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1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many foreign students are visiting in the speaker’s school now?
A.About 13.B.About 20.C.Over 30.
2. Why does the school organize the music week?
A.To attract more foreign students.
B.To exchange ideas about culture.
C.To help foreign students enjoy their time.
3. When should students sign up for the activities?
A.Before September 15th.
B.In the last week of September.
C.In the first week of December.
4. Where will the music week be held?
A.In the library.B.In the garden.C.On the playground.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . One night, as I was driving down the road, I found something was sitting in the middle of the road. A few seconds later, I realized I was looking at a large turtle (海龟). Afraid of it being crashed by cars, so I pulled over, ran across the road and dragged the turtle to safety. But I’d made one big mistake.

I had heard that the best way to pick up a turtle without hurting it was picking it by the tail in order not to get bitten. So I’d made that big mistake. While the turtle turned out OK generally, I was determined to figure out how to move a turtle properly. I needed to find someone who dealt with turtles. I found the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre. I talked to Dr. Sue, its Executive and Medical Director.

Dr. Sue told me that the organization dealt with a number of aspects of turtle conservation, including rescue, settlement, birth programs, research, and education. Sue explained that southern Ontario is home to a vast majority of turtles in Canada, but is also one of the vastest road networks of the country.

“Ninety percent of injured turtles brought in are caused by cars. These turtles spend a lot of time on land. And they do travel many kilometers on land for a variety of reasons, to find a nesting spot, or to hang out for the summer or winter. Turtles know where they want to go. So, just keep them going in the direction they want to go and you may have saved a turtle’s life,” Dr. Sue said.

Once an injured turtle arrives at the center, there are medical facilities (设备) ready to go, including an X-ray machine. That’s when the team gets to work with healing injuries, and help their patient.

1. Why did the author stop the car?
A.To help the turtle.B.To see the thing clearly.
C.To prevent a car accident.D.To find something good.
2. What happened to the turtle?
A.It got hurt by people before.B.It was injured a little bit.
C.It was run over by a car.D.It lost its direction.
3. What did Dr. Sue suggest at last?
A.Leaving the turtles alone.
B.Making Ontario home to turtles.
C.Changing the road conditions.
D.Helping turtles find nesting spots.
4. What does the underlined word “patient” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The director.B.The driver.
C.The author.D.The turtle.
2023-10-11更新 | 203次组卷 | 21卷引用:浙江省嘉兴市第五高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Two weeks ago, a 5-year-old girl named Sunshine Oelfke emptied out her piggy bank (存钱罐) onto the living room floor and immediately started counting. Her grandmother, Jackie Oelfke, thought she was playing as she carefully lined up the coins, but then she saw the girl put the coins into a plastic bag and place it in her backpack.

“What are you doing with that money?” Jackie asked her granddaughter.

“I’m taking it to school,” Sunshine replied. “I’m going to take it for milk money. My friend Layla doesn’t get milk— her mom doesn’t have milk money and I do.”

Jackie’s heart melted at Sunshine’s words. Choked with strong feelings, Jackie held her sweet granddaughter tightly in her arms.

Last week, Jackie and Sunshine met with her teacher, Rita Hausher, and handed her the $30 the kindergartner had saved. There are 20 kids in Sunshine’s class and about half don’t get milk. It costs $ 0.45 a carton (纸盒). The total adds up to about $180 a month for every child in the class to have milk every day.

After dropping Sunshine off at school, Jackie posted a tearful video on Facebook to explain her granddaughter’s plan. To her surprise, many people offered to donate toward the cause. Within a week, Jackie raised more than $1,000. Now every student in Sunshine’s class can get free milk for the rest of the year.

Jackie said Sunshine doesn’t see her kind act as a big deal. She was just trying to look out for her friends. “She doesn’t understand the effect she’s brought about,” Jackie said. “But now she knows she can do whatever she puts her mind to.”

1. Why did Sunshine empty her piggy bank?
A.She hoped to show off her savings in class.B.She needed to train her counting skills.
C.She wanted to play with the coins.D.She intended to pay for her friend’s milk.
2. How did Jackie feel upon hearing Sunshine’s words?
3. In Jackie’s eyes, what did Sunshine learn from the experience?
A.Two heads are better than one.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.D.There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Small Coins, Big Changes.B.Jackie’s Piggy Bank.
C.Piggy Bank and Carton Milk.D.A Moved Grandmother.
2023-10-02更新 | 313次组卷 | 23卷引用:浙江省桐乡市高级中学2021-2022学年高一12月阶段教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Rome, Paris and New York are the world’s top fashion cities, all of which have produced some of the top trends (趋势), from high low skirts to the hottest new shoes. But have you ever wondered about the negative ideas that they’ve produced?

Last year, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in Britain banned (禁止) an advertisement from Gucci that featured models dancing around and having fun because they were all extremely thin. Banning ads due to unhealthy weight isn’t new. The ASA banned an ad the year before last for the same reason. In France, it has been a rule that models are to provide a doctor’s note proving that they are at healthy weight.

So what is healthy weight for models? Twenty years ago, the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average weight. Today, the average fashion model weighs 23% less. When is it okay for anyone including models to weigh less than average?

The images of these models promote the idea that being at unhealthy weight will help one gain the richness and the benefits that the models do. This provides a standard of beauty and richness. Therefore, people who want to achieve those things may attempt to gain them through unhealthy ways. People may think that they are overweight, due to the images of models’ thin figures. They see something wrong with their bodies, whether they are overweight or not. This is a key factor to a lowered body image, low self-esteem, depression and possibly even eating disorders.

I’m not blaming the fashion industry by any means. It’s not their mistake that many people look up to the models and expect to live a life like theirs. I’m glad that the ASA is raising its voices when discussing the growing issue of body images in the fashion industry. By banning the photos and videos, speaking out against them and requesting models to provide doctors’ notes, it’s pushing for the idea that the traditional fashion industry’s body image demands should be questioned and changed.

1. Why was one of Gucci’s advertisements banned?
A.Its models had unhealthy weight.
B.None of its models had a doctor’s note.
C.Its models didn’t act according to the rules.
D.Its models were dancing in an unhealthy way.
2. What do the figures mentioned in Paragraph 3 show?
A.People don’t know when models weigh less.
B.Many women are on a diet to become models.
C.Healthy weight for models hasn’t been decided.
D.Models are becoming thinner as time goes by.
3. What is the possible purpose of the ASA’s measures?
A.To stress the importance of healthy weight.
B.To voice people’s opinions of models’ body images.
C.To introduce new standards of models’ body images.
D.To challenge traditional standards in the fashion industry.
4. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.A science fiction.B.A textbook.C.A book review.D.A magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . You have probably heard of the Mozart effect. It’s the idea that if children or even babies listen to music composed of Mozart, they will become more intelligent. A quick Internet search shows plenty of products to assist you in the task. Whatever your age, there are CDs and books to help you taste the power of Mozart’s music, but when it comes to scientific evidence that it can make you more clever, the picture is more mixed.

The phrase “the Mozart effect” was made up in 1991, but it was a study described two years later in the journal Nature that aroused real media and public interest about the idea that listening to classical music somehow improves the brain. It is one of those ideas that sound reasonable. Mozart was no doubt a genius himself; his music is complex and there is a hope that if we listen to enough of it, we’ll become more intelligent.

The idea took off, with thousands of parents playing Mozart to their children, and in 1998 Zell Miller, the Governor of the state of Georgia in the USA, even asked for money to be set aside in the state budget so that every newborn baby could be sent a CD of classical music. It was not just babies and children who were exposed to (接触) Mozart’s music on purpose, even an Italian farmer proudly explained that the cows were played Mozart three times a day to help them to produce better milk.

I’ll leave the debate on the effect on milk production to farmers, but what about the evidence that listening to Mozart makes people more intelligent? More research was carried out but an analysis of 16 different studies confirmed that listening to music does lead to a temporary (临时的) improvement in the ability to handle shapes mentally, but the benefits are short-lived and it doesn’t make us more intelligent.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.Mozart composed many musical pieces for children.
B.Children listening to Mozart will be more intelligent.
C.There are few products on the Internet about Mozart’s music.
D.There is little scientific evidence to support the Mozart effect.
2. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 suggests that ________.
A.People were strongly against the idea.
B.the idea was accepted by many people.
C.Mozart played an important part in people’s life.
D.the US government helped promote the idea.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the Mozart effect?
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Listening to Mozart, necessary?B.What music is beneficial?
C.What is the Mozart effect?D.To be or not to be?
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Since Japan began releasing nuclear-contaminated(核污染) wastewater into the Pacific Ocean on last Thursday despite strong opposition and     1     (criticize) from the international community, Chinese netizens have expressed their anger and concern, with a large number of them     2     (say) that they would no longer go to Japanese restaurants.

According to the spokesperson, the actions of the Japanese government are     3     (contradict) to international conventions(公约) and experts say that the influence of Japan’s release of wastewater     4     the safety of people throughout the world is unpredictable. As a consequence, many domestic Japanese restaurants say that they will adjust their product lines, and seafood will be selected from domestic sources or     5     (import) from other coastal countries. Some even say that they will seek     6     (develop) other new cuisines(菜肴).

“The Chinese government will take necessary measures to firmly protect the marine environment     7     Japan is determined to go on with its discharge(排放) plan.” said a majority of Chinese, among     8     are those living and studying in Japan now. In a poll conducted on Sina Weibo, more than 200,000 netizens urge Japan to cancel its wrong decision and address the wastewater in     9     responsible manner. “We don’t want August 24, 2023 to be a disaster day for marine environment and we hope that the issue     10     (give) priority to and dealt with as soon as possible. If Japan does not change course, it must bear the historic responsibility for this decision.”


8 . For the past ten years, my dad and I have attended the same school — he as an administrator and I as a student. Our relationship, in and out of school, has been totally unpredictable.

When I was younger, all that my dad said was doctrine (信条) and anything he did I, ___________, copied. We played games together, and stayed up late reading bedtime stories. I could ___________ my dad taking me to school, running into him regularly during the day and riding home with him every afternoon.

As I grew older, we were not as ___________ as we used to be. He wasn’t cool any more. He wore his socks too high, listened to horrible country music and laughed too loudly in front of my friends. He became a total embarrassment.

However, the ___________ that occurred in school were even worse. The worst one happened in seventh grade. My dad came to our New Year party, dressed up as Donald Duck, guitar in hand, singing silly songs. Just kill me! I wanted to run away.

This ___________ continued into high school but we somehow began to find a balance. Things started to _________ around the time of my 10th-grade physics project. The ___________ was to build a wood bridge with the best strength-to-weight ratio (比率). All the students and physics teachers ___________. So did my dad, the only administrator! Embarrassed as usual, I ___________ the scene. However, later when I learned from my friends that my dad ______________ all competitors and won everyone’s admiration, I found that mixed in with my ______________ was a touch of pride.

I had needed someone else to show me what I ______________ in my dad. It wasn’t the fact that he’d won, it was more than that. I began to ______________ that we have many of the same values and sometimes the same opinions. No matter how much I had tried to ______________ him, he still influenced me.

I feel fortunate to have such an unusual father. The ______________ I have developed with my dad over the years has enabled me to look back and see how I’ve grown.

A.apply toB.see offC.count onD.pick out
2023-09-18更新 | 186次组卷 | 5卷引用:浙江省嘉兴市第五高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次阶段性测试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Nobel Prize is widely considered as the world’s most famous award. It is awarded for people     1     (make) achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, peace and economics. In 1900, it     2     (design) by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel as a means to formally recognise the men and women who have made a significant     3     (contribute) to cultural or scientific advancement.

It is believed that Nobel was inspired     4     (create) the awards after reading an obituary (讣告) in a French newspaper relating to his death. Nobel, who was    5     (obvious) still alive at the time, was deeply upset by the obituary saying that “The merchant (商人) of death is dead. ” The inventor, who was well-known     6     the creation of lots of weapons(武器), was frightened to discover that this was how the world would remember him. So he decided after he died, a large amount of his money would be used to create     7     number of prizes that would be awarded to those who award the “greatest benefit to mankind ”. These prizes were to be awarded in the     8     (field) of literature, physics, chemistry, physiology and peace.

The Nobel Foundation was created,     9     would take control of Nobel’s donation and arrange for the awarding of the     10     (vary) prizes.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Music has an important influence on people. Keep on reading to know more about its amazing powers.

A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music. Experts led by Dr. Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations.

Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement-related problems. Music can help recover from brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment, doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brain responsible for these two functions.

Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing. There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians. They were asked to pass some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians, and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year-old non-musician, even in a noisy environment.

Besides, music mends (修补)a broken heart. It is not about a thrown-away love, but about a heart attack. Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions and improves the movement of blood. It can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operation by reducing blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety.

1. How does music influence preterm babies?
A.It helps know more music.
B.It helps reduce their pain.
C.It helps recover from the operation.
D.It helps regain a balanced walk.
2. What does the underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.increaseB.lead toC.preventD.suffer from
3. Why can music mend a broken heart?
A.It can help throw love away .
B.It helps increase blood pressure.
C.It has a positive effect on blood system.
D.It can help cure people of all diseases.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Who can benefit from music
B.How to choose quality music
C.Why babies should listen to music
D.How music affects our mind and body
2023-09-11更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省嘉兴八校联盟2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
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