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1 . On March 7, 1907, the English statistician Francis Galton published a paper which illustrated what has come to be known as the “wisdom of crowds” effect. The experiment of estimation he conducted showed that in some cases, the average of a large number of independent estimates could be quite accurate.

This effect capitalizes on the fact that when people make errors, those errors aren’t always the same. Some people will tend to overestimate, and some to underestimate. When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting in a more accurate estimate. If people are similar and tend to make the same errors, then their errors won’t cancel each other out. In more technical terms, the wisdom of crowds requires that people’s estimates be independent. If for whatever reasons, people’s errors become correlated or dependent, the accuracy of the estimate will go down.

But a new study led by Joaquin Navajas offered an interesting twist (转折) on this classic phenomenon. The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal number of independent individuals. For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.

In a follow-up study with 100 university students, the researchers tried to get a better sense of what the group members actually did in their discussion. Did they tend to go with those most confident about their estimates? Did they follow those least willing to change their minds? This happened some of the time, but it wasn’t the dominant response. Most frequently, the groups reported that they “shared arguments and reasoned together”. Somehow, these arguments and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error. Although the studies led by Navajas have limitations and many questions remain, the potential implications for group discussion and decision-making are enormous.

1. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.The methods of estimation.B.The underlying logic of the effect.
C.The causes of people’s errors.D.The design of Galton’s experiment.
2. Navajas’ study found that the average accuracy could increase even if ________.
A.the crowds were relatively smallB.there were occasional underestimates
C.individuals did not communicateD.estimates were not fully independent
3. What did the follow-up study focus on?
A.The size of the groups.B.The dominant members.
C.The discussion process.D.The individual estimates.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward Navajas’ studies?
2023-06-11更新 | 15522次组卷 | 26卷引用:阅读理解变式题-科普知识类说明文
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2 . Like most of us, I try to be mindful of food that goes to waste. The arugula (芝麻菜)was to make a nice green salad, rounding out a roast chicken dinner. But I ended up working late. Then friends called with a dinner invitation. I stuck the chicken in the freezer. But as days passed, the arugula went bad. Even worse, I had unthinkingly bought way too much; I could have made six salads with what I threw out.

In a world where nearly 800 million people a year go hungry, “food waste goes against the moral grain,” as Elizabeth Royte writes in this month’s cover story. It’s jaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away — from “ugly” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.

Producing food that no one eats wastes the water, fuel, and other resources used to grow it. That makes food waste an environmental problem. In fact, Royte writes, “if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest producer of greenhouse gases in the world.”

If that’s hard to understand, let’s keep it as simple as the arugula at the back of my refrigerator. Mike Curtin sees my arugula story all the time — but for him, it's more like 12 bones of donated strawberries nearing their last days. Curtin is CEO of DC Central Kitchen in Washington, D.C., which recovers food and turns it into healthy meals. Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有瑕疵的) produce that otherwise would have rotted in fields. And the strawberries? Volunteers will wash, cut, and freeze or dry them for use in meals down the road.

Such methods seem obvious, yet so often we just don’t think. “Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your weekly shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you won’t eat,” Curtin says.

1. What does the author want to show by telling the arugula story?
A.We pay little attention to food waste.B.We waste food unintentionally at times.
C.We waste more vegetables than meat.D.We have good reasons for wasting food.
2. What is a consequence of food waste according to the test?
A.Moral decline.B.Environmental harm.
C.Energy shortage.D.Worldwide starvation.
3. What does Curtin’s company do?
A.It produces kitchen equipment.B.It turns rotten arugula into clean fuel.
C.It helps local farmers grow fruits.D.It makes meals out of unwanted food.
4. What does Curtin suggest people do?
A.Buy only what is needed.B.Reduce food consumption.
C.Go shopping once a week.D.Eat in restaurants less often.
2022-06-08更新 | 14384次组卷 | 30卷引用:专题05:状语从句 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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3 . Human speech contains more than 2,000 different sounds, from the common “m” and “a” to the rare clicks of some southern African languages. But why are certain sounds more common than others? A ground-breaking, five-year study shows that diet-related changes in human bite led to new speech sounds that are now found in half the world’s languages.

More than 30 years ago, the scholar Charles Hockett noted that speech sounds called labiodentals, such as “f” and “v”, were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer foods. Now a team of researchers led by Damián Blasi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has found how and why this trend arose.

They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned (对齐), making it hard to produce labiodentals, which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper teeth. Later, our jaws changed to an overbite structure (结构), making it easier to produce such sounds.

The team showed that this change in bite was connected with the development of agriculture in the Neolithic period. Food became easier to chew at this point. The jawbone didn’t have to do as much work and so didn’t grow to be so large.

Analyses of a language database also confirmed that there was a global change in the sound of world languages after the Neolithic age, with the use of “f” and “v” increasing remarkably during the last few thousand years. These sounds are still not found in the languages of many hunter-gatherer people today.

This research overturns the popular view that all human speech sounds were present when human beings evolved around 300,000 years ago. “The set of speech sounds we use has not necessarily remained stable since the appearance of human beings, but rather the huge variety of speech sounds that we find today is the product of a complex interplay of things like biological change and cultural evolution,” said Steven Moran, a member of the research team.

1. Which aspect of the human speech sound does Damián Blasi’s research focus on?
A.Its variety.B.Its distribution.C.Its quantity.D.Its development.
2. Why was it difficult for ancient human adults to produce labiodentals?
A.They had fewer upper teeth than lower teeth.
B.They could not open and close their lips easily.
C.Their jaws were not conveniently structured.
D.Their lower front teeth were not large enough.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Supporting evidence for the research results.
B.Potential application of the research findings.
C.A further explanation of the research methods.
D.A reasonable doubt about the research process.
4. What does Steven Moran say about the set of human speech sounds?
A.It is key to effective communication.B.It contributes much to cultural diversity.
C.It is a complex and dynamic system.D.It drives the evolution of human beings.
2022-06-08更新 | 14352次组卷 | 33卷引用:专题02:非谓语动词 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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4 . Henry Raeburn (1756-1823)

The Exhibition

This exhibition of some sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and work of Scotland’s best loved painter, Sir Henry Raeburn, comes to London. Selected from collections throughout the world, it is the first major exhibition of his work to be held in over forty years.

Lecture Series

Scottish National Portrait (肖像画) Gallery presents a series of lectures for the general public. They are held in the Lecture Room. Admission to lectures is free.

An Introduction to Raeburn
Sunday 26 Oct., 15:00
Raeburn’s English Contemporaries
Thursday 30 Oct., 13:10
Characters and Characterisation in
Raeburn’s Portraits
Thursday 6 Nov., 13:10
Raeburn and Artist’s Training in the
18th Century
Thursday 13 Nov., 13:10
Exhibition Times

Monday-Saturday 10.00-17.45             Sunday 12.00-17.45

Last admission to the exhibition: 17.15. There is no re-admission.

Closed: 24-26 December and 1 January.


£4. Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free.

Schools and Colleges

A special low entrance charge of £2 per person is available to all in full-time education, up to and including those at first degree level, in organised groups with teachers.

1. What is the right time for attending Raeburn’s English Contemporaries?
A.Sun. 26 Oct.B.Thurs. 30 Oct.C.Thurs. 6 Nov.D.Thurs.13 Nov.
2. How much would a couple with two children under 12 pay for admission?
3. How can full-time students get group discounts?
A.They should go on Sunday mornings.B.They should come from art schools.
C.They must be led by teachers.D.They must have ID cards with them.
2022-06-08更新 | 11452次组卷 | 39卷引用:专题04:名词性从句 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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5 . As we age, even if we’re healthy, the heart just isn’t as efficient in processing oxygen as it used to be. In most people the first signs show up in their 50s or early 60s. And among people who don’t exercise, the changes can start even sooner.

“Think of a rubber band. In the beginning, it is flexible, but put it in a drawer for 20 years and it will become dry and easily broken,” says Dr. Ben Levine, a heart specialist at the University of Texas. That’s what happens to the heart. Fortunately for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven’t been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.

Levine and his research team selected volunteers aged between 45 and 64 who did not exercise much but were otherwise healthy. Participants were randomly divided into two groups. The first group participated in a program of nonaerobic (无氧) exercise—balance training and weight training—three times a week. The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the guidance of a trainer for four or more days a week. After two years, the second group saw remarkable improvements in heart health.

“We took these 50-year-old hearts and turned the clock back to 30-or 35-year-old hearts,” says Levine. “And the reason they got so much stronger and fitter was that their hearts could now fill a lot better and pump (泵送) a lot more blood during exercise.” But the hearts of those who participated in less intense exercise didn’t change, he says.

“The sweet spot in life to start exercising, if you haven’t already, is in late middle age when the heart still has flexibility,” Levine says. “We put healthy 70-year-olds through a yearlong exercise training program, and nothing happened to them at all.”

Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association, says Levine’s findings are a great start. But the study was small and needs to be repeated with far larger groups of people to determine exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference.

1. What does Levine want to explain by mentioning the rubber band?
A.The right way of exercising.B.The causes of a heart attack.
C.The difficulty of keeping fit.D.The aging process of the heart.
2. In which aspect were the two groups different in terms of research design?
A.Diet plan.B.Professional background.
C.Exercise type.D.Previous physical condition.
3. What does Levine’s research find?
A.Middle-aged hearts get younger with aerobic exercise.
B.High-intensity exercise is more suitable for the young.
C.It is never too late for people to start taking exercise.
D.The more exercise we do, the stronger our hearts get.
4. What does Dr. Nieca Goldberg suggest?
A.Making use of the findings.B.Interviewing the study participants.
C.Conducting further research.D.Clarifying the purpose of the study.
2022-07-04更新 | 9913次组卷 | 22卷引用:专题05:状语从句 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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6 . Popularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional (情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills.” Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.

We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.

Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) on emotion by employers, educators and others interested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.

Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives (视角) from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.

1. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?
A.It can be measured by an IQ test.B.It helps to exercise a person’s mind.
C.It includes a set of emotional skills.D.It refers to a person’s positive qualities.
2. Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?
A.To explain a rule.B.To clarify a concept.
C.To present a fact.D.To make a prediction.
3. What is the author’s attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence?
A.Its appeal to the public.B.Expectations for future studies.
C.Its practical application.D.Scientists with new perspectives.
2021-06-09更新 | 14912次组卷 | 47卷引用:专题03:定语从句 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了艺术家Benjamin Von Wong使用海洋中的塑料垃圾制作了一个巨型雕塑,极其震撼,引发人们对塑料污染的反思。

7 . You’ve heard that plastic is polluting the oceans — between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year. But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does. He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.

At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse,” a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash. Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source (来源) of plastic pollution, but they’ve recently come under fire because most people don’t need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled. Every straw that’s part of Von Wong’s artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.

In a piece from 2018, Von Wong wanted to illustrate (说明) a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload’s worth of plastic enters the ocean. For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic,” Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they’d been dumped (倾倒) from a truck all at once.

Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.

1. What are Von Wong’s artworks intended for?
A.Beautifying the city he lives in.B.Introducing eco-friendly products.
C.Drawing public attention to plastic waste.D.Reducing garbage on the beach.
2. Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?
A.To show the difficulty of their recycling.
B.To explain why they are useful.
C.To voice his views on modern art.
D.To find a substitute for them.
3. What effect would “Truckload of Plastic” have on viewers?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Artists’ Opinions on Plastic Safety
B.Media Interest in Contemporary Art
C.Responsibility Demanded of Big Companies
D.Ocean Plastics Transformed into Sculptures
2021-06-08更新 | 12604次组卷 | 55卷引用:专题18:阅读理解长难句分析 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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8 . Who is a genius? This question has greatly interested humankind for centuries.

Let’s state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almost the international symbol for genius. But we want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself. Why is it that some people are so much more intelligent or creative than the rest of us? And who are they?

In the sciences and arts, those praised as geniuses were most often white men, of European origin. Perhaps this is not a surprise. It’s said that history is written by the victors, and those victors set the standards for admission to the genius club. When contributions were made by geniuses outside the club—women, or people of a different color or belief—they were unacknowledged and rejected by others.

A study recently published by Science found that as young as age six, girls are less likely than boys to say that members of their gender(性别)are “really, really smart.” Even worse, the study found that girls act on that belief: Around age six they start to avoid activities said to be for children who are “really, really smart.” Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouraged and give up? It doesn’t take a genius to know the answer: absolutely not.

Here’s the good news. In a wired world with constant global communication, we’re all positioned to see flashes of genius wherever they appear. And the more we look, the more we will see that social factors(因素)like gender, race, and class do not determine the appearance of genius. As a writer says, future geniuses come from those with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance(毅力), and simple good fortune, who are able to change the world.”

1. What does the author think of victors’ standards for joining the genius club?
A.They’re unfair.B.They’re conservative.
C.They’re objective.D.They’re strict.
2. What can we infer about girls from the study in Science?
A.They think themselves smart.
B.They look up to great thinkers.
C.They see gender differences earlier than boys.
D.They are likely to be influenced by social beliefs
3. Why are more geniuses known to the public?
A.Improved global communication.
B.Less discrimination against women.
C.Acceptance of victors’ concepts.
D.Changes in people’s social positions.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Geniuses Think AlikeB.Genius Takes Many Forms
C.Genius and IntelligenceD.Genius and Luck
2021-06-11更新 | 11210次组卷 | 63卷引用:专题18:阅读理解长难句分析 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了电影制作人David Bond为了让孩子们远离屏幕,拍摄自己的旅行,并将自然当作一个品牌,推销给年轻人。

9 . We live in a town with three beaches. There are two parts less than 10 minutes’ walk from home where neighborhood children gather to play. However, what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen — any screen — and stare at it for hours. They are not alone. Today’s children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens, split between watching television and using the Internet.

In the past few years, an increasing number of people and organisations have begun coming up with plans to counter this trend. A couple of years ago film-maker David Bond realised that his children, then aged five and three, were attached to screens to the point where he was able to say “chocolate” into his three-year-old son’s ear without getting a response. He realised that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, appointed himself “marketing director from Nature”. He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as a brand to be marketed to young people. The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which charts the birth of the World Network, a group of organisations with the common goal of getting children out into nature.

“Just five more minutes outdoors can make a difference,” David Bond says. “There is a lot of really interesting evidence which seems to be suggesting that if children are inspired up to the age of seven, then being outdoors will be on habit for life.” His own children have got into the habit of playing outside now: “We just send them out into the garden and tell them not to come back in for a while.”

Summer is upon us. There is an amazing world out there, and it needs our children as much as they need it. Let us get them out and let them play.

1. What is the problem with the author’s children?
A.They often annoy their neighbours.B.They are tired of doing their homework.
C.They have no friends to play withD.They stay in front of screens for too long.
2. How did David Bond advocate his idea?
A.By making a documentary film.B.By organizing outdoor activities.
C.By advertising in London media.D.By creating a network of friends.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “charts” in paragraph 2?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Let Children Have FunB.Young Children Need More Free Time
C.Market Nature to ChildrenD.David Bond: A Role Model for Children
2021-06-15更新 | 5878次组卷 | 48卷引用:上海市高二年级-无分类阅读理解名校好题
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10 . ①A group of 41 states and the District of Columbia began a legal case against Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, insisting that the company knowingly used features on its platforms to cause children to overuse them. The accusations in the lawsuit raise a deeper question about behavior: Are young people becoming addicted to social media and the internet? Here’s what the research has found.

②David Greenfield, a psychologist and founder of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction in West Hartford, Conn, said the devices tempt users with some powerful approaches. One is “intermittent reinforcement,” which creates the idea that a user could get a reward at any time. But when the reward comes is unpredictable. Adults are easily influenced, be noted, but young people are particularly at risk, because the brain regions that are involved in resisting temptation and reward are not nearly as developed in children and teenagers as in adults. Moreover, the adolescent brain is especially accustomed to social connections, and social media is all a perfect opportunity to connect with other people.

③For many years, the scientific community typically defined addiction in relation to substances, such as drugs, and not behaviors, such as gambling or internet use. That has gradually changed. In 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the official reference for mental health conditions, introduced the idea of internet gaming addiction.

④A subsequent study explored broadening the definition to “internet addiction.” The author suggested further exploring diagnostic criteria and the language, for instance, noting that terms like “problematic use” and even the word “internet” were open to broad interpretation, given the many forms the information and its delivery can take.

⑤Dr. Michael Rich, the director of the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital, said he discouraged the use of the word “addiction” because the internet, if used effectively and with limits, was not merely useful but also essential to everyday life.

⑥Greenfield agreed that there clearly are valuable uses for the internet and that the definition of how much is too much can vary. But he said there also were obvious cases where immoderate use disturbs school, sleep and other vital aspects of a healthy life. “Too many young consumers can’t put it down, ” he said.“ The internet, including social media like Meta, are the drugs affecting the mind.”

1. What was Meta accused of?
A.It added problematic features to its platform.
B.It started a discussion to mislead young people.
C.It tempted children to use social media too much.
D.It conducted illegal research on its parent company.
2. According to David Greenfield, users tend to be addicted to social media and the internet due to         .
A.their under-developed brain
B.the random pattern of rewards
C.their desire to be socially connected
D.the possibility of escaping from reality
3. What can be concluded about the study introduced in Paragraph 4?
A.Addiction is something about behaviors instead of substances.
B.The online language can be interpreted from a broad perspective.
C.Current diagnostic criteria of “internet addiction” isn’t satisfactory.
D.There should be an agreement on the definition of the word “internet”.
4. Dr. Michael Rich and David Greenfield both agree that        .
A.proper use of the internet does good to children
B.the internet is to blame for disturbing healthy life
C.there are cases against immoderate use of the internet
D.the word “addiction” is improperly used on the internet
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