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Several large wooden constructions     1    (date) back to the Neolithic era (新石器时代) were unearthed (使……出土) at the Jijiaocheng ruins site, a prehistoric cultural site located in Changde City, central China’s Hunan Province.

First discovered in 1978, the site used     2    (be) a city from the Qujialing culture period (3300 BC-2600 BC) - a Neolithic civilization,     3     had roots in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River primarily     4    (find) in today’s Hunan and Hubei provinces.

Researchers     5    (conduct) three excavations (挖掘) at the southwestern part of the city wall since 2020.     6     a number of wooden architectural relics unearthed that were built 4,800 years ago, more than 30 housing sites were discovered at the 721-square-meter area. Researchers think they are the most complete and     7    (early) wooden structure building foundation in China. Besides, remains of rice husks (外壳) were also found at the site, covering     8     area of 80 square meters.

Researchers believe     9    (strong) the new findings will enrich the architectural history of prehistoric China. “The     10    (discover) helps us understand the overall architectural style of the Yangtze River Basin,” said Zhao Hui, a professor at Peking University School of Archaeology and Museology.

2023-11-25更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二强基班上学期11月月考英语试题
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The new Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan province, began trial operations on Thursday.

With a total area of about 54,400 square meters and an     1     (invest) of more than 1.4 billion yuan ($196 million), the construction of the museum started in March 2022.

The new museum has a display area of 22,000 square meters, with more than 1,500 sets of cultural relics (遗迹)     2     (comprehensive) exhibiting the latest findings at the Sanxingdui Ruins,     3     (locate) 40 kilometers north of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan.

The newly     4     (unearth) relics on display include a bronze altar (祭坛) and a net covering a vessel shaped like a tortoise shell.

Visitors to     5     museum are also offered a more immersive experience with the glasses-free 3D technology,     6     enables them to view excavation (挖掘) sites from the perspective of archaeologists.     7     (cover) 12 square kilometers, the Sanxingdui Ruins site, on which the museum     8     (sit), includes the remains of an ancient city, residential quarters and tombs.

The site is one of China’s most important archaeological     9     (discovery) in the 20th century. Chen Xiandan, an archaeologist who took part in excavations, said that before excavation work was carried out, it was thought that Sichuan had a history of about 3,000 years. It is now believed that civilization in     10     is now Sichuan goes back 5,000 years.

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Come and see the Terracotta Army: more than 8, 000 statues were made in the third century BC to     1     of the Chinese Emperor Qinshihuang! Each statue has a different face, leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of     2    . The statues fill only one part of the emperor’s huge tomb, which still has not     3     . More than 700, 000 people worked for nearly 40 years to build this tomb. However, no one     4     knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974, when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were     5     .

2023-11-23更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Sanxingdui Museum, located at the city of Guanghan,     1     (recognize) as the most important ancient remains of the Sichuan region for its vast size, long lasting period     2     plentiful cultural heritages. It is known as one of the greatest archaeological (考古学的) discoveries of humankind in the 20th century. The unique and delicate shapes make it hard for you     3     (imagine) that people could make these things thousands of years ago. Even experts can’t explain how the ancient Shu people did it. Although Sanxingdui Museum is a little far from the downtown area of Chengdu, it is really worth     4     (visit).

Sanxingdui were first discovered by     5     farmer in 1929 when he dug a big hole in his field. Since then more than 10,000 relics, some of     6     date back to 3,000 to 5,000 years, have been unearthed. But up to now they remain     7     (mystery) as no texts is found about it, nor there is any mention of this culture in the records of other     8     (state), either during or after the late Shang Dynasty.

The people who     9     (make) splendid bronze ware (器皿) in Sanxingdui 3,000 years ago created a dominant (占支配地位的) power in the Ancient Shu Kingdom. The Sanxingdui Ruins serve     10     convincing proof that the origins of Chinese civilization are diverse.

2023-11-18更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省运城市2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(含听力)
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The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, which date back 5,300 years,       1     (include) onto the UNESCO World Heritage list as a cultural site on July 9, 2019, bringing the total number of the Asian country’s sites on the list     2    55.

The ruins,     3    core area covers 14.3 square kilometers in the northwest of Hangzhou, are considered as an important    4     (represent) of early urban civilization, with rice-growing agriculture as the economic foundation.

The heritage site includes city ruins with palace     5    (remain), 11 early-stage dams, high-level cemetery sites. The site is also known for its abundance of ceremonial jade, which shows a complicated ritual system and indicates a kingdom with     6     combined authority of god and kingship.

For example, cong — the jade piece that forms a rectangle tube with a circular inner section-is typical of artifact (器物)    7     (unearth) in Liangzhu. In 1986, the biggest known item of this kind, which weighs 6.5 kilograms and    8    (refer) to as the “King of Cong”, was discovered in Fanshan Cemetery in the city ruins.

Found in 2007, walls of the ruins and the     9    (surround) water conservation system combined to display a massive infrastructure base, the construction of which is estimated     10     (take) 4,000 people a decade to accomplish.

2023-11-17更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省宜春市宜丰县宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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6 . 语法填空

Come and see the Terracotta Army: more than 8,000 statues were made in the     1    (three) century BCE     2    (guard) the tomb of the Chinese Emperor Qinshihuang! Each statue has a different face,     3    (lead) researchers to believe that each one is a copy of     4    real soldier. The     5    (statue) fill only one part of the emperor’s huge tomb, which still has not been     6    (complete) unearthed. More than 700,000 people worked for nearly 40 years to build this tomb.     7    , no one in modern times knew     8     the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974,     9    some farmers discovered the tomb while they     10    (dig) a well!

2023-11-15更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第三中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
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7 . 语法填空

Terracotta Army it is amazing sight in Xi’an. There are more than 8, 000 statues     1     (make) in the third century BCB to guard the tomb of the Chinese Emperor Qinshihuang. All the statues have different faces, leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier. The statues fill only one part of the emperor’s huge tomb,     2     still has not been     3     (complete) unearthed. No one in modern times knew about them until 1974.

2023-11-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门第六中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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8 . Archaeologists in Mexico have discovered the remains of a lost Maya city hidden deep within the jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula.

The site, located in the Balamkú ecological reserve in the Mexican state of Campeche, contains numerous large pyramids that were built during the Classic Period of the Maya civilisation. The archaeologists named the location Ocomtún, meaning “stone column (石柱)” in Yucatec Maya language, in a nod to the many stone columns spreading around on the over 123-acre site.

The team found the city while mapping the Maya lowlands with billions of lasers shot from an aircraft flying overhead. This technique, known as light detection and ranging, is a noninvasive (非创伤的) way for researchers to understand the geography of human-made structures hidden beneath leaves. In this case, the technique revealed a Maya city with several pyramidal structures, with the tallest towering nearly 50 feet.

“The site serves as an important center at the regional level,” lead archaeologist Ivan Šprajc said in the statement, “and it is a breakthrough in Maya archeology.”

The Maya had numerous city sites spread across southern Mexico and Central America; the civilization reached its peak during the first millennium AD until it “collapsed” between 800 and 1000. In addition to finding the pyramids and columns, while on foot, the archaeologists discovered ceramics (陶瓷), three squares, a court used to play ball games and a complex comprising low and thin structures arranged almost in circles.

However, the archaeologists are still investigating how the Maya used some of the structures. “It is possible that they are markets or spaces designed for community events,” Šprajc said. “The most common ceramic types that we collected on the surface and in some test pits are from the Late Classic. However, the analysis of samples of this material will offer us more reliable data on the sequences of occupation.”

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.There are many stone structures dotted on the site.
B.The pyramids built by Egyptians used to be huge.
C.The stone columns cover an area of nearly 124 acres.
D.The site discovered used to be an ecological reserve.
2. What did Šprajc think of the site?
A.Frightening and puzzling.B.Incredible and romantic.
C.Complex and fictional.D.Invaluable and significant.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 5?
A.The Maya city was once a booming city.
B.Some tall and thin structures lay on the squares.
C.The ancient Mayas lived on ceramic manufacturing.
D.The pyramids and columns were found quite by accident.
4. Which would be the best title for the text?
A.The long-lost ancient civilizationB.Lost Maya city discovered in jungles
C.Archaeologists’ new discoveries in MexicoD.Human-made structures hidden beneath leaves
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9 . For archaeologists (考古学家) in Israel, eight prehistoric ostrich (鸵鸟) eggs-thought to be between 4,000 and 7,500 years old-proved as valuable as treasure when they were dis-covered near an ancient fire pit in the Negev, a desert region in the south of the country.

They were discovered during an archaeological excavation (挖掘) in the agricultural fields of Be’er Milka, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced on Thursday. The eggs’ location suggests that they were collected by the prehistoric (史前的) desert nomads (游牧民) who used the campsite, according to a press release from IAA, and further lab analysis will provide more information about their uses and ages. Although the nomads did not build permanent structures at this site, the finding allows us to feel their presence in the desert. The campsites were covered by sand, keeping the eggs exceptionally well-preserved.

Ostriches were common in the region until they became extinct in the wild during the 19th century. Their eggs were beautifully decorated and were prized items during the Bronze and Iron Ages (青铜和铁器时代). As well as being used as decorative items, ostrich eggs were also used as a source of food. One ostrich egg has the nutritional value of about 25 normal chicken eggs.

While ostrich eggs are not uncommon in excavations, the bones of the large bird are not found. This may indicate that in the ancient world, people avoided dealing with the ostrich and were content with collecting their eggs.

1. What did archaeologists find in Israel?
A.Ostriches.B.Burnt tools.C.Ostrich eggs.D.The bones of ostriches.
2. What protected the ostrich eggs well?
A.The trees.B.The fire pit.C.The campsites.D.The sand.
3. Why did nomads collect ostrich eggs?
A.To provide shelter for them.
B.To protect agricultural fields.
C.To get food or decorations.
D.To do some research on them.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Ostrich eggs have high nutritional value.
B.Ostriches were found near an ancient fire pit.
C.People tended to hunt ostriches as food sources.
D.Ostriches were common in Israel in the 20th century.
2023-11-11更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省龙岩市龙岩一级校联考2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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10 . The story about horses in North America told in several written histories is in need of an update, according to a new study. After examining ancient remains of horses, researchers suggest indigenous(土著的) peoples had spread the animals through the American West by the first half of the 1600s—before they met Europeans.

The findings line up with oral histories from indigenous groups, which tell of interactions with horses before settlers arrived in their homelands. Meanwhile, written European texts from the 1700s and 1800s stated that horses only spread through the area after 1680.

Horses originated in the Americas around four million years ago, but by about 10,000 years ago, they had mostly disappeared from the record. Spanish settlers likely first brought horses back to the Americas in 1519. According to the new study, indigenous peoples then transported horses north along trade networks.

To find when the animals spread, researchers examined the remains of more than twenty horses discovered across the Western U.S. Rather than simply walking around the countryside on their own, the horses appear to have been part of Native American culture. Signs of teeth problems on one horse and growths on the bones of the head of another suggested people had put bridles(缰绳) on the animals. Certain chemical elements in the animals’ teeth suggested they ate maize, an indigenous plant. And another horse had a previously broken facial bone that had fully recovered, meaning it might have received medical treatment.

Researchers compared the ancient horses’ DNA with that of modern horses and found that the centuries-old horses had largely Spanish origins. Together, the findings suggest horses spread “from Spanish settlements in the American Southwest to the northern Rockies and central Great Plains by the first half of the 17th century.”

The findings also highlight the importance of indigenous oral traditions in understanding history. “Our cultures have been so misunderstood for so long,” says co-author Yvette Collin. “Too often history has been told around us, without us.”

1. What needs to be updated according to the new study?
A.When horses showed up in the Americas.B.Who introduced horses to North America.
C.When Native Americans first met Europeans.D.Who spread horses through the American West.
2. What did researchers find out about ancient horses from the remains?
A.They played a role in natives’ life.B.They were born with tooth disease.
C.They were badly treated by natives.D.They had hardly any Spanish origins.
3. What does Collin think of oral histories?
A.They spread easily.B.They are of great significance.
C.They pass down traditions.D.They unite indigenous groups.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Written texts explain human-horse interactions.
B.Oral histories help us understand Indigenous cultures.
C.New research rewrites the history of American horses.
D.Archaeological remains are the key to learning about the past.
2023-11-09更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月阶段测试英语试题
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