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1 . Once upon a time in a small town of Christchurch, there lived a little dog named Buddy. Buddy was not just any ordinary dog; he was known for his bravery and loyalty. He had been trained by his owner to be alert and helpful in case of emergencies. One sunny afternoon, Buddy’s owner, Elizabeth, was taking a walk near the river when she suddenly slipped and fell into the water. She tried her best to swim, but the strong current made it difficult for her to stay afloat. Fear gripped her as she realized she might not make it out alive.

Meanwhile, Buddy had noticed his owner was missing and started looking for her. He followed the sound of splashing water and found Elizabeth struggling in the river. Without hesitation, Buddy jumped into the water and swam towards her.

Buddy grabbed onto Elizabeth’s shirt with his teeth and pulled her towards the shore. The little dog’s determination and strength were remarkable as he managed to keep them both afloat until they reached the safety of the riverbank.

Elizabeth was exhausted and shaken, but she was grateful to be alive thanks to her brave little dog. She hugged Buddy tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face. Buddy wagged his tail happily, knowing he had done his job well.

News of Buddy’s heroic rescue quickly spread throughout the town, and people couldn’t help but admire the little dog’s courage and selflessness. From that day on, Buddy became a local hero, and his story inspired many to appreciate the incredible bond between humans and their pets.

In the end, Buddy’s bravery reminded everyone that even the smallest creatures can make a big difference when it comes to saving lives.

1. What was Buddy trained to be?
A.Fast and strong for sports.B.Obedient and well-behaved.
C.Protective and aggressive towards strangers.D.Attentive and useful in a dangerous situation.
2. How did Elizabeth end up in the river?
A.She decided to take a swim to cool off.B.She slipped on a rock near the riverbank.
C.She accidentally fell while walking by the river.D.She was pushed into the water by someone else.
3. What did Buddy do when he found Elizabeth struggling in the river?
A.He ran back home to call for help.
B.He barked loudly to get help from nearby people.
C.He jumped into the water and swam towards her.
D.He stayed on the riverbank and waited for her to come out.
4. What happened after Buddy’s heroic rescue?
A.Elizabeth gave Buddy a special treat as a reward.
B.Buddy became a local hero and inspired many people.
C.The town held a ceremony to honor Buddy’s bravery.
D.Elizabeth decided to adopt another dog to keep Buddy company.
2024-01-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Spenser’s First Web

Spenser was a small black spider (蜘蛛). Like all of his brothers and sisters, he had eight legs to help him walk and run. He was now big enough to know how to move all his legs together and not trip over them. Spenser was getting bigger every day.

Today Spenser felt nervous. It was time for him to learn to spin (织) a web on his own. He had watched his mother build beautiful, soft webs from the silk she made herself.   His mother’s webs were lovely. They took a long time to make, and in the morning, they were covered with drops of dew that made them look like castles.

“OK, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “It’s time to spin your first web. Let’s begin by making a big plus sign.” Ms. Spinney was Spenser’s teacher. She was old and small but very strong. She quickly used her silk to make a plus sign between two nearby leaves.

Spenser was able to make silk, but he had trouble attaching it to anything. No matter how hard he tried, the threads (丝) slipped away and fell to the ground. Spenser tried hard, but he was getting tired.

“Take a break, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “You’re trying very hard, but I can see that you’re getting frustrated (沮丧的).”

“I’m not frustrated!” said Spenser. “I’m mad that I’m not good at it, and I’m sad that I can’t do it. ”Spenser felt like he was going to cry.


Ms. Spinney smiled kindly.


Spenser went back to his web making spot to see if he could do it again.

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3 . One day, a raven happened to fly past a lake. Looking at the lake, he saw the most beautiful animal he had ever seen. It was a swan and its feathers were as white as snow. The swan was playing with other birds happily, talking and dancing. And it seemed that the other birds all liked to stay with it. When he looked at his own feathers, they were as black as coal. The raven was very angry with the swan. "How can the swan have such wonderful feathers?" said the raven. What should he do with his feathers? He thought it over and over.

Then, the raven decided that he also wanted to have white feathers like the swan's. From that day on, the raven began to live like the swan. He moved his home from the woods to the lake. He also started to eat water plants like the swan. He tried his best to talk and dance with the other birds. The most important was that each day, the raven would wash his feathers, hoping that they would turn white. Even he went to the nearby rivers and ponds to wash his feathers, because he thought the water in the lakes was not enough for him to wash them. But no matter how hard he washed his feathers, they remained black.

As he only ate water plants he soon grew thinner and thinner. Not many days later, the raven died.

1. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.
A.the ravenB.the swanC.the featherD.the water
2. Why was the raven angry with the swan?
A.His own feathers were as white as snow.B.The swan did not have black feathers like him.
C.The swan had beautiful white feathers.D.The swan lived in the lake with other birds.
3. Where was the raven's natural home?
A.The lake.B.The ponds.C.The woods.D.The rivers.
4. Why did the raven want to live like the swan?
A.He wanted to make friends with the swan.B.He wanted to see the swan's white feathers.
C.He wanted to eat water plants.D.He wanted to have white feathers.
2021-11-20更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省镇原县第二中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
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