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1 . Are you aware that every single person on this planet who has ever lived, lives now or will live, has a different perception of reality? The way each of us perceives the world is to some degree different than any other person's perception of reality. __①__ What is absolutely real and right for you may be an illusion, or nonexistent, or completely false for another!

It's important to know this. __②__ For example, the news media loves to create drama, and one of their favorite methods is to elicit(引起) fear: fear of other people, fear of the weather, fear of the economy, etc. The news media tells us how to perceive the world—and if a person takes the newscasters at their word, they perceive the world to be very dangerous and hostile. To that person,the mental images and emotions suggested by other people create a version of reality that is completely different from the reality perceived by someone who does not watch the news.

Things are not always what they seem. For most people, seeing is believing, which is why magicians, artists and marketers are so successful. Just like the TV news, they show you only what they want you to see and it is perceived as reality. But how would that reality change if you saw what went on behind the scenes or what was left out?

What's your story?

We all have a story. Over time, your story takes on a life of its own and you become your story. But who's the author and why did him put so much crap in there? All that unnecessary suffering, struggle, heartache, worry and pain... wouldn't it be better to live a story without all that? Who wants to live in a story with that much boredom and unfulfilled longings?

The story got its start when you were born, and was co­authored by you along with the influences in your life. __③__ Anytime you were influenced by someone or something, you unconsciously handed your pen over and said “Here, you write this about me.” So you are not even writing your OWN story! No one does—until they recognize that fact, and make a conscious decision to take control of the pen. You CAN write your story the way you want it to play out.


It is helpful to understand how the brain takes reality and filters it to create your unique perception of reality. It's an automatic unconscious action that is based on:

● Physical experiences (which is why some optical illusions are extremely unsettling)

● Past conditioning (how you are programmed to see the world)

__④__ When you become aware of the fact that you are constructing your own reality, you can take charge and build one that is more pleasing. If you change your mind, your vibration and your intentions, you can change your circumstances! Instead of, “I am a victim of circumstance,” imprint in your mind, “I am the co­creator of my life”; Instead of, “I am sick and tired of...” imprint in your mind,“I am in control and enthusiastic about what I do”.

Raise your vibration by thinking, talking and acting more positively. As positiveness becomes a mental habit,that change will become your new inner reality, which will soon manifest in your outer reality.

The power of perception is immense. Choose to see more good than bad, more abundance than lack, more love than indifference and more success than struggle.

1. What does the underlined word “perception” mean in the first paragraph?
2. How does the author present his viewpoints in the first three paragraphs?
A.By answering questions.B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparisons.D.By drawing conclusions.
3. The sentence “Because if you are not aware, your perception, world view and reality are created by other people.” should be put in ________.
4. Which of the following subtitles can be filled in the blank?
A.Seeing is not believing
B.Live up to your expectations
C.Change your perception and create a new reality
D.Physical experiences and past conditioning really count
5. What is the tone of the passage?
2020-09-29更新 | 350次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省深圳市外国语学校2021届高三第一次月考英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Just several days ago, a violent storm hit our community. I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being abused by the ______ wind. The branches bent, and swayed (摇摆) back and forth, thanks to their ______ to avoid breaking. The leaves desperately stuck to the branches because their life ______ the tree. The powerful trunk (树干) which held the tree upright bent slightly ______ from the force in the battle to ______ its position.

After the storm had passed, the tree gracefully returned to its ______ position standing tall among the chaos (混乱). It managed to ______ the storm. It didn’t look the same as leaves had fallen and the soil had loosened, but what ______ is that the tree won the fight for its life.

For a long time I couldn’t understand why this tree ______ my attention the way it did. As time passed, it became clear that it wasn’t just about the tree but about the ______ roots which are deep into the soil providing ______ and nutrition. The roots allow the tree to be able to take a ______ because they are there to support them.

____, the next time you catch your kids ______, when the job is driving you crazy, when you are underpaid and the ______ is tight, and when the storms of life are blowing, go back to your ______. Life is full of storms. They will make you ______, make you sway and even make you lose some leaves but the ______ your roots the stronger you stand. I challenge you to bend but don’t break. However hard the wind blows don’t let life ______ you into an uncomfortable position. Your ______ lies in your roots.

A.depended onB.answered forC.intended forD.touched on
2020-09-15更新 | 136次组卷 | 2卷引用:【全国百强校】广东省深圳实验、珠海一中等六校2019届高三第二次联考英语试题

3 . When Emanuel received an email from Professor Richard English. Queen’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the School of History, Anthropology,Philosophy and Politics, encouraging him to apply for a PhD in Politics in Belfast, it was a pinch-me moment Emanual never thought would be possible. After all, just a few short years ago, he was living on the streets couch-surfing at friends’ houses and weeding gardens to make ends meet. Now, one of the world’s leading political academics was preparing to welcome him to Queen’s University over 4,000 miles away.

Emanuel never knew who his father was and his mom was mentally ill when she gave birth to him, so the hospital took him off her and he was unofficially adopted for the first few years of his life. What followed was a childhood with uncertainty as Emanuel was passed between the adoption system and family members.

Through his high school and community college years, he moved from house to house, living with friends at times and living on the streets at others.

Determined to change all that despite his rocky start in life, Emanuel involved himself in school-doing everything he could to earn extra tuition (学费) money in his spare time. But getting accepted into university was scarcely possible because a person like him couldn’t get a regular student loan.

Fortunately, the government backed him, having created a policy allowing disadvantaged persons to access funding for higher education. He graduated from the University of the West Indies with a 1st Class Honors degree and went on to do his Masters.

Emanuel knows that his story could have been very different.

“I discovered Professor Richard English online and sent him an email honestly, not thinking he would reply and to my surprise, he did. I applied for the highly competitive Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme in order to fund my research at Queen’s. When I was told I was successful, my whole world changed.”

1. What does the underlined word “pinch-me” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What happened to Emanuel in his childhood?
A.His father was mentally ill.
B.He was abandoned by his mother.
C.He was once adopted by his relatives.
D.He lived with his friends now and then.
3. How did Emanuel afford his university education?
A.By receiving a regular student loan.
B.By earning the tuition all by himself.
C.By borrowing the money from friends.
D.By getting support from the government.
4. What can we learn from Emanuel’s story?
A.Well begun is half done.
B.It’s never too old to learn.
C.You are the master of your life.
D.Lost time is never found again.
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . At sixteen, I was seriously hurt in my back and had an operation. Eleven months after the operation, while playing baseball, I took one bad ___and knew the operation had ___So I had another operation.

Every day I am____that each step I take can be the wrong one and that I will face another __.Yet.in spite of the constant fear, I have learned something very __.The experience has taught me to regard difficulties as __ rather than reasons to quit.

I have __ playing baseball through my entire life. Throughout the last three years, I have tried to play baseball __,but I was reminded that I couldn't play any more.To be able to be on the __,I tried being a manager and scorekeeper.

My last summer was spent without excitement. I couldn't do fun things sitting in an armchair so that my back could __.Therefore, I thought of my___.I have realized my academic life is the ___I am not the smartest student, but I am___ in each of these academic areas.___ my back injury, I have learned to study with focus. My second goal is to __ the previous state: being athletic, strong and ready for any challenge.

A.WithoutB.BesidesC.Instead ofD.Thanks to

5 . I just had a snowstorm that piled up eight inches of snow. It truly was a winter wonderland, and there was white beauty everywhere. Since I didn't have anything to do that day, I really enjoyed it.

But then the second snowstorm arrived that night, piling additional inches of snow on top of the snow banks that were already there. And then on the evening news, the weather cast gave us a notice that still another snowstorm was headed our way. Then I felt despondent. I had things to do and places to go. After days of being snowbound, I felt like I was under house arrest. I was stuck.

A place stuck isn't a fun place to be, whether it's from a snowstorm or from life circumstances such as a bad relationship, bills that seem to tower over our heads, or situations where we see no way out. All of us will feel stuck at one time or another, but it's how we respond that makes the difference.

I had a friend named Hannah. She was stuck in the heartbreaking world of infertility (不孕). She longed for a child more than anything. Instead of accepting defeat, she acted sincerely. Think about Nelson Mandela in a dark prison. It was a seemingly hopeless place, but instead of becoming depressed or bitter, he kept fighting for freedom. Yes, he kept fighting to get the success.

Circumstances cannot define us, but our reactions do. Each of those men and women learned important lessons in their "stuck" situations, and we can as well.

1. What does the underlined word" despondent" in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?
A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.
B.Provide some advice for the readers.
C.Introduce some background information.
D.Form a connecting link of the context.
3. Why does the author mention Hannah and Nelson Mandela?
A.To introduce two great celebrities.
B.To introduce the way to be famous.
C.To show their different circumstances.
D.To show how to respond to difficult situations.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Don't be defeated by failure
B.Don't be trapped by snow
C.Enjoy the white beauty
D.Keep calm in the winter
2020-09-10更新 | 332次组卷 | 8卷引用:2021届湖南省高三8月百校联考英语试题

6 . Severe plantar fasciitis (足底筋膜炎) meant I’d been a full-time wheelchair user since I was 12. By the time I was 16, I just wanted my leg off. It took six years for the doctors to operate as they insisted on waiting until I was older and in a good enough place mentally. I held off until I finished my degree. Afterward, with an artificial leg fitted, the world felt like a different place. I’d not walked in years. Suddenly I was a lot taller and no longer in any pain.

When I was in a wheelchair I discovered a real love for sport. I started to compete in wheelchair racing, and soon found I was good at discus (铁饼) throwing. I started competing in Tough Mudder (an endurance event series), progressing from walking with crutches to blade (小腿假肢) running. I now compete in sports internationally and have won the silver medal for adaptive judo at the World Judo Games.

At the time of the surgery I worked as an accountant, but I soon realized I didn’t want to be sitting in an office all day as I’d been in a wheelchair for so long. Therefore, as soon as the revision surgery was complete, I handed in my notice.

My career took a different path after I was asked to be a guest presenter for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards. Now I speak to schools, colleges and organizations about a wide range of subjects such as disability, discrimination, disability in sport, and perseverance. I share my own personal stories, whether that’s how I lost my leg and what I learned from it, my perseverance, and how I followed my dream.

Now most of my income comes from working as a motivational speaker, which I’ve been doing full time for a year. I love what I do, and if I continue to inspire others to do what they want to in life, then I’m happy.

1. How did the author probably feel after his leg was cut off?
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The author’s passion for sports.
B.Awards the author won playing sports.
C.What sports the author is good at.
D.How the author prepared for Tough Mudder.
3. What do the underlined words “handed in my notice” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Quit the job.
B.Asked for leave.
C.Got promoted.
D.Spread the news to others.
4. What’s the main reason for him to be a motivational speaker?
A.It was his dream during childhood.
B.He enjoys the fame it brings him.
C.It brings him money and a sense of fulfillment.
D.He wants more people to care about the disabled.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . My daughter was being thrown out of the sixth grade. The teacher said, “She may not be up to what we’re trying to accomplish.” He was really saying she didn’t have the intelligence. I got mad because I knew she was smart, just as my father had known I was smart when I was failing in school. We had her tested. I decided to get myself tested as well, and found that the troubles she was having were exactly what I had had — dyslexia. By then I was a successful television writer, and had won an Emmy Award for “The Rockford Files.”

If I had known earlier that something beyond my control could explain why I was a low achiever, I may not have worked so hard in my late 20s and early 30s. I was writing and writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me, because I did badly in all my courses.

I once asked a friend who had always gotten an A, “How long did you study for this?” He said, “I didn’t. I just glanced at it.” So he must be smarter. I began to ask, “What will happen to me when I’m not good at anything?” Despite my doubts, I did become successful, and people now say to me, “So you’ve overcome dyslexia.”

No. You don’t overcome it, you learn to compensate for it. Some easy things are very hard for me. Most people who go through college read twice as fast as I do. I avoid dialing a phone if I can, because I sometimes have to try three times to get the number right.

Despite my weaknesses I view dyslexia as a gift, not a curse (诅咒). Many dyslexics are good at right-brain, abstract thought, and that’s what my kind of creative writing is. And I can write quickly, and can get up to 15 pages a day. Writing is my strength.

The real fear I have for dyslexic children is not they have to struggle in school, but that they will quit on themselves before they get out of school. Parents have to create victories for them, whether it’s music, sports or art. You can make your dyslexic child able to say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have other things I can do.”

1. The writer decided to get himself tested as well because he________.
A.wanted to know if they had the same problem
B.didn’t believe his daughter had the problem
C.had to take a regular medical examination
D.accepted that his daughter was not smart
2. We can learn from the second paragraph that the writer________.
A.struggled and got better grades
B.didn’t work hard when he was young
C.was praised for overcoming dyslexia
D.was thankful not knowing of dyslexia earlier
3. According to the passage, a dyslexic person________.
A.is less intelligentB.always fails in school
C.reads more slowly than normal peopleD.performs worse in left-brain activities
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Clumsy birds have to start flying early.B.God shuts one door but opens another.
C.Never judge a person by his appearance.D.No one can make a good coat with bad cloth.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Growing up, Deka Ismail says she let labels define what she could be. “I was a black girl, from a refugee (难民) family,” Deka said. “It was as if I was only allowed to explore in this predetermined box.”

After a high school chemistry class inspired her to think about a career in science and gave her confidence in the field, Deka learned to live outside labels and began making big plans for her future. Now she is about to begin her freshman year at the University of California, planning to become a professor.

Born and raised in San Diego's City Heights neighbourhood, Deka is the daughter of a Somali refugee couple. While some might say Deka's success happened in spite of her background, she would say differently, that her experiences shaped her and inspired her to be the driven, young scientist that she is today.

When Deka was eight years old, her mother got a job by studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family. That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one's life. She spent a lot of time in the library reading books, and didn't do many of the things her peers did, like partying or having romantic relationships.

“I always felt like I had to be the perfect girl for my family,” Deka said. “You have to not even do your best but two times better than everyone else. I felt like the whole world was waiting for me to mess up.”

Deka's efforts paid off. The summer before her senior year of high school, she was accepted to the American Chemical Society Project SEED Programme. “She brought both enthusiasm and focus,” Botham, a researcher at this research institute, recalled. “She arrived every day ready to work, ready to learn and ready to tackle new challenges regardless of whether or not she had done anything similar.”

When asked what advice she would give to others like her, Deka warned them not to underestimate themselves. “Don't tell yourself that scholarship is too big or this programme is too competitive or I'll never get into this school, ” she said. “I was not sure whether I could make it until I started seeing the acceptance letters rolling in.”

1. From the passage, we can learn that__ .
A.Deka was adopted by a refugee family
B.Deka spent a lot of time going to parties
C.Deka's experiences drove her to work hard
D.Deka became a professor after graduation
2. Deka realized the importance of education ______.
A.after her chemistry classB.from her mother's experience
C.by reading books in the libraryD.through working at the institute
3. According to the last paragraph, Deka advised that students be ______.
4. What does the story intend to tell us?
A.Hard work leads to success.B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Well begun is half done.D.Life is not all roses.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |
9 . Hey, man,

Good to hear from you again. Your e-mail came in just as I was chatting with another friend, Jeff. I wish I had better advice.

You know, after I left the Shenandoah Valley, my next job was in Rocky Mount. The two other sportswriters on staff, Travis and Jeff, were in their mid-20s too. Honestly, we’d come to Rocky Mount to leave Rocky Mount. We complained about our shop and envied the Charlotte Observer and the Raleigh News & Observer. What resources they had! Writers who covered only one team didn’t have to lay out pages. Talk about living the dream. If we could just get to one of those places! Then we could go somewhere else!

Travis, Jeff, and I bonded over our desire to part ways. We ate dinner together and went out to cover our games and came back to help send the final pages to the printer. On the best nights, we’d grab the news editors and play Wiffle ball, laughing and joking until almost sunrise.

We all left there within a year, as intended. Jeff became one of the most well-known NASCAR writers in the country, with almost 200,000 Twitter followers. Now he’s got his own media company that’s doing quite well. In 2017, Jeff and I went to a Charlotte Knights game, and Jeff said something about Rocky Mount that I won’t forget. “I didn’t appreciate it then, but honestly, when I look back, it’s probably the best time I’ve ever had in my career.”

Maybe success isn’t measured in achievements, or “being happy with who you are”. Goals and personal peace are selfish markers, and I don’t mean to imply selfishness is a bad thing, not at all. Selfishness is the axis of humankind, from cavemen to astronauts to saints on earth. Individual accomplishments bring worldwide accomplishments. But all of the accomplishments may not leave you feeling successful, right?

The point is, maybe success is a smaller calculation, something more like what Jeff hinted at. Maybe success is having the wherewithal (所需的物资) to be grateful at the precise moment you have something to be grateful for.

Thank you for writing, old friend.


1. When Mike went to the Rocky Mount, ________.
A.he appreciated life there
B.he lived the dream there
C.he intended to land a better job elsewhere
D.he got a job with all resources he longed for there
2. What did Mike do in Rocky Mount?
A.A printer.B.A reporter.
C.A player.D.An editor.
3. Which of the following is true?
A.Mike believes selfishness is part of human nature.
B.We feel happy when we are calculating small numbers.
C.Mike disagrees with Jeff’s comment on their life in Rocky Mount.
D.Individual accomplishments are unrelated to worldwide accomplishments.
4. Mike is giving advice on ______.
A.what happiness isB.what success is
C.how to achieve moreD.how to land a better job
2020-07-03更新 | 621次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市实验学校高三适应性考试英语试题
完形填空(约180词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . My son was playing with a bottle of bubbles. Dip the loop in the bottle, pull it out, and blow it to make bubbles. He understood the principle but was vainly _______ to blow bubbles. He would dip and dip and blow and blow, but alas, no _______. He _______ me the bottle and loop and asked me, “Daddy, can you make bubbles?”

I hadn’t blown bubbles in years. I am a _______ by education, fairly well-trained in surfactant (活性剂) technology. However, all that knowledge is completely _______. I was having no more _______ than my son. I dipped and puffed, _______ no bubbles.

After several _______ attempts, I changed strategies. _______ puffing on the loop of soapy water, I just gently breathed on it. My son ________ with delight as a big beautiful bubble formed and ________ away. I explained to him, “Son, you can’t blow hard. You must ever so ________ breathe on the loop to make bubbles.” He ________ his urgent desire to make big bubbles by blowing hard and followed my advice. Big bubbles!

There are some things that you can get with ________, but other things only ________ from the gentleness of a soft breath.

A.out of dateB.of no useC.in doubtD.in trouble
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