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短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 根据汉语提示完成短文。

One midnight, we heard Spotty barking suddenly. We came out only to see two men trying to get into our yard. “Robbery,” cried my mother, “Call the police immediately!” It was then that Spotty     1     (不再蹲在地上), but jumped up and attacked the robbers fiercely. One robber screamed in pain and     2     (把Spotty扔到了铁丝网上), while the other robber killed it with a knife. And just then, the police came and the two men got caught. Rooted to the spot, I felt like I     3     (漂浮在悲伤的海洋中). We are grateful for what Spotty did and Spotty is a hero in our memory forever.

7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Meeting the muse
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 【教材续写语料】
1. 情感描写
hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑   satisfaction n. 满意;满足,达到   stick with持续,坚持
2. 动作描写
stretch vt.& vi.伸展,舒展,拉长;伸出;(使)延伸   prevent vt.阻止,阻碍
lack vt.& vi.没有,缺乏,不足,短缺   in response to对……作出反应;作为对……的回复
3. 环境描写
nearby adj.附近的,邻近的 adv.在附近,不远   position n. 处境;位置;姿势;观点;地位



2024-01-18更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Be Sporty,Be Healthy 基础知识复习练习-2023-2024学年高中英语译林版(2020)必修第二册
其他 | 容易(0.94) |

3 . They boy ran to his father’s bag, while Jeb started shouting as well as hitting, to keep the cougar’s attention away from Tom.

How did Jeb try to hold the cougar’s attention?
A.By keeping shouting and hitting.B.By making a wall out of his arms.
C.By throwing himself on the cougarD.By swinging his fists at the cougar’s eyes.
2023-12-23更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:大单元作业设计(人教版选择性必修三Unit 3)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“She needs me.” Those were the exact words I spoke to my husband when I spotted Dottie, a little dog we found at a local shelter eight years ago.

Dottie leaned (倾斜) away when I tried to pet her and refused to let me hold her. While the other dogs jumped and barked, Dottie returned to the back of the cage, curled up in a ball, hoping us to leave her alone.

On the entire drive home, Dottie was in fear. So, upon arrival at our house, we got right to work. I held her as much as possible, touching her head and softly singing in her ear. We learned that she loved belly touch, so every time we passed by, we would offer a gentle touch. Eventually, we noticed her presenting her belly as we walked by her. I knew we were making real progress when I found her quietly sleeping on a chair one day, her head resting on one of my shoes. My heart melted (融化) as I realized she had brought it there because it contained my smell, and she wanted it nearby.

Ever so slowly, our little dog came to life. She began to play with toys, enjoy walks, and rest on our laps. There was no special treatment, no fancy food or toys. All we did was love her. And she grew well. She was so broken when we first met her that we had no idea what her true personality would be. But now we found a sweet, playful, loving soul.

One day, a few years after her adoption, I was busy doing housework around the house, doing laundry and climbing the stairs from the basement up to the main floor. When I finished, I sat down and enjoyed a well-deserved break. That’s when I realized I hadn’t seen Dottie for a while. I called to her and began searching. My heart raced and my pace quickened as I began checking under beds and behind sofa.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, I remembered the door to the basement.


I held her in my arms tightly, telling her how sorry I was.


5 . I work from home. From the time I kiss my kids _______ in the morning until late in the day, I’m   _______ .For many years, my only _______ was our dog, Sno.

We didn’t agree on everything. However, we both agreed on _______ . At least once a week, we took a long walk to the beach. For him, there were swaths(大片)of tall grass and exciting smells. For me, there were other dog walkers whom I _______ wanted to catch up with.

As a dog with short legs, Sno needed several _______ along the way. The one at the entrance to the beach was his _______ , possibly because he knew we were _______ back home.

When he was old and dying, our walks were _______ . In his final days, Sno still ________ walking. It took twice as long to take even the shortest walk, but we ________ every step. I don’t know if dogs can cry, but if they can, that made two of us in ________ at the entrance to the beach.

After he died, I went for a long walk. I felt like part of me was ________ . I kept looking down as if he were there beside me and enjoyed the sun and fresh air. When I came to the place where we’d ________ for the beach, I chose the other way.

Later, I may be walking by myself, but I’m never alone. Personally, I’m ________ to earn the love of an old dog.

A.related toB.held backC.stuck toD.made up
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I watched my dad scowl (绷着脸) as he listened to the voice coming through the telephone receiver. I heard him say, “Yes, Miss Beisner,” and “I understand what you’re saying, Miss Beisner. I appreciate you sharing this information. We’ll see what we can do about the situation. Thank you for calling. Goodbye.”

Miss Beisner was my first-grade teacher, and I loved her. I thought she felt the same about me, but now I was beginning to wonder. The tone of Dad’s voice, the redness in his cheeks, and his repeated clenching. And unclenching of fists made it pretty clear. This was not a warm and fuzzy good news-from-the-teacher call.

As I was deciding whether I should lock myself in my bedroom for the rest of my life or run away from home, Dad hung up the phone. “Jacquie, come here and sit down. We need to talk.”

Uh-oh. When Dad said, “We need to talk,” it meant he needed to talk, and I needed to listen.

I shuffled (拖着脚走) over to the well-worn brown chair in the corner of the living room, plopped down, and waited to hear the nature of my crime.

Dad told me that Miss Beisner thought I was bright but not working up to my ability. She said I had strong verbal skills but weak study habits. Translation: I never closed my mouth, and I seldom opened a book. Apparently, my failure to memorize the addition facts, or even attempt to, was more than she was willing to put up with. Hence, the telephone call.

Dad ended our one-way conversation with a verbal outline for his plan of attack. Bubbles, our Toy Manchester Terrier, was going to teach me math. Silently, I thought, No way is any dumb dog going to teach me how to add, not even our beloved Bubbles. Out loud, I said, “How?”

Dad summoned Bubbles from her bed near the stove and commanded her to sit. “Bubbles,” Dad said, “how much is five plus three?” Bubbles let out eight loud, crisp barks.

I was incredulous (满腹狐疑的). I couldn’t understand how a dog could add, and I was more than a little embarrassed by the fact that the family dog was smarter than me.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: After that, I threw myself into math with newfound determination.


Paragraph 2: One day, I asked Dad whether Bubbles really knew how to add.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文

A Moment of Kindness

A lioness with her cub (幼崽) was moving around in the jungle searching for their prey(猎物) . While coming out from the den (洞穴), the baby asked her mother, “Mum, why are we going out for prey when a deer is already at home? Let us eat it first, then we can search for the next.”

The mother smiled and licked her child with love and said, “No, my love! We can’t eat that deer because it has no choice but to seek our help. He is wounded and helpless. We must help him.”

The baby cub was surprised and questioned again, “Why so, Mum? That’s our food.”

“Honey, you are absolutely right! It’s our food, but this particular deer is well aware that if we want, we can kill him in a second. Do you think that he deserves to be killed when he has come to us in a hope that we would protect him?”

The baby cub couldn’t understand her mother. It kept quiet and paced with its mother. That was not a lucky day for them. They didn’t get any prey even after a long search. At last, they came back to their den.

The deer on the other hand was terrified of his own decision. He was attacked by a hunter and managed to escape. While running for his life, he saw the den and without a second thought entered it. When he realized that he was in the lion’s den, he gave up the idea of running back again. At that time, the lioness and her cub were present over there. The deer stared at the lioness with a pitiful look. Tears were rolling down.

The lioness understood his hopeless condition. She came closer to the deer, smelled it and slowly moved out of the den with her cub for hunting.


When they returned without any food, the cub repeated the same question.


The lioness came close to the deer after the cub fell asleep.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When we lived on a farm, a black-and-white Border Collie mix showed up at our gate one day. My young son Alec fell in love with this dog instantly, and within an hour, he had named him Oreo.

Within a day, I could see how he would make a house in a mess. The great outdoors itself barely seemed enough space for him to run. When he was let out of his fence, he became a mass of black-and-white fur rushing all over the place at breakneck speed. He never seemed to be tired of running, of jumping on people, or of barking. His high energy was entertaining, but also wearing (令人疲惫的). So it was usually my husband Gary’ s job to leash (栓链子) him up for walks.

One day in late summer, Gary, Alec, and I walked with Oreo to the edge of the field and loosed the leash. He took off on his normal run across the juicy, green fields and soon disappeared over the top of a hill. My family walked on the path along the fence at a much slower pace, looking for four-leafed clovers (四叶草) when suddenly we heard barking behind us.

We turned to see two unfamiliar dogs speeding toward us, and they did not look friendly. Ears back, teeth bared, they flew toward us over the dirt path. Gary pushed Alec and me toward a tree with some low-hanging branches. “Get Alec in the tree,” he ordered as he picked up a heavy stick. Heart pounding, I lifted Alec onto a branch, and Gary squared off (摆好架势) to face the attacking dogs and give us time to get into the tree.


Suddenly, a black-and-white ball shot over the hill and hit the bigger of the two dogs.

完形填空(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . One day, a small boy named Johnny was walking to school. Suddenly he heard a _______ in the tall grass along the side of the road. He _______ to see what it was. He pushed the grass apart and there he saw a green frog _______ him. And to his great _______ , the frog began to speak. It asked Johnny for a _______ so that it could turn back into a beautiful princess. After _______ for a while, Johnny put the frog into his pocket and continued to go to his _______ . He thought that he couldn’t do anything with a princess but a talking frog was so _______.

When he arrived at school, he showed his new _______ to his friends. Johnny told them ________ that the frog could talk. But no matter how hard the boys tried, the frog just wouldn’t ________. After all the other boys left, Johnny asked the frog why it had________that way. The frog explained that it________wanted to be turned back into a princess by a kiss. Then Johnny had to kiss the frog, but to his anger,________happened. “I did as you said, but you’re still a frog,” Johnny said. The frog, having made fun of Johnny,________loud, jumped out of his hands and went away.

A.looking atB.marching toC.shouting atD.flying to
2023-03-12更新 | 364次组卷 | 3卷引用:记叙文类完形-学考真题分类汇编
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

One day, Daddy Bear suggested having a really wild camping. “What is a really wild camping? Is it an adventure?” wondered Dudu. “Yes! Everything in the city is too comfortable; we need to go to wild to have an experience!” replied Daddy Bear.

“Can I play with my toy cars there? And can I watch cartoon there?” Dudu was a little worried. “There are more interesting things there! We can bathe in the clear pool, taste delicious wild fruits, fish by the clear lake and fall asleep in the quiet night.” Daddy described it in excitement. “It’s wonderful!” Dudu was deeply attracted to the description. “But maybe it’s dangerous!” Mama Bear worried. “Mummy always worries so much! I want to be an explorer this time!” Dudu thought.

Dudu and his families started off. First, they needed to cross a single-log (独木的) bridge. This single-log bridge was the only way to the forest. Seeing the rushed water under the single-log bridge, Dudu had a little regret to come here with Daddy Bear. “Don’t be afraid!” encouraged Daddy Bear. “Just go ahead, don’t look at the river!”

Dudu tried to toe (用脚尖走) on the bridge, and the bridge started to shake. Dudu was so scared (害怕的) that he kept his body unmoved. “The bridge frightens you on purpose! Just go ahead, the bridge won’t shake!” Daddy said behind Dudu. Dudu continued to go ahead. “Ha-ha! It’s true! The bridge really doesn’t shake anymore!” Dudu cried happily, going faster.

Paragraph 1:
When Dudu went to the middle of the bridge, the bridge seemed to be broken.
Paragraph 2:
Dudu and his families climbed up to the top of the mountain.
2023-02-24更新 | 251次组卷 | 5卷引用:专题13 读后续写专项训练-2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末考点大串讲(外研版2019)
共计 平均难度:一般