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1 . If a good friend is keeping their distance and you want to reach out to them, the best approach is openness, honesty, and a willingness to understand your friend’s feelings.     1    Here are some specific steps to get a friend back.


There is most likely a specific reason for the gap of your friendship. Consider the situation as objectively as you can. Even if you feel wronged by your friend, consider the possibility that somewhere along the line you have also hurt them in ways that you weren’t aware of.

Be aware of other reasons.

If there seems to be no clear reason for your friend’s distance, don’t jump to conclusions. It may have nothing to do with you.     3     A failure in a test, a different opinion from others or a quarrel between parents can all affect your friend, which temporarily keeps him/her away from you.

Think about what you want to say in advance.

If you feel you need to apologize, be specific about what you’re apologizing for. Make sure it’s sincere: what are you really sorry about? For example, if you’ve been ignoring your friend because you’re spending all your time with a new friend, it isn’t appropriate to apologize for spending time with this other person.     4    

Call your friend or ask to meet.

    5     Body language can communicate a lot more than just your voices and may help avoid misunderstandings. If you ask to meet, try to avoid unclear phrases like, “We need to talk. ” These can put your friend on the defensive. Instead, try a more emotionally rooted approach like, “I miss you,” or “I was just hoping we could spend a little time together. ”

A.Reflect on what happened.
B.Talk about things that you’d like to change.
C.It’s probably best to have a face-to-face talk if you can.
D.Your friend might have something else troubling them.
E.Instead, say sorry that you haven’t been making time for your friend.
F.Both of you might need time to process what the other has said.
G.Take your time, be thoughtful, and hopefully you can repair the damage.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There is a world of music out there! What you hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for you. Most of you probably like pop music and have your favorite performers, stars or bands.     1    . Here is a brief look at some of the exciting musical styles from around the world.

Blues music has a long history. The blues is a way for people to show who they are and what is in their heart.     2     The blues comes from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals. The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US. The blues has been part of African-American culture since then, and it is an important part of American culture.    3    .

Besides, people also listen to hip-hop and rap. They have much in common with blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristics.    4     It will help people hear new things in old music. And in rap music, the singer or “rapper” will speak or “rap” the words along with the beat.

    5    In the US, where there are many Spanish-speaking people, Latin music is a big part of the culture. It has always been popular in Spanish-speaking countries and today stars like Santana and Ricky Martin are known throughout the world.

A.Today’s American culture contains many musical styles.
B.There are of course many other interesting styles of music.
C.But many of you also want to discover new sounds and rhythms.
D.Another important style in today’s music world is Latin music.
E.Hip-hop music often combines parts of other styles to create music.
F.Other musical styles, like jazz and rock music, all come from blues music.
G.People have been playing the blues for many years, but the music has kept many of its characteristics.
2022-04-09更新 | 124次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省湖州市三贤联盟2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Whether you’re traveling to the next town over or to the other side of the world, careful planning goes a long way toward ensuring your trip is a success. The right preparation helps you avoid potential disasters, such as having your credit card declined or running out of clean clothes to wear.    1    .

Make your reservations for flights and accommodations. Once you’re sure of where you want to go and when you want to go, where you want to stay and how you want to get around, make your reservations. For flights, book around two months out.    2    You don’t want them to be booked or almost-booked, because then prices skyrocket.

Set a travel budget.    3    It’s easy to overspend when you’re traveling if you don’t plan ahead, so start your planning by breaking down how much you want to spend on transportation, food, accommodation, sightseeing and any other activities you hope to include in your trip.

    4    If you’re going abroad, you may be required to get a visa. Besides, check the website of your intended country’s consulate or embassy to see what is required for you to enter the country. Visas may take weeks or even months to finalize, so check early in the planning process.

Pack appropriate clothing for your destination and trip. Check the weather at your destination 2-3 days before you depart. This will let you know what type of clothes you need to bring.    5    Will you be expected to wear a suit for a conference, or will you be able to bathe in a bathing suit on the beach?

A.In addition, consider the nature of your trip.
B.Obtain a visa for international destinations if necessary.
C.And don’t wait till the last minute for your hotels either.
D.All trips are meant for adventure, relaxation, and enjoyment.
E.Travel agents simply must charge booking fees, or they cannot stay in business.
F.Here are some tips on how to plan your travel well to ensure a great travel experience.
G.Before you do anything, you need to know how much money you will have for this trip.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In our home it was natural to fear our father. Even our mother was afraid of him. As children, my sister and I thought every family was like that.       1       We discovered we could draw pictures with chalk on our wooden front door. We could have lots of fun, so we started drawing and making lots of pretty pictures all over it. We had a great time. We decided to finish our pictures, knowing Mom would love it.

    2     We did not understand why, but we knew all about anger, and we were in big trouble. Off we ran to find a place to hide. In our yard it was not hard for two small children to find safety. Together, we hid behind a tree and did not move. Soon we heard the frightened voices of Mom and our neighbours calling out to us. We were afraid of being found.     3     Those around us became more anxious, and we became more frightened. As we stayed together in the dark, we heard another voice, one we recognized with great fear: our daddy.         4     In it we heard something we had never heard before: fear and despair (绝望). Then came his prayers (祈祷). We saw our daddy with tears running down his face, promising God that he would give his life to Him if He would safely return his girls.

Things were different after that. We had a new daddy. It was like the old one was buried that day in the forest.     5    

A.The praise we expected did not come.
B.The sun set and it began to get dark.
C.Our daddy worked very hard to support the family.
D.Then came the day we found something new and fun to do.
E.Our whole family was changed with a piece of chalk.
F.But there was something different in it.
G.Our mom knew that he cared for us.
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sacrificing Sleep to Get Top Grades Doesn't Work

Sacrificing sleep and skipping meals to study in looking for academic excellence actually doesn't work, a new Harvard study has revealed recently.    1    . They usually like getting less sleep or adopting poor eating habits, in a search for top grades. But the new study of 4, 000 British teenagers shows those who display determination, courage and persistence also tend to have healthier lifestyles.

Children who study hard are also likely to look after themselves, and cultivate healthy emotional regulation skills, rather than behaving in ways that are bad for their health.     2    . Studies have shown the harmful effects stress over exams have on young children's health.     3    . The study also found for the first time a link between high­achieving students and helpfulness. The research revealed that those pupils who see themselves as having potential rather than having fixed abilities are more likely to help their peers.     4    .

Dr Christina Hinton, a research member at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, said, "    5    , but rather cultivating healthy emotional regulation skills and effective learning strategies. Our results suggest. "

A.Children struggling for excellence tend to make extra sacrifices
B.Children making sleep sacrifices can lead to excellence
C.The findings showed that children who work hard are also likely to develop health
D.High­achieving students have more potential than those low­achieving students
E.Having a growth attitude appears to have more impacts on the others around them
F.A survey found very young children smoke cigarettes and use energy drinks to prepare for their exams
G.Getting top grades does not require pushing yourself at all costs
2022-03-06更新 | 101次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省舟山市舟山中学2021-2022学年下学期高三3月英语质量抽查卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Useful tips for budget-conscious travelers

Traveling can be an experience of a lifetime. Being in the center of another culture is both exciting and eye-opening.     1    . Still, here are four useful tips for the budget-conscious traveler.

Don’t Travel During the Peak Season

    2    . In Manhattan, New York, it’s during the winter holidays. In Cebu, Philippines, it’s the summer months. Traveling during these peak times certainly means higher prices and large crowds. A great way to avoid all of these is to simply go when it’s not high season.


Within most regions there are local airlines that provide inexpensive solutions to getting around. This is especially handy when you have multiple destinations in mind for your trip. All you have to do is look up Mango flight bookings and you’re on your way. Once you’re in a region, getting around gets much simpler and a whole lot cheaper.

Choose Economical Accommodations

Hotel chains and expensive options may be nice, but they’re the opposite of a budget-friendly experience.     4    . If you’re an app expert, you can also check out room rental apps like Airbnb. They have an extensive network of apartments and units in wonderful neighborhoods for those who prefer a more local feel.

Don’t Spend All Your Money on Food

One of the best things about travel is to enjoy all the wonderful food. Tasting the authentic versions of your favorite dishes is an absolute delight. But be careful. Having a few good meals out is to be expected, but having every meal at an expensive restaurant is a very quick way to drain your money.     5    .

A.Use Flight Bookings
B.Use Regional Airlines
C.Every region has a peak season.
D.It also allows us to relax our busy heads.
E.Instead, try and find hostel options.
F.But traveling can seem too expensive.
G.So feel free to try the local snacks.
2022-02-08更新 | 237次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省舟山市舟山中学2022-2023学年高一上学期12月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Playgrounds for All Kids

Most of us are all too familiar with the typical playground set-up. Monkey bars, swings, and slides, all accessed by steps and surrounded by a sea of sand or wood chips.     1     However, many disabled children end up being unable to access all of the equipment because of the way it’s constructed.

    2    Its founder, Cody Goldberg, wanted to build a place for his disabled daughter Harper to play freely. It uses spiral (旋转的) walkways leading to activities, rather than steps, where kids in wheelchairs ride alongside those on skateboards.     3     Play areas are both wheelchair and walker accessible.

Goldberg describes the idea behind designing these playgrounds as completely inclusive. They don’t strictly cater to (迎合) children with disabilities and are not meant to prevent any child from access to play.     4    

The inclusive playground model is now spreading across the county. While the original Harper’s Playground is located in Portland, Oregon, similar playgrounds have popped up throughout the state. Harper’s Playground is now teaming up with those interested in building a park of their own.     5    

Changing the way playgrounds are built will have a wide-spread effect. It will affect the way schools are designed and built, and it will affect how the workplace is treated, and then ultimately it will change the way people with disabilities are thought of and treated.

A.What are their accessible playgrounds like today?
B.Harper’s Playground was created for just this reason.
C.Harper’s Playground began to work on its initial designs.
D.The equipment and layout provide access to a fun experience for all.
E.Slides are built extra wide so a caregiver and a child can go together.
F.It hopes to eventually spread across the country and, ultimately, the world.
G.The intention of these public playgrounds is to give kids a safe and fun place to play.
2022-01-26更新 | 122次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省金华市十校2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Love your parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling (满意的)part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.

    1     A gentle "good morning" and "I love you" will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, you might sill wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.

Respect them more and cherish(珍惜)these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend.     2    

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don't get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.     3     Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them.       4     Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. .    5     Look for help if you are being abused violently. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A.There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
B.Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
C.Tell them you love them every morning.
D.Forgiveness is the key.
E.Parents will turn express their love to you.
F.After this, share your feelings with your parents.
G.Please remember parents are as important as friends.
2021-12-31更新 | 170次组卷 | 46卷引用:浙江省金华市东阳中学2016-2017学年高二6月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . What is volunteer travel?

Volunteer travel involves taking a trip where all or part of the purpose of the trip is to participate in an arranged service opportunity helping others. Typically, the volunteer activity takes place in a foreign country, but some opportunities can involve national or regional projects.     1    

Charitable interests often go far beyond national boundaries. People in developed countries become interested in the struggles of people in less developed countries.     2     Volunteer travel is a way to combine a visit to a new location with meaningful work that has a direct impact on communities in other parts of the world.

    3     Historically, church groups made up a large part of this market. Once a year a religious organization or church would organize a trip to another country.     4     For example, it would be to help build a school in an impoverished(贫困的)area, or dig wells so a village would have clean water, or engage in hundreds of other projects that would impact those less fortunate. As international travel became easier and the Internet made communication between countries much easier, the interest in volunteer travel increased.

    5     Volunteering in other countries has become as accessible as browsing a website and signing up. Instead of traveling with a group that is organized at the volunteers home base, the volunteer may join a group that gathers at the worksite from all over the world. This sort of volunteer travel is sometimes referred to as voluntourism or vacanteerism.

A.The primary purpose of the trip was very specific.
B.This type of travel has been an option for many years.
C.Educational institutions also made volunteer travel an option.
D.Sometimes, donating money is not enough to satisfy the need to help.
E.The Internet has helped make community service in general more popular.
F.These trips are usually arranged by church organizations, human interest groups or non-profits.
G.A new trend is that for-profit tour operators arrange group travel around volunteer opportunities.
2021-12-12更新 | 1686次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省慈溪市2021-2022学年高三上学期12月适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Today it is common to see people who walk about with colored wires hanging from their ears wherever they go. They move about in their personal bubbles,sometimes unaware of what’s happening around them.     1     Outside life is shut out. So are you one of “them”?

For me, walking around in my own personal bubble is perfect.     2     What’s even better, wearing earphones seems to give a signal to people which says:“I'm not available for chatting at the moment.”

Suppose you’re at work and about to make an incredible breakthrough,but a colleague suddenly turns up. At this precise moment,the slightest disturbance would break your concentration.     3     Once again,those wires hanging from your ears would be sure to give that “Go away!” signal.

    4     It’s probably part of the growing up stage when they just want to ignore their whole family. While their mothers give them lectures about why they should do their homework,they can just turn up the volume on their MP3 player, smile and say “Yes, Mum.” Problem solved.

Pretty soon,not only will we have pretty colored wires hanging from our ears,but also our brains will be directly plugged into some new high-tech instrument. We’ll be in a virtual world,communicating with everyone else,as we like. In this world,we will all be permanently plugged in.     5     And they are changing our social habits along the way.

In the end, there is a thin line between using technology as a tool for making life better and being a slave to it! It’s so strange—suddenly. I don’t feel like wearing my earphones anymore.

A.Our instruments are changing quickly.
B.I also have wires hanging from my ears.
C.In the home situation,teenagers love these wires.
D.I don’t have to deal with the noise from the environment.
E.After all,I am listening to my favourite music and would rather not be disturbed.
F.They walk around in their own spaces, with their personal “digital noise reduction systems”.
G.Listening to music through earphones is one of the perfect ways to ignore such interruptions.
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