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1 . Researchers at the University of Arizona have been studying the effects of green light therapy on those suffering from migraine (偏头痛). In September, they completed their first clinical study and the results are very encouraging. They found that green light therapy is extremely beneficial to those who suffer from headaches. It not only reduces the intensity of the pain, but it also decreases its frequency by 60 percent, significantly improving patients’ quality of life.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine is the third most common illness in the world, affecting one billion worldwide, including men, women, and children. Additionally, it is the sixth most disabling illness in the world and more than 90 percent of the sufferers are unable to carry on with their normal activities during their sufferings. And when it is actually treated, medication overuse can lead to episodic (偶尔发生的) migraine turning chronic (慢性的).

According to Science Daily, the recent clinical study included 29 patients who suffer from episodic or chronic migraine. They have tried but failed in several traditional therapies including Botox injections and oral medications. In the study, participants spent two hours at home each day staring at a green-light LED. They did this for ten weeks, reporting the number and intensity of headaches they had.

Dr. Patwardhan, co-author of the study, said that the green light discharged by the LED greatly helps those who do not want to take medicine as well as those who do not respond to medications. “The beauty of this approach is the lack of associated side effects,” Patwardhan explained. But that’s not all. The participants also reported significant improvements in sleep quality and in the ability to perform everyday normal activities such as exercise and work. And none of them reported any side effects.

As the study reveals, green light treatment might be an unprecedented (前所未有的) alternative for migraine sufferers.

1. What can we learn from the research?
A.Migraine sufferers unable to live a normal life makes up about 60%.
B.Episodic migraine can be treated more easily than chronic migraine.
C.Headaches can be relieved by green light.
D.Migraine most frequently happens to adults.
2. What were the 29 participants asked to do in the study?
A.Take some traditional medicine daily for ten weeks.
B.Use a green-light LED the whole night at home for ten days.
C.Receive an injection each day for two months.
D.Look at the green light for two hours per day for 70 days.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “discharged” in Paragraph 4 ?
A.lit upB.put outC.taken inD.sent out
4. What was Patwardhan’s attitude to the new treatment?
A.He thought it had side effects.
B.He agreed it was of great benefit.
C.He worried it might affect sleep.
D.He wondered if it hurt eyes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It is reported that about 14 percent of Americans aged over 12 have trouble in hearing. And hearing loss increases dramatically to 50 percent or more for those aged over 70. It often comes on so gradually that many ignore it. Only an estimated 15 to 25 percent of adults would use hearing aids, and the use is lowest among people who have less access to health care.

However, recent research has revealed that even mild or moderate hearing loss in older adults is associated with cognitive (认知的) decline. Older adults with hearing loss are more likely to develop dementia (痴呆), and the likelihood increases with the severity of the loss.

In July, Frank R. Lin, a professor from Johns Hopkins University, presented results from a first-of-its-kind randomized clinical trial. Participants are 977 adults aged between 70 and 84, including those who have more risk factors for developing dementia and those who are relatively healthy. They received best-practice hearing care, including hearing aids. Three years later, hearing aids did make a difference to the participants in cognitive decline. Especially for those who were at the higher risk for dementia, a 48 percent cut in risk of cognitive decline could be made if they got hearing aids.

When hearing loss is untreated, the brain’s organization changes, says Anu Sharma, an auditory neuroscientist of the University of Colorado Boulder. In adults with mild hearing loss, studies show a decrease in gray matter (灰质) in brain. Sharma found early signs that vision and touch areas of the brain cover and change underused hearing areas. Adults with hearing loss also show more activity in working memory areas. They need to make extra efforts just to listen, Sharma says, which may exhaust cognitive reserves.

Hearing loss is also associated with more falls, higher health-care costs, and increased loneliness and social isolation. “Hearing is fundamental to healthy aging,” says Nicholas Reed, who worked with Frank R. Lin on the cognitive-decline study.

1. What can we learn from the figures in the first paragraph?
A.Americans pay special attention to their hearing.
B.Americans are unaware of danger of hearing loss.
C.Many Americans with hearing loss stay untreated.
D.Most Americans are suffering serious hearing loss.
2. What did Frank R. Lin’s clinical trial reveal?
A.Hearing aids helped reduce cognitive decline.
B.Hearing aids worked on healthy people.
C.Cognitive decline could result in hearing loss.
D.Cognitive decline was unrelated to age.
3. What is paragraph 4 centred on?
A.What sign will appear before losing hearing.
B.How hearing loss impacts cognitive decline.
C.Why hearing loss is left untreated by people.
D.How our brain discourages cognitive decline.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Hearing loss—a new factor connected with dementia
B.Cognitive decline, caused by more than hearing loss
C.Dementia—an incurable but preventable disease
D.Hearing loss, having limited access to healthcare
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Humans have made the world less friendly to birds in many ways. One obvious example of this can be found in metal spikes (尖刺), or anti-bird spikes in buildings to prevent birds from landing and even nesting. However, a handful of birds have struck back.

Auke-Florian Hiemstra, a biologist researching animal architecture at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands, studies how wild animals use materials made by humans. He has seen nests that include some unusual materials—things like plastic flowers and sunglasses. But he was surprised when seeing a picture of a magpie (喜鹊) nest, the top of which had anti-bird spikes.

Researchers had learned that the smart species, magpies and crows (乌鸦), were stealing anti-bird spikes as a nest-building material. The two species appeared to use the anti-bird spikes in slightly different ways. For the crows, the spikes seemed purely structural, a material used to fashion a solid foundation. But for the magpies, there was an additional layer of intention: They appeared to use the spikes like humans do-rounded covering over their nests to keep other birds from landing.

One recent study reported that nests with man-made materials have been found all over the world and that the man-made materials include all kinds of man-made materials, including knitting needles, candy wrappers, spiky wires, and cigarette ends. Although magpies and crows haven’t been documented doing this, other birds have. Scientists aren’t sure if birds are using artificial materials because they’re better, or simply because they’re easy to find. What is noteworthy is that human-made materials in bird nests can cause injuries. For example, anti- bird netting, often placed over garden plots, is known to be dangerous for birds, which often end up being entangled in it.

For Hiemstra, while the new discoveries are fascinating, he also highlights a broader issue: the unfortunate popularity of anti-bird spikes. “It’s kind of sad to keep fighting against nature instead of accepting it as part of the city,” he said.

1. Why was Hiemstra surprised when seeing the photo of a magpie nest?
A.A magpie decorated its nest with plastic flowers.
B.Magpies and crows are as intelligent as humans.
C.Magpies and crows cooperated to build the nests.
D.The magpie nest was equipped with metal spikes.
2. How do magpies and crows differ from each other in using anti-bird spikes?
A.Crows use them for fashion.
B.Magpies use them for defence.
C.Crows use them to keep off other species.
D.Magpies use them to strengthen the nests.
3. What does the underline word “entangled” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What does Hiemstra intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Support birds’ using man-made materials.
B.Accept anti-bird spikes as part of the city.
C.Disapprove of humans’ using anti-bird spikes.
D.Stress the popularity of anti-bird spikes in birds.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The stands were always filled with family members to support their favorite players. I attended each of my son’s games. His father worked nights for years, and missed out on most of his games. My son Jorden knew if his dad could, he would be there sitting right beside me.

When Jorden was younger, some family members would occasionally come to watch. But gradually they stopped showing up. Never once did Jorden lead me to believe that this bothered him, but apparently it did. It wasn’t until when he was asked to give a speech at his baseball event that he made it very clear not only to me but a room filled with over 150 people just how important it is to have extra fans in the stands.

His speech was anything but like I thought it would be. It wasn’t short and bittersweet. It wasn’t his quick thank you to his coaches and teammates. He poured his heart out, saying he seldom had grandparents, aunts or uncles coming to support him. He was grateful that his teammates’ family members showed up to support not just their own loved ones but the entire team of boys. Clearly Jorden desired more than just me. Never did I ever think my son would be hurting inside as he looked out to the bleachers to see only me at each and every game.

As he struggled to get each word out through tears, I promised I would attend as many events of the children around as I possibly could. There was no way I could allow another child to feel what my son was feeling. This small simple gesture would mean so much to any child. Neither Jorden nor I was upset with those who never attended his games. Jorden just wanted someone else besides me to witness his craft in action. I understand all of our lives become complicated and that everyone is busy with their own children and jobs that may not allow them as much free time as they’d like.

1. What do we know about Jorden’s father?
A.He had long been misunderstood by Jorden.
B.He had few chances to attend Jorden’s games.
C.He managed to be with Jorden in every game.
D.He had made excuses to miss Jorden’s games.
2. What was Jorden’s speech about?
A.His ambition to win the championship.
B.His gratitude to his mother and coaches.
C.His complaint about his family members.
D.His desire for support from more people.
3. What does the author think of Jorden’s speech?
4. How did the author respond to Jorden’s speech?
A.She tried to be actively involved in children’s games.
B.She promised not to miss out on games of every child.
C.She offered to invite many relatives to Jorden’s games.
D.She decided to lead Jorden to trust his family members.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Taking proper care of our brain, in addition to ensuring its proper functioning, will help us keep our memory in shape and even prevent some diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Here are some foods that are good for us.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables contain vitamin A, B vitamins and antioxidants (抗氧剂) that help the proper function of the brain and maintain physical health. Vegetables, in general, should be present in at least two servings a day. To take advantage of the nutrients contained in green vegetables, it is recommended to consume them steamed or even raw. If you choose to eat raw vegetables, you need to use appropriate methods to remove harmful things from their surfaces.


Fish is a source of phosphorus (磷), essential part of the development of nerve cells. For this reason, its consumption is important to guarantee the adequate contribution. We also highlight omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish, which have a protective role against the progression of cognitive decline.


In addition to being a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which we have already talked about, nuts provide phosphorus, vitamin E and B vitamins so that they maintain a correct blood supply in our brain.


Within this group we highlight red fruits, especially cherries and apples. Red fruits are a source of vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants that are good companions to maintain a healthy memory.

Though these foods are good, consuming too much of them may be harmful to us.

1. As for green vegetables, the author advises us to eat _________ daily.
A.at least one servingB.three servings
C.no more than two servingsD.no less than two servings
2. What do the four kinds of foods have in common?
A.They are good for our brains.B.They contain the same nutrients.
C.They are beneficial to the black hair.D.They are sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Where can the text most probably be found?
A.In a history book.B.In a biography.
C.In a health magazine.D.In a novel.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Whether shyness is part of your child’s personality or just something they feel when they are in front of a group of strangers, it is a typical experience. “Shyness isn’t always as socially valued as more outgoing personalities. However, we should step back and think about different personalities and their unique advantages,” said Pérez-Edgar, professor of psychology (心理学) at The Pennsylvania State University. “Everyone can feel shy at times. And those who are especially shy often have happy social lives --they just aren’t likely to be the liveliest person in a crowded room.”

       But there are things to watch out for. If your children are avoiding situations that are important or could be enjoyable for them because they’re feeling nervous, it might be time to take action, said Chiappini, a child expert. “That could mean not speaking in class, trouble making friends, or not joining in activities they like.” she said.
       Chiappini recommended first saying something like: “You seem a little nervous or unsure about who everyone is/what to say . We haven’t met them before and that can feel a little uncomfortable.” From there, you can encourage them to join someone or say something when they are ready ---with the promise that you will be there to support them, she added.
       The more we avoid situations where kids may feel shy, the more anxiety (担心) we will have about them in the future. But that doesn’t mean to push your child into the deep end.

“We may have to deal with the situation step by step. For example, you may have to encourage your child just to make eye contact during an outing before expecting them to ask someone a question,” Chiappini said.

1. What may Pérez - Edgar agree with?
A.Shyness is not as bad as people have thought.
B.Children are more likely to feel shy than adults.
C.Shy people like to stay with lively people.
D.It’s difficult for people to get over shyness.
2. When should action be taken to help shy kids?
A.When they ask for instructions from others.
B.When they feel nervous in school activities.
C.When they try hard to mix with other children.
D.When they are absent from important situations.
3. What does Chiappini advise parents to do at first?
A.Tell their kids what they should say.
B.Ask their kids how they are feeling.
C.Help their kids stay away from some situations.
D.Show their kids they understand how they feel.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraph?
A.Parents should be strict with the shy children.
B.Parents should push the shy children to be outgoing.
C.Parents should be patiently guide the shy children.
D.Parents should encourage shy children to make eye contact with them.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Here are some things you might not know about black boxes.

They’re not black. Black boxes are the same colour as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.     1    . The Golden Gate Bridge is a darker shade, while the international orange used for black boxes is much brighter.

A black box comes in two parts. The black box is made up of two separate pieces of equipment: the flight data recorder (FDR) and a cockpit voice recorder (CVR). They are compulsory on any commercial flight or corporate jet. They are usually kept in the tail of an aircraft.     2    . The FDRs record things like airspeed, altitude, vertical acceleration and fuel flow. The CVRs track not only the crew’s interactions with each other and air traffic control, but also background noise that can give vital clues to investigators.

    3    . Black boxes start emitting (发出) a pulse if their sensors touch water. They work to a depth of just over four kilometers and can “ping” once a second for thirty days before the battery runs out. If a flight crashed into the ocean, it might take search teams a few years to find and raise the black boxes. However, they are worthy of the time.     4    .

They’re almost undestroyable. The FDRs are usually double-wrapped in titanium or stainless steel.     5    . The crucial part that contains the memory boards can bear a 227 kg weight with a pin attached to it, which is dropped onto the unit from a height of three meters. Researchers try to crush it, destroy it in an hour of 1,100 degrees Celsius fire, submerge it in a pressurized salt water tank and immerse it in jet fuel.

A.They need to be updated in time.
B.It can take a long time to find one.
C.They are a tone of international orange.
D.They must be able to stand extreme conditions.
E.They can make the entire transport system safer.
F.They’ll provide valuable information about the crash.
G.They are more likely to survive a crash at such a place.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . During the winter break, I found my dad’s old CD player in a drawer that I had never seen before. It reminded me of the three CDs I recently bought from Mostly Books, a second-hand media store on South Street. I knew I could put the player to good use with them.

However, I was a naughty kid who broke closet doors and shelves, so my dad was often unwilling to let me borrow his things. I couldn’t decide whether to ask my dad about using the player. “Can you help me with your old CD player? I want to play some CDs,” I finally asked him after walking into his home office that day. Despite my worries, my dad said yes.

Growing up, I felt that my dad disagreed with nearly everything I did. I was frightened to take his advice because listening to him felt like going against my own ideas.

       That day I looked at his office wall and saw a painting and he told me he bought it in the 1990s for a couple thousand dollars. Imagining him buying the artwork challenged my idea of him being too frugal (节俭的) and boring (没有情调的) to spend so much money on art.

This new side of my dad encouraged me to finally take the time to look for our similarities. I discovered how similar we really are while fixing the CD player with my dad, which helped me see him as someone I could relate to, instead of someone to avoid. Watching my dad prepare his old CD player for use was my first step toward understanding him. I observed several of his characters that I recognized in myself, like persistence, patience and calmness. Seeing these characters in my dad showed me how similar we are, which lowered the defenses (防御) I built against him, allowing our relationship to heal (愈合).

1. Why couldn’t the author decide whether to ask his dad about using the player at first?
A.He had no CDs to play then.
B.He feared his dad would say no.
C.He figured the CD player was broken.
D.He was afraid he’d break the CD player.
2. What was the problem between the author and his father?
A.They often had different views.
B.They hardly talked to each other.
C.They had no similar personalities.
D.They were shy to speak for themselves.
3. What did the author most probably realize after knowing about the painting?
A.He should challenge his father.
B.His father was very good at art.
C.His father was a really boring man.
D.He might not really know about his father.
4. What happened between the author and his father in the end?
A.They often argued with each other.
B.They greatly misunderstood each other.
C.They got on with each other much better.
D.They built great defenses against each other.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . These days, videos of “ diving grandpas” from north China’s Tianjin are popular on the Internet. In the videos, they jumped off the Shizilin Bridge into the 7-meter-deep Haihe River. However, on Wednesday, they announced that they would give up the sport.

With an average age of 60, the diving grandpas have much experience in diving. They started as a group of local diving lovers. They went swimming in the city’s rivers, and later they tried their hand at diving. The hobby has now lasted for more than thirty years.

Videos on the Internet have drawn lots of tourists from across the country to the Shizilin Bridge over the Haihe River, where “diving grandpas” perform diving. However, some inexperienced divers, trying to follow“ diving grandpas”, have met with accidents and got themselves injured. Some of the grandpas have begun volunteering to keep order for the crowds that come to see the performance on the bridge. However, accidents still continued to happen. As reported, members of the Blue Sky Rescue team in Tianjin said that they rescued 14 people at the risk of drowning or other injury in just two days.

The grandpas then made a difficult decision. They stopped diving off the bridge. They also prevented inexperienced locals and children as well as tourists from diving from the bridge . The grandpas welcomed the tourists to Tianjin, especially pointing out the other great places of interest and delicious food around the Shizilin Bridge.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.The diving grandpas made a living by diving.
B.The diving grandpas came from all over China.
C.The diving grandpas made diving a life-long hobby.
D.The diving grandpas began diving when they were little.
2. What made the diving grandpas decide to stop diving off the bridge?
A.The weather became colder.
B.They were too old to carry out the task.
C.The bridge was too crowded with tourists.
D.They hoped to prevent accidents from happening.
3. Which of the following can best describe“diving grandpas” in Tianjin?
A.Kind and honest
B.Energetic and warm-hearted
C.Brave and talented
D.Outgoing and optimistic
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Diving became a popular activity in Tianjin.
B.Diving without guidance may cause injury or death.
C.“Diving grandpas” helped speed up tourism in Tianjin.
D.“Diving grandpas” gave up diving for tourists’ safety.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Every school has students who stand out for their abilities and their eagerness to learn. In Mexico, a school created a program to work with them. In 2019. both teachers Lotta Andersson and John Rennie got the idea to provide learning opportunities for students with a hunger for knowledge. They are English coordinators (协调员) in the school. “We want to have a program to inspire students who really have the abilities and the interests to learn more and continue accepting challenges,” Andersson said during a recent interview.

Students in the program, which was called Learning Challenges, met with the teachers about once a month. Andersson and Rennie would help us choose research topics. We then worked with the teachers to find books, interview subjects and Internet sources, While in Learning Challenges, I gave presentations on European culture and the fashion industry.

When asked what skills students had formed in the program, which ended in June 2020because of the limits of a common disease. Andersson said, “They had learned to ask questions, be more open-minded and see things from different angles (角度). Also, they mastered the skills-reflecting more, acting actively, and learning not to put limits on themselves.”

A student, Yihane Abed, conducted research on the sun, the moon, stars, planets, etc, while in Learning Challenges. “The skills I developed were teamwork and the ways to do research and give a good presentation,” she said.

Andersson and Rennie continue to help students pursue their love of learning. “The program doesn’t exist formally, but as an important part of the culture at school, it is still needed,” Andersson said. “There is much more difference, not only for students who need extra help, but also for those who are higher achievers.”

1. What’s the purpose of creating Learning Challenges?
A.To help some students learn more.
B.To guide students to work out effectively.
C.To raise students’ interest in visiting Europe.
D.To encourage English students to help others.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Methods that students used in the program.
B.Abilities that students got from the program.
C.Difficulties that students met in the program.
D.Topics that students selected from the program.
3. Which kind of research did Yihane Abed conduct?
A.The universe.B.Teamwork
C.The fashion industry.D.Travelling.
4. What does Andersson think of the program?
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