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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    1     (locate) in the north-east of Italy, Venice is known as “The Floating City”. It is made up of over 100 small islands, which are connected by waterways and bridges.     2     (fortunate), water is also putting Venice in great danger. Saltwater is slowly damaging the bases of Venice’s buildings. The Floating City is, in fact, sinking.

More problems are caused by floods,     3     usually hit the city each winter. But these floods could now be a thing of the past thanks to a new flood     4     (prevent) project. Venice lies in     5     middle of a lagoon, and rain and strong winds cause seawater to travel through the natural gaps to Venice. Dozens of gates     6     (build) to hold back the sea until now. Each of these gates is 20 meters wide,     7     the longest about 30 meters long. In the event of a big rise in the water level, the gates will be raised     8     (separate) the city from the sea.

But only time will tell     9     this project is the right solution. The important thing is that action is being taken to protect this unique city for future generations. And if it works, it means a longer,     10     (dry) future for Venice.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

2 . Have you ever been into a cave? If not, please follow us and explore some of the most beautiful caves from around the world!

Marble Caves

Located in the center of Lake General Carrera, the Marble Caves in Chico, Chile, are only accessible by boat. The surrounding crystal clear waters allow visitors to see the rock formations beneath them while the rock ceilings above change color(depending on the writer levels and the season). The best time to visit: during sunrise and sunset, when the sun’s rays light up the cave walls, making it an experience to remember.

Reed Flute Cave

Reed F1ute Cave known as “the Palace of Natural Arts” is located in the northwest of Guilin in southern China.The limestone cave offers a grand fairyland of stalactites(钟乳石), stone pillars, stone curtains, birds, plants and animals in fantastic shapes and colors.

Fingal’s Cave

This incredible sea cave is located on the uninhabited island of Staffa in Scotland. The cave’s size, shape, and naturally—arched(拱形的) roof combine with the waves to create strange sounds that enhance its cathedral—like atmosphere.

The Blue Grotto

The Blue Grotto is the symbol of Capri. It is a sea cave found on the coast of the island and is a well-known spot to all who visit the area. This cave is unique for its brilliant blue light which comes from two sources: the entrance to the cave and a bigger hole beneath the entrance. When viewed from inside the cave, the entrance appears as a brilliant white light just above the waterline, while the underwater hole, which is the larger source of light, provides a blue light.

1. Why is sunset the best time to visit Marble Caves?
A.Because it has enough light in it.
B.Because it has the most beautiful scenery.
C.Because it is surrounded by clear waters.
D.Because boats are only available at sunset.
2. Which cave will you go to if you want to enjoy the strange sound?
A.Reed F1ute Cave.B.Marble Caves.
C.The Blue Grotto.D.Fingal’s Cave.
3. What is special about the Blue Grotto?
A.C1ear waters.B.Various birds and animals.
C.Bright blue light.D.Strange shapes.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Dark Sky Parks around the World

Warrumbungle National Park

Situated in the central west slopes of New South Wales is Australia’s only dark sky park, Warrumbungle. The park has served as a dark sky park since July 2016. Its crystal-clear night skies and high altitude make it a natural, educational, and astronomical heritage site in the southern half of the earth. Tourists can use Australia’s largest optical telescope within the park boundaries to view the auroras(极光),the Milky Way, and faint shooting stars.


Sark is a Channel Island near the coast of Normandy under the protection of the UK. It was the World’s First Dark Sky Island set up in January 2011. Its historical and cultural blend attracts over 40,000 tourists annually. With no motor vehicles and public lighting on the island, there is an exceptional view of the dark skies. A rich Milky Way is visible in the dark night skies from the shores of the island.

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre in France was designated as a dark sky park in December 2013 making it the second largest dark sky park in the world. The park covers 3.112 square kilometers spread across the Pyrenees National Park and UNESCO’s World Heritage site, Pyrenees-Mont Perdu. The park attracts over one hundred star watchers every year. The Observatory Midi-Pyrenees, which was built in 1870, is one of the world’s highest museums at a height of 2,877 meters above sea level.

Ramon Crater/Makhtesh Ramon

Ramon Crater is a unique 1,100-square-kilometer nature reserve located in the Negev Desert in Israel. In 2017, the Ramon Crater became the first designated dark sky park in the Middle East. Its location, rough climate, and forbidding landscape that are characteristic of the Negev have largely defeated historical attempts for human settlement, making it a great place to view the night skies. Stargazers usually camp in the desert to have an uninterrupted view of the stars, planets, and the Milky Way.

1. Which park serves as a heritage site for astronomy?
B.Pic du Midi de Bigorre.
C.Warrumbungle National Park.
D.Ramon Crater/Makhtesh Ramon.
2. What do we know about Sark from the passage?
A.Not a single car runs there.
B.It was an island belonging to Normandy.
C.The Milky Way can only be seen there.
D.Visitors like to stay on the island in groups.
3. What makes it difficult for humans to live in Ramon Crater?
A.High altitude.B.The large area.
C.Geographical conditions.D.Cultural features.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Rivers play an important role on the earth, and we can't imagine what the earth would be like without rivers.       1    

With a length of 6, 650 kilometers, the Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile River has been the source of human civilization since ancient times. The Nile has two main branches—the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The White Nile starts from the Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa through Lake Victoria.    2     The Blue Nile carries with it a lot of fertile soil which turns out to be very important to farming in Egypt.

The Amazon River is the world's largest river with a width of about 40 kilometers during the rainy seasons but about 10 kilometers wide when it is not flooded. The Amazon River has such a big water volume that it accounts for(占.....比例) more than 20% of all the world’s fresh water—far more than any other river.     3    The main Amazon River flows mostly through Brazil and Peru but its tributaries can also be found in many other countries.

    4    It has a depth of about 250 meters. Its length is 4, 700 kilometers. The sources of the Congo River are in the highlands and mountains in the Eastern Africa Rift Valley. It's the second largest river in terms of water volume.     5    The Congo River basin(盆地) is the catchments(流域,集水区) area of the Congo River. It lies in both north and south of the Equator, making its flow very stable as there are always some tributaries experiencing a rainy season at any time.

A.Some of them are worth mentioning.
B.The Congo River is the world's deepest river.
C.Do you know which is the deepest river in the world?
D.The Blue Nile originates from(发源于)Lake Tana in Ethiopia.
E.Without rivers, there would be no living life in and along them.
F.And it flows through the second largest rain-forests in the world.
G.Streams that begin in the Andes Mountains are its sources.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Truth about Whisky

Whisky is probably     1     most famous product of Scotland. Whisky making provides work     2     several thousand people in the Scottish Highlands and islands, and whisky is Scotland's biggest goods     3     (sell) to every corner of the world.

The qualities of whisky come from the water which     4     (use) to make it the rich "peaty"(多泥炭的) water of Scotland. When whisky is first made, it is     5     (actual) clear, not brown in colour. The colour comes from the wooden     6     (container) in which the whisky is stored for several years to allow it     7     (mature) from a little added sugar.

For many years, whisky has been one of the most popular drinks all over the world, and Scotland     8     (produce) more and more of it so far. But whisky sales have not increased as fast, so there are now large reserves of whisky in Scotland, especially the better and     9     (much) expensive whisky. So a lot of the whisky sold today was made several years ago when people thought that whisky would get more and more popular. That is     10    , today, a lot of the whisky in the shops is marked with "Ten years old", or even "Fifteen years old".

2019-03-08更新 | 344次组卷 | 4卷引用:甘肃省靖远县第四中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第一检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . There are many beautiful places in Europe worth visiting. Among them Greece is right at the top. A vacation to Greece will give you everything you ever want in a holiday. The attractive hot springs, beautiful villages, rich history, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches are all here. The streets are always alive with music, fireworks and celebrations. Winter is the time to enjoy some great skiing, with so many mountains around here that offer this sport.

Spain is the second largest tourist destination (目的地) in the world. It’s one of the first countries in the world to develop summer beach vacations. Spain, along with Italy, officially has the most world heritage sites, 42 to be exact. With so many mountainous regions, Spain is big when it comes to the winter vacation. Lastly, for great nightlife, you’d love to be in Barcelona or Madrid.

Switzerland is the most popular winter destination in the world. It has 15,000 miles running through mountainous regions. The Swiss Alps attract people from all over the world. If you think Switzerland is only a winter holiday destination, youre mistaken. The same places are popular in summer too. Hiking is popular in summer. Switzerland is also proud of Jungfraujoch — the highest train station in Europe. Switzerland has developed an amazing transport network, and each and every mountain village can be got to by some kind of public transport.

Venice of Italy is another great destination. It has an amazing history and is famous for its beautiful architecture. There are many old churches worth visiting. Venice is also filled with many art galleries. The Grand Canal is a long canal that runs right through the city. This is referred to as the most beautiful street in the whole of Venice. The city, made up of 117 small islands, is amazingly linked by 400 bridges over 150 canals.

1. We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the highest train station of the world is in Switzerland
B.the old churches are the most beautiful places in Venice
C.Spain is perfect for the winter vacation thanks its mountains
D.Spain is the first country to develop summer beach vacations
2. According to the passage, if you are quite interested in works of art, you’d better go to ________.
3. In which countries do mountains make great contributions to their tourism?
A.Greece and Spain.B.Switzerland and Venice.
C.Spain and Venice.D.Spain and Switzerland.
4. Where would you most probably find the passage?
A.A book review.B.A government document.
C.A travel guide.D.A fashion magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Canada is a very large country. It is the second largest country in the world. By contrast it has a very small population. There are only about 29 million people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin, and French is an official language of Canada as well as English. About 45% of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents or grandparents, etc., come from Britain. Nearly 30% are of French origin. Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of Quebec.

Over the years, people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are from most European countries and also from China, besides other Asian countries.

However, Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian Indians lived along the coast, by the rivers and lakes and in forests. Today there are only about 350, 000 Indians in the whole country, with their own languages. In the far north live the Inuit. There are only 27, 000 Canadian-Inuit. Their life is hard in such a difficult climate.

1. About ________ live in Quebec.
A.30% of the French-CanadiansB.45% of the Canadians
C.29, 000, 000 peopleD.8,700, 000 French-Canadians
2. The official languages of Canada are ________.
A.English and ChineseB.French and English
C.Indian and EnglishD.Chinese and Inuit
3. The word “origin” in this passage means ________.
4. About 23% of people came from ________.
C.FranceD.some other countries except France and Britain
2019-02-23更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:【区级联考】甘肃省兰州市第二片区丙组2018-2019学年高一上学期期末联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Great Wall     1    (think) highly of by the human race as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It lies in North China, with over 6,000 kilometers in     2    (long) and 7—8 meters in height.     3    (build) mainly with earth, brick and stone, the Great Wall was designed     4    (protect) people in ancient China from invaders. However, it is now     5    (universal) regarded as one of the most important tourist spots in our country. Every year, it is visited by thousands of people from all over the world. The Great Wall has become a symbol of     6     Chinese nation and its culture.

The Great Wall is wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk side     7     side. Along the wall are watch towers, where soldiers used to watch.

It was very difficult to build such a wall in ancient times without any modern     8    (machine). The condition was     9     terrible that all the work was done by hand. To be honest, the Great Wall was made not only of stone     10     earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

2019-01-19更新 | 181次组卷 | 1卷引用:【市级联考】甘肃省张掖市2018-2019学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
书信写作-建议信 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 假如你是李华。你的英国朋友Jim所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条路线可以选择:“长江之行”或“泰山之旅”。Jim来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:
可能用到的词汇:the Yangtze River 长江        Mount Tai泰山



Dear Jim.


Li Hua

2018-11-07更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:【全国百强校】甘肃省兰州第一中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . If you are looking for the place that has everything, there is only one place to visit, and that’s New York. It’s a whole world in a city.

The World of Theater: All of New York is a stage. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many hit shows in one place? Only in New York!

The World of Music: Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.

The World of Art: From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.

The World of Fine Dining: Whether it’s roast Beijing duck in Chinatown, lasagna in little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin found everywhere, there is world of great taste waiting for you in New York.

The World of Sights: What other city has a Statue (雕塑) of Liberty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park? Only in New York!

1. From the text we know that “Rembrandt” is most likely to be the name of a famous            .
2. Which of the following can visitors do only in New York?
A.To enjoy a Beethoven concert.B.To taste the finest French coq au vin.
C.To see the Statue of Liberty.D.To eat Roast Beijing Duck.
3. This passage may be taken from .
A.a handbook for English learnersB.a pocketbook for businessmen
C.a guidebook for foreign travellersD.a storybook for local readers
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