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1 . “My P.E. teacher taught me maths.” It has been a common joke for years but when a P.E. teacher applied for the head-teacher job, many parents worried that “the joke could come true”. Some parents asked, “Does the P.E. teacher know maths and English? If not, how is he supposed to tutor the students?” But there were still parents who believed P.E. teachers had more time to discipline the students since they didn’t have many classes.

This concern is actually a “subject bias”, that is, choosing a P.E. teacher as the head-teacher is not good for the students’ grades since he doesn’t know Chinese, maths, or English. It is acceptable for Chinese teachers, maths teachers and English teachers to be head-teachers because these subjects are important to entrance exams and scores. Such a concern reflects parents’ anxiety in the current educational environment, which tends to link the head-teacher’s responsible subject with the facts whether the school cares about the class and the children’s performances in the subject.

Many people care about their kids’ academic performances only. They don’t care about their kids’ P.E. performance at all. Even if kids have P.E. classes, parents care little. P.E. teachers are in humble position and their classes are often occupied by other teachers. Of course, if students, P.E. performance is related to grades and entrance exams, parents won’t mind “a P.E. teacher being the head-teacher”.

At the moment, P.E. is gradually included in entrance exams.

In terms of high school entrance examination, Guangzhou will launch a new high school entrance exam which includes P.E. performance and Health examination in 2021, raising the score to 70 points.

In terms of the college entrance examination, universities having the right of independent enrollments added P.E. tests to their entrance exams in 2019. This practice is seen as an important signal that the assessment of physical fitness and athletic ability, which are important aspects of a student’s overall quality, may be included in the college entrance examination in the future.

We hope that it’s a trend for P.E. teachers, music teachers and art teachers to become head-teachers.

1. By saying “My P.E. teacher taught me maths”, what does the author intend to show us?
A.It is just a joke that seldom happened in reality.
B.P.E. teachers hardly assist students in maths.
C.P.E. teachers are good at teaching maths..
D.Parents doubt the ability of P.E. teacher.
2. We can infer from paragraph 2 that a P.E. teacher          .
A.is of little benefit for students’ academic performance
B.is humbler than Chinese, math or English teachers
C.reflects whether the school cares about the class
D.gets unfairly judged due to the current educational system
3. Why does Guangzhou raise proportion of P.E. performance in high school entrance examination?
A.To raise students’ awareness of physical health.
B.To call on parents to pay attention to P.E. teachers.
C.To test the overall ability of high school students.
D.To make P.E. teachers equal with other teachers.
4. What opinion does the author hold towards P.E. teachers working as head-teachers?

2 . A pile of shoes on a front porch(门廊) isn't anything out of the ordinary for most households, but for Heather Duckworth it held a special meaning during her sons' 18th summer.

The mom, who has an11-year-old daughter, 18-year-old twin sons, and a 20-year-old son, wrote a heartfelt post about seeing a pile of shoes outside her door and all that it represents," These shoes mean that I have a house full of kids, mostly teenagers, in their summer holiday. These shoes mean there is probably no food left in my house. These shoes mean noise and mess but laughter and music as well."

When Duckworth returned from work and saw the shoes recently, they brought on a wave of sadness because she realized that things were changing. Most of the kids who wear the shoes have just graduated from high school and she realizes that time is precious in her 18th summer with her sons. She continues that she knows seeing the shoes in the house means that the kids are safe, but soon all the shoes will be "spread across college campuses "and she knows "all of these shoes might not find their way back home next summer as life takes them on new adventures."

The time might be bittersweet, but Duckworth wants to focus on creating happy memories rather than focusing on the sadness that could come. She is going to be thankful for the shoes and enjoy every moment with the kid

The sentimental post generated a massive amount of interest with it being shared over 88,000 times in a week and receiving 14,000 comments. Duckworth was touched by the comments and how the story resonated(共鸣) with so many . She responds,

" What a gift you all have given me in knowing that I am not alone in feeling this way. Motherhood is hard, but we are all in this together!"

1. What do the shoes mainly mean for Heather Duckworth?
A.The messy but happy life.B.The tiring and disorderly family.
C.The endless and hard housework.D.A lot of household responsibility.
2. What change will happen to Heather Duckworth?
A.She will be trapped in a financial crisis.B.Some of her children will leave her.
C.The kids will not be safe any longer.D.Her children won't love her as before.
3. What can we learn about the comments on Heather Duck worth's post?
A.They are made mainly by mothers.
B.Most readers disagree with her opinion at all.
C.Many mothers have the same experience as hers.
D.Many people are interested in placing shoes properly.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Children's ShoesB.Live More Happily
C.The Hard MotherhoodD.A Hot Post for Mothers
2021-04-22更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省绥化市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期第一阶段考试英语试题

3 . Almost every family buys as least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers. But why do people read newspapers?

Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings--battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown(推翻)or killed--took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.

Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and of course, advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.

1. The phrase “subscribe to” in the first paragraph means“________”
A.go to the newspaper stand and buyB.send their own news stories to
C.agree to buy for a specific period of timeD.become faithful readers of
2. Before the time of the newspaper, ________
A.bad news traveled quickly and good news slowly
B.few people cared about events that took place in faraway countries
C.kings and rulers were often overthrown or killed
D.news was passed from one person to another
3. The author seems to agree that money spent on advertisements is ________.
A.wastedB.not much
C.well spentD.of no use to anyone
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Five hundred years ago it took a long time for news to reach other countries.
B.Newspaper advertisements turn people’s attention away from their products.
C.The news that we read in newspapers is mainly about new products.
D.When newspapers are sold at a low price, the newspaper producers will lose money.
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4 . At the start of every working week, millions of people around the world get ready for something they do endlessly, joylessly and badly : a meeting

It was awful before the pandemic (疫情), when research showed there were an average of 55 million meetings daily in the US alone. I fear to think what the figures look like now that Covid-19 and remote working have started the age of the continuous meeting.

It wouldn't be a problem if all meetings did what they were supposed to do and helped busy people make good decisions about important matters. But the evidence suggests otherwise. Studies over the past 15 years have shown about 70 percent of workers have rated their meetings poor or unproductive, writes US professor, Steven Rogelberg, in his 2019 book The Surprising Science of Meetings.

“The root of the rotten meeting is simple," says Madeleine de Hauke, a meeting coach and teacher. “We spend our lives in meetings, but there's very little investment (投入)into helping people run them effectively," she told me last week.

A meeting coach might say that, but I think Ms de Hauke is correct. Running a meeting well takes skills. At a minimum, people need to know in advance why they are meeting; what they are supposed to achieve ; who really needs to be there and how they should contribute. Yet meeting leaders are expected to learn all these on the job.

I thought the pandemic had made things worse. But Ms de Hauke makes a convincing argument that Zoom calls merely strengthen what was going on before. If a meeting was productive and cheerful before, it is probably better now. If it was wasteful and annoying, it is likely to be worse.

Still, a bad meeting is like a virus. By failing to produce good decisions it often requires another meeting to be held, then another and another. Luckily, there is no need for a vaccine (疫苗), just a bit more care and preparation, and an understanding that there is no shame in being taught how to lead a meeting well.

1. What does the passage focus on?
A.Why people hate meetings.
B.How Covid-19 affects meetings.
C.Recommending experienced meeting coaches.
D.Suggesting developing the skills of meeting running.
2. According to the author, what's the problem of bad meetings?
A.Meetings are poor and short.
B.Meetings are dull and fruitless.
C.Meetings make people less interested in work.
D.Meetings cause people to make wrong decisions.
3. How can a meeting leader run a good meeting?
A.Invite people to attend the meeting in advance.
B.Invest much money to run meetings successfully.
C.Set clear goals and make preparations for the meeting.
D.Make everybody present at the meeting learn some skills.
4. How does the author develop the last paragraph?
A.By comparison.B.By classification.
C.By analying causes.D.By listing examples.
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5 . Rocky was a 65-pound dog. Rita was his eleven-year old owner. When Rocky was given to her, Rita immediately liked him. Whenever she was not in school,the two were always together and within touching distance. The family would lovingly call the pair “R and R”.

But Rocky had one shortcoming. He feared water very much because of a terrible experience. When he was at the age of seven weeks long before he met Rita,he was nearly drowned by a naughty boy who had been blamed by his father.

One late afternoon, Rita's mother took R and R to a shopping area near a lake. Rita was running along the wooden bridge over the water,enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Suddenly a boy on a bicycle hit Rita. She let out a cry of pain and fell into the lake.

Rita's mother was at the entrance of a store not far away. She rushed to the lake shouting for help. Rocky seemed to forget his fear and jumped into the water to save his owner. Rocky immediately swam to Rita and held her by the shoulder's clothes with his mouth. Rita's face was quickly out of the water and she could cough.Luckily,the water was calm,they were not far from the bank,and Rocky finally reached a depth where his feet were on solid ground. He pulled Rita hard until her head was completely out of the water, and then he stood beside her, licking (舔) her face.

Rita and her family firmly believed that it was only the big dog's love for the little girl that caused him to take action that might be life-dangerous.

1. From the text, we know __________.
A.Rita was once blamed
B.Rocky was eleven years old
C.Rita spent her spare time with Rocky
D.Rocky lived in Rita's home since his birth
2. Which of the following best describes Rocky?
3. When did the accident happen?
A.At noon.B.At night.C.In the morning.D.In the afternoon.
4. According to the time, which of the following is the right order of the event?
① Rocky came into Rita's life.② Rocky was nearly drowned.
③They were playing near the lake. ④ Rocky saved Rita from the water.

6 . China's pandemic(流行病) — hit tourism sector breathed a sigh of relief as people got back to travelling during the eight-day holiday on account of the country's National Day and Mid- Autumn Festival.

A total of 637 million trips were made across China during the eight-day holiday, 79 percent of last year's number, according to data released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Thursday.

Revenue from tourism hit 466.56 billion yuan (around $68.71 billion), 69.9 percent of the same period last year.

The country's transportation hubs witnessed a surge (激增) in return trips on Thursday as the eight-day holiday drew to a close. 1,234 additional trains were put into operation to handle the peak in trips involving tourism and family visits, according to the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.

The daily train trips had exceeded 10 million for eight consecutive days by Wednesday, the railway operator said.

In a bid to cope with the surging passenger flow, airliners used wide-body aircraft for r 30 popular routes connecting Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

The country's transport sector maintained stable and orderly operation during the extended holiday, said the Ministry of Transport.

China celebrates its National Day on October 1, and the week-long holiday this year has been extended to October 8 as it overlapped with the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional festival symbolizing family reunion that falls on the 15th day of the eighth month on the lunar calendar.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.Two overlapped holidays in China this year.
B.China's tourism sector got quick development.
C.China's transport sector faced a huge challenge.
D.The number of Chinese travelers increased rapidly.
2. What can we know about China's tourism sector?
A.It was hit by the pandemic this year.
B.It felt relieved because people got back to work.
C.It came to a standstill (停滞) because of the eight-day holiday.
D.It relies on the Mid-Autumn Festival.
3. What can we infer about last year's National Day holiday?
A.There were 637 million trips in total.
B.79 percent of travelers went out during the holiday.
C.Tourism incomes were higher than this year.
D.Over a thousand additional trains were put into operation.
4. Why are there eight days during this year's National Day holiday?
A.Because 2020 is a tough year.
B.Because China's tourism needs an extra break.
C.Because the Mid-Autumn festival and the National Day are on the same day.
D.Because there is too much pressure on China's transportation during this holiday.

7 . Leah Amy, a flight attendant for Virgin Airlines, was on a flight to London when she saw a young man named Jack Littlejohn give up the comfort of his business class seat so 88- year-old Violet Allison could enjoy the benefits of first class travel. Amy described the passenger online as “her favorite passenger EVER!”

Littlejohn had been in New York taking part in a charity event, the World’s Biggest Sleep Out, which aims to shed light on the issues of homelessness. Before the family were due to return to their home in Scotland, their mom announced she’d gotten them all business class tickets. Littlejohn didn’t feel comfortable about the difference between business and economy class, so he went to find a passenger who’d welcome his seat. That’s when he came across Allison.

The flight attendant explained that Allison, a former nurse, had recently undergone knee replacement surgery which had prevented her from visiting her daughter who’s been working in London for a few years. Although the old woman has traveled to see her daughter on a few occasions, she’d never experienced the wonders of first class travel.

When Littlejohn offered Allison his seat, he had no idea that it was a dream for her to travel in the front of the plane. The young man happily sat in Allison’s less luxurious seat next to the economy class toilets.

Allison had a strong desire to share her experience with her daughter, so the kind-hearted flight attendant took some pictures of her new favorite passenger. Although not much is known about Littlejohn, social network users describe him as a “true gentleman”.

1. What did Littlejohn do in New York?
A.He attended a family union.B.He did something for the homeless.
C.He helped a woman in trouble.D.He organized a charity event.
2. How did Littlejohn feel when he settled in a business class seat?
3. How did Littlejohn deal with his seat?
A.He offered it to an old woman.B.He exchanged it with his mom.
C.He took the seat as his mom told.D.He gave it up and took another flight.
4. Why did Leah Amy take the photos?
A.To share the experience with others.B.To record the most touching moment.
C.To show the old woman’s happiness.D.To satisfy the old woman’s demand.
2021-03-15更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省绥化地区2021年3月高一开学联考英语试题

8 . I made my decision to start my own company and leave my stable position after attending a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a speech that changed my life. He asked us. "If genie(精灵)would grant you three wishes what would they be?" After giving us a moment to write down the three wishes, he then asked us. "Why do you need genie?" I would never forget the power I felt at that moment.

I realized that everything I had accomplished had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and did not need a genie's help to become a professional speaker.

When I tearfully told my boss my plans, this incredible leader whom I respect so much replied, "Go ahead with reckless abandon and it will pay off."

Having made that decision, I was immediately tested. One week after I quit mine, my husband was laid off(解雇)from his job. We had recently bought a new home me and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage payment and now we were done to no income. It was tempting to turn back to my former company, knowing they wanted me to stay, but I was certain that if I went back, I would never leave. I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if onlys" later on. A motivational speaker was born.

When I held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles really began to happen. In a short time period my husband found a better job. We didn't miss a mortgage payment. And I was able to book several speaking engagements with new clients. I discovered the incredible power of dreams. I loved my old job, my peers and the company I left, but it was time to get on with my dream. To celebrate my success, I had a local artist paint my new office as a garden. At the top of one wall she wrote, "The world always makes way for the dreamer."

1. What motivation did the author get from her vice-president?
A.Why she needed a genie to help realize her dream.
B.How could she realize her dream by a grantable genie.
C.She did not have to rely on a genie at all.
D.What wishes could a genie grant her.
2. What attitude does the author's boss have to her plans?
3. What happened after the couple lost their jobs?
A.The author came back to her former company.
B.They were determined and worked hard.
C.Their newly-bought house was taken back by the bank.
D.The author's former boss gave her husband a better job
4. What does the text enlighten(启发)us?
A.Opportunity always comes to those who are prepared.
B.You will succeed as long as you stick to your dream.
C.It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish.
D.Helping others will benefit yourself as well.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . To walk is to be human. We' re the only creature that gets around by standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. In the more than 4 million years that humanity' s ancestors have been u-sing only two legs for walking, our ability to walk upright has allowed humankind to travel great distances and survive changing climates, environments and landscapes.

But walking is more than just transportation. It also happens to be really good for us. Countless scientific studies have found that this simple act can provide a number of health benefits and help people live longer. In fact, a walking routine-if done properly-might be the only exercise people need.

How much walking should one aim for? You’ve likely heard we need 10,000 steps a day. That’s about 5 miles. But contrary to popular belief, this recommendation doesn’t come from science. Instead, it stems from a 1960s advertising campaign to promote a pedometer(计步器)in Japan. Perhaps because it's a round number and easy to remember, it stuck.

Since the 1960s, researchers have studied the 10,000 - steps - a - day standard and have turned up mixed results. Although 10,000 steps is certainly a healthy and worthwhile goal, it’s not a one - size - fits - all recommendation.

For instance, a recent Harvard University study involving more than 16,000 senior women found that those who got at least 4,400 steps a day greatly reduced their risk of dying early when compared with less active women. The study also noted that these benefits continued up to 7, 500 steps before leveling off. This 7,500 mark isn't surprising: It’s in line with common public health recommendations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate (适度的) physical activity a week for adults.

Research has shown that picking up the pace might be a good idea, too-fast enough to raise your heart rate, even if just for a short burst.

1. Which statement will the author believe?
A.Walking 10000 steps a day fits us all who lack exercise.
B.Walking is the only exercise that unhealthy people need.
C.To be healthy, walking great distances is strongly suggested
D.The benefits of walking depend on frequency, intensity and duration
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.A walking routineB.A round number
C.The popular beliefD.The pedometer Ads.
3. How much walking should one aim for according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?
A.4,400 steps a day.B.7,500 steps a day.
C.10,000 steps a day.D.150 minutes a day.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Only Exercise You Need-Walking
B.10,000 - Step Goal Is More Marketing Than Science
C.Walking Is One Of The Best Exercises For Health
D.Walk Often, Walk Fast And Walk Long

10 . A Portland, Oregon man has become the first person to travel across Antarctica by himself without receiving any assistance.

Colin O’Brady has completed the 1,500-kilometer trip. He crossed the continent in 54 days. Friends, family and other people followed his progress through messages and pictures he left on social media.

O’Brady spoke with his wife Jenna Besaw by telephone soon after he completed the journey. “It was an emotional call,” she said. “He seemed overwhelmed by love and appreciation, and he really wanted to say ‘thank you’ to all of us.”

The 33-year-old O’Brady documented the trip on the social networking services Instagram. He called his journey “The Impossible First”. He wrote that he traveled the last 129 kilometers in one big, final push to the finish line. The distance took over one day to complete. O’Brady wrote, “While the last 32 hours were some of the most challenging hours of my life, they have quite honestly been some of the best moments I have ever experienced.”

The day before, he wrote that he was “in the zone” and thought he could make it to the end without stopping. “I was listening to my body and taking care of the details to keep myself safe,” he wrote. “I called home and talked to my mom, sister and wife. I promised them I would stop when I need to.”

Other people have traveled across Antarctica, but they all had some form of assistance. They either had better, more plentiful supplies or devices that helped move them forward.

In 2016, British explorer Henry Worsley died in his attempt to travel alone across Antarctica unassisted. Worsley’s friend Louis Rudd, also from Britain, is attempting an unaided solo journey in Worsley’s honor. He was competing against O’Brady to be the first to do it. Besaw told the Associated Press that her husband plans to stay in Antarctica until Rudd finishes his trip.

1. What did O’Brady think of his journey in Antarctica?
A.It was pleasant.B.It was discouraging.
C.It was impossible to complete.D.It was hard to complete.
2. What did O’Brady promise his family?
A.Making sure of his safety.B.Trying to achieve the goal.
C.Keeping in touch with them.D.Stopping the travel halfway.
3. Why does O’Brady still remain in Antarctica?
A.To wait for another explorer.B.To compete with others.
C.To help other explorers.D.To make his victory recognized.
4. What might be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Antarctic ContinentB.The Impossible First
C.Traveling in AntarcticaD.An Incomplete Journey
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