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1 . It’s a warm June afternoon, and in a group of bushes and trees, a bird sings. A small insect climbs over a leaf. The Muziekplein forest, next to an 18-story building and a railway line, is about the size of a basketball court; before it was planted in 2018, the area was a parking place. The forest is one of seven such extremely small forests in the Dutch city of Utrecht, and 144 across the Netherlands. By the end of this year, according to IVN Nature Education, the organization proposing the country’s initiative (计划), there will be 200.

Since the first forest was planted in the Netherlands in 2015, the concept has become popular. Daan Bleichrodt, who launched IVN’s Tiny Forest initiative with the goal of making it easier for children to get into and connect with nature, said that he thinks it is popular because people are becoming more aware of major environmental challenges. It’s a very practical way to do something positive in the light of climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Jeroen Schenkels, a senior adviser for the city of Utrecht on green planning, said he sees the mini-forests as nature-based approaches that are able to help the city weather heat waves and improve water retention (保持). But one of the biggest interests is social. “One of the most important things is that they give people the opportunity to be involved in nature in the neighbourhood,” Schenkels said.

Between 2018 and 2020, 40 different plant and animal groups and 121 total animal species were found in the Muziekplein forest alone. According to Wageningen University researchers, across the 11 tiny forests in their study, volunteers observed 636 animal species. They also identified 298 plant species in addition to the original species planted in the plots. Maintenance(维护) of the forests occasionally involves removing aggressive weeds, but in general new plant species, such as wild flowers that appear, are allowed to grow.

1. What do we know about the Muziekplein forest?
A.It is newly planted.B.It sits in an urban area.
C.It grows along a railway.D.It is shaped like a basketball court.
2. What’s the purpose of the Tiny Forest initiative?
A.To make people realize environmental challenges.
B.To make nature more accessible to children.
C.To increase the Netherlands’ biodiversity.
D.To call for action on climate change.
3. What does Paragraph 3 focus on?
A.Benefits of mini-forests in cities.B.Ways to keep neighborhoods green.
C.Inspiration for planting forests in cities.D.Importance of being exposed to nature.
4. How does the author state the forests’ effect on biodiversity?
A.By listing figures.B.By giving examples.
C.By doing experiments.D.By making comparisons.
昨日更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月阶段性测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . If you live in a region where winter weather is a regular risk, you are likely used to pouring salt on your sidewalks. But how does it work? And how much salt do humans pour onto our planet’s surface? The second question is easier to answer: a lot.

Salt doesn’t directly melt ice, nor does it make snow simply disappear. Instead it makes water less likely to freeze in a phenomenon called freezing point depression. In the case of simple rock salt, which is a rawer, less pure version of table salt, each molecule (分子) splits into smaller elements. Normally, when water freezes into ice, its molecules line up to form a stable, orderly structure. Salt interrupts the process, however, and temperatures must drop lower to overcome that interruption and for freezing to occur.

But if salt needs to interact with liquid water, how does it do anything when temperatures are stubbornly below freezing, and water should already be in the form of ice? That’s where cars help clear their own way by creating friction and, in turn, heat. The friction allows for the ice that has already frozen to melt a little bit, making it unlikely to freeze.

Beyond rock salt’s ability to clear icy streets, it can also be destructive. Chloride ions (氯离子) can cause wear and tear on vehicles and facilities. Increasing chloride densities in North American lakes could begin to upset local ecology and degrade sources of drinking water.

Many local governments are looking for alternatives to rock salt. Other salts such as magnesium chloride and calcium chloride work in the same way as rock salt, and they’re perhaps even more efficient. Some experiments are testing other ice-preventing solutions, including those that contain sugars instead of or in addition to salts. Another approach relies more heavily on sand, which can mechanically make roads safer. All of this experimentation is aimed at ensuring people can travel in any weather condition-a Herculean task when winter brings its worst.

1. What’s the purpose of the first sentence in Paragraph 2?
A.To present the background.
B.To give some evidence.
C.To define the phenomenon.
D.To reveal the misconception.
2. How does salt work to disturb the process of freezing?
A.By lowering the temperature.B.By melting and splitting itself.
C.By lining up to form a solid structure.D.By stopping the formation of the structure.
3. What does the underlined word “densities” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What’s the last paragraph mainly talking about?
A.Other salts won’t disturb local ecology.
B.Many alternatives are on trial to solve the problem.
C.Bitter winter makes it impossible to secure road safety.
D.Winter weather is no longer a regular risk because of rock salt.
昨日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省合肥市第七中学2023-2024学年高三下学期第九次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Whether you’re hiking through Yellowstone or camping in the Ozarks, choosing the best backpacking stove (炉子) to take with you can make a big difference. Read on for some of our top picks.

Soto Windmaster 4 Flex

Backpackers love its convenient built-in igniter (点火器), powerful heat output, and four-pronged (四管的) pot stabilizer, which provides a more stable platform for cooking than three-pronged stoves.

Buy it now at REI
Solo Stove Titan

The Solo Titan burns twigs, pine cones, leaves, and any other biofuels you may find out in nature, offering a safe and natural alternative to burning gas. The Titan is considered mid-size, ideal for cooking for several people.

Buy it now at SoloStove
Fire Maple Star X2 Cooking System

Based on hundreds of reviews, hikers say they’re impressed by this gas-powered stove’s easy setup. The Star X2 also features Heat Exchange Technology, which the company says provides superior wind-resistance in different weather environments helping to reduce overall boil time.

Buy it now on Amazon
Soto Amicus

Weighing just 2.9 ounces, the Soto Amicus is well known for its light weight and attractive appearance. Multiple Amazon reviewers praise this backpacking stove’s easy setup and four integrated pot stabilizers, which create a stable base for cooking in the wilderness.

Buy it now on Amazon or REI
1. Which stove suits you best if you want a quick meal?
A.Soto Amicus.B.Solo Stove Titan.
C.Soto Windmaster 4Flex.D.Fire Maple Star X2 Cooking System.
2. What feature do Soto Windmaster 4Flex and Soto Amicus have in common?
A.Easy setup.B.Wind resistance.
C.Relative stability.D.Attractive appearance.
3. What is the text?
A.An adventure travel report.B.An outdoor travel brochure.
C.An advertisement for cooking facilities.D.A recipe book for making easy meals.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省合肥市第七中学2023-2024学年高三下学期第九次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It will come as no comfort to a child shivering (打哆嗦) on a playing field on a cold winter’s day. But regular organized school sport helps children in their academic studies in years to come. The researchers said other “structured” activities such as music or religious activities were not as beneficial for attention as taking part in a games lesson. The difference in academic ability was noticeable even at age ten, with those who had taken in sports since the start of junior school performing better than those who hadn’t.

The Canadian study looked at children aged six and then ten. Professor Linda Pagani said, “We worked with information provided by parents and teachers to compare kindergarteners’ activities with their classroom activities as they grew up. By the time they reached the fourth grade, kids who played structured sports were clearly better at following instructions and remaining focused in the classroom. There is something special to the sporting environment — perhaps the sense of belonging to a team to a special group with a common goal — that appears to help kids understand the importance of respecting the rules and honoring responsibilities.”

Researchers began studying 2,694 Canadian children around the age of six, with teachers filled in questionnaires about their behavior in school. Meanwhile, the children’s parents were interviewed by phone or in person about their home life. The exercise was repeated four years later to test what effect the behavior had.

Professor Pagani said, “We found children who had better behavior in the kindergarten class were more likely to be involved in sport by age ten. Nevertheless, we found those children who were specifically involved in team sports at kindergarten scored higher by the time they reached the fourth grade.” The researchers believe sporting activities and attention skills go hand in hand. Professor Pagani added, “The results should be encouraging for schools looking to cut childhood obesity rates and low attainment in schools.”

1. What kinds of children may do better in their academic study according to paragraph one?
A.Those who join in structured activities.B.Those who don’t shiver on a cold winter’s day.
C.Those who don’t like school sports.D.Those who take part in game lessons.
2. What are kids more likely to do in the sporting environment?
A.Understand each other better.B.Follow the rules.
C.Respect the teachers.D.Give up.
3. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
A.How scientists carried out the research.B.Why parents were interviewed by phone.
C.How kids behaved at home or at school.D.How many sports kids did at school.
4. What can we infer from Prof. Pagani’s words in the last paragraph?
A.The research will be of great benefit.
B.It’s necessary for children go to kindergartens.
C.Childhood obesity rates can lead to low attainment.
D.Team sports will be reduced at kindergartens.
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中素质测试英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了通过与全球笔友的对话,让年轻人了解气候变化并鼓励年轻人采取行动解决气候变化问题的组织——Break The Divide。

5 . Break The Divide is a non-profit organization that has connected thousands of students in dozens of schools from countries around the world. The organization was founded by Abhay Sachal when he was just 14 years old.

When Abhay was in high school, he went on a trip with an organization called “Students On Ice”. He made friendships with youth living in the Arctic (北极) who were suffering from mental health issues. These friends told him that melting glaciers (冰川) were threatening their homes. Abhay wanted to keep his connection to these friends while also solving climate change. He found out that in general, First Nation communities suffer while the rest of Canada thrives (兴盛). He thought if other young people saw the personal effects of climate change, they would want to get involved. That was when Break the Divide was founded.

Abhay explained in a 2021 interview that, “Essentially, it allows for global pen friends. One of my ninth-grade friends told me he learned more about Canada and climate change from a two-hour conversation with a young Arctic student than in all his previous social studies classes. He said having a friend to share how they felt about the state of the world helped him feel less alone.”

Abhay Sachay believes in “seva”, which means selfless service. His goal through his action is to turn empathy (同情) into action. Through connections, youth can build on their shared concerns to avoid social divides and create a plan of action. Break the Divide chapters now operate in many countries around the world.

1. What is the feature of Break The Divide?
A.It is an academic organization.
B.It is not intended for making money.
C.It was founded before “Students On Ice”.
D.It tends to help youth with mental problems.
2. What was Abhay Sachal’s motivation for founding Break the Divide?
A.To help youth suffering from mental health issues.
B.To make friendship with youth living in the Arctic.
C.To encourage youth to take action to solve climate change.
D.To make youth get involved in helping First Nation communities.
3. How are youth learning about climate change through Break The Divide?
A.By talking to Abhay Sachal in person.
B.By attending online social studies classes.
C.By participating in a face-to-face conversation.
D.By engaging in conversations with global pen friends.
4. Based on the passage, how can we judge Abhay Sachal?
A.He is an experienced traveler.
B.He is a successful businessman.
C.He is devoted to helping others.
D.He only focuses on environmental protection.
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Perform stand-up comedy

Stand-up is a type of comedy in which someone performs a series of jokes in front of a live audience. Kids can create a stand-up comedy act to perform for family and friends or at a school or community talent show.     1     Here are some tips to help you get started.


A good first step in stand-up is watching other comedians. With an adult’s help, you can find some kid-friendly comedians on YouTube. (Some family-friendly comedians to check out together might be Jim Gaffigan and Preacher Lawson.) Pay attention to what they do during their routine and what kinds of jokes work.

Write your material

To begin writing jokes, start brainstorming topics. Many comedians talk about their personal experiences or make humorous observations about popular topics like sports or movies.     3     For example, your friends would probably understand your funny observation about middle school, but your family may not. When you have an idea for a joke, approach it like writing a short essay. It should have a beginning that hooks the listener, followed by a middle that sets up characters or provides information people need to know to understand the joke. Then finish with the point of the joke.

Pull everything together

Once you have several jokes written, you can add them to stand-up routine, called a “set”. A set can be anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour, but for beginners it’s best to keep it short.     4     Between jokes, include transitions to help link one story to the next. You should conclude with a strong “closer”, one last joke that will leave your audience laughing.

Perfect your routine

Once you’ve created your set, it’s time to practice. You can perform in front of a mirror or record yourself and play it back.     5     Next, perform in front of a friend or family member who can help you see what people laugh at the most or tell you if any of your jokes are confusing. Take notes and make changes as necessary.

A.Get inspired
B.Ask for help
C.These can easily meet with a favourable response from the audience.
D.Think about who your audience will be and what will be relatable to them.
E.Open your set with a joke that will get your audience laughing.
F.This will help you see how long your set is and where you might make changes.
G.Through stand-up, you get to be creative, boost your confidence, and polish your public-speaking skills
昨日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Autonomous (自动的) cars are predicted to improve fuel efficiency for everyone on the road — an idea that will be put to the test on routes around Nashville, Tennessee, later this year.

Benedetto Piccoli at Rutgers University, New Jersey, and his team previously used a computer model of a simple circular road with just one path in each direction. They found that autonomous cars could decrease overall fuel consumption of all traffic by 40 percent, even when option of these vehicles had only reached 5 percent.

In subsequent (随后的) real-world tests based on this model, they proved not only that autonomous cars were able to drive more smoothly than other vehicles, but also that they forced human drivers to do the same. This meant there was less bunching of traffic caused by sharp braking (刹车) affecting following vehicles, something that leads to traffic jams and lowered fuel efficiency.

The team has now designed a larger model to investigate how driverless cars will affect more complex and realistic road networks. Piccoli says it shows the efficiency benefits are likely to be lower, but still present. That is because in a closed, circular system, a driverless car can make changes and send signals backwards through traffic. It can end up causing smoother traffic that benefits everyone. However, on an open highway the cars will almost have no influence.

The team hopes to carry out a large-scale, real-world test with 100 driverless cars from various factories in Nashville later this year to confirm the results of the new model.

The team hopes that this will reduce fuel consumption of all vehicles on the road during the trial — not just the driverless cars — by as much as 10 percent.

“Reality is so complex and unpredictable,” says Piccoli. “I’m not going to bet that we will reach that 10 percent, but I hope that we will be able to show a really significant energy reduction.”

Tony Pipe at the University of the West of England in Bristol says: “If it can improve fuel efficiency and travel time, there’s also potential for it to make things worse. It could generate (产生) lots of disappointed and annoyed human drivers to act and do unwise things.”

1. What can autonomous cars do to improve fuel efficiency according to paragraph 3?
A.Send signals backwards through traffic.
B.Limit the influence of cars on highways.
C.Reduce traffic jams caused by sharp braking.
D.Increase the speed of other vehicles in traffic.
2. What will be the main problem when autonomous cars are tested on an open highway?
A.Human drivers will be disappointed and annoyed.
B.The influence of Autonomous cars will be increased.
C.Autonomous cars will be less efficient than human drivers.
D.Autonomous cars cannot send signals backwards through traffic.
3. What information is most likely to be missing between paragraphs 5 and 6?
A.The aim of the test.B.The environment of test.
C.The method of the test.D.The stages of the test.
4. Which proverb can best describe Tony Temple’s attitude towards driverless cars?
A.Better safe than sorry.
B.It is a double-edged sword.
C.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
D.The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
昨日更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Being a first-year international student at a U. S. college or university can be a little scary — there’s so much to do and remember.     1     Here are more first-year tips for international students.

Connect With Other Students Before Arrival

    2    . These can be great opportunities to meet a potential roommate and begin finding connections and familiar faces before move-in. Students should also plan to attend other events to meet more students and grow their social circles.

Call Home Upon Arrival

Students may be excited to start their new life, but family need to know you. arrived safely. Students who forget to contact their parents after arriving could lead to a hurry call to university as parents try to track down their children.     3    . The reason may be that there will be Wi- Fi at the airport and an Internet connect ion may not yet be set up at your new residence.


Experts say it’s wise to travel with some cash and have that money changed to U. S. dollars. In addition to getting money changed, a credit card is a must. If your wallet gets stolen, your money will be perfectly safe. It also quietly builds your credit score if you’ re paying back on time. Students typically can get information about setting up a bank account and should do some financial planning to cover all of their expenses.

Make Friends With a Variety of Students

While international student freshmen may be interested in their own communities, it’s important to branch out and meet a variety of students.     5    . Students from other countries offer new perspectives, who can offer first-year students great advice and insights on navigating school. Experts also recommend connecting with native U. S. students, who can provide broader exposure to U. S. culture.

A.Deal With Financial (金融) Issues
B.Carry a Credit Card
C.U. S. campuses are known for their diversity
D.Contacting family when landing is important
E.Call your parents and let them know you are sad
F.But a little preparation can go a long way for a successful freshman year
G.Universities often organize social media events to connect new students
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In 1957 a group of physicists gathered in a lecture hall at Princeton University to be addressed by a Chinese American woman. As she told the crowd about her recent experiment and its results, the response was dead silence for two minutes, then a thunderous applause (掌声) continued for ten minutes. The woman was Chien-Shiung Wu, known as the First Lady of Physics, who transformed nuclear science through her work on the Manhattan Project and other groundbreaking experiments.

Born in 1912 near Shanghai, China, Wu was influenced by her father, an engineer, and her mother, an educator. Unlike many Chinese women of her time, she received a formal education. Fascinated by new discoveries and the story of women scientists like Marie Curie, she entered National Central University to study physics and then began her scientific studies.

It was a time of rapid change in both the field of physics and China. Domestic unrest and a bad relationship with Japan made life at home uneasy. With the help of an uncle, she immigrated to the United States for graduate school.

Wu planned to go to the University of Michigan, but a tour of the University of California, Berkeley — and word that a student center at Michigan did not allow female students to enter through the front door — changed her mind. At Berkeley Wu was visible for her gender and race, and from the start her male colleagues commented as much on her physical appearance as her keen mind. She quickly gained a reputation and became an expert in the newly discovered phenomenon of nuclear fission (核裂变).

After graduation, she headed to Smith College to teach women physics. During World War Two Wu went to Princeton University, where she became the physics department’s first female instructor. But shortly after her arrival, her career took an unexpected turn in 1944. She ended up joining the staff at Columbia University on a top- secret research program now known as the Manhattan Project.

1. Which word best describes the lecture in Paragraph 1?
2. What inspired Wu to study physics?
A.The background of her family.
B.The success of women scientists.
C.The formal education she received.
D.The rapid change in the field of physics.
3. What happened to Wu in America?
A.She was looked down on at Berkeley.
B.She went to the University of Michigan at first.
C.She taught women physics at Princeton University.
D.She joined a top-secret research program at Columbia University.
4. What can we learn from Wu’s story?
A.A good beginning is half done.
B.Knowledge starts with practice.
C.Actions speak louder than words.
D.Positive thinking and action result in success.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Chichen Itza, Mexico

Price from:£20        Age suitable:8+       When: All year around

The UNESCO world heritage- listed Maya city of Chichen Itza is one of Mexico’s most amazing attractions, where you can see stunning, monumental buildings built between AD 750 and 1200, including the Castillo pyramid and the Temple of a Thousand Warriors.

Getting there & doing it

Chichen Itza lies 80 miles from Tulum on the road to Merida. Hotels and tour operators organize tours here but it’s better to hire a car and go independently. Understanding a little about the pre-Columbian Maya really brings these site s to life. You could read Michael Coe’s The Maya, and/or Joyce Kelly’s An Archaeological Guide to Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula before you go.

The site can be explored comfortably in 2 hours. For refuelling after, head 40km east to Cancun for authentic Mayan organic foods.

While you’re there

Allow some time to drive on to Merida, the “White City ”, an old and very Mexican city with beautiful churches and great markets. Also stop by Cenote Ik-Kil for a swim with a difference.

When to do it

The site is open all year around, seven days a week. Gates open at 8 am and close at 5 pm. The rainy season from May through October sees the fewest visitors to Mayan Riviera. The dry season — November through April — gets busy: If you can, avoid peak season in December to January, when it gets very crowded, especially around Christmas and New Year.

1. What is recommended to do before visiting Chichen Itza?
A.Hire a local guide.B.Take a guided tour.
C.Watch a documentary about Mexico.D.Read specific books about the Maya civilization.
2. What is suggested for a post-visit activity after exploring Chichen Itza?
A.Driving 40km east for Mayan foods.B.Attending a cultural show in Tulum.
C.Paying a visit to the Castillo pyramid.D.Exploring the Temple of a Thousand Warriors.
3. When is the best time to visit Chichen Itza if you want to avoid crowds?
A.December to January.B.November through April.
C.May through October.D.All year around.
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