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1 . There are around 100 tribes that live in global isolation, mostly in South America and India.

The Sentinelese(250 people)have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60, 000 years. They protect their island by fighting against people from outside. Their language is different from any other known language.

Another Andaman tribe is the Jarawa(300 people). In the past, they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them. But in 1998, the Indian govemment built a road across their land, and since then, they’ve had more contact with the outside world.

Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories. The Mashco—Piro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies killed most of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th century. Those who survived became nomadic(游牧的)and started hunting animals in the forest.

The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil. Out of 350 members, 100 have no contact with the outside world. They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans. In the following years, farmers in nearby communities started cutting the trees to expand their farmland. The Awa lost most of their hunting land.

The few Amazon tribes that still exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of life.

Survival, an organization that fights for the rights of tribal people, says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势的)humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us.

After years of pressure, the organization got Brazil’s government to clear invaders from the Awa land. All non-Awa people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest back. But some think it’s impossible for tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected world. Contact will be made one day. So the question is:Whose choice should it be, ours or theirs?

1. What could be learnt about the Sentinelese from the text?
A.They speak the same language as the Jarawa.
B.They resist contact from the outside world.
C.There are about 350 members in their tribe.
D.They received help from the Indian government.
2. Why did the Awa adopt a nomadic lifestyle?
A.To avoid being attacked by Europeans.
B.To avoid being robbed by rubber companies.
C.To protect their hunting land.
D.To maintain their traditional way of life.
3. What is Survival’s view of the tribal people?
A.They should fight for their rights by themselves.
B.We should show them respect and not disturb them.
C.It’s impossible to stay isolated from the outside world.
D.We should help them get used to the connected world.
4. How does the author describe the isolated tribes?
2021-05-07更新 | 125次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省泰安市2021届高三下学期二轮模拟英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个词汇)或括号中词汇的正确形式。

If you live in northeastern China, you expect long, cold winters. People     1    (live) in Harbin don’t just stand the cold, however, they welcome it. The city is home to the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival,    2    is considered to be the largest ice festival in the world. Even with temperatures usually close to zero, thousands of people head to city parks     3    (see) great ice sculptures, many bathed in colored lights.

The festival includes several thousand ice sculptures. Some of these works are the recreations of castles, historic landmarks and famous people, lit up at night in bright colors. There     4    (visitor) can climb ice stairways and go down ice slides (滑坡). They can also take part    5    sporting events, including skating, ice football     6    well as ice swimming.

The city started     7    (it) icy event in 1963 with the Ice Lantern Garden Party, a     8    (celebrate) of the tradition of creating lanterns out of blocks of ice. The larger festival     9    (begin) in 1985 and added sculptures, which have grown in number and size over the years. As it has gotten bigger, the festival has become popular outside the city.    10    (official), the festival starts on January 5th and lasts over one month.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华,你的朋友Jack要来你的家乡参观,请你写封回信介绍你的家乡并表示欢迎。要点如下:
1. 自然环境;
2. 人文环境(交通、生活等);
3. 表示欢迎。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
3. 开头句已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jack,

I’m very glad to hear that you are going to pay a visit to myhometown.



Li Hua

2021-04-23更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题23 书面表达之介绍类3(地点介绍)-备战2021届高考英语二轮复习题型专练(通用版)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China's national observatory on Monday issued a yellow alert for sandstorms in the northern part of the country. “    1    (start)from Monday to 8 a. m. Tuesday, affected by cold fronts and heavy winds, floating sand and dust       2    (expect)to sweep parts of several northern provinces and the city of Beijing,”     3    (forecast)the NMC.

Some regions in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Shanxi were hit by strong sandstorms. The capital Beijing was enveloped in yellow dust     4     Monday morning with visibility at less than 1 km,     5     followed an official yellow warning for the sandstorm. The sandstorm is the strongest and the most sweeping     6     in nearly a decade. Remote sensing images of dust in northern China show the dust from Mongolia     7    (gradual)traveled south with the airflow.

This wave of sandstorms is a result of the combined       8    (effect)of cold air and cyclones from Mongolia. “The combined action of the Mongolian cyclone and the cold high     9    (press)provided a strong impetus(动力)for the sandstorm,” said Zhang Bihui,     10     senior engineer with the NMC.

2021-04-22更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省新高考联考协作体2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)

5 . In 1849, travelers going from the East Coast to the West Coast of the U.S. had three choices. They could go by wagon(马车) across the dangerous land. They could travel by sea to Panama, cross Panama by foot, and then sail to the West Coast. The third choice was to board a sailing ship in New York bound for California. The journey took long. Severe weather could add as much as five extra months to the trip.

Could there be any other way to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific? The answer was a canal. A canal is a human-made waterway.

In the1850s,the U.S. and Britain negotiated treaty(条约) for the rights to build canal. However, this canal was never built.

Panama was another logical option for a canal. With a canal in Panama, travel time could be three months instead of eight months.

In 1879, France began to build a canal across Panama. This project was led by Ferdinand, the experienced builder of the Suez Canal in Egypt. The French government felt that he could get the job done.

Unfortunately, problems began as soon as construction started. It rained every day and temperatures climbed as high as 130 degrees. Tropical diseases caused illness or death to the majority of workers. These factors put a great deal of stress on the project. The money assigned to build the canal quickly ran out. In 1899, France abandoned the project.

The U.S. Congress decided to finish the canal. The U.S . government paid $40 million to France for the completed work and abandoned equipment. In 1903, a treaty between the U.S. and Panama was signed paying Panama $10 million for the land for the canal. This treaty also guaranteed $250,000 to Panama each year for the use of its land and ensured its independence. This deal was viewed as a major foreign policy achievement at the time.

By early1913, the canal was nearly complete. On September 26,1931, an old tugboat was the first ship through the canal. Thousands of people watched and cheered.

Time, money, and possibly even lives have been saved as ships use the shorter route from ocean to ocean provided by the canal. The Panama Canal, a highway of water, is a phenomenon.

1. What does the underlined word “phenomenon” in the last paragraph probably mean?
2. What caused France to stop work on the canal?
A.France incorrectly believed in Ferdinand.
B.Ferdinand managed another canal project in Egypt.
C.Tropical diseases infected most workers on the project
D.The U.S. government paid France and took over the project.
3. What can be inferred about the building of the Panama Canal?
A.It caused feelings of hate between France and the U.S.
B.It strengthened the relationship between Panama and the U.S.
C.It united the people living on the east and west coasts of the U.S.
D.It created pressure on the relationship between Britain and the U.S.
4. What is the purpose for writing the text?
A.To persuade readers to visit the Canal.
B.To inform readers about the Canal and its history.
C.To tell interesting facts about who built the Canal.
D.To state building the Canal was a good political decision.
2021-04-12更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省八所重点中学(九江一中、吉安一中等)2021届高三下学期4月联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The Lake on Top of a Mountain

Imagine a lake as blue as the summer sky, surrounded by thousands of pine trees and towering mountains.    1    , but Lake Tahoe is a real place in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, along the border of California and Nevada.

People come during every season to enjoy Lake Tahoe. It is the perfect spot for camping, boating, fishing, biking, and hiking.    2    . Most of the small towns surrounding Lake Tahoe have lodge(集会处)where families can go to ski or snowboard. These holiday destinations are much more fun to stay at than the ones in other parts of the country.

    3    , but the area was popular long before California and Nevada were even states. Native Americans from the Washoe tribe(部落)traveled through the mountains and spent their summers at Lake Tahoe. In fact, the name Tahoe comes from a Washoe and meaning "big water". The Washoe were expert hunters who used the land and water for their food supply.    4    . The best one is about very large birdlike monster(怪物)that lived in the middle of the lake and ate people!

While people now use Lake Tahoe mostly for fun rather than survival, it is still important to keep the water and land clean. California and Nevada work together to make sure these natural resources are used wisely.    5    . There would be no place as beautiful or fun for a vacation as Lake Tahoe.

A.Few people know this place
B.It sounds like something from a storybook
C.They even created many tales about the lake
D.Thousands of people visit Lake Tahoe each year
E.However, Lake Tahoe is best known for its snow sports
F.They have excellent hunting skills and never farm the land
G.It would be terrible if the lake and mountains became severely polluted
2021-03-31更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市第一高级中学2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . After spending a term in Spain, I have been trying to work out which common impressions on Spain have some truth in them and which don't.    1    

Spain is always warm and sunny. This is not true. The city I stayed in, which is in central Spain, often becomes colder than London in winter. However, the city receives little rain all year round and gets very hot in summer.    2    In Andalusia of southern Spain, for example, temperature can be cool but pleasant in winter, but becomes very high in summer.

The Spanish love to have fun.    3    The Spanish people I meet tend to be very warm and open. Spaniards love to celebrate life through different festivals throughout the year. As well as religious festivals, they celebrate others such as La Tomatina, a festival in Valencia where people throw tomatoes at each other.

    4    This is true. Both locals and tourists enjoy watching Flamenco shows just as much, especially in Andalusia. It is also possible to see them in Madrid and Barcelona, but they tend to be more for tourists. I recommend seeing a Flamenco show in Cadiz or Jerez de la Frontera. The flamenco in Cadiz takes on a more cheerful style. Maybe this is because the people of Cadiz live by the sea and have access to beautiful sandy beaches.

Spain is a fascinating country, in which you are sure to have lots of fun. I find that a lot of the common impressions on Spain hold some truth.    5    Spanish culture is very complex and the traditions and culture, as well as food and weather, can vary between regions.

A.Spain is famous for its Flamenco.
B.Here’s what I have discovered so far.
C.But the country is not limited to them.
D.I have seen a lot of evidence that this is true.
E.The following are correct impressions on Spain.
F.Southern Spain tends to be warmer than northern Spain.
G.Northern Spain is colder in summer and also colder in winter.
2021-03-03更新 | 275次组卷 | 4卷引用:人教版2019高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 4 过关检测试卷
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文°文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错谟仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词.
Dear Calvin,

Knowing that you would like to travel to a place of interests in China, I’m writing to recommend Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden with you.

Locating in Kaifeng, Henan Province, Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden have a good reputation among tourists. Based on an appealed painting by Zhang Zeduan, Qingming Reverside Landscape Garden naturally which got its name. It offers you a chance go back to the Song Dynasty, but you can enjoy the unique culture and experience the special lifestyle of the local people then. It's well worth visiting.

Wish you a extremely happy journey and enjoy ourselves.

2021-02-20更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省池州市2021届高三上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In 1972, UNESCO started a programme to protect the world’s cultural and     1    (nature) heritage. Since then, more than 800 cultural sites     2     (add) to the World Cultural Heritage Site List. The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) in India and the Imperial Tombs of the Qing and Ming Dynasties in China    3     (be) two of the best known examples.

The Taj Mahal built between 1631 and 1648, is a masterpiece of architecture. It took more than 20, 000 workers and 1,000 elephants    4     (complete) the project, and the stones came from as far away as China.

    5    makes the Qing and Ming Tombs unique is that they bring together architecture and philosophy.     6     (build) by several emperors between 1368 and 1915, the Tombs represent Chinese cultural and historical    7     (value) that have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

Human life     8     (last) only a short time but art and culture last forever. The programme attempts to protect and preserve     9     best of human history. Masterpieces such as the Taj Mahal and the Imperial Tombs remind us     10    what we can achieve at our finest, and inspire us to live up to our great past in the future.

2021-02-05更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省泰安市2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题

10 . Vancouver

Natural Resources

As a major centre for the global forestry industry, Vancouver is host to many international forestry conferences and events, and the natural home of the massive BC forestry business. Companies such as Canfor and West Fraser Timber Co., the second and third largest lumber (木材) producers in the world, are headquartered in Vancouver. Vancouver is also a major centre for the mining industry.

International Trade

International trade is a key part for Vancouver’s economy. The city has Canada’s largest port and is one of North America’s major gateways for Pan-Pacific trade. The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports and second on the West Coast in total goods volume.

Banking and Finance

The headquarters for HSBC Canada is located in the Financial District in downtown. Canada’s third largest commercial entity (实体), Jim Pattison Group is a so based in Vancouver.

International Relation

Vancouver is a major centre for diplomacy (外交) and foreign relations. Most countries of the world have consulate (领事馆) or general offices in the Central Business District. In fact, many major diplomatic conferences are hosted by the city-including the world famous G7 summit with President Clinton, APEC, and the World Trade Organization. Greenpeace has its world headquarters in the city. Therefore, Vancouver was among the first North American cities to declare itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.


Tourism is a leading industry to Vancouver. The Whistler-Blackcomb Resort is among the most popular skiing resorts in North America, and was the site of the downhill events of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Vancouver’s beaches, parks, waterfronts, and mountain backdrops and its multi-cultural character attract more and more tourists.


Vancouver was also called “Hollywood North”, for hosting the production of about ten percent of Hollywood’s movies. Many U.S. television and film series are shot exclusively in Vancouver. This has partly been because of the favourable Canadian dollar exchange rate.

1. Which of the following descript in about Vancouver is NOT true according to the passage:
A.The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports.
B.Vancouver is a film production centre and called “Hollywood North”.
C.International forestry conferences and events were held in Vancouver.
D.Vancouver is a leading centre for the global agriculture and industry.
2. Which of the following organizations or events is not related to Vancouver?
A.Jim Pattison Group.B.WHO.
C.Greenpeace.D.The 2010 Winter Olympics.
3. The passage is probably taken from ________.
A.a business magazineB.a geography book
C.a financial newspaperD.an entertainment book
2021-02-02更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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