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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . There is much conversation about boundaries these days, but what exactly are boundaries? Simply put, boundaries are limits we personally set in order to protect our physical, emotional, and mental health, and they can be set with ourselves, with others, or with both.     1     — physical boundaries, emotional boundaries, and time or effort boundaries.

    2    . They help us to protect ourselves from harm - keep us safe. They also help us to maintain our sense of self and feeling of control over our lives.     3    . The most common reason is that your boundary may mean someone else’s disappointment. Here are some tips when you are setting boundaries.

Initially, be clear and direct. The more clear and direct you are, the more others will be able to respect the boundaries you set. “I’m heading home today at 5 pm” will be understood more clearly than “I need to head home sometime around 5 or 5: 30 pm.”     4    . We can’t expect people to respect our boundaries if we don’t respect theirs. Further more, be willing for others not to like the boundaries you set. At first, this can feel difficult. But ultimately other people will respect you more for having clear boundaries and know what to expect from the relationship, which will become healthier and stronger.     5    .

Once you set boundaries, it’s important to maintain them. At the beginning, it may feel challenging to set and maintain them, but eventually, they can become second nature and we find ourselves in relationships built on mutual respect and care-the kind of relationships we all want to be in.

A.Or it will need to end
B.Boundaries have cons and pros
C.Then be respectful of others’ boundaries
D.Naturally, they may be met with resistance
E.There are many different types of boundaries
F.Boundaries are important part of a healthy life
G.However, people often have a difficult time setting them
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市信州区上饶市第一中学高三下学期仿真模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Children and adolescents require support from adults, especially parents and teachers. Such support builds a healthy environment for their emotional growth and brain development.     1     Here are a few tips for offering them the guidance they need during adolescent development.

Teens need to gradually work toward independence. Caregivers can help adolescents gain independence by allowing them to make their own choices. You may also practice showing your teen love and compassion when they make mistakes to teach them that failures can be helpful growth Opportunities.     2    

Even if they don’t act like it, your teen likely looks up to you. It’s normal for young people to look to adults in their lives for how to behave.     3     Seeing you put these things into practice first can help them fill their toolboxes with these tools, which will be useful to them throughout the rest of their lives.

    4     In this way your child feels they can come to you with challenges or concerns. It’s true that your teens may think it unnecessary or even annoying to communicate with you.     5     However, your positive relationship with your children remains important for them to feel safe.

In a word, proper guidance from parents and teachers can equip adolescents with the tools to handle challenges later in life as adults.

A.In this way, you can encourage their independence.
B.Your definition of children or adolescence may vary.
C.Remember to keep the lines of communication open.
D.Seeking the support of a mental health doctor is needed.
E.However, you may not know exactly how to provide this.
F.You can support them simply by modeling healthy behaviors.
G.Instead, they may rely more on peers and friends for connection.
2024-05-31更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上进联考高考第二次适应性考试模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . A blister (水疱) is a small bag of fluid that forms in an area of the body.     1     They may develop after a skin burn,   infection with bacteria, insect bites, bumps or scratches.

Depending on its location, a blister can interfere with our day-to-day tasks. For example, if we have one on our feet, we may have difficulty walking, exercising or standing for a long period of time.     2     Fortunately, there are some home treatments that can reduce our discomfort and decrease the risk of suffering them

    3     In many cases, they are the result of poorly fitted, too tight, or too loose shoes that can cause a graze (擦伤) of the skin. This causes friction and, as a result, fluid collects under the outer layer of the skin.

A blister on feet caused by a graze usually heals in a few days with home treatments.     4     A doctor should be consulted if the blister causes severe pain or prevents us from walking. If we have a fever, nausea or chills, it may be a sign of infection.

Blisters are usually drained with a sterile needle. If there are signs of infection, a sample of fluid may be examined to determine the cause.Moreover,antibiotics (抗生素) will be prescribed to treat the existing infection and prevent an additional infection from occurring.       5    

A.Dampness or too much sweat can cause these blisters.
B.In fact,blisters on feet may be the most common ones.
C.Blisters can vary in size and occur for different reasons.
D.However,not all who walk or stand for long develop blisters.
E.Preventing foot blisters involves addressing the fundamental cause
F.If they turn yellow,they may have been infected and you need medical attention.
G.However, some blisters do not respond to these treatments and get worse over time.
2024-05-30更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . You have an exam tomorrow and you’re not feeling prepared. With only a few waking hours to go, how is it best for you to spend your time?     1    . They will improve your exam success and relieve your exam anxiety.

Get organized

Time-poor students should use a planner to identify the times available for study and block out those times in the planner.     2    . You can also get a study folder and keep it organized, using it regularly to review your study notes and materials. Being organized with your study materials helps you to be organized in your thinking, too, as you can easily access the materials you need.

Take, make, interact with and reflect on notes

Taking notes is important. An active note-taking process is important to help you transfer new information from short-term memory and then recall it more easily after it is stored in the long-term memory.


Research has found the rate you forget information is minimized if you interact with (reread/discuss/write) new information within 24 hours of first receiving it. A second, shorter repetition within 24 hours brings recall back up to 100%. A third repetition within a week for an even shorter time brings recall back to 100%.

Research shows learning is more effective if the type of material being studied is mixed and study periods are spaced out over time.     4    .


So once you have a good set of notes, what is the best way to interact with them? Self-testing is a powerful way to study and learn.     5    . Good organization of where you store your flash cards and effective use of them are essential to maximize their study potential. It’s good to mix up sets of flash cards and study them in short bursts.

A.You may try four strategies here
B.Keep interacting with the content
C.It will be over in a few hours anyway
D.Focus on one thing for an extended time
E.Flash cards are also tools to help you to self-test
F.Then actually be disciplined and use that time to study
G.So, you’d better mix up study sessions with various practices
2024-05-22更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省九江市高三下学期第三次统一模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . One of the most widely accepted education theories shows that everyone has a unique learning style. According to this popular theory, some people are visual learners, others are auditory (听觉的) learners, while others are tactile-kinaesthetic learners, meaning these student need to touch materials. Supporters say teachers should adapt their lessons for each student learning style: Show lots of pictures to visual students; give verbal explanations to auditory students; provide lots of hands-on activities for tactile-kinaesthetic students.

Even though surveys show that most adults and nearly all teachers believe in the theory, it remains a theory without supporting evidence. The experiment on this theory showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the people who learned something according to their so-called I earning style versus those who did not.

The theory is far from harmless because it preserves a lie about how all students should learn. The theory makes it harder for student to learn things in different ways. For example, someone who believes he is a visual learner now has a, ready-made excuse for why he cannot pay attention during lectures and why he doesn’t do well on tests in lecture courses. Similar y, those who think they are tactile-kinaesthetic learners quickly come to believe they cannot learn new things unless they’re working with their hands.

In addition, trying to plan for each student’s so-called learning style creates a huge burden to teachers. Instead of creating one lesson for the entire class, teachers must come up with at least three lessons. While students do not have individual learning styles, some topics are better suited for certain methods than others. For example, a good each teacher will probably use plenty of pictures and models when teaching young students about shapes and patterns. For other topics, such as learning how to pronounce certain words, the teacher will provide plenty of verbal instruction and practice for students. Simply put, teachers should be free to determine the delivery method for each lesson according to the nature of the content.

It’s tie to recognize that there are no visual learners, auditory learners or tactile-kinaesthetic learners. I here are only learners.

1. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 1?
A.Classify learners into various types.
B.Give an account of different learning styles.
C.Encourage students to learn in different ways.
D.Advise students to adapt to various learning environments.
2. How does the theory of learning styles affect students?
A.They have more difficulty paying attention during lectures.
B.They adapt themselves to various teaching methods.
C.They find a suitable way to promote their learning.
D.They take it as an excuse for their learning problems.
3. How does the author develop his idea in paragraph 4?
A.By giving examples.B.By listing some data.
C.By making comparisons.D.By providing research results.
4. What should teachers do according to the author?
A.Have the freedom to provide individual-style lessons.
B.Prepare for lessons to cover all of the learning styles.
C.Choose teaching methods depending on the contents.
D.Focus on how to improve teaching skills.
2024-05-05更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省贵溪市第一中学高三下学期二模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . In the workplace, we have to deal with different people, and the best way to do that is to find empathy to better understand them. Here are three fruit personalities and how best to deal with them.

Apple: hard core, doesn’t brulse easlly

Apple types are direct and don’t suffer fools. They are fast, logical thinkers who love to win and hate to lose control. They’ll get a result at any cost, but see conflict as sport.

Managing apples:

·Have your facts (or suffer the consequences)

·Always stand up to them.

·Get to the point.

·Be fast and logical.

·Watch and learn- they make great mentors.

Lemon: intense and concentrated

Lemons love structure, detail, order and rules. They are worriers who like safety, security and predictability. They love detail and are awesome at spotting gaps in a plan. But too many rules can be frustrating to others.

Managing lemons:

·Respect their need for space and time; give them plenty of notice.

·Slow your pace if you’re fast, quieten down if you’re loud.

·Don’t surprise them.

·Don’t threaten their security.

·Know you can never give too much detail.

Banana: sweet and soft

Banana types enjoy harmony in the workplace and shy away from conflict. They have loads of empathy. They are excellent in customer service roles, yet they can irritate people by being too nice.

When they’re too accommodating, they can be seen as indecisive.

Managing bananas:

·Don’t pressure them, but motivate.

·Encourage their opinions, and listen.

·Don’t overload them with your problems.

·Provide regular feedback opportunities.

·Be nice-that’s all they want.

1. Which way is proper to deal with the lemon personality?
A.Talking loudly.B.Making some rules.
C.Thinking logically.D.Giving more details.
2. What does the banana personality think of conflict?
3. Who is the text mainly intended for?
2024-04-19更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Autonomy-supportive parenting is an approach that focuses on building a child’s sense of agency in the world as well as a strong sense of self.     1     We should recognize that children have a different perspective or experience than adults. Therefore, instead of pushing adults’ way of thinking on children, adults should let kids do their own critical thinking and solve problems themselves, which will help them trust their abilities.

Guide kids to find their own solution

As any parent with more than one child can tell you, kids develop differently.     2     While one child may find it easy to start their homework independently, the other might not be a self-starter. So we push our kids to the next level by knowing their skill level and meeting them there.

Let kids find their own fun

    3     It really is harm to them. It also sets us up to be their cruise (航行) directors at all times. That’s a huge burden on us! Letting children find their own thing to do when boredom strikes allows them to become self-sufficient and use their imagination to find fun on their own.

Being sympathetic doesn’t mean giving in

Another characteristic of autonomy-supportive parenting is being open, curious, and flexible. Trusting children to be accountable to themselves (or acting like it) is the only way you will know if your child will be a responsible, independent adult. For example, if you ask your child when they think is the best time to do their homework, and they tell you it’s in the morning before school begins, support them and let them try it, no matter how strange it sounds.     4    

Don’t forget to support yourself

Once you grasp autonomy-supportive parenting, you’ll see opportunities to put it into practice. No matter how old your kid is, adopting this style will not be easy.     5     If you get hard on yourself because you’re not measuring up, you’re more likely to return to the controlling practices.

A.It may work.
B.Our kids don’t know how to manage boredom.
C.That can mean we have to support them in different ways.
D.So forgive yourself if things don’t go right on a particular day.
E.And they may not know yet, but it’s good for them to think about it.
F.Some days are just going to be more autonomy-supportive than others.
G.It’s trying to understand children’s experience of what’s going on right now.
2024-04-02更新 | 354次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届江西省南昌市东湖区南昌市第十九中学高三下学期第一次模拟预测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . If you want to be confident at interview and get the job, body language will be important.

Here are some useful tips for your body language during a job interview.

Make a great entrance. A job interview actually starts before you get to the interview room. You don't know who could be looking at you from a window or standing next to you in the elevator. Your body language should tell others that you're confident and calm.     1     .

Don’t go for direct eye contact.     2    . A more effective way to make sure you look interested is to look at different parts of an interviewer's face every two seconds such as their nose, eyes and lips.

Use hand gestures while you're speaking. If you’re not sure what to do with your hands, go ahead and gesture while you're speaking. When you're really nervous, you may want to hide your hand because they express your anxiety.     3    

Stay positive. Your body language follows your mind. If your mind is negative, your body will consciously create negative energy. However, stay positive and you feel confident in your body language.     4     . And your smiles will be more likely to leave a good impression on the interviewers.

Work on your walk. Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you.     5    . When walking directly toward the interviewer, you had better make your body point in his direction and maintain eye contact with him occasionally.

A.Instead, make “direct face contact”.
B.How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment.
C.At this time, it's a good choice for you to hide your hands.
D.Instead, using your hands gesture can make you feel relaxed.
E.If your have a positive mind, you will wear a smile on your face.
F.It's very important to review your information you have prepared.
G.It's improper to crazily search your file for your resume at this time.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . It’s important to be able to talk to people when networking and building strong relationships. If you work in a professional role, you probably need to make small talk sometimes. However, you may don’t know how to make small talk. Don’t worry.     1    

Put your electronic devices away. The first step to making small talk is to put your devices away. This is a small but meaningful gesture in this digitalized world.     2     Giving your full attention to the person you are speaking to is good manners. Also, it offers a chance for you to build a relationship with him/her.

Listen first. In social situations, one way to show you are offering your full attention is to listen.     3     When you are listening, show you are paying attention by practising nonverbal cues like nodding and making eye contact. It’s also a good active listening practice to repeat what someone just told you.

Ask open questions.     4     For example. “How have things been?” is a better question than “Have you been alright?”. The latter requires a “yes or no” response, while the former draws out information in a conversational way.

    5     When someone tells you something in a small talk conversation, give your enthusiastic response. Your positivity not only can show you are paying attention but also might make them feel valued. This is good for building a relationship with someone you don’t know very well.

A.Respond enthusiastically.
B.Here are some tips for you.
C.They are some simple but useful methods.
D.Behave properly in response to open questions.
E.When you are talking with someone, listening is also important.
F.When you ask about the person you are speaking to, ask open-ended questions.
G.Putting your phone or computer away shows you focus on the person you are talking to.
2023-05-12更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省赣州市部分学校2022-2023学年高三下学期4月联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the problem with the man’s speech?
A.Its content.B.Its language.C.Its delivery way.
2. What does the woman advise the man to do?
A.Use cards.B.Read out loud.C.Memorize the speech,
3. What will the audience be interested in?
A.Amusing anecdotes.B.Rich body language.C.A clear outline.
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Teacher and student.
B.Interviewer and interviewee.
C.Husband and wife.
2023-05-03更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省南昌市高三下学期一模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般