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1 . Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs support more species per unit area than any other marine (海洋的) environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species. Scientists estimate that there may be millions of undiscovered species living in and around reefs. This biodiversity is considered the key to finding new medicines for the 21st century. Many drugs are now being developed from coral reef animals and plants as possible cures for cancer, viruses, and other diseases.

Healthy coral reefs support fisheries as well as jobs and businesses through tourism and recreation. About half of all managed fisheries depend on coral reefs and related habitats for a part of their life cycles. The National Marine Fisheries Service estimates the commercial value of U. S. fisheries from coral reefs is over $ 100 million, Local economies receive billions of dollars from visitors to reefs through diving tours, recreational fishing trips, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses based near reef ecosystems.

Coral reef structures also buffer (缓冲) shorelines against 97 percent of the energy from waves, storms, and floods, helping to prevent loss of life, and property damage. When reefs are damaged or destroyed, the absence of this natural barrier can increase the damage to coastal communities from normal wave action and violent storms. Several million people live in U. S. coastal areas near coral reefs. Some coastal development is required to provide necessary infrastructure (基础设施) for coastal residents and the growing coastal tourism industry.

Despite their great economic and recreational value, coral reefs are severely threatened by pollution, disease, and habitat destruction. Once coral reefs are damaged, they are less able to support the many creatures that live on them and the communities near them. When a coral reef supports fewer fish, plants, and animals, it also loses value as a tourist destination.

1. Why is biodiversity important to medicines?
A.It can reduce the prices of new medicines.B.It can help make new medicines.
C.It can be used for medicines.D.It can be used to cure diseases.
2. How do coral reefs protect shorelines?
A.They protect people against sharks.B.They completely avoid serious flooding.
C.They prevent people from being drowned.D.They weaken most of the energy from waves.
3. What will happen if coral reefs are damaged?
A.Most fish will die out.B.Coastal cities will attract fewer tourists.
C.There will be no large fish.D.The sea will be polluted.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Importance of Diverse EcosystemsB.The Environments of Coral Reefs
C.The Importance of Coral ReefsD.The Value of Biodiversity
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假设你是平谷区红星中学高二学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim曾到过平谷,他听说2021世界休闲大会(2021 Word Leisure Congress)已经在平谷闭幕,他想了解平谷近几年的变化。请给他回复邮件,内容包括:
Dear Jim,


Li Hua

2021-07-04更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市平谷区2020-2021学年高二下学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Xi’an City Wall is the most complete city wall that has survived China’s long history. It     1     (build) originally to protect the city     2     the Tang dynasty and has now been completely restored (修复). It is possible       3     (walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.

We accessed the wall through the South Gate. The wall is 12 meters high and from here you can see streams of people moving inside and outside the City Wall.

After     4     (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and what     5     (good) than to ride on a piece of history!

We     6     (hire) our bikes from the rental place at the South Gate. My bike was old and shaky     7     did the job. It took us about 3 hours to go all     8     way around the Xi’an City Wall. Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and     9     (watchtower) to take pictures or just to watch the local people going about their     10     (day) routines.

2021-06-11更新 | 11942次组卷 | 45卷引用:2021年全国甲卷英语真题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Close to the North Pole, remote and rocky Plateau Mountain in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard seems an unlikely spot for any global effort to safeguard agriculture. In this cold and deserted environment, no grains, no gardens, no trees can grow. Yet at the end of a 130-meter-long tunnel cut out of solid stone is a room filled with humanity’s most precious treasure, the largest and most diverse seed collection—more than a half-billion seeds.

A quiet rescue mission is under way. With growing evidence that unchecked climate change will seriously affect food production and threaten the diversity of crops around the world, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault represents a major step towards ensuring the preservation of hundreds of thousands of crop varieties. This is a seed collection, but more importantly, it is a collection of the traits found within the seeds: the genes that give one variety resistance to a particular pest and another variety tolerance for hot, dry weather.

Few people will ever see or come into contact with the contents of this vault. In sealed boxes, behind multiple locked doors, monitored by electronic security systems, enveloped in below-zero temperatures, and surrounded by tons of rock, hundreds of millions of seeds are protected in their mountain fortress. Frozen in such conditions inside the mountain, seeds of most major crops will remain viable for hundreds of years, or longer. Seeds of some are capable of retaining their ability to grow for thousands of years.

Everyone can look back now and say that the Seed Vault was a good and obvious idea, and that of course the Norwegian government should have approved and funded it. But back in 2004, when the Seed Vault was proposed, it was viewed as a crazy, impractical, and expensive idea.

We knew that nothing would provide a definite guarantee. But we were tired, fed up, and frankly scared of the steady, greater losses of crop diversity. The Seed Vault was built by optimists who wanted to do something to preserve options so that humanity and its crops might be better prepared for change. If it simply resupplied seed gene banks with samples those gene banks had lost, this would repay our efforts.

The Seed Vault is about hope and commitment——about what can be done if countries come together and work cooperatively to accomplish something significant, long-lasting, and worthy of who we are and wish to be.

1. What is the Seed Vault according to the passage?
A.It’s a tunnel where the collected seeds are displayed.
B.It’s a stone room that contains the seeds of endangered crops.
C.It’s a seed gene bank that stores diverse seeds for future agriculture.
D.It’s a lab where researchers study how to maintain the diversity of crops.
2. What does the underlined word “viable” in Paragraph 3 probably means?
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tells us?
A.How the seeds are preserved.B.Where people keep the seeds.
C.Why the seeds are protected.D.What people do to study the seeds.
4. We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the Seed Vault offers a solution to climate change.
B.most countries took part in rescuing the seed varieties.
C.the Seed Vault guarantees to prevent the loss of crop diversity.
D.many people originally considered building the Seed Vault unwise.
2021-06-02更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市麻城实验高级中学2021届高三5月冲刺模拟考试(五)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The iceberg that was for a time the biggest in the world is no more. A68, as it was known, covered an area of nearly 6,000 km2    1    it broke away from Antarctica in 2017. That's like a small country. But satellites show the mega-berg has now virtually gone, broken into countless small fragments    2    the US National Ice Center says are no longer worth tracking. Most glaciologists regard A68 as the product of a very    3    (nature)process, and it has nothing to do with human-induced climate change.

2021-05-31更新 | 311次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市中国人民大学附属中学2021届高三考前热身英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . City's icons celebrate milestones

Happy birthday to these big apple attractions


The Met isnt the only New York City institution celebrating an anniversary in 2020 - 2021.


April 2021 marks the 130th year of Carnegie Hall, the prestigious landmark that has delighted audiences with performers from around the world, including Frank Sinatra, the Beatles and Gustav Mahler.


Another NYC mainstay with a recent anniversary is the New York Public Library. Established in 1895, the main branch in midtown Manhattan, with its entrance famously flanked by lion statues named Patience and Fortitude, is a must-visit landmark that turned 125 in May 2020.


Almost a hundred years ago, competing skyscrapers shot into the atmosphere in a race to become the world's tallest building. At 1 ,046 feet, the Chrysler Building — which celebrated its 90th anniversary in May 2020 - was the first to hold the title, but only briefly.

90 TH

One year after the Chrysler Building was built, the Empire State Building was completed, topping off at 1,250 feet (or 1,454 if you count the antennae and spire) and remained the world's tallest building for a respectable 40 years. The iconic skyscraper — synonymous with the Big Apple itself — turns 90 in May 2021.

1. What is Carnegie Hall usually used for?
2. What do we know about the New York Public Library?
A.It was founded in 1895.
B.April 2021 marks its 125th year.
C.It has become the world's tallest building.
D.It was completed after the Chrysler Building was built.
3. Which of the following wins a longer title of "the world's tallest building”?
A.The Met.
B.The Empire State Building.
C.The New York Public Library.
D.The Chrysler Building.
2021-05-29更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省天府名校2021届5月高三诊断性考试英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Many buildings along the Yangtze River have been destroyed during the flood season,     1     the Guanyin Pavilion (亭子) in the middle of the river has continued to stand tall even after more than 700 years. How does this ancient pavilion make     2    ? Described as “the first pavilion on the Yangtze River”, the Guanyin Pavilion     3     (build) in the Song Dynasty and then rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. Today, the pavilion     4     (sit) on a piece of dragon-shaped rock in the middle of the Yangtze River. Located outside the city of Ezhou, Hubei Province, the pavilion was constructed on a huge rock about 30 meters from the bank of the river.     5     (face) west, the pavilion is 24 meters long, 10 meters wide and 14 meters in     6     (high) . The base is made with a one-meter- high stone pile. The entire base is     7     (beautiful) combined with the rock, and the whole building is shaped     8     a boat in the direction of the flowing water. More importantly, a very strong stone wall was set up     9     (protect) the main body from the floods. The ancient pavilion is still standing more than 700 years later,     10     shows the wisdom of ancient Chinese people.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “It has nothing in common with anything else on the Bund(外滩) "said Ben Wood, the American architect behind Shanghai's famous Xintiandi District, commenting on the Fosun Foundationafter its completion in 2016. "The great thing about the Bund is that it'sgrand. Perhaps a building that can stand out is needed here to show that acompany is progressive. But it's not grand.”

For now, however, the FosunFoundation ---a new theatre ---is proving popular with riverside tourists.

Located in the Bund FinanceCenter, the theatre was designed by co-operation of two world-known Britishdesign firms: Foster+ Partners and Heatherwick Studio. The architecturalhighlight is the outward appearance ---a golden, three-layered(层) steel bamboo curtain that hangs fromthe third floor. But what makes the architecture really unique is that it"dances" : repeatedly each day, the curtain slowly moves ---opens andcloses--- with music. This visual element, combining East and West, looks likeboth an ancient Chinese crown and a Western harp (竖琴). The building's ground floor entrancelooks unclear, but once inside, you'll see the space reveal a hall and cafe, and traditional Chinese theatres on the upper floors. Although there're onlyfour stories above ground, the building houses several music halls on its threeunderground floors.

“The opportunity to makesomething new in this culturally historic location was extraordinary, "said Thomas Heatherwick, Heatherwick Studio founder. "We tried to make itan interesting addition to show Shanghais mix of modern and historicarchitecture.”

The Fosun Foundation is only part of a bigger plan for this economicand cultural center in China. Along the Huangpu River, a massive waterfront artarea is being built. Shanghai hopes to play a larger role in the global artindustry in the coming years.

What Shanghai makes of thisnew riverside project remains to be seen. But with the Fosun Foundation open tothe public, the area's rapid transformation is bringing up discussions inChina's arts scene and beyond.

1. What did Ben Wood mainly talk about?
A.How to keep the Bund area progressive.
B.Why the Bund area doesn't stand out.
C.How to make the Fosun Foundation grand.
D.Why the Fosun Foundation doesn’t fit the area.
2. What makes the theatre unusual?
A.The colour of its appearance.
B.The material of the building
C.The movement of its curtain.
D.The music of a different type.
3. What is Shanghai's bigger plan for the Bund area?
A.To improve its influence in arts.
B.To bring up more traditional buildings.
C.To strengthen its economic role.
D.To mix modern and historic elements.
4. Which word best describes the author's attitude to the plan?
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The highest point on Earth has a     1    (new) announced height. Mount Everest is 29,031. 69 feet above sea level, according to survey results presented today. That is more than two feet higher     2    the altitude previously recognized by the government of Nepal.

The height,     3     was announced on December 8 in a joint     4    (state) by the Survey Department of Nepal and Chinese authorities, is the result of a multiyear project to measure the mountain. As the first serious survey of Everest in 16 years, the effort has been closely followed by the geographic community—particularly scientists analyzing how a devastating 7. 8 magnitude earthquake in 2015     5    (affect) the region.

Last spring a small group of Nepalese surveyors and guides experienced the     6    (bite) wind of a nighttime climbing, reaching the top at 3 a. m. local time.

“We long     7    (deliver) the message that we can do something with our own resources and     8    (technique) manpower,” Khimlal Gautam, chief survey officer for the project, told National Geographic last year.

In 1856, mathematician Radhanath Sickdhar found that Everest was the     9     (high) mountain in the world while he was working for the Great Trigonometrical Survey, a project devoted to surveying and mapping the Indian subcontinent. Since then, a handful     10     surveys have sought to pin down the mountain's true height with the best technology available at the time.

10 . In the South Atlantic Ocean, there is an island called Tristan da Cunha, which is a six day boat ride from the nearest town Cape Town in South Africa. There’s no airport on Tristan. Every month or so, a boat will bring visitors but not many. The boat will also bring mail and supplies. You can only see about 270 people, 300 cows, 500 sheep, and a whole lot of penguins there.

The British tried to build a military base there in 1816. They gave up after a year. But a soldier and his family talked a few people into staying. Those people slowly built a community. Few trees grow on the island. So they found wood that washed ashore. They used it to build homes and boats. For food, they raised cows, sheep and pigs. They fished and planted potatoes. They promised to share everything they had. Sometimes ships brought supplies to Tristan. But for many years, no one there used money. Instead, people on the island traded potatoes for supplies. It cost five potatoes to send a piece of mail.

Today, nearly everyone on Tristan is a farmer. The island’s main industry is fishing. It has a single factory that cans fish.

Several times, bad luck has nearly destroyed the town on Tristan. In 1885, men died in a boat accident. That left 13 women and only 4 adult men on the island. Still, everyone stayed. In 1961, a bigger disaster stuck. The town was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. All 290 people on the island moved to England. But soon, nearly all of them moved back to the island and rebuilt their town.

What’s so special about life on this lonely island? For islanders like Harold Green, that’s an easy question to answer. Green has lived on Tristan his whole life. He left when the volcano erupted. But England was too loud and too crowded for him. He came back because the island is peaceful.

1. What was used as money on Tristan in the past?
2. What made all the Tristan islander move to England in 1961?
A.A deadly boat accident.
B.A terrible natural disaster.
C.The attraction of modern life.
D.The building of a British military base.
3. How does Harold Green feel about his life on Tristan?
4. What does the text mainly introduce?
A.A lonely island.
B.A special lifestyle.
C.A famous fishing town.
D.A popular tourist attraction.
2021-05-08更新 | 150次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量检测英语试题
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