learning.
F.Apart from leading by example, you could also share your favorite team.
G.However, the main message forgetting children into sport is to keep it fun.
2023-06-21更新 | 392次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市第八中学校2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . The Upside to Being Outside

Research shows that being in nature makes people feel good, whether they’re roughing it in the wilderness for days or just hanging out at a local park for a while. One study was conducted in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. Researchers found that most participants’ mood and well-being improved significantly when they spent time in urban parks, even though the average visit was only around half an hour.

    1     For example, scientists in the United Kingdom studied the impact of the “30 Days Wild” campaign. It challenged people to interact with nature for 30 days by enjoying earthy activities like feeding birds and planting flowers. Participants were measurably happier and healthier throughout the challenge…and for months afterwards, too.    2    

How does nature boost people’s happiness? Scientists say that spending time in natural settings reduces stress and anxiety, which benefits mental and physical health. Research shows our brains are more relaxed in natural settings.

To most people, it’s not news that nature can be calming. But multiple studies have found that spending time in nature also has some more surprising benefits, like improving creativity and problem-solving.     3     Another found that exposure to nature helped people score better on tests. That’s more proof that going outside is a smart move!

What accounts for the connection with cognition and creativity? It could be that a good dose of nature acts as a cure to information overload. Everyday life involves a lot of multitasking. Some scientists theorize that spending time in nature enables our brains to rest and recover from mental tiredness.     4    

Naturally, scientific studies don’t cover everything that’s great about the great outdoors.     5     From recreation and exercise to happiness and creativity, there are lots of upsides to getting outside.

A.One study revealed that people were better at figuring out puzzles after a four-day camping trip.
B.According to many scientific studies, there’s a good chance it’ll make you happier, healthier, and more creative.
C.What’s more, the lift people get from nature is long lasting.
D.Lots of people enjoy fun activities outside, like swimming, riding bikes, or climbing trees.
E.When the only light you’ve seen all day is the glow of a screen, it might be a good idea to switch it off.
F.This means that whether you’re studying or playing video games, heading outside to give your brain a break might help you get to the next level.
G.So, kicking back in a park is a bit like treating your mind to a restful mini vacation.
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