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| 共计 4 道试题
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1 . One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked everywhere for water to drink. She climbed up onto a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was _________.The little mouse looked inside the bottle. “Aha, there is _________milk in it. That’s great!” She went into it and began to drink.

She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach was too big and she couldn’t come _________the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat camp up to the table. When the cat _________the cry he jumped onto the table so _________, and said, “You’ll be my nice lunch!” The little mouse was very clever and she _________for a moment and said. “Brother Cat ,you mustn’t roll the bottle.” _________?” asked the cat. “I would get dizzy (头晕目眩的)”, said the mouse. The cat said that he would let her _________soon. So he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into _________. The little mouse ran __________as fast as she could. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.

A.littleB.someC.fewD.a few
A.intoB.upC.out ofD.down
A.dyingB.dieC.to dieD.died
2023-10-30更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆柯坪县柯坪湖州国庆中学2023-2024学年高一上学期9月月考英语试题
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I watched my dad scowl (绷着脸) as he listened to the voice coming through the telephone receiver. I heard him say, “Yes, Miss Beisner,” and “I understand what you’re saying, Miss Beisner. I appreciate you sharing this information. We’ll see what we can do about the situation. Thank you for calling. Goodbye.”

Miss Beisner was my first-grade teacher, and I loved her. I thought she felt the same about me, but now I was beginning to wonder. The tone of Dad’s voice, the redness in his cheeks, and his repeated clenching. And unclenching of fists made it pretty clear. This was not a warm and fuzzy good news-from-the-teacher call.

As I was deciding whether I should lock myself in my bedroom for the rest of my life or run away from home, Dad hung up the phone. “Jacquie, come here and sit down. We need to talk.”

Uh-oh. When Dad said, “We need to talk,” it meant he needed to talk, and I needed to listen.

I shuffled (拖着脚走) over to the well-worn brown chair in the corner of the living room, plopped down, and waited to hear the nature of my crime.

Dad told me that Miss Beisner thought I was bright but not working up to my ability. She said I had strong verbal skills but weak study habits. Translation: I never closed my mouth, and I seldom opened a book. Apparently, my failure to memorize the addition facts, or even attempt to, was more than she was willing to put up with. Hence, the telephone call.

Dad ended our one-way conversation with a verbal outline for his plan of attack. Bubbles, our Toy Manchester Terrier, was going to teach me math. Silently, I thought, No way is any dumb dog going to teach me how to add, not even our beloved Bubbles. Out loud, I said, “How?”

Dad summoned Bubbles from her bed near the stove and commanded her to sit. “Bubbles,” Dad said, “how much is five plus three?” Bubbles let out eight loud, crisp barks.

I was incredulous (满腹狐疑的). I couldn’t understand how a dog could add, and I was more than a little embarrassed by the fact that the family dog was smarter than me.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: After that, I threw myself into math with newfound determination.


Paragraph 2: One day, I asked Dad whether Bubbles really knew how to add.

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3 . Lillian, 17, had just started working as a lifesaver at a beach in Australia on New Year’s Eve when beach-goers started to point and shout at the water. The workers quickly examined the situation and saw that a kangaroo had jumped out of the bushes (灌木丛) — straight into the sea.

The animal seemed confused by the fishermen standing on the rocks. So instead of turning back and heading back into the bushes, it jumped right into the water! The poor thing bobbed(摆动)around in the waves and went underwater several times before Lillian decided to take action.

As with any other animal rescue, it’s important to approach the situation with prudence. Wild animals that are stressed can become dangerous to their rescuers, and Lillian was aware of the risks as she took her rescue board and hit the water at a run. “It just didn’t want to come on to the beach because it was kind of scared,” she said. “I was trying to figure out how to get it on the board. But considering that it’s a wild animal, even though I was helping, I wouldn’t want to be hurt by it or make it more stressed out.”

As beach-goers recorded the rescue on their phones,Lillian paddled (用浆划船) behind the animal carefully and guided the kangaroo onto the beach. As soon as Lillian’s feet touched the sand, the beach erupted in cheers for her!“It was quite special. As people there were cheering and clapping, the kangaroo was just sitting there up in the bushes staring at me, as if it was conveying something with its shining eyes,” Lillian said. “I didn’t think that was going to ever be my first rescue, I may have more rescues in the future, but none would be as memorable as this one.”

1. What happened to the kangaroo?
A.It jumped off the rocks by mistake,
B.It jumped into the sea by accident,
C.It was forced to leave the bushes.
D.It was washed away into the sea.
2. What does the underlined word “prudence” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. How did the kangaroo react to its rescuer?
A.It couldn’t wait to leave her.
B.It was worried about her safety.
C.It was confused about her action.
D.It seemed grateful for her help.
4. Which of the followings can best describe Lillian?
A.Far-sighted and independent.B.Talented and positive.
C.Brave and cautious.D.Determined and ambitious.
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Any dog’s love can feel like a miracle(奇迹). Mason is a strong _________, and he may be the kind one that can bring happy surprise on Earth. He _________ a storm last spring. His family thought he would be _________ there, but the storm broke the garage door and Mason _________.

That day a lot of people _________ a lot. Mason’s family was _________ that they were just to be alive, _________ the storm had left their home broken. But they were _________ at the thought that their sweet friend had died. They _________ the neighbourhood, hoping to find him, but Mason didn’t ____________ up.

Three weeks after the ____________, Mason’s family stopped by the house to collect some things that once ____________ to them. There Mason sat on the front door, so ____________ to see his family that his entire body was shaking. Where had Mason stayed during the storm? What did he eat for those long weeks? How did he ____________ his way back home without any help from the others? There was no answer to those ____________ and no time to think. Mason was thin and couldn’t stand well. The family quickly found the ____________ and learned their dog had returned home on broken front legs. “He was ____________ badly,” says Doster, who had spent days helping pets with their owners. He also got in touch with Dr. William, who ____________ to perform the operation for free.

Mason was hurt so bad that he needed weeks to ____________. By the time he returned home to his family in September, he was jumping around like a ____________ dog again. “It is really a miracle!” Doster says.

A.went throughB.looked forC.died fromD.fell into
A.so thatB.even thoughC.as ifD.now that
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