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| 共计 27 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 容易(0.94) |

1 . A new study suggests some of America’s favorite Independence Day fireworks can give out lead and copper (铜), which are used to give fireworks their vivid colors, and also damage human cells and animal lungs.

Led by researchers at NYU, the study showed poisonous levels of lead in the fireworks. Experiments showed that lung exposure to particle emissions (颗粒排放物) from five types of fireworks significantly increased oxidation (氧化), a chemical process in the body that can damage or even kill cells.

The researchers say the new study is believed to be the first to examine the effects of firework exposure in human cells and living animals, and to test for particles of common firework metals thrown into the atmosphere.

“While many are careful to protect themselves from injury from explosions, our results suggest that inhaling firework smoke may cause, longer-term physical damage, a risk that has been largely ignored,” says study senior author Terry Gordon, a professor in the Department of Environmental Medicine.

Gordon and his team also analyzed 14 air quality samples taken at dozens of sites across the US throughout each year. They found that levels of poisonous metals were higher in samples taken on Independence Day and New Year’s Eve celebrations than at any other time of the year. Along with lead, copper and other poisonous metals are commonly found in fireworks. “Our research shows that although we are only exposed to these poisonous substances for a short time each year, they are much more poisonous than the pollutants we breathe every day,” says Gordon.

Gordon cautions (警告) that the current investigation is the first step, only addressing the potential effects of one-time exposure to the firework metals. He says repeated exposure is likely a larger concern. Nevertheless, he is planning to share his findings with local health officials, firework producers, the Environmental Protection Agent, and other regulatory agents to alert them to the potential for harm.

1. Why do some fireworks harm our health?
A.They are oxidized in the air.
B.They can give out harmful metals.
C.They are exposed to particle emissions.
D.They can melt chemical substances in the body.
2. What does the underlined word “inhaling” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Letting out.B.Working out.
C.Taking in.D.Blowing off.
3. What can we infer from Gordon’s research findings?
A.Fireworks are the main cause of air pollution.
B.Air quality on New Year’s Eve is above normal.
C.People breathe in poisonous air for a short time daily.
D.Air pollution on Independence Day is worse than usual.
4. What does Gordon intend to do with fireworks-related persons?
A.Remind them not to set off fireworks.
B.Caution them against producing metals.
C.Alert them to the harm of the experiment.
D.Warn them of the possible dangers of fireworks.
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

When I was a kid, I am inspired by people playing the guitar. Two years ago, there was a program in my school so I signed up as soon as possibly because I was really fond about it. After a week or 2 a paper was send to my mail box saying that I made it. I was extremely happy! Before I bought my first guitars I have practiced it every day for hours and hours. With time passing on, music started to become what I wish do best. Now I perform in many concerts and it is a fun. So if you have a hobby who is what you like doing, turn them into a talent and show the world what you do!

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is clear that April Fools' Day is one of the most widely recognized    1    (holiday) in the Western world. Children play tricks    2    parents and many people are fooled. But why? How did April Fools' Day begin, and how did it become an    3    (globe)phenomenon? Nobody    4    (real)knows. April Fools' Day is apparently an ancient enough tradition    5    the earliest recorded mentions.

One likely explanation is the Roman tradition of Hilaria, a spring festival    6    (hold) around March 25 in honor of the first day of the year    7    (long) than the night. It's hard    8    (say) whether this ancient revel's(狂欢)similarity to modern April Fools' Day are by accident or not, as the first recorded mentions of the holiday didn't appear until several hundred years later. The first mention of April Fools' Day in Britain    9    (come) in 1686, when John Aubrey described April first as a "Fools' holy day".

    10    is clear that the habit of sending springtime rubes(乡巴佬)on a "fool's day" was popular in Europe by the late 1600s. On April Fools' Day, 1698, so many people were tricked into coming to the Tower of London to watch the "washing of the lions" that a local newspaper had to explain it.

2021-08-09更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I live on the top floor of an apartment block overlooking the ocean. Just across the road is a bakery overflowing with fresh bread. It's_________how fond I am of this little bakery though there is nothing I can eat there. There are two things it_________me with other than the attractive smell, and that's borrowed Wi-Fi when our Internet_________and endless occasions for people-watching.

There's a_________man who spends the days talking to the pigeons just outside our_________. It's 35℃ here but I've never_________him without his thick leather jacket, all torn and_________. We always nod at each other and his_________has become a reminder to slow down on the_________street.

I'm sitting here at my desk__________a cup of Yorkshire tea. It seems like time has just returned to the past and__________me here on this island on the other side of the world.

Sometimes I love that I__________here alone and get to make all my choices on my own terms with endless adventures to be had. Other times, I'll be__________in the sea watching the__________with my mask and I'll notice the empty space beside me, which marks the transition (转变)from childhood to adulthood. My dad is not by my side to__________the rocks together and make funny faces under the water. So I__________funny faces at the fish but it's not the__________.

I always wanted to live by the__________in a hot country to swim, and travel the world. But something very important that I've__________is that even when living the dream,__________has unavoidable ups and downs.

A.showed upB.occupied withC.turned offD.adapted to
2021-08-09更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Teens are not always the easiest people in the world to understand or talk to. They can be complex and moody, with their minds changing between childhood and adulthood.    1    Let's talk some ways to talk with teens easily.

Start a conversation at the dinner table. Create quality family time and encourage conversation during dinner.    2    That way, you can all focus your attention on the dinner conversation. Try to get to know your teen as a person. Ask them about television shows they're watching, or books they're reading. Share your own favorite shows or books.

    3    If you're spending a lot of time in the car with your teen as their designated chauffeur, make the most of the driving time and use it to talk. For some drivers, talking in the car can be distracting. So focus more on introducing topics of conversation and then listening to your teen's responses.

One way to start a conversation at night is to greet your teen after a night out and offer them a snack. This will show them that you are available for a chat about their night.    4    Try to talk about things that may interest your teen. No matter what your teen's interests are, you should be open to talking about them. You should try to show genuine interest in what your teen enjoys discussing.    5    This ensures you are giving your teen enough time and attention to talk about their interests.

A.You are good at communication.
B.Use time in the car for a conversation.
C.A good rule is to listen twice as much as you speak.
D.Many adults can hardly learn what the teens want.
E.But this doesn't mean it's impossible to talk with teens.
F.After time with their friends, your teen may share more with you.
G.Ask everyone to turn off their cellphones or leave them in another room.
2021-08-09更新 | 210次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Hundreds of snow leopards(雪豹)are being killed every year across the mountains of central Asia, threatening the already endangered big cat, according to a new report from Traffic.

Snow leopards live in 12 nations but more than 90% of the reported snow leopard illegal hunting takes place in five countries: China and Mongolia, which host most snow leopards, as well as Pakistan, India and Tajikistan, of which each have just a few hundred of the animals.

Over half the so-called "ghosts of the mountains" are killed by farmers for attacks on livestock(牲畜)and 20% are trapped by snares(陷阱)set for other animals. Another 20% are killed for the illegal fur trade. The report found up to 200 snow leopards are being illegally traded each year. But the number has fallen sharply in recent years, particularly in China, perhaps because of increasing law enforcement(实施).

The leopards are also at risk from climate change, with warming temperatures threatening to leave a third of their habitat uninhabitable. The tree line shifts up the mountains and causes farmers to plant crops and raise livestock at higher altitudes(高海拔).

To reduce the killings, the report's authors recommend the rolling-out leopard-proof corrals(防豹畜栏)for yaks and horses and insurance schemes for farmers. Such schemes are already being tested, for example in a village in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The natural food of snow leopards are Himalayan blue sheep and ibex, but their numbers have fallen as their habitat is turned into farmland.

Stronger law enforcement is also needed, said Traffic. Less than a quarter of cases of snow leopard poaching have been found and just one in seven charged.

"We all should work together to greatly reduce human-wildlife conflict and ensure that mountain communities can co-exist with snow leopards," said Rishi Sharma, from WWF and a co-author of the report. "Compensation schemes and innovative predator-proof corrals are making a difference but we urgently need to expand these to benefit communities and snow leopards across Asia's high mountains."

1. Why are leopards becoming endangered?
A.Because they are often attacked by livestock.
B.Because they are killed by people for kinds of reasons.
C.Because the animals have experienced many earthquakes.
D.Because their meat tastes delicious and people want them.
2. What's the main idea of Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 4?
A.Leopards are ghosts of the mountains.
B.Snow leopards are threatening people.
C.People are killing more and more leopards.
D.The reasons for the decreasing number of snow leopards.
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.Cases of snow leopard poaching are happening in 12 nations throughout the world.
B.Most of the reported snow leopard poaching was investigated and charged.
C.The number of snow leopards has fallen because their habitat is turned into farmland.
D.Illegal snow leopard trade has been brought under effective control in China recently.
4. What's the meaning of the underlined word "poach"?
A.Raising.B.Killing.C.Illegal hunting.D.Feeding.
2021-08-09更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Dear members of Knight Baseball Club, as a result of the joint efforts you've made in the past season, we are pleased to announce BIG NEWS to you all as follows:

First, Ritchie's farewell at the nest

To celebrate the outstanding achievement of Ritchie, who's leaving Australia for the States to play college ball in San Francisco, get down to the nest this Friday night to wish him well on his journey. Well done, Ritchie. We are all extremely proud of you.

Second, congratulations to all the juniors on the Semi-Final(半决赛) of April 20

You played a great game of baseball in front of a large crowd at Ringwood. Well done to all, thanks to all the supporters and especially to Dylan, Anne & Melinda and Doug for the coffee! Although the result didn't fall our way, we showed great spirit, sportsmanship and skill. Good luck to the Ringwood team this week.

Third, Mother's Day-Breast Cancer Support Day on May 12th

There is no denying that we owe our achievements to our devoted mothers, from whom we receive great support for our club. In celebration of our wonderful mothers we are holding Breast Cancer Foundation Support Day on Saturday 12th May. A special invitation is extended to all our caring mothers. Afternoon tea for the Ladies will start at 2 p.m. Please bring a plate to share.

All in all, thanks to all who helped out, coaches, committee, canteen & parents. All your efforts are highly appreciated. Congratulations to all the players on the fantastic season.

1. What is Ritchie going to do in America?
A.To join a college team.B.To set about his competition.
C.To attend a college party.D.To hold a baseball party.
2. Who were praised at Ringwood competition by Knight Baseball Club?
A.Only supporters.B.Mothers and fathers.
C.Dylan, Anne & Melinda and Doug.D.All players and supporters.
3. Why will we hold Breast Cancer Foundation Support Day on Saturday 12th May?
A.To congratulate all the members of Knight Baseball Club.
B.To encourage all the members to go on working hard.
C.To show great appreciation to our wonderful mothers.
D.To express our thanks to Knight Baseball Club.
2021-08-09更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
书信写作-申请信 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 春明中学打算在校内举办一场中学生英文歌曲大赛,假如你是李华,想参加这个活动,特意向学校管理委员会以电子邮件的方式申请报名。其内容如下:
参考词汇:The English Song Contest 英文歌曲大赛
school management council 学校管理员会
Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm a ChunMing middle school student.



Li Hua

2021-07-21更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than, to open it and remove all doubt.

-Mark Twain

You can have something extremely smart, useful or funny to say, but if you say it at an improper time, you could make yourself look foolish.

Throughout history many famous, noteworthy people have taken Mark Twain's words to heart. These wise people knew when to talk and when to keep silent. Many leaders have to learn when to talk and when to keep silent even when it might be difficult to do so. All leaders must choose their words carefully, picking the right time to speak, so that their words can have the greatest impact.

If you learn to develop this skill of knowing when to hold your tongue, you will also become wise, even if people think you are not. Some people, in fact, will underestimate you because they do not know what you are thinking all the time. This can give you an advantage in many situations. When people underestimate you, they do not focus on you, leaving you to make and perform plans without being noticed.

If you think before you speak, you can also improve your listening skills, which is a very important and useful skill to have. Listening is another key trait(特征)for a leader to have, and it is harder to achieve than many people think. First, you have to be quiet, and then you have to listen attentively, with all your attention on what the person is saying to be a good listener. When you learn to stop and think before you speak and when you learn to become a good listener you will be well on your way to becoming a good leader. By being able to listen to the people that work with you and for you, you will be able to make informed decisions.

1. The quotation(引言)from Mark Twain functions as________.
A.an exampleB.a threadC.a comparisonD.a model
2. The author takes the example of many famous, noteworthy people to express that____
A.influential people are able to express themselves freely
B.many important people didn't take Mark Twain's words seriously
C.leaders should attach great importance to when, how and what to say
D.the public will not understand them if famous, noteworthy people keep silent
3. According to the passage, what are the advantages of developing the skills of holding your tongue?
① You could be underestimated by others.       ② People often think highly of you.
③ You can polish up listening skills.               ④You will improve your relationship with others.
4. Which of the following is the best title?
A.He That Talks Much Errs MuchB.Facts Speaks Louder than Words
C.Even Homer Sometimes NodsD.A Still Tongue Makes a Wise Head
2021-07-21更新 | 214次组卷 | 4卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2021届高三下学期高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . You are supposed to be our future, a new chapter in the story of our lives, but I can't help being angry with you. Only a few weeks old, you're demanding and unreasoning and I'm struggling to see the good that you bring.

To start with, we got on with it, settling into a routine as we were trapped in nappies and nights when you wouldn't settle, but it started to wear me down. You hear about mothers with postnatal depression, but no one talks about the challenges a father has to face: working to put food on the table and a roof over our heads is tough when you've had only a couple of hours to sleep, and we're not supposed to need a break. Men are supposed to never cry. I hope that I can teach you a better way, my son. You're allowed to have weakness, and not keep everything locked up until it bursts.

It came to a head one night, when your mother found me in tears beside your bed. I'd never want to hurt you, but I was terrified by the thoughts I had. I'm doing the best I can for you, and I've gone and got the help I need. Your mother has been so strong, using your grandmother, uncles and friends to help keep our family together while I work through these feelings. The worst part for me is feeling that I'm failing your mother, and that I'm putting all of your needs on her. at a time when she needs help.

There's hope for the future, but it's a slow process. One day I hope you get to read this, and look at me with questioning eyes, because you can't see the man I am right now in the man I'll be in the future.

1. Who is the passage probably written for?
A.A depressed new dad.B.A clever student.
C.A would-be mother.D.A newly-born baby.
2. According to the author, what made a father feel depressed?
A.The challenges a father faces.B.The social problems a baby brings.
C.The money pressure a family faces.D.The way a father educates a child.
3. What is the worst part after having a baby?
A.Not supporting his family.B.Making his wife disappointed.
C.Not preparing well for being a father.D.Bursting out crying beside his son's bed.
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The author's child is a little and clever daughter.
B.The author feels delighted about his child's coming.
C.His wife does well in looking after her family.
D.The child brings much good to the author's family.
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