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书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
1 . Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你的观点;
2. 你的理由。
2024-05-29更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2023-2024学年高一5月月考英语试卷
完形填空(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了传统上认为抛硬币是一种具有随机性的行为,但自18世纪以来,数学家就怀疑即使是均匀的硬币,朝一面的概率会略高于朝另一面。近期František Bartoš通过招募志愿者进行大规模抛硬币实验,发现硬币落地时同一面朝上的概率为50.8%,证明了存在微小的偏差,为此前的理论计算提供了实验证据。

2 . Heads or Tails?

Careful: It’s not 50-50

The phrase “coin toss” is a classic synonym for randomness. But since the 18th century, mathematicians have _________ that even fair coins tend to land on one side slightly more often than the other. Proving this tiny bias, _________, would require hundreds of thousands of carefully recorded coin flips, making laboratory tests a logistical (后勤的,组织协调的) _________.

František Bartoš, currently a Ph.D. candidate studying the research methods of psychology at the University of Amsterdam, became interested in this _________ four years ago. He couldn’t _________ enough volunteers to investigate it at first. But after he began his Ph.D. studies, he tried again, recruiting 47 volunteers from six countries. Multiple weekends of coin flipping later, including one 12-hour marathon _________, the team performed 350,757 tosses, breaking the previous record of 40,000.

With one side initially upward, the flipped coin landed with the same side facing _________ as before the toss 50.8 percent of the time. The large number of throws allows _________ to conclude that the nearly 1 percent bias isn’t a fluke (侥幸). “We can be quite sure there is a bias in coin flips after this data set,” Bartoš says.

The leading theory explaining the _________ advantage comes from a 2007 physics study by Stanford University statisticians, whose calculations predicted a same-side bias of 51 percent. From the moment a coin is launched into the air, its entire track — including whether it lands on heads or tails — can be calculated by the laws of __________. The researchers determined that airborne coins don’t turn around their symmetrical axis (对称轴); __________, they tend to move off-center, which causes them to spend a little more time high in the air with their initial “up” side on top.

For day-to-day decisions, coin tosses are as good as random because a 1 percent bias isn’t __________ with just a few coin flips, says statistician Ameli, who wasn’t involved in the new research. Still, the study’s conclusions should eliminate any lasting doubt regarding the coin flip’s slight bias. “This is great experiment-based evidence __________ the bias,” she says.

It isn’t difficult to prevent this bias from influencing your coin-toss matches; simply __________ the coin’s starting position before flipping it should do the trick. But if your friends are __________ the tiny bias, you may as well benefit from your slight advantage. After all, 51 percent odds beat a casino’s house advantage. “If you asked me to bet on a coin,” Bartoš says, “why wouldn’t I give myself a 1 percent bias?”

A.thereforeB.howeverC.for exampleD.vice versa
A.cooperate withB.round upC.shrug asideD.count on
A.reversingB.integrating withC.backing upD.rejecting
A.favourable toB.opposed toC.unaware ofD.suspicious of

3 . Facing AI extinction

In a recent White House press conference, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre couldn’t suppress her laughter at the question: Is it “crazy” to worry that “literally everyone on Earth will die” due to artificial intelligence? _________, the answer is no.

While AI pioneer such as Alan Turing cautioned that we should expect “machines to take control”, many contemporary researchers _________ this concern. In an area of unprecedented growth in AI abilities, why aren’t more expects weighing in?

Before the deep-learning revolution in 2012, I didn’t think human-level AI would emerge in my lifetime. I was familiar with arguments that AI systems would insatiably seek power and resist shutdown — and obvious _________ to humanity if it were to occur. But I also figured researchers must have good reasons not to be worried about human _________ risk (x-risk) from AI.

Yet after 10 years in the field, I believe the main reasons are actually cultural and historical. By 2012, after several hype cycles that didn’t pan out, most AI researchers had stopped asking ‘what if we succeed at replicating human intelligence’, _________ their ambitions to specific tasks like autonomous driving.

When concerns resurfaced outside their community, researchers were to quick to dismiss outsiders as _________ and their worries as science fiction. But in my experience, AI researchers are themselves often ignorant of arguments for AI x-risk.

One basic argument is by analogy: humans’ _________ abilities allowed us to out-compete other species for resources, leading to many extinctions. AI systems could likewise deprive us of the resources we need for our survival. Less _________, AI could displace humans economically and, through its powers of manipulation, politically.

But wouldn’t it be humans wielding AIs as tools who end up in control? Not necessarily. Many people might choose to deploy a system with a 99 per cent chance of making them phenomenally rich and powerful, even if it had a 1 per cent chance of _________ their control and killing everyone.

Because no safe experiment can definitively tell us whether an AI system will actually kill everyone, such concerns are often dismissed as unscientific. But this isn’t an excuse for ignoring the risk. It just means society needs to reason about it in the same way as other complex social issues. Researchers also emphasize the difficulty of predicting when AI might _________ human intelligence, but this is an argument for caution, not complacency.

Attitudes are changing, but not quickly enough. AI x-risk is admittedly more _________ than important social issues with present-day AI, like bias and misinformation, but the basic solution is the same: regulation. A robust public discussion is long overdue. By refusing to engage, some AI researchers are neglecting _________ responsibilities and betraying public trust.

Big tech sponsors AI ethics research when it doesn’t hurt the bottom line. But it is also lobbying to exclude general-purpose AI from E. U. regulation. Concerned researchers recently called for a(n) _________ in developing bigger AI models to allow society to catch up. Critics say this isn’t politically realistic, but problems like AI x-risk won’t _________ just because they are politically inconvenient.

This brings us to the ugliest reason researchers may dismiss AI x-risk: funding. Essentially every researcher (myself included) has received funding from big tech. At some point, society may stop believing reassurances from people with such strong conflicts of _________ and conclude, as I have, that their dismissal betrays wishful thinking rather than good counterarguments.

A.take placeB.grow upC.sink inD.go away
2023-12-29更新 | 348次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 困难(0.15) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。1.
A.High requirements.B.Flexible schedules.C.High frequency.D.Opposite rules.
A.The man held a childhood dream of being a professional player.
B.The man had taken it for granted that he would be a basketball star sooner or later.
C.The man felt uncomfortable when he first received so much attention from others.
D.The man relieved himself by adjusting the focus of his attention in time.
A.We should not take it seriously.
B.We should compete with each other.
C.We should enjoy ourselves in it.
D.We should never miss a game.
2023-12-17更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市光明中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次学业质量调研英语试卷
完形填空(约360词) | 困难(0.15) |

5 . At first, the grains of rice that Ingo Potrykus held in his fingers did not seem at all _________, but inside, these grains were not white, as ordinary rice is, but a very pale yellow — thanks to beta-carotene (胡萝卜素), a building block for vitamin A.

For more than a decade Potrykus had _________ creating a golden rice that could improve the lives of millions of the poorest people in the world, strengthening their eyesight and their _________ disease.

_________ imagining golden rice was one thing and creating one quite another. Year after year, Potrykus and his colleagues ran into one _________ after another until success finally came in the spring of 1999.

At that point, he tackled an even greater challenge. The golden grains _________ pieces of DNA borrowed from bacteria and flowers. It was what some would call Frankenfood, a product of genetic engineering. As such, it _________ a web of hopes and fears.

The debate began the moment genetically engineered crops (GM crops) were first sold in the 1990s, and it has _________ ever since. First to start major protests against biotechnology were European environmentalists and consumer-advocacy groups. They were soon followed by their U.S. counterparts (相对应的人事物).

The hostility is _________. Most of the GM crops __________ so far have been developed to produce a plant that is not harmed by chemicals used to kill weeds (杂草) in the fields. These genetically engineered crops are often sold by the same large, multinational corporations that __________ the weed-killing chemicals that farmers spray on their fields. Consumers have become suspicious (怀疑的).

The benefits did seem small __________ golden rice was developed. It is the first strong example of a GM crop that may __________ not just the farmers who grow it but also the consumers who eat it. In this case, those include at least a million children who die every year because they are weakened by vitamin-A deficiency (缺乏) and an additional 350,000 who go blind.

Many people __________ poverty and hunger look at golden rice and see it as evidence that GM crops can be made to serve the greater public good. They see a critical role for GM crops in feeding the world’s ever-increasing population. As former U.S. President Jimmy Carter put it, “Responsible biotechnology is not the enemy; __________ is.”

A.dreamed ofB.come in handyC.been reminded ofD.broken up
A.attempt atB.effort toC.resistance toD.majority of
A.was caught inB.was alive withC.be conscious ofD.was honored by
A.toss and turnB.give and takeC.produce and sellD.demand and supply
A.worried aboutB.ashamed ofC.filled withD.admired for
书面表达-概要写作 | 困难(0.15) |
6 . Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Instagram Concerns

Although the popular social media APP Instagram can be used in many positive ways, there are significant risks to your child that all parents should be aware of.

Many Instagram users are known for their perfectly posed and edited photos of delicate life. The line between reality and what is posted on social media is often vague. Teens often find it impossible not to compare their appearance, belongings, status, and lifestyle to the lives of those they follow. It is so easy for a child to become consumed by this constant comparison. If your child has gathered a large Instagram following or does not have proper settings turned on, shared information may be public for all to see. Although content showed in your child's Instagram feed is tailored toward their browsing history and interests, it is possible they could encounter potentially inappropriate subject matter.

Feeling concerned or worried? Rather than banning your child from the platform entirely, you might consider the following:

When a child spends too much time viewing life through the images of others, they can forget to take the time to truly live their own life. Encourage your child to incorporate plenty of screen-free and Instagram-free time into their daily lives. One way you can influence your child to develop a healthy relationship with social media is by demonstrating one yourself. Set aside your own screen-free time each day. Also, it is crucial that, as a parent, you understand your child's social media presence and have open and honest conversations about the dangers of self-comparison and oversharing on Instagram. If you notice your child is constantly experiencing the side effects of Instagram-despite your best efforts-take the steps necessary to protect your child. For some, this may mean locking the app on your child's phone until a compromise can be reached.

2023-10-13更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市格致中学2023-2024学年高三9月月考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . Armed with a toolkit of techniques and tricks to calm the mind and bring focus back to your body, you can stop stressful situations from sabotaging your day, says Katy Georgiou.


Making contact with the ground is your baseline go-to response for stress. This technique can be especially helpful if you find your stress regularly turns into panic. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, place your feet flat on the ground so that you feel stable, and then close your eyes. If you’re able to sit on the floor cross-legged or to lie down flat, then even better.

Think of this as earthing: really connect with the ground beneath your body. Some studies suggest that this simple act can help reduce or relieve symptoms of stress such as pain and fatigue, reduce blood pressure, and improve sleep. If you’re feeling disconnected from the world, it can also remind you that you belong to it and are a crucial part of it — the ground will always be there for you.


Adopting regular, daily or weekly routines for self-care can be very containing, creating consistency amid all sorts of stressful life events happening around you. Looking in the mirror each day can actually remind you that you exist, so feel free to factor some reflective gazing into your daily routine, whether it’s while applying moisturiser, shaving, or brushing your hair. Studies have shown that being confronted with your reflection can have powerful effects, taking us out of our heads and into the immediate present. For added effect, pay attention to the way your products interact with your hair and skin as you apply them.

Playing around with smells, colours and textures in your hands will also engage your senses. Using a scented shampoo or smoothing on body lotion after a warm bath can be easy ways to do this.


Abandon all your thoughts and try to focus only on your surroundings. What can you see, hear, smell, taste and touch? Identify three things you can hear, one thing you can taste, four things you can see and two things you can feel on your skin. Pick out colours in the room you are sitting in, notice textures and different kinds of light. If somebody is with you, tell them what you are experiencing. The point here is that your senses are your best and easiest route back to feeling calm, by coming out of your head and rooting yourself back in the present. This is incredibly helpful if you’re having a panic attack or flop response.

1. If your friend Jane always feels worn out and suffers from sleep deprivation, which of the following techniques will you especially recommend to her?
A.Connect her body to the ground beneath her.
B.Adopt a daily gaze at her reflection in the mirror.
C.Exchange her scentless shampoo for an aromatic one.
D.Focus on what she can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Lying down flat can better relieve your stress.
B.Grounding yourself can give you a sense of belonging to the world.
C.Brushing your hair while looking in the mirror can remind you of your existence.
D.Those having a panic attack should shut their senses down.
3. The passage is intended to __________.
A.help people understand themselves better
B.introduce some practical methods for stress management
C.emphasize the significance of exploiting multiple senses
D.promote a mindset of living in the moment
2023-08-15更新 | 527次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市浦东新区华东师范大学第二附属中学2022-2023学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 困难(0.15) |

8 . Why isn’t science better? Look at career incentives.

There are often substantial gaps between the idealized and actual versions of those people whose work involves providing a social good. Government officials are supposed to work for their constituents. Journalists are supposed to provide unbiased reporting and penetrating analysis. And scientists are supposed to relentlessly probe the fabric of reality with the most rigorous and skeptical of methods.

All too often, however, what should be just isn’t so. In a number of scientific fields, published findings turn out not to replicate (复制), or to have smaller effects than, what was initially claimed. Plenty of science does replicate — meaning the experiments turn out the same way when you repeat them — but the amount that doesn’t is too much for comfort.

But there are also ways in which scientists increase their chances of getting it wrong. Running studies with small samples, mining data for correlations and forming hypotheses to fit an experiment’s results after the fact are just some of the ways to increase the number of false discoveries.

It’s not like we don’t know how to do better. Scientists who study scientific methods have known about feasible remedies for decades. Unfortunately, their advice often falls on deaf ears. Why? Why aren’t scientific methods better than they are? In a word: incentives. But perhaps not in the way you think.

In the 1970s, psychologists and economists began to point out the danger in relying on quantitative measures for social decision-making. For example, when public schools are evaluated by students’ performance on standardized tests, teachers respond by teaching “to the test”. In turn, the test serves largely as of how well the school can prepare students for the test.

We can see this principle—often summarized as “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”—playing out in the realm of research. Science is a competitive enterprise. There are far more credentialed (授以证书的) scholars and researchers than there are university professorships or comparably prestigious research positions. Once someone acquires a research position, there is additional competition for tenure (终身教授) grant funding, and support and placement for graduate students. Due to this competition for resources, scientists must be evaluated and compared. How do you tell if someone is a good scientist?

An oft-used metric (标准,度量) is the number of publications one has in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the status of those journals. Metrics like these make it straightforward to compare researchers whose work may otherwise be quite different. Unfortunately, this also makes these numbers susceptible to exploitation.

If scientists are motivated to publish often and in high-impact journals, we might expect them to actively try to game the system (钻空子). And certainly, some do—as seen in recent high-profile cases of scientific fraud (欺诈). If malicious (恶意的) fraud is the prime concern, then perhaps the solution is simply heightened alertness.

However, most scientists are, I believe, genuinely interested in learning about the world, and honest. The problem with incentives is that they can shape cultural norms without any intention on the part of individuals.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Scientists are expected to persistently devoted to exploration of reality.
B.The research findings fail to achieve the expected effect.
C.Hypotheses are modified to highlight the experiments’ results.
D.The amount of science that does replicate is comforting.
2. What does deaf ears in the fourth paragraph probably refer to?
A.The public.B.The incentive initiators.
C.The peer researchers.D.The high-impact journal editors.
3. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?
A.Good scientists excel in seeking resources and securing research positions.
B.Competition for resources pushes researchers to publish in a more productive way.
C.All the credentialed scholars and researchers will take up university professorships.
D.The number of publication reveals how scientists are bitterly exploited.
4. According to the author, what might be a remedy for the fundamental problem in scientific research?
A.High-impact journals are encouraged to reform the incentives for publication.
B.The peer-review process is supposed to scale up inspection of scientific fraud.
C.Researchers are motivated to get actively involved in gaming the current system.
D.Career incentives for scientists are expected to consider their personal intention.
2023-05-23更新 | 1018次组卷 | 4卷引用:上海华东师范大学第二附属中学2022届高三上学期10月阶段测试卷英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 困难(0.15) |
9 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. network        B. specify        C. traditionally        D. ingredient       AB. uneasy
AC. additional       AD. culturally       BC. block            BD. determine
CD. requirement       ABC. critical

A multicultural person is someone who is deeply convinced that all cultures are equally good, enjoys learning the rich variety of cultures in the world, and most likely has been exposed to more than one culture in his or her lifetime.

A multilingual salesperson can explain the advantages of a product in other languages, but a multicultural salesperson can motivate foreigners to buy it. That’s a(an)     1     difference.

No one likes foreigners who are arrogant (自大的) about their own culture. The trouble is, most people are arrogantly monocultural without being aware of it. Foreigners sense monocultural arrogance at once and set up their own cultural barriers, which may effectively     2     any attempt by the monocultural person to motivate them.

Multiculturalism is a(an)     3     that has been neglected too often in hiring managers for international positions. Even if your company is not a multinational one, chances are you’re in touch with foreign customers or manufacturers. Do you have the right employee to build up the     4    ?

For 20-odd years, I’ve run an executive-search firm from Brussels. When clients ask us to find the right person for a new pan-European sales position, I start by asking them to     5     the qualifications their ideal candidate would have. Most often they list the same qualities they would want for a domestic position, but with the     6     requirement that the new manager be fluent enough in English, German and French to cope with faxes and email. It sometimes takes me hours to persuade clients that the linguistic abilities they see as crucial are not enough.

Of course, it’s far more difficult to     7     candidates’ multiculturalism than it is to check their language skills -- but it’s also a far more important     8     to success. I remember a company that asked me to check out a salesman they were planning to send to Mexico. He’d studied Spanish, and had grown up in New York City -- the most     9     diverse place in America. But when I interviewed him, he turned out to have no concept of the great pride Mexicans took in their culture, and moreover he was     10     about Mexican restaurants and markets being dirty and unsafe. I rejected him -- just as Mexican buyers would have if he’d been selected for the job.

2023-04-11更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市杨浦高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第四单元英语测试卷
10 . 今年的春晚(The Spring Festival Gala)好戏连台,有悦耳动听的歌曲,美轮美奂的舞蹈,还有风趣幽默的相声,观众们在喜庆的气氛中辞旧迎新。(so that) (汉译英)
2023-03-31更新 | 367次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般