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1 . Twenty years ago, the idea of sharing our lives so openly with the world was unheard of However, for young people today it is considered completely normal to share pictures of their lives and interact(互动) online every day. Fans of social media point out that the world has never been so connected as it has allowed people to make friends, learn about the world and celebrate life.

However, many people have concerns about the effects of this new way of living, particularly around the amount and type of information that is shared so openly. Recently researchers have found that too much time on social media may have some negative effects. They measured people’s attitudes and feelings before and after watching social media sites. They found that the mere time people spent on social media, the more unhappy they became.

There are a number of reasons for this. When watching social media, people often see photographs and stories showing beautiful holidays, fun parties and fashionable clothes. People seldom post negative stories or bad pictures, so it can be misleading. For those looking at these pictures and comparing them to their own lives, they can end up feeling depressed. They might think their lives are worse in comparison. Even for those people who post positive stories and pictures, they too can feel stressed and worried. The number of “likes” and comments on their posts can make them anxious about their popularity. Of course, there is also the problem of “cyber bullying”(网络欺凌) where people become victims of bullying online when others make negative or cruel comments about them.

The reality is that social media is a part of modern life and it is not going to go away. This research shows us that it is important to find a balance between our online and offline lives. We don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to live a happy life, but we should realize that the pictures we see and stories we read are only part of a bigger picture. If we can do that, we can protect ourselves and enjoy our lives.

1. What effect does social media have according to the recent research?
A.It enables people to make more friends on the Internet.
B.It increases unhappiness for people using it too much.
C.It makes people have much more wonderful lives.
D.It helps people to have a better knowledge of the world
2. Why are people worried when they post positive stories?
A.They fear others mislead their posts.
B.They think others have happier lives.
C.They fear they may be cyber bullied by others.
D.They fear others have no interest in the stories.
3. How does the author develop paragraph 3?
A.By giving causes.B.By listing figures.
C.By making comparison.D.By describing process.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.Persuading people to disconnect from the Internet.
B.Introducing the convenience social media creates.
C.Describing the threats caused by social media.
D.Telling us to balance online and offline lives.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to communicate complex information?

Did you ever have to read a presentation where you felt like you’re lost in confusing terms, data and concepts? Are you giving others this same experience?     1     But there are ways you can simplify your presentation and reengage your audience. Here’s how you can get complex information across.

Use interactive content. It gets the readers more involved in your presentation by letting them play an active part.     2     Beyond that, questionnaires and chatbots provide personalized and specific answers to readers as part of your presentation. Making your presentation interactive used to be hard, but now you can just use Storydoc. Go make your first interactive presentation. It’s easy as pie.

    3     No one will read a presentation with a thousand words. Do everyone a favor and use images. Images can be super effective at communicating complex information and save you a lot of needless text. In fact, visual representation of data and concepts can often convey what words cannot. Use diagrams and images to illustrate your points and simplify the complex.

Narrate your content.     4     Whether it’s through text to speech Al or video bubbles, centering your presentation around a story can help guide your audience through the complexity, making it more digestible, engaging, and memorable.

Use examples and fables. They can help explain clearly the complexity of ideas for they are what we’ve already known and understood.     5     More importantly, the real secret lies in selecting examples that are not just familiar but also deeply relevant-those are the ones that will truly ring with your listeners

A.Show, don’t tell
B.Make every word count.
C.This makes the complex concepts less new and more familiar
D.If you don’t sound excited, the listeners won’t feel excited either
E.Storytelling is another powerful tool for communicating complex concepts.
F.Communicating complex information is a common challenge in presentations
G.For example, allow them to choose the content route they wish to take and control the pace.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Does the happiness of parents play a role in shaping the overall happiness of their children? Scientific studies have shed light on the far-reaching connection between parental happiness and the positive development of kids. It seems that parental happiness has an important influence on the emotional, social, and cognitive (认知的) development of children.     1     If they know their mental and emotional happiness has an impact on their children, perhaps it can motivate them to view it as part of being a good parent.

    2     For example, they can join in activities that bring them joy and satisfaction. This could include hobbies, exercise, pursuing personal goals, or taking time for relaxation. When parents improve their own happiness, they can better support their children’s happiness.

Another great idea is sharing experiences and creating many memories together. The idea is twofold.     3     At the same time, the shared experiences and showing their children how happy they are to do something they love can be incredibly valuable as well.

One of the main aspects of being happy parents is feeling comfortable, confident and able to be themselves, despite their new status and huge responsibility. Honestly, when parents prioritize their own happiness, it has positive effects on the overall happiness of the family.     4    

When parents put their own happiness first, they become role models for their kids. They see the importance of self-care, pursuing passions and maintaining healthy relationships.     5     So, parents should accept their uniqueness, enjoying life!

A.However, part of being responsible is being honest.
B.They are passing on some major life skills and attitudes.
C.They may lose a bit of their sense of self when caring for children.
D.Parents can adopt practical ways to enhance their own happiness.
E.A joyful and harmonious family environment benefits everyone involved.
F.This can happen when parents prioritize their own happiness according to Inc.
G.Firstly, the parents continue to be themselves and do something they love.
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In every culture around the world, friendship has been considered as the greatest thing a person can have. Everyone needs a close friendship    1    can give us support for both the good and the bad times in life. Friends keep us from feeling lonely, provide us    2    a sense of being safe and help whenever things may not end up    3    (go) the way we want it to.    4    (unlucky), sometimes friendship can be a source of pain as well as joy. Like any relationship, friendship can make us feel sad if the trust at the foundation of the relationship    5    (break) by either of the friends. For example, if you have ever told a close friend your secret, but he has that secret known by others, you might have    6    first feeling of losing trust in a friendship.

When experiencing the    7    (sad) or loneliness of losing a friendship, you can get out and be active, which helps you keep your mind off the lost friendship, or you can pay much attention to    8    (your). If you pay attention to doing things you enjoy, you will have less time to think of your lost friendship.

Always remember a strong friendship    9    (require) honesty and trust. Even if you are hurt by your friends, it is wise of you    10    (forget) it and start your new life again.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . “I feel unlikable, lonely and hopeless,” said Lisa, a bright teenager from a loving home. “It seems that nobody wants to become my friend. What’s wrong with me?”

Like Lisa, many of us experience loneliness. The truth is that all people, no matter what their age or character experience loneliness at least sometimes. It’s healthy and natural to want to be around people who care. We all need others in our lives.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, explains that if we want friends, we must be friendly and reach out to others. But it has risk. Because we are often afraid of rejection (拒绝), many of us are unwilling to reach out to others. We take a safer way and wait for others to make friends with us. But if we want friends, we’ve got to get beyond this.

If making friends is your goal as well, you need to consider the following two.

Be willing to take the initiative (主动权). If you see someone whom you would like to know, don’t wait for her to make the first move. Get close to her and begin a conversation. Let her know in a non-aggressive (无攻击性的) way that you are interested in being friends with her.

Ask questions. Start your first conversation by asking this possible friend what she likes to do or asking about her family. Be sure to ask questions that cannot be replied with “yes” or “no”. For example, don’t ask “Do you have a dog?” Instead, say “So, tell me about your pets.” Avoiding asking “yes” or “no” questions makes your possible friend not end your communication with a one-word answer.

1. Why does the author begin the text with Lisa’s worry?
A.To set a sad tone.B.To share Lisa’s pain.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To teach readers a lesson.
2. What can be a risk caused by reaching out to others according to the passage?
A.Being refused by others.B.Putting ourselves in danger.
C.Being treated in a rude way.D.Losing interest in communicating.
3. What can we know from Paragraph 5?
A.Shy people are hard to talk to.B.Popular people are often easy-going.
C.Just waiting for chances will waste our time.D.A proper way is important in making friends.
4. Why does the author suggest not asking “yes” or “no” questions?
A.It is considered unfriendly.B.It will leave a bad first impression.
C.It shows the poor quality of the speaker.D.It isn’t good for keeping a conversation going.
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . It was the early 1980’s. I was a boy then, and my best_________wasn’t another little boy or girl but an 80-year-old man, Frankie. We lived four miles from town. My brothers were much_________ than me. They had no time to have fun with their younger brother. So I spent most of my time_________alone near our home. Finally, I was_________to Little Frankie’s house. Every one called him Little Frankie because he was_________and bent from a lifetime of hard work.

Little Frankie’s house was over 100 years old and was slowly_________. He lived in the only room that was still safe. Although he had saved enough money, he_________to live there. His house had no _________or running water. So he cooked his meals and _________his house with a wood-burning stove (炉子), and got water from a mountain______________

He was busy gardening, cooking and cleaning. He actually lived a(n) ______________ but rich life. We soon became good friends. I asked my brothers to clear a room for him. In return, he would fry potatoes and ______________them with us. He even cooked eggs in a pan on his stove for the homeless. He worked hard, worried little, gave______________and smiled sweetly. He said, “We should live easily and joyously because simplicity and______________are a kind of life attitude.” I think he is a man in a______________, and to this day, I try to be as special as him.

A.turning upB.rising upC.falling downD.burning down
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Not everyone is a people person, and making other people feel comfortable in your company doesn’t come naturally to all of us. Still, a good atmosphere is more than desirable not only on social occasions but also at the workplace. Perfecting cross-cultural communication at the workplace is easier than you think.     1    

Maintain etiquette (礼节). When preparing for a business meeting with international colleagues, find out something about their business etiquette, so you could follow its rules and avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing situations. For example, if you’re doing business with Italians, do your best to look presentable, since dressing well in their culture is a sign of success.     2     This number is considered to bring bad luck.

Speak slowly and clearly. Even if your international colleagues are fluent in the language you’re using, try to express your words more carefully.     3     In the same fashion, avoid using long sentences and give your colleagues a chance to digest what you’ve said by making short breaks.

Avoid closed questions. When interacting with your international colleagues, avoid asking them the Yes/No questions.     4     So you’ll probably always get a “Yes” as an answer, even if your conversational partner doesn’t mean it. In contrast, by asking open-ended questions, you’re encouraging your colleagues to be more creative and offer solutions you might not have predicted.

    5     For intercultural communication to be effective, all team members need to feel comfortable. So, treat your colleagues with respect, communicate clearly, and encourage them when needed. Especially in a remote work environment, it’s important that your team feels connected.

A.Be supportive of your international colleagues.
B.In this way, they won’t have trouble understanding you.
C.Also avoid number 17 when proposing Italians with anything.
D.Similarly, if doing business with Japanese colleagues, avoid number 9.
E.All it takes are some tips, and you’ll be a master of communication soon.
F.In some countries, such as India and Japan, saying “No” is considered rude.
G.Still, you should be careful not to speak too slowly, for it might seem impolite.
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It takes time to really get to know someone, but first impressions often determine whether someone is willing to spend more time learning about you. In fact, people’s first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new.     1    

Show respect. People want to feel respected before they show you the same respect.     2     Be sure to treat everyone around you well, because it shows a lot about who you are.

Be enthusiastic.     3     Don’t be afraid to show that you are interested in someone. In fact, people often see passion (激情) as a charming sign of strength and inspiration. Showing your enthusiasm by smiling or using friendly humor will make you seem easygoing.

    4     Body language is as important as your words to first impressions. Make sure your posture is good, make strong eye can tact (眼神接触) and try to express your interest in others.

Try to avoid the bad days. If something unfortunate happens, you don’t have to follow a scheduled meeting on the day.     5     Let them know you don’t want unfavorable things to affect them. It’ll show your ability to communicate effectively.

A.Make others feel lucky.
B.Instead, you can set another time.
C.Pay attention to your body language.
D.Show interest in the person you meet.
E.When you go out for dinner, be polite to waiters.
F.Be polite and show manners with “please” and “thank you”.
G.Here are some tips on how to make a good first impression.
2023-06-11更新 | 365次组卷 | 35卷引用:河北省衡水市武强中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Every person is unique. Although you can find a common interest, there will always be individual differences in the way each of you was raised. To maintain harmony in a relationship with another person, you should try to understand these differences. It will be full of obstacles (障碍), but don’t worry.     1    .

When you deal with a person who is different from you, try to learn more about him by spending some of your time talking to him.     2    . If you are dealing with a small group of people within a formal situation, you can run a questionnaire so that you can collect information regarding these people.

Show respect to the differences of a person.     3    . If both of you have different opinions about something, be honest about these things. And remember to learn how to move past it. Look at those differences as just a difference of viewpoints and not a subject of good and wrong.

    4    . As a person or a group of people share information about their culture and beliefs, you must respond with details—sharing by giving information concerning your life. In that way, you can let the person see that you’re willing to build a relationship with him.

Make connections with the person who is different from you.     5    . When you do those things, you will probably see that you and that person are actually more similar than you thought before.

A.Share some details regarding your life
B.That’s what you call a cultural difference
C.All you just need to do is to follow these tips
D.Everyone has a right to be treated with respect
E.But it does not mean you need to always agree with him
F.By doing so, you can see what makes him different from you
G.You may invite him to a gathering or discuss something both of you enjoy
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man say about WeChat?
A.It’s popular.B.It’s costly.C.It’s messy.
2. What is the woman likely to do?
A.Open a bank account.B.Offer her WeChat number.C.Tell some funny stories.
2023-05-24更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省承德市重点高中2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(含听力)
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