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1 . Jonathan Tiong came into the world with a rare disease that gradually damages muscles over time. A doctor _________ a prediction to his parents that he wouldn’t live beyond his second birthday.

Yet, Tiong not only surpassed (超出) the doctor’s _________ but also made great achievements. On the day of his 24th birthday in October, he gave a speech _________ at his graduation ceremony. What’s more, Tiong got a(n) _________ as an editorial writer at a famous wealth fund. However, all these amazing honors were not easily _________, for which Tiong went all out.

Beginning his _________ journey during the rise of remote work has also _________ the effect of his disability. Tiong finds _________ in the virtual field, stating, “Having everyone work online feels really great. Because when everyone is together online, I don’t feel like there’s actually much of a _________.”

Despite the __________ he has earned, Tiong remains a supporter for reshaping society’s opinion of success. “We must admit that living with a disability is a (n) __________ challenge in itself. Every day, countless individuals with disabilities __________ difficulties all over the world without media coverage, fighting their battles __________,” Tiong stresses.

His goal is not to lower expectations for individuals with disabilities but to __________ the traditional idea about success. “If we reconsider what it means to succeed, you’ll find that everyone out there who is doing their jobs quietly is __________.”

A.fought againstB.come byC.shown offD.figured out
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When I suggested my 13-year-old try tennis, she quickly shot me down. “I’m not ________ , so stop trying to get me to do sports,” Julianna said. I suggested it because some of my recent happiest memories were of playing ping-pong with her. Tennis seemed like a natural progression from ping-pong and a great way to ________ some of her growing teen worries on a larger playing field. But my suggestion was always met with ________.

Still, I was undiscouraged. I was convinced that ________ some physical energy would help Julianna. I’ve seen how sports help deal with stress. It ________ for me when I was a teenage girl.

Midway through summer, we stayed at home one afternoon, really bored. “Do you want to play tennis?” I asked. “Sure,” she said. Arriving at the ________ , we set down our bags, picked up our rackets (球拍), and ________ towards our sides of the court. The net felt like the visual representation of a growing ________ between us — I desiring a connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.

I started by hitting a ball over the net, and Julianna took a big swing and ________ . We repeated this several more times. I resisted the ________ to tell her she was ________ the racket too close to the neck or to step more into her forehand. We just repeated the ________ of me hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before she finally got it back over the net. “This is fun,” she said with a mixture of surprise and joy and then she smiled ________ .

Now we always find time to play tennis. We’re both eager for an activity that can ________ tensions between us in daily life. It’s nice to have a place where both of us can release our ________ feelings and let them go.

A.knock outB.work outC.figure outD.leave out
7日内更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三下学期4月检测英语试题

3 . Lobb and Jafri were queuing up for a lunchtime workout on Pier (码头) 15, overlooking the East River, when Lobb froze. What he saw was a person ______, lifeless. Before Jafri could respond, Lobb climbed over the ______ at the edge of the pier and jumped into the cold water. Jafri then took off his shoes and swan-dived.

Approaching the ______ victim, Lobb saw that it was a middle-aged man. The ______ felt around, grasped the man and kicked ______ until they both resurfaced. Jafri was there now. They floated the man on his ______. As Jafri looped (环绕) his arms around the man’s shoulders and Lobb ______ the hips and knees, the pair undertook the slog (重担) back to Pier 15. Their lungs heaved (起伏) and ______ burned as they pushed and pulled the ______ figure through the cold water.

On the pier, a crowd had gathered. From somewhere, the onlookers ______ a rope and a life preserver and threw them to Jafri and Lobb. The friends ______ the victim’s arm and head through the life preserver ring and tied the rope around him.

With the two men pushing from below and the crowd pulling from above, the victim was pulled onto the pier. Both men, thoroughly ______ from 15-plus minutes in the water, watched as rescue workers loaded the ______ drowned man into an ambulance and ______. Lobb and Jafri never ______ who he was, what became of him or how he’d fallen into the river.

A.life coachB.rescuerC.onlookerD.emergency services
A.took inB.turned overC.pull awayD.set forth
7日内更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省多校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月大联考英语试题
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4 . Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova is a physics professor at Texas A&M who aims to show her students, especially the young women, that there are no limits.

Only 25% of physics undergraduate students are female. Perhaps it is because boys grow up playing with machines and making drawings of fast cars and rocket explosions. But girls are just as curious about the way the world works — they just haven’t jumped into the culture of chemical reactions, energy and magnetic force with as much enthusiasm. That is, until they see one of Tatiana’s videos showing the science behind real life’s magic. Tatiana is really one of the few living female examples they could follow.

Her videos get millions of views. She is a ball of energy with a short haircut, a Russian accent and a lively personality that makes physics accessible to the younger audience. Young girls are attracted to Tatiana’s attractive demonstrations the way they flock to pop concerts. This is real. This is science they can participate in. This is an open door to endless possibilities.

“These short clips are the spark that inspires,” Tatiana says with so much excitement that it lights up the room. Everything she does involves students. She believes the magic in learning is when your peers are part of the demonstration, when you are part of the teaching process.

“She wants everything to be a celebration of science,” says one of Tatiana’s former students. And indeed, the classroom is in a party atmosphere, with students cheering when amazed by Newton’s law of motion, demonstrated by a spinning bicycle wheel held upright by the professor. It’s hard to tell who is more delighted, Tatiana or her students. She is an attraction for female students who are graduating college and working in the sciences in higher numbers than ever before.

Dr. Tatiana’s story began in Russia and her parents were both physicists. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Tatiana moved to Texas with her husband, also a physicist. They both teach at Texas A&M, and when Tatiana isn’t in the classroom, she is doing outreach with schoolchildren, amazing them with spinning lights that soon form words, liquid oxygen that shrinks objects and chemical reactions that expand matter to 10 times its size. But most importantly, she is expanding the audience of female physicists.

1. According to the passage, why do girls sometimes hesitate to jump into the culture of physics?
A.Lack of interest in chemical reactions.
B.Cultural differences in curiosity.
C.Absence of female role models.
D.Fear of liquid oxygen demonstrations.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the videos mentioned in the passage?
A.They were made by a female physician.
B.They feature engaging demonstrations.
C.They are meant for Tatiana’s homeland.
D.They have received millions of likes online.
3. What is the primary focus of Dr. Tatiana’s outreach activities with schoolchildren?
A.Appealing to students with fascinating demonstrations.
B.Teaching students some difficult physics concepts.
C.Explaining the history of Newton’s law of motion.
D.Encouraging girls to attend parties and pop concerts.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Female Professor Rejecting Gender Barrier
B.Russian Physicist and Female Scientists
C.Physics Professor Stimulating Girls’ Passion
D.The Significance of Online Short Videos
7日内更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三下学期4月检测英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Susie Smith came home from school one day, and had no sooner entered the sitting room than she burst into tears.

“What is the matter, my dear child?” said her mother, drawing her daughter to her side and smiling.

“All our class must bring in compositions tomorrow morning, and I never, never can write one. We must write twelve lines at least, and I have written only a few words after trying nearly all the afternoon. See what work I have made of it!” sobbed Susie.

Mrs. Smith took the rumpled (皱巴巴的) and tear-stained paper which Susie held in her hand, and glanced at what she had written. In a careful hand she had tried to write upon three themes: Time, Temperance, and Industry.

Time is short. We should all improve our time.

Temperance is a very useful thing.

We should all be industrious if we wish to do anything in the world.

These sentences were all she had written. Susie continued, “I can’t think of another word to say upon any of these subjects, and I know I shall have to go to school without a composition, for I won’t be so mean as to copy one from a book, or to ask you or papa to write one for me.”

“That is right, my dear,” said her mother. “You will be far happier with a poor composition, if it is all your own, than with a fine one written by somebody else. But cheer up. You have not begun right—you have been trying to write upon subjects that you know nothing about. Run into the garden and play. I will call you in half an hour.” “But my composition,” began Susie. “Don’t think about your composition while you are gone,” said Mrs. Smith, “but have as pleasant a time as you can.”

It seemed but a few minutes to Susie before she heard her mother’s voice calling her. She went into the house at once—her hands full of sweet flowers, and her cheeks rosy with exercise. “Now, Susie,” said her mother, “I want you to sit by the window with this nice sheet of paper and a pencil, and write something about what you can see.”

“But my composition, mother,” said Susie, “when shall I begin that?” “Never mind your composition, my dear. Do this to please me, and we will talk about that by and by.” replied Mrs. Smith.

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Susie thought her mother’s request was a strange one.


“A composition!” exclaimed Susie. “Is that a composition?”

2024-04-20更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省多校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月大联考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In our family, we have a beloved pet named Max, a golden retriever (寻回犬) with a heart of gold. Max has been an integral part of our family for the past five years, bringing joy, laughter, and countless precious memories into our lives. His intelligence and adorable personality never fail to bring joy and laughter into our lives. Every day, when I come home from school, Max greets me at the door with his tail wagging and his eyes sparkling with excitement. He always seems to know when I need a comforting presence, and his playful bahavior never fails to cheer me up.

Max’s intelligence is truly remarkable. He has learned numerous tricks and commands over the years, and he never ceases to amaze us with his problem-solving skills. One time, I accidentally dropped his favorite toy behind the couch, and without any prompting (提示), Max fetched a stick and used it to fish the toy out. His creativity and resourcefulness never fail to impress us.

Max’s playful personality brings endless joy and laughter into our family. Whether we are flying disc in the backyard or going for walks in the park, Max is always ready for a good time. His boundless energy and enthusiasm are contagious (有感染力的), and he has a way of making even the simplest activity feel like an adventure. His playful barks and exaggerated jumps when he’s trying to catch a ball never fail to make us laugh.

Max’s ability to sense our emotions and respond with love and affection is truly remarkable. He seems to know when we are feeling down or stressed and always finds a way to comfort us. One warm summer evening, as the sun was beginning to set, I was sitting comfortably in my living room, buried in a captivating book. Max, my loyal golden retriever, was lying peacefully beside me, enjoying a well-deserved nap. However, as the day drew to a close, Max suddenly sprang to his feet, his ears got a lift, and his eyes fixed intently on something outside the window. Without warning, he let out a series of loud, urgent barks, as if trying to alert me to a potential threat or disturbance. Alarmed by his sudden outburst, I set my book aside and joined Max at the window, curious to see what had caught his attention.


As I approached the window, I witnessed my elderly neighbor, Mr. Thompson, lying motionless in his backyard.


In the days following Mr. Thompson’s accident, Max and I visited him at the hospital as often as we could.

2024-04-20更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三下学期4月检测英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As Valentine’s Day, a time for expressing affection through the exchange of presents, drew near, Kendra found herself seated at the kitchen table, carefully penning her name on Valentine’s cards for her classmates. She recognized her own hesitation; words didn’t come easily to her. While she envied the ease with which her peers talked and laughed, her shyness often kept her quiet.

Kendra grabbed another card. . Her eyes lit up at the phrase “You’re dynamite (引起轰动的人或物)!”—a term that would undoubtedly delight her Grammy, who frequently used the expression to praise their festive decorations. “Well, that looks dynamite!” Grammy would exclaim, her approval filling Kendra with warmth.

Just as Kendra was signing the cards, her mother came in, sharing the sad news of Elise, their neighbor, and her recent accident that led to a broken leg, restricting her to home schooling for the coming weeks. Kendra felt sorry for Elise, and quickly picked the most splendid valentine, hurrying to Elise’s home.

Upon arrival, Kendra’s look fell upon the life-sized deer statue decorating the front yard. She studied it, saying to herself, “Wouldn’t this deer look cool with a big heart around his neck? Elise could look out of the window and see it decorated for Valentine’s day.”

With this idea, Kendra got the sizable red heart her Grammy had given her, tied it with string, and hung it around the statue’s neck like a festive chain. The next day, she decorated the antlers (鹿角) with a variety of smaller hearts. It was during this act of kindness that Colin and Amy, Elise’s fellow classmates, happened upon the scene. “Are you decorating Elise’s deer for Valentine’s Day?” they asked. Kendra confirmed with a nod, explaining her intention to cheer up Elise. Despite her uncertainty about what to add next, Colin proposed adding some color, while Amy suggested putting decorations on the deer’s back and forehead. United by a shared purpose, they agreed to meet later.

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That afternoon, they met to decorate the deer with the materials they had sourced.


Just then, Elise’s front door opened, and Elise stuck her head out.

2024-04-19更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三下学期第二次联考试卷英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了17岁的Lauren Schroeder通过在社区建立一个蔬菜园,为有需要的家庭提供新鲜蔬菜,从而对社区产生了显著的影响。

8 . At just 17, Lauren Schroeder has already made a significant impact on her community. Her voyage began at 14, volunteering at a food shelter. While packing boxes with canned goods for needy families, Lauren detected a substantial shortage: fresh vegetables. This observation sparked an idea that soon grew into a community-wide initiative.

Lauren pictured transforming part of her family’s 150-acre farm into a garden committed to growing produce for local families. Her proposal was met with a hint of concern from her mother, Katie Schroeder. While supportive, she also foresaw the extensive labor involved. Despite the agricultural background—her family typically planted soybeans and corn—vegetable cultivation was a novel pursuit. Nevertheless, Lauren was eager to tackle the nutritional deficiency she had uncovered.

The hard work began in earnest. Not discouraged by potential obstacles, Lauren dived into research to be a seasoned vegetable cultivator and secured a grant (拨款) from the National FFA Organization to cover initial costs. Subsequently, she spent two to three hours daily watering her crops by hand through the hot Iowa summers, sandwiching this commitment between softball practices. Furthermore, she carefully tended to her garden, combating weeds and harvesting crops, with green beans proving particularly challenging.

Eventually, with assistance from her younger brothers and sisters, Lauren’s half-acre garden produced 15 varieties of vegetables. In its first year, the garden generated 40 pounds of produce, benefiting food banks, nursing homes, and soup kitchens.

Motivated by the early achievements, Lauren doubled the garden’s size. To date, she has donated over 7,000 pounds of produce, valued at approximately $15,000, commanding community respect. Her work has found a deep echo among others, notably a mother from a local shelter who was grateful for the fresh food that reminded her children of home.

Lauren’s inspiration is straightforward yet deep-seated. “I wanted to have something that would impact people,” she told KWQC. Her actions demonstrate her belief in the power of community and the joy obtained from helping others—a feeling that will undoubtedly shape her future initiatives.

1. Why did Lauren initiate the community garden?
A.To pursue a new hobby.B.To explore plant cultivation.
C.To fill a food shelter’s vegetable gap.D.To gain recognition in her community.
2. How did Lauren overcome her lack of experience in vegetable farming?
A.By doing trial and error.B.By conducting thorough research.
C.By engaging in fundraising activities.D.By maintaining consistent hard work
3. What do we know about Lauren in the initial process of vegetable cultivation?
A.She was passionate and determined.B.She was inexperienced but creative.
C.She was observant and popular.D.She was concerned but hardworking.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Garden to Table: a Solo EffortB.Local Garden: Hope for the Globe
C.Harvesting Hope: Community GrowthD.Farming Fundamentals: a Teen’s Journey
2024-04-19更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三下学期第二次联考试卷英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jeff, my best friend in college, and I had many conversations during the year but I will always remember the time he told me about his family. His father, a successful physician, was cold and strict in Jeff’s words. His father had even paved the way for Jeff to attend the same college from which he had graduated.

However, Jeff had a strong passion for skiing. When he graduated from high school, he decided to decline his father’s offer and, instead, to work with a ski patrol (滑雪巡逻队). With pain in his eyes, Jeff told me he still remembered the day when he told his father he was going to give up college and take a job at a ski resort.

As Jeff recalled, upon hearing Jeff’s decision, his father looked off into the distance. Then came the words that still echoed in Jeff’s mind: “You lazy kid. No son of mine is going to work with a ski patrol and does not attend college. I should have known you’d never amount to anything!” The two had not spoken since that conversation.

At the age of twenty seven, Jeff became a successful business planner at a company, but without a degree. To further his career, he decided to come back to the area near where he grew up to attend college, but he certainly did not want his father to know what he was doing. He said he was doing this for himself, not for his father. He said it over and over again.

Jeff’s sister had always remained supportive of Jeff’s decisions. She stayed in contact with their father, but Jeff had made her promise that she would not share any information about his life with him.

The day when the graduation ceremony came, I, as the president of Students’ Union, took charge of seating the guests before it started. Suddenly. I noticed a man with a confused expression.   

“Excuse me,” he said as he politely approached me. “What is happening here today?”

“It’s graduation day,” I replied, smiling. “Well, that’s odd,” he said, “my daughter asked me to meet her at this address.” His eyes sparkled and he smiled. “Maybe she completed her associate’s degree and wanted to surprise me!” I helped him find a seat.

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As I left him, he said, “Thank you. By the way, I’m Dr. Holstrom.”


Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.

2024-04-18更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(八)英语试卷
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成以一篇完整的短文。

It was Christmas Eve when my sister and I decided to open our presents before our mom got home from work. She usually came home about an hour after we got home from school, which we thought was plenty of time to sneak a peek at (偷看) the gifts under the tree. My sister opened the first gift while I was ordered to stand guard at the big picture window in our front room.

I was so excited that I could barely stand still. I also couldn’t keep my eyes on the window very long. My head moved from the window to my sister and back to the window again. I felt like I was watching a Ping-Pong match.

“All right!” my sister shouted. She pulled out a jewelry box. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

I jumped up and down. “Yeah, it’s my turn!”

“No,” she said. “It means that there must be some jewelry under here. I watched my sister rummage (翻找) through the presents under the tree trying to find one she thought was small enough to be a necklace or earrings.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” I said, stomping my foot. I couldn’t do anything except stand guard as she opened present after present. Finally, when my sister’s curiosity was satisfied and she had finished, wrapping her last present back up, we traded places.

My heart hammered so hard that it felt like my chest was moving in and out. My sister reminded me to be careful not to tear the paper, and wrap the presents back up the same way that I had found them.

After unwrapping a few presents, I found it faster to open one end of a present and peek inside. “Cool! Mom and Dad got me headphones for my stereo (立体声音响设备)!” I pulled the headphones out of the box and was about to put them on when my sister shouted, “Quick! Wrap it back up! Mom’s coming!”

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“Come on!” My sister’s face was as white as the paint on the wall.


Our secret was safe, but somehow Christmas morning didn’t feel the same.

2024-04-18更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省衡阳市第八中学高三下学期适用性练习英语试题
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