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1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Fable of the Chicken

Once upon     1     time, all the animals were called to an early morning meeting. As they gathered in the public square, one of them, the chicken, was seen by her neighbors     2    (go) in the opposite direction. “Hey, Chicken! Why are you going away from the square?” they asked. “Didn’t you receive the     3    (invite)?”

    4    , I did.” replied the chicken. “And I would of course come to the meeting. The thing is, I have some very important personal business     5     I must attend to. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must go home. Please let everyone at the meeting know how sorry I am. Tell them that although I won’t be there in body, I’ll certainly be there     6     spirit! Whatever you decide, you can count on     7    ( I ) complete support. Bye!”

The question that the animals were due to debate     8    (be) what to do with the issue of humans making frequent animal sacrifices (祭献). After a lively but     9     (surprise) short debate, the decision about which animal to offer     10    (reach) without any disagreement. They chose the chicken.

2023-08-02更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市密山市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Wendy the octopus (章鱼) only had seven legs.

“The last one will grow when Wendy turns eight years old,” the doctor told Wendy’s mother.

For seven year, Wendy’s sister Viola, laughed at her about her missing leg.

“Wendy only has seven legs because she isn’t part of our real family.” Viola told the other sea creatures one day. It was a lie, but everyone believed Viola.

Wendy went home and told her mother that she was sad. “Everyone treats me differently because I only have seven legs,” she said

“Don’t worry.” her mother said. “Tomorrow is your eighth birthday and you will finally grow another leg!”

That night Wendy dreamed that she grew another leg. But the next day, when Wendy woke up and counted her legs, there were still only seven. Wendy was so sad that she cried. Suddenly, a fairy (仙子) appeared.

“You are the lucky octopus I have been waiting for. You can make a wish,” the fairy said.

“I wish that Viola was honest,” Wendy said after thinking for a moment

“Your wish is granted (准予),” the fairy said.

Before the fairy left. she told Wendy that she was the kindest octopus in the sea.

When Wendy got home her family was waiting for her. “Happy birthday!” they said.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have a present for you,” Viola said. “I forgot it was your birthday“

“That’s okay,” Wendy said “You are honest. Thank you.”

Wendy’s mother swam over to her daughter with a birthday balloon.

“Look, you’ve finally grown your eighth leg!” She tied the balloon to Wendy’s new leg.

It was the happiest day of Wendy’s life.

1. When did Wendy meet a fairy?
A.On her seventh birthday.B.On her eighth birthday
C.On the day before her seventh birthday.D.On the day before her eighth birthday.
2. What was Wendy’s wish?
A.To grow her eighth leg.B.To play with other sea creatures.
C.To find her parents.D.To make Viola become honest.
3. Wendy was a _________ octopus.
2022-12-14更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市第四中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There was once a very lazy bird called Joe. When there was something he had to do, he would keep     1     (put) it off until there was hardly enough time left. Other birds always told     2     (he), “You can’t leave everything to the last minute.” However, Joe just wouldn’t listen.

When autumn came, the other birds began to prepare for the long journey to a warm area     3     Joe still put it off again and again. One day when he     4     (wake) up and found that all the other birds were gone, he realized that he would have to spend the long cold winter     5     his own. He had to admit that it was his own fault.

Joe knew he could do things well when he put his mind to them, so he began to prepare for winter. First, he found     6     place between rocks. Then, he made a new nest with branches, stones and     7     (leaf). Next, he filled the nest with fruit, enough     8     (last) the whole winter. Finally, he dug a little pool in the cave so that he would have enough water.

When spring came and his old friends returned, they all felt     9     (surprise). They could hardly believe that such a lazy bird had     10     (manage) to build such a wonderful nest.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Two Chinese police officers were sitting in the car at Guilin Highway. Suddenly a cute dog appeared by their window, seemingly asking for help. According to the media, a cute golden retriever (寻回猎犬) sought the help of the two police officers. Obviously, the dog was lost and his owner was nowhere near the neighborhood.

One of the police officers said that it was already 1 a.m. when the dog approached them with his leash (狗链) in its mouth. The dog even followed them while they worked, but because people might get frightened and for the dog's own safety, the two decided to just take the dog to the police station. There, they gave him food and water to drink.

The dog stayed in the police station until the policemen came back at 8 in the morning. To their surprise, the dog quickly jumped inside the police car after they got ready to work that day. He just sat there as if asking the two officers to help him find his way back to his owner. Touched by the dog's friendly behavior, the officers decided to ask the public to help them find the owner.

A couple of hours later, the dog's owner was informed and quickly rushed to the police station. The owner said that his 2-year-old golden retriever had a habit of hunting for mice and must have wandered far from home and got lost. He said that his dog was trained for a short while at a Nanning police base.

1. What happened to the dog?
A.It couldn't find its owner.B.It was driven away by its owner.
C.It escaped from hunters.D.It was terribly frightened.
2. What finally caused the policemen to help the dog?
A.The trouble brought by the dog.B.The pressure from the public.
C.The dog's friendly behavior.D.The dog's strange behavior.
3. Which description about the dog is correct?
A.It stayed at the station for over a day.
B.It didn't want to go home.
C.It likes eating mice.
D.It was once trained by the police.
2021-12-07更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大兴安岭实验中学(西校区)2020-2021学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题

5 . The Dog and the Joey

Leonie Allan lives in an area of Australia where people often find wildlife in their yards. One spring morning, Leonie took her dog Rex for a walk as usual. The walk was casual, but Rex was acting strangely afterward. As Leonie worked in the yard, Rex kept looking down on the road where they had taken their walk. Then he began standing very still, with his nose pointing toward what he wanted Leonie to notice.

Rex, a mixed breed (血统), is part “pointer”. Pointers are dogs that naturally stand very still and point with their entire body in the direction of wildlife they see or smell. They are trained not to hunt animals but simply to point to where they are. They are excellent in tracking and finding animals.

Leonie became worried when Rex left to investigate (调查). She thought he might have found something dangerous. She called the dog back. But when Rex returned, in his mouth he had a joey, a baby kangaroo about four months old. Picking up an animal was unusual behavior for Rex, since he hadn’t been trained to do so. Leonie was surprised that Rex had taken the joey gently by the neck and brought it to her. The baby joey didn’t appear to be afraid at all.

“He obviously sensed the baby kangaroo was still alive,” Leonie said, “and somehow had gently took it by the neck and brought it to me.”

Rex and the joey, which Leonie named Rex Jr., spent the afternoon playing together. “The joey was snuggling (依偎) up to him, jumping to him, and Rex was sniffing and licking him — it was quite sweet,” Leonie told the newspaper reporter.

Rex Jr. was bottle-fed and raised at a wildlife sanctuary (庇护所). A year and a half later, he was released back into the wild in an area where he could be monitored. Now Rex Jr. is part of a group of kangaroos, living a normal kangaroo life — thanks to Rex, a gentle dog that knows how to point.

1. The “pointer” gets its name because of its ability to ______.
A.discover wildlifeB.be gentle with wildlife
C.avoid dangerous situationsD.get along with other animals
2. When Rex went to investigate, Leonie was worried because ______.
A.she thought he might get lost
B.she knew he was tired after the walk
C.she did not want to stop working in her yard
D.she did not want Rex to put himself in danger
3. Which word best describes Rex’s behaviour toward the joey?
2021-11-10更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第三中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题
完形填空(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Meet Charlie, he is a 6 year old black Labrador. His job in the army is to find unexploded bombs with his handler Henry. It is 1916 right now and Charlie and Henry are in the trenches in France. It is wet, cold, muddy and there are a lot of _________. Charlie spends part of his day chasing these annoying rats away from the soldiers, _________are all tired and need their precious rest.

Charlie loves his handler Henry very much and would do _________for him. They first met back in England in 1914, when Charlie first started his training. Charlie remembers how Henry smelt of _________, having just had his breakfast, and Charlie spent the first 10 minutes of meeting him licking the bacon grease off of his hands. They have not been apart since that first day and are now _________. They also still share a love of bacon, not that they get it very often.

Charlie and Henry spend their days with the other soldiers, trying to sleep in dug out shelters in the walls of the trench. They are _________and frightened and they don't know what could happen from one moment to the next. It's hard to _________in these conditions and there are always lots of loud noises from the bombs blasting near the _________but they have to grab it when they can as they spend their _________hunting for dangerous unexploded bombs and looking for wounded men.

Once it's dark, Charlie and Henry crawl out of their trench into no man’s land, staying __________so they don't disturb the tin cans hanging on the barbed wire, __________would alert the enemy soldiers in the German trench. Charlie is frightened but tries hard to be brave, he knows that he is __________people's lives. The two of them crawl from crater to crater, listening for sounds from the wounded, Charlie sniffing __________bombs.

Suddenly Charlie stopped and pricked up his __________, he heard something. Charlie bolts forward following the sound, searching this way and that way, trying to find where it came from. He lets out a low whine, Henry realized Charlie has __________him to a wounded British soldier. He has been shot in the leg and cannot __________. Henry throws him over his shoulder and they race back towards their lines. As they are getting closer to their trench suddenly the Germans start shooting __________them. One of the Germans throws a stick grenade that lands close to Henry, Charlie sees that his best friend is in so much danger! He picks up the stick grenade in his __________and sprints away, dropping it into a deep crater full of mud and water where it explodes, saving Henry and the wounded soldier.

They eventually make it __________to the British trench, where Henry tells all the soldiers of their adventure and they all cheer __________Charlie the Hero dog.

2021-07-26更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省虎林市东方红高级中学2020-2021高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . One of the most powerful forces of nature is motherly love. It is found not just in humans but is _________ among many other types of creatures. It is well known the mother bears are fiercely _________ of their young and can easily attack any _________ human being. About 20 years ago, a homeless _________ drew international headlines. In Argentina a man was walking on a_________ night when he heard the cries of a baby. Following the sound, he found a newborn human baby being warmed by a dog. The baby, who had been _________ by her mother, was later taken to hospital with only minor _________

An animal's maternal (母性的) instinct can be so strong that the mother will often _________ her own life to save her young. When cases of this type of _________ are reported, the stories can be heartwarming or __________, depending on the circumstances. One story related to Australia's deadly wildfires touched people across the world. A firefighter__________ a female koala (考拉) lying on top of her young, __________ its baby from smoke. Another story however, ended sadly. Last year, people in America found an opossum (负鼠) that had been __________ by a car, lying in the street, but __________ the pocket of skin on its stomach were nine protected babies, still drinking milk from their dead mother's body.

The love of a mother indeed knows no__________.

A.looked intoB.ran intoC.burst intoD.got into
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