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1 . Taking exercise can be boring. The good news is that there are some tips which we can apply to our everyday fitness routines

•Have an objective.

When we’re playing a game, there’s always an objective. It helps us focus on the task at hand and motivates us to keep playing until we win the game. Exercise should be no different. Create a clear fitness goal.     1    .

•Add an element of whimsy (奇思妙想)

Some people love video games because there’s a lot of unexpectedness and surprise.     2    . Take photos of at least 5 different flowers on a neighborhood walk. Ride a bike from one friend’s house to another.


In a study, a team of researchers challenged 602 overweight workers from a single company to take part in a step-tracking challenge. The group asked to compete against other workers ended up walking more steps than any other groups in the study. If we’re seeking a similar motivation, look into fitness programs that encourage friendly competition.

•Team up with others.

    4    . In that same study, another group of workers was asked to divide into teams of three. Each day, one member of the group was selected to represent the entire team with his/her individual step count of the day. This approach encouraged each member of the group to try to achieve the day’s step goal.     5    . We can try to be energetic by working towards an exercise goal together with other people.

A.Compete against others.
B.Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, for example.
C.Play against a friend to get competitive.
D.No one wanted to let their team members down.
E.And there are plenty of digital tools that can help with this.
F.We can copy these features into our own fitness game designs.
G.Getting a group to work together is also an effective way.
7日内更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省三锋联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . Scientists from Georgia Tech have developed a new robot named ESTHER (Experimental Sport Tennis Wheelchair Robot), which can move around the court and even return human serves.

The team believes the robot could serve as a training partner (搭档) for professional players in the future, lowering the pressure of training with another human.

The robot is the brainchild of Georgia Tech’s Matthew Gombolay, professor of robotics in the School of Interactive Computing. He wanted to develop a better training challenge than a ball feeder that stays in one place, one that would act like an always on-call partner or even team up with someone in doubles matches. The result is ESTHER, an adapted wheelchair tennis chair that can race to balls at ten metres per second and probably outplay a human.

Mr Gombolay explains: “The wheelchair has the ability to rapidly move around the court and get into position (恰当位置) to hit a ground stroke (击落地球). ESTHER can move up to two metres after a ball is struck to hit a successful return, which is comparable to the longest distance moved by human players for 80 per cent of shots (击球).”

The robot was named in homage to well-known wheelchair tennis player Esther Vergeer, who held the world No. 1 position in women’s wheelchair tennis for almost 13 years straight.

The team placed a network of cameras around a tennis court and used computer vision algorithms (视觉算法) to help ESTHER recognise an incoming tennis ball. Using cameras from different positions, they could know where the ball is in the air and feed this information to ESTHER. The team reached a breakthrough when they successfully and continually programmed ESTHER to track the tennis ball coming toward it and to hit a return.

ESTHER will now be developed to act as a highly-skilled tennis player.

1. What is ESTHER able to do?
A.Return a shot.B.Clean up a court.C.Push a wheelchair.D.Control a ball feeder.
2. What does the underlined part “in homage to” in paragraph 5 mean?
A.In search of.B.In honour of.C.As a result of.D.With the help of.
3. In what way are cameras helpful to ESTHER?
A.They improve its vision.B.They direct it to the ball.
C.They help it stay in position.D.They picture unexpected things in the air.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Athletes in wheelchairsB.An all-purpose robot at home
C.Rules are changing for tennis courtsD.A robot moves around the tennis court
7日内更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源市万源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In an ideal world, we would be able to devote as much time to sports as we feel we need. But in reality, with growing demands in both work and family, we can only jump at the chance for our physical exercise when we can. Making the most of that time to practice Yin Yang yoga, which mixes the dynamic and slow-paced elements of yoga, helps keep you active and relaxed.

Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts representing a balance of opposite forces which are also interconnected. Yin is inactive, cooling, and negative, associated with the female force. Yang is active, warming, and positive, associated with action and movement. They are complementary to one another, as one cannot exist without the other.

Yin Yang yoga is a combination of high-energy movement which builds energy, increases strength and promotes stamina (耐力), followed by the more restful practice of Yin to give us a deeper stretch (拉伸) and calm the nervous system.

If you have a busy and active life you may feel more in Yang, so taking some cooler, slower Yin yoga practice into your routine may help you feel calmer and more balanced.

If you are practicing for an hour, divide the time in half, Warm up with sun salutations (拜日式瑜伽), continue into a dynamic flow and then move on to some standing postures. After half an hour your heart will be pumping, muscles tighten up and you are hopefully feeling energetic, but ready for a rest. Then pick five Yin postures to hold for 3-5 minutes, or even longer if you are enjoying them!

As ever with yoga, if you are a beginner or have health issues, always attend a class with a trained instructor first to guide you safely through the yoga practice and avoid injury.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Most of our sports time should be spent on Yin Yang yoga.
B.We’d better devote as much time to physical exercise as we can.
C.Busy schedule makes it impossible for us to do any form of sports.
D.Yin Yang yoga can be a choice of physical exercise when time is tight.
2. What does the underlined word “complementary” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.Independent from one another.
B.Competitive against one another.
C.Similar to each other but unable to work together as a whole.
D.Different from each other but together making a good combination.
3. Which of the following might be the benefit of Yin postures?
A.Relaxing muscles.B.Building stamina.
C.Strengthening the body.D.Quickening the heartbeat.
4. What suggestion does the writer give in the last two paragraphs?
A.Hold each Yin posture for longer than 5 minutes.
B.Do not practice yoga when you are not in good health.
C.Start your yoga practice under the guidance of a trainer.
D.Spare half an hour for five Yin postures in every yoga practice.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The village super league, or “Cun Chao” in Chinese, is a soccer game among different villages in Rongjiang county, Guizhou Province, and it is so down-to-earth but popular that it has attracted not only the attention of football legend Michael Owen but also millions of Chinese netizens (网民), who are paying attention to this non-professional football league.

The players come from a variety of backgrounds. They are vendors, drivers, students, carpenters, tilers, former butchers, and brick factory workers. Their ages range from 15 to over 40 years old. At the game site, representatives wearing various traditional national costumes play national musical instruments and enter the field with the players, and perform songs and dances.

“This kind of football game is natural and with ‘pureness’ and it is driven by the love of the ordinary people not the economic benefits. The game is providing not only values of sports, but also a way of socializing with low costs,” an expert noted. This kind of atmosphere is very rarely seen and is treasured, especially for people in urban areas who are getting increasingly busy and under great work pressure, and when they look at the fun, relaxing and down-to-earth way of life in the countryside, they will naturally be interested, experts said. There is at least one good effect brought by the “Cun Chao” to Chinese soccer—to make more people see the pureness of joy and encourage them to play soccer.

Today, more and more grassroots sports events are held in the mountains and are using sports as a medium to showcase the unique charm of the local area, reflecting an energetic lifestyle filled with agricultural activities and rural fun.

1. Why does the author mention Michael Owen in Paragraph 1?
A.To show he is a household name in China.
B.To voice his view on modern soccer game.
C.To show the great popularity (流行) of “Cun Chao”.
D.To stress the importance of “Cun Chao”.
2. What do we know about the players of “Cun Chao”?
A.They are from all walks of life.
B.Seniors are welcome to join the team.
C.They are able to play national musical instruments.
D.They wear traditional costumes on the soccer field.
3. Which of the following best describes “Cun Chao” according to Paragraph 3?
A.Slow-paced (慢节奏的).B.Highly stressed.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.The village super league wins the hearts of Chinese.
B.The village super league: From nobody to somebody.
C.The village super league bridges the countryside and the city.
D.The village super league promises the future of Chinese soccer.
2024-04-18更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . No FIFA World Cup would be complete without “psychic(通灵的)” animals predicting the winners, and Qatar 2022 was the same. A range of animals—big and small—have tried to predict the scoreline.

It all started with Paul, the ”psychic“ octopus(章鱼). He put TV experts to shame with an unbelievable group of correct World Cup winner predictions at the Aquarium Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany. He correctly predicted eight World Cup matches at South Africa’s tournament in 2010, including Spain beating the Netherlands in the World Cup final.

Paul’s successor, Rubio the octopus, did not end well. It became a star in Japan for its 100%success in predicting group-stage matches, including Japan’s win against Colombia in the 2018 World Cup held in Russia. Rubio did not get the chance to make its prediction for the Round-of-16 after it was cut into pieces and turned into seafood.

Taiyo the otter had good news for Japanese fans at the 2022 World cup in Qatar, correctly predicting Japan’s group-stage win over Germany. From his home at the Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa in Japan, Taiyo was given three buckets(桶)to choose from—Japan(blue), draw (yellow)and Germany(red)—and did not hesitate about picking up his tiny football and placing his bet on Japan. He was widely praised online for his action.   

And let’s not forget another star—Marcus, the “mystic pig”. In the 2018 World Cup, Marcus predicted a World Cup victory for England after selecting apples with the England flag on British morning television. However, Marcus’ fortune-telling record was shattered when England was knocked out in the semi-final.

Nelly the elephant from Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Germany, also meant business when she had a group of 30 out of 33 matches correct predictions in the 2006 World Cup, the 2010 World Cup and the 2012 Euro.

Camilla the ”mystic“ camel from Melton Mowbray in England did have good news for England, however. She correctly predicted the Three Lions’ group-stage win over Iran at the Qatar World Cup. Her owners said that their camel was ”never wrong“.

1. What can we learn about Rubio?
A.It ended up being eaten.B.It missed the 2018 World Cup.
C.It performed much better than Paul.D.It became famous after the Round-of-16.
2. What quality of Taiyo was stressed in Paragraph 4?
A.It knew Japanese players well.B.It could recognize many colors.
C.It was quick at decision-making.D.It was good at catching a football.
3. What does the underlined word ”shattered“ in paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. What is the author’s attitude towards psychic animals?
A.He doesn’t give his opinion.B.He is doubtful about them.
C.He thinks them interesting.D.He is supportive to them.
2024-04-18更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Running and walking are both excellent forms of exercise. Those who regularly do either usually have healthier hearts, stronger bones and lower body weights than those who do little exercise. But does it matter whether you spend time walking or running? Arguments can be made for both, and which is right for you depends on your goals and your present fitness level.

“The key difference between running and walking is how many calories you are burning — not per mile, but per minute of exercise,” says Paul D. Thompson, a doctor at Hartford Hospital. “Running is a more efficient movement and it’s more demanding on the body, so it burns more calories per minute,” Thompson says. “But if you’ve got the time to walk long enough to burn the same amount of calories, then walking is fine.” That said, if your final goal is to lose weight, chances are that neither running nor walking alone is going to do the trick. Research has shown that it needs to be done along with calorie control.

In a recent study that analyzed data from nearly 50, 000 people, researchers found that runners’risk of heart disease was 4.5 percent lower than that of those who were inactive. But walkers who burned the same amount of calories daily had a risk level that was 9 percent lower than those who were inactive.

“Running gets the reputation for causing injuries because many people who are just starting to run try to do too much too quickly,” says Carol Ewing Garber, a professor at Columbia University. “And they often get injured as a result. If you want to progress from walking to running, do it slowly, gradually increasing your speed, distance and the frequency of your runs?”

Running may be more highly-intense and calorie-burning than walking, but walking is a great way to ease into exercise and make sure you are staying physically active every day. The bottom line is that getting exercise of any kind is beneficial — if you keep doing it.

“The best exercise is the one you are going to do,” Thompson says. “There are extra benefits to be gained from running, but what’s most important from a public health point of view is that everyone gets out and does some kind of exercise?”

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Walking is more demanding on the body.
B.Walking is better than running for busy people.
C.Running can reduce people’s fat quickly and safely.
D.Exercise on its own is not enough to lose weight.
2. What can we learn from the recent study?
A.Walking can reduce the risk of having heart disease.
B.Walkers are more likely to get heart disease than runners.
C.Running burns fewer calories than walking.
D.Inactive people are free from heart problems.
3. Which of the following would Thompson most probably agree with?
A.We’d better walk slowly.
B.Any exercise is better than none.
C.We’d better choose to run.
D.Just walk before you run.
2024-04-16更新 | 60次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南京师范大学附属中学江宁分校2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Competing in the Mongol Derby

Standing at the finishing line, 70-year-old Bob Long spent a while reflecting on the achievement he’d just made. Behind him was the wild, endless Mongolian grassland extending into the distance. This American had just become the oldest person to ever complete and win the Mongol Derby, the world’s longest horse race.

Long, a rider all his life, entered the race after being inspired by All the Wild Horses, a movie based on the exhausting event.

Fearing that he wouldn’t be able to complete it, he set about preparing his mind and body for this “hardest, toughest, most demanding thing you can do on a horse”, an annual 1,000-kilometer race that was recognized as the world’s longest horse race by The Guinness Book of Records in 2011. He confirmed his belief that preparation can surpass (超过;胜过) youth, as some of the other riders were less prepared.

Although Long had been riding horses for many years, the hardship and uncertainty of the task pushed him to his limit and forced him to depend entirely on his own will. The race organizers had provided an extensive support network to keep an eye on the participants from afar. Despite that, the physical pressure of riding such a long distance made simple things like squatting (蹲) down at the end of the day almost impossible.

Along the vast race course there were unpredictable circumstances beyond Long’s control, however well prepared he’d been. Weather was one of them, which could switch from heavy rain to burning sun unexpectedly.

Above all else, the biggest obstacle was the state of mind. Without a living soul in sight, Long was desperate for interaction, guidance, and comfort. This feeling of loneliness accounted for his hope that one of his fellow competitors would catch up.

Regardless of the hardship, Long felt a sort of spiritual adventure while traveling through the wilderness. He was provided with some memorable moments while connecting with nature. He also grew to love the country and the communities along the route.

Still holding the passion for riding, Long never dismisses the idea of competing in another Mongol Derby.

1. What distinguished Bob Long from other competitors in the Mongol Derby?
A.He rode the whole race course alone.
B.He completed the toughest part of the course.
C.He was the oldest participant of the horse race.
D.He was most likely to enter the competition again.
2. What played a decisive part in Long’s achievement?
A.His strong willpower.B.His thorough preparation.
C.His passion for nature.D.An extensive support provided by the organizers.
3. What was the biggest challenge that Long faced during the race?
A.The changeable weather.
B.The psychological condition in the course.
C.The difficulty in finding the competitors.
D.The physical demand of riding a long distance.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An introduction to the Mongol Derby.
B.A review of a film based on the longest horse race.
C.The experience of the Mongol Derby’s oldest winner.
D.The preparations before a long and difficult horse race.
2024-04-09更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市宝安中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world.     1     Football as we know it today started in Great Britain, where the game was given new rules.

That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.     2     You don’t need expensive equipment; even the ball doesn’t have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags.

    3     It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognize the skill of professional players—how they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see—or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.

What’s more, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it.     4     Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. World War I had broken out months before, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together—one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.

“Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, ... ” said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “    5    ” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realize that our planet is shaped like a football.

A.It is also a game that is very cheap to play.
B.While others think football is just a matter of exercise.
C.I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.
D.It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field.
E.Besides, football can help people improve physical exercise and skills
F.The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China.
G.Another factor behind football’s global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field.
2024-04-09更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The rate of childhood obesity in the U. S. has tripled over the past 50 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made waves this year by recommending that doctors put obese kids as young as two years old on intensive, family-oriented lifestyle and behavior plans. It also suggested prescribing weight-loss drugs to children l2 and older and surgery to teens 13 and older. This advice reflects the organization’s adoption of a more active position on childhood obesity.

Yet the lifestyle programs the AAP recommends are expensive, inaccessible to most children and hard to maintain. Few weight-loss drugs have been approved for children. And surgery has potential risks and few long-term safety data. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether interventions in youngsters help to improve health or merely add to the psychological burden overweight kids face from the society.

Rather than paying close attention to numbers on a scale, the U. S. and countries with similar trends should focus on an underlying truth: we need to invest in more and safer places for children to play where they can move and run around, climb and jump, ride and skate.

Why is it so hard to get kids moving? Experts blame the problem on the privatization of sports — as public investment in school-based athletics dwindles, expensive private leagues have grown, leaving many kids out. In addition to fewer opportunities at school, researchers cite increased screen time and a lack of safe places for them to play outside the home. New York City, for example, had 2,067 public playgrounds as of 2019 — a very small amount for its large population. In Los Angeles in 2015, only 33 percent of youths lived within walking distance of a park.

Kids everywhere need more places to play. Public funding to build and keep up these areas is crucial, but other options such as shared-use agreements can make unused spaces available to the public. These opportunities aren’t primarily about changing children’s waistlines — they’re how we keep childhood healthy and fun.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Childhood obesity is well under control in recent years.
B.Weight-loss surgery are recommended to children 12 and older.
C.AAP plays a more active role in fighting against childhood obesity.
D.Expensive as it is, lifestyle programs are practical for most children.
2. The underlined word “dwindle” is closest in meaning to ______.
3. In the author’s opinion, what measures should be taken to create more safe areas?
A.Prepare fitness equipment at home.
B.Live within walking distance of a park.
C.Promote investment in private athletics.
D.Open up playgrounds when school’s out.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Sports play an important role in children’s growth.
B.More safe areas for outdoor fun are in urgent need.
C.Family-oriented lifestyles are crucial to children’s health.
D.Medical intervention is important to ease psychological burden.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Discover the Huge Health Benefits of Strength Training

One of the best ways to stay fit and healthy as you age is to do strength and power training exercises. It is known that when you are in your thirties, you will begin to lose muscle mass. This loss actually contributes to achy joints, the increased risk of injury, and the “middle-age spread” we all fear. What’s more, the older you get, the faster muscle mass loses. It means that eventually, simple tasks like getting out of a chair and climbing stairs can become more difficult.

Strength training can help you build muscles, make you strong, increase your staying power and make everyday activities easier. By combining strength and power training exercises, you’ll not only get stronger, but also improve your reaction speed. As you grow older, that’s critical because it can help prevent falls. Here is a book, Strength and Power Training for All Ages, for your reference.

Common sense about fitness in the book:

·The key muscles to work for an injury-free body

·How to tell how much weight is suitable for you

·How to strengthen the bones most likely to break

·How to take pressure off your knees when walking or running

·Why you’ll want to apply heat to sore joints before you exercise

Four total body workouts in the book:

·Build bones

·Fight diseases

·Improve balance

·Strengthen muscles &Increase muscle power

Get a copy, start training, and then you’ll discover a whole new self.

1. What will happen as people age according to paragraph 1?
A.They will need less exercise.
B.They will improve reaction speed.
C.They will experience muscle loss.
D.They will have better staying power.
2. What does Strength and Power Training for All Ages mainly teach people to do?
A.Train their brains.B.Build a sound body.
C.Treat bone diseases.D.Cut down their weight.
3. What is the text?
A.A notice.B.An oral folktale.
C.A scientific paper.D.An advertisement.
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