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“Alice, you spend too much time on your phone,” her father said. “You need to focus on your studies.”

“But Dad, I’m doing my best,” Alice replied. “I’m balancing my phone time with my studies.”

In the tense meal, Alice and her parents argued about her recent changes. They were focused on her increased attachment to her phone and its impact on her studies. Her parents were concerned that she was neglecting (忽视) her studies and worried about the impact it might have on her future. They felt that her attachment to the phone was taking her away from her studies.

Alice said, “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m trying my best. I just want to have some fun with my friends and take a break from studying sometimes.” However, her parents didn’t seem to understand or accept her explanation. They felt that she needed to focus more on her studies and less on the phone.

The argument escalated (升级) when Alice announced that she wanted to leave the science club she had been a member of for years to join a new social media club. Alice explained, “I’m not sure if leaving the science club was a right decision or not. I just feel like I need a change.” Her mother was shocked and said angrily, “You made this decision without thinking it through. You’ve done well in the science club, and you have a lot of potential to go further. You’ll regret it if you don’t keep going.”

After that argument, Alice, feeling increasingly frustrated, withdrew into herself and spent more time in her room. She started to avoid her parents as much as possible and didn’t want to talk to them about anything related to her studies or her future.

Her parents saw that the little girl who had come back laughing and talking was gone, and now they saw a face that was alternately angry and sad. She did spend less time on her phone, but she became increasingly unhappy.


One night, Alice’s parents knocked on the girl’s door and said they wanted to talk to her.


At this point, Alice seemed to see some hope of joining the social media club.

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Every Sunday, June, a six-year-old girl, tied her sports shoes and walked to Grandpa’s house. Grandpa lived around the block(街区), and June was allowed to walk there by herself. Grandpa often told her stories. They also ate ice cream together while they talked. Sunday was June’s favorite day.

This Sunday, June got dressed. She put on one sports shoe, but she could not find the other shoe. “Mommy, where’s my shoe?”

“I’m sure it’s in your room. Look carefully until you find it. You can’t go until you have both shoes on,” June’s mother said.

June sat on her bed and looked around. Her room was quite messy. There were clothes on the floor and papers on the desk. She wasn’t sure where to start.

Then June remembered a story Grandpa told her. When he was little, he lost a coin that he planned to use to buy his mother a candy. He walked back over every place he had been to that day until he found it. He had to go in order so he wouldn’t miss anything.

June stood up. “I’ll start in the corner and go around the room in order,” she thought. “That way I won’t miss anything.”


June began in the corner where her desk was.


June quickly put on her shoe and ran out of the door to Grandpa’s house.

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It was a hot day. The sun scorched (炙烤) down and everywhere you looked, you could see the heat waves blowing above the sand. John rolled over, realizing that half of his body was well and truly burnt. He had not meant to sleep in the sun but the heat and late nights studying for his examinations made him miserable. Stretching, he got to his feet, picked up his surfboard and looked around. The beach, which had earlier been crowded in the sun, was now comparatively empty. Seagulls flew down to clean up the food of people’s picnic lunches.

The ice-cream van had gone, and so were the lifeguards who were doing first aid on the beach. John looked up to where the sun was and estimated it was about five o’clock. Time to head home. It was “Mum’s Kitchen Rule” that had him moving homewards. If he did not get home in time for dinner, he would go hungry. Wandering along the water’s edge, he happened to glance out to sea. What made him look up at that particular moment, he never knew, but it was the right time for the swimmer he spotted. His hand was up, signaling distress (险情) and he was calling out something.

Quickly John glanced around the beach — no one else was close enough to help the man, and crucially, no one had noticed. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he shouted “Help” to get the attention of other people on the beach. Someone waved back to him and John pointed to the swimmer. “Get help,” he shouted. Then without hesitation, he jumped into the sea with his surfboard. John was a strong swimmer and had a good skill for distance swimming. His coach had tried hard to persuade him to go into competitions but he was not interested.


Now he was swimming for more than enjoyment or medals.


Fortunately, the sea was not rough and there was no wave.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

There was a girl called Cary, who was a new student in Esmarth Vil, a primary school in a small town.

She was the most hardworking girl at her school. Her marks were higher than the others. She was the best, but nobody wanted to be her friend. Her classmates didn’t want to play with her and some even laughed at her. Cary’s teacher Jared didn’t know that.

One day, Jared set an exam and Robert, a boy who was the king of all the students, signed his exam paper using Cary’s name, and changed Cary’s name for Robert’s quickly after Cary handed in her paper. It wasn’t noticed by anybody. When Jared returned all the exam Papers, everybody was shocked. Cary failed the exam, but the others seemed to be happy with that.

The next day, when Cary arrived at school, all the children wanted to be with her and invited her to play with them. Although Cary was surprised, she was happy to play with the other children. During their fun time, Jared suddenly appeared to inform Cary that there had been a mistake, and she hadn’t failed.

Jared explained to the students what had happened and punished Robert. After that, they all   stopped playing with Cary again.

Cary couldn’t stop crying this time and ran to ask her teacher why she couldn’t make friends with good school performance.

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Jared was sorry to know what had happened to Cary.


After hearing Jared’s story, all the children decided to change themselves.

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One morning in spring four students were walking to school.

There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dropping from the trees, and the grass was wet.

The four students walked along, one behind another, because the pathway was narrow (狭窄的) and the mud (泥) on either side of it was deep. They walked, talked and laughed.

As they were passing through some small trees, they heard a great fluttering (拍翅膀) over their heads and a weak chirping (鸣叫) in the grass by the roadside.

“Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!” came from the leafy branches above them.“Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!” came from the wet grass.

“What is the matter here? ” asked the first student, whose name was Speed. “Oh, there are two young birds. Maybe the storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, ” said the second student, whose name was Hardin.

“What a pity! They'll die down there in the grass,” said the third student Martin.

“Oh, well! We still need to hurry to school. We're going to be late,” said Speed. “Why should we bother? ” After Speed's words, the first three students walked on, talking and laughing as before.


But the fourth student, whose name was David, stopped.


All were surprised to find that David was not with them when the roll call (点名) was made.

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Spenser’s First Web

Spenser was a small black spider (蜘蛛). Like all of his brothers and sisters, he had eight legs to help him walk and run. He was now big enough to know how to move all his legs together and not trip over them. Spenser was getting bigger every day.

Today Spenser felt nervous. It was time for him to learn to spin (织) a web on his own. He had watched his mother build beautiful, soft webs from the silk she made herself.   His mother’s webs were lovely. They took a long time to make, and in the morning, they were covered with drops of dew that made them look like castles.

“OK, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “It’s time to spin your first web. Let’s begin by making a big plus sign.” Ms. Spinney was Spenser’s teacher. She was old and small but very strong. She quickly used her silk to make a plus sign between two nearby leaves.

Spenser was able to make silk, but he had trouble attaching it to anything. No matter how hard he tried, the threads (丝) slipped away and fell to the ground. Spenser tried hard, but he was getting tired.

“Take a break, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “You’re trying very hard, but I can see that you’re getting frustrated (沮丧的).”

“I’m not frustrated!” said Spenser. “I’m mad that I’m not good at it, and I’m sad that I can’t do it. ”Spenser felt like he was going to cry.


Ms. Spinney smiled kindly.


Spenser went back to his web making spot to see if he could do it again.

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7 . 你校英文报社举办征文比赛,要求以“My happy family”为主题写一则小故事,描述自己的家庭。请按要求投稿,内容如下:
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8 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

When I was 14 years old, I was a straight A student in the middle school of our small town. I didn’t try particularly hard, I just went to all my classes and paid attention. I could get good grades with minimal effort. I had a great group of friends too: kids I grew up with, that I had known nearly all my life. We hung out together on weekends very often. It seemed there was nothing to be worried about. I think it was the happiest time in my teenage years.

Then my family moved to the UK just before I went to high school because my father changed his job, and everything changed. I was the only Asian in my class. Overnight, I had no friends, and was in a new country where everyone was different. While trying to adapt to the new surroundings and cultures, it turned out that going to public school in a big city like London was much harder than the tiny classroom in my home country that I was used to. Teachers barely knew my name, and all the other kids thought I was strange because of my accent.

It was so hard to fit in. I went to school alone, ate in the canteen alone, and studied in the library alone. No one even wanted to be in the same group with me in class as I always couldn’t understand what other students were talking about. I would cry all night when I went back home. The only thing I dreamed of was going back to the place I once belonged to!

The class and subjects in the UK were so much different to me. Although I had taken English classes before we moved here, the teachers spoke English so fast that I couldn’t catch up at all! Just as I expected, I started underperforming: I tried so hard, but it just wasn’t working. I studied a lot, but then I’d go to the exam, and would get so nervous. Sweating and trembling, I felt like my mind would go blank. All that effort, and I failed anyway. I started to lose my self-confidence. Maybe I wasn’t good enough.


An English teacher, Kate, noticed that I was struggling.                         


The after-school class really helped.                         

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9 . 目前,中学生的身心健康是社会关注的重要话题,压力和焦虑在中学生中很普遍,你校英文报就“中学生如何保持身心健康”这一话题征集投稿。请你投稿,内容包括:
1. 保持身心健康的重要性;
2. 介绍自己的做法(身体方面:如积极锻炼,合理作息等;精神方面:保持良好的人际关系,亲近自然,多读书等)。
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I was twenty when living away from home alone. I kept a gentle dog named Beaufort who weighed more than me and had a mouthful of sharp teeth. I felt safe going anywhere with Beaufort. In order to be free to walk Beaufort in the park during daytime, I worked the four-to-midnight shift in downtown. The only disadvantage was that I had to ride the last subway home late at night. As time passed, I developed a way to keep to myself like other passengers—avoiding eye contact and keeping reading while I rode.

One night, the station was quiet as usual. I walked over to the collector’s booth (售票亭) and pulled out a dollar. “One token (乘车币), please.” As the collector slid the token and my change under the window, he spoke, “Would you like a dog?” I looked at him in surprise, not sure whether I had heard him correctly. “Would you like a dog?” he repeated.

He picked up a little dog and set it on the counter. I bent over and it was only then that I saw the subject of his inquiry. The dog appeared to be trembling (颤抖). I was surprised. “Where’d it come from?” I asked. “She showed up this morning and has been here ever since. No one has come for her. I’ve asked everyone coming here if he wanted her. Nobody would take her.” “What about you?” He smiled, “Me? No. My wife would be angry.” I couldn’t take my eyes off the dog. The collector continued: “If you don’t take her, I’ll have to let her go when I leave.” I couldn’t believe it! He explained that it was almost closing time, he couldn’t leave her in the booth, neither could he bring her home. I, in other words, was the dog’s last hope.

“Okay, I will take her. I’d name her Phyllis”. With excitement, the collector walked out of the booth and handed me my new pet. “Thank you so much.”

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When we stepped into the train all the passengers turned to look at us.


Arriving home, we found Beaufort at the regular corner.

共计 平均难度:一般