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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:95 题号:11688389

My name is Pablo. I think I’m a lucky guy. I have a good family, and we live in a nice neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. People travel here from many countries for their vacations. We have beautiful beaches, hotels, restaurants, shopping and sports.

However, in my beautiful hometown, there are also very poor neighborhoods. These areas are crowded and have a lot of crime (犯罪). Life is terrible for many of the children in these areas. Some don’t really have a childhood because they’re homeless and live on the streets. They don’t have education. They don’t have enough food. Many use drugs or have illnesses or other problems.

Last year, I came back to Puerto Vallarta from my university in Mexico City, I spent one year as a volunteer with an organization called Outreach International. They have several programs. I volunteered for one program to help street children.

I worked in a home for street children (all boys, at this one). At this home, the boys have a place to sleep and three meals daily. The home keeps the boys off the streets. It shows them another way of life. As a volunteer, I helped to prepare meals. I taught games—such as basketball, football and art. I helped the kids with their homework. These kids can be fun. They have a lot of energy, but they’re also really tough (坚韧的). Their long and difficult time on the streets make them strong and not always “sweet little children”.

At this boys’ home, I met two other volunteers—Brian from Canada and Greg from Australia. In many ways, we were very similar. We were the same age, came from good homes and had a good education. They were both college students, like me. We became very good friends. Now, we email each other.

It was the best—and most difficult—year of my life. I learned a lot that year.

1. The paragraph 2 is mainly about         .
A.street crime in poor neighborhoodsB.the author’s childhood experience
C.the author’s beautiful hometownD.the terrible life of the homeless children
2. As a volunteer, the writer has to do too many things EXCEPT         .
A.helping to prepare mealsB.helping them to make money
C.teaching the kids artD.teaching them to play games
3. We can learn that the writer         .
A.loves travelling around Mexico.
B.enjoys his work as a volunteer
C.is now working for an university in Mexico City
D.has made friends with the homeless children
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.My Special Year.B.A Sweet Home.C.My familyD.Street Children.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Ann was on her first package trip in Rosas, Spain.
At the hotel, she checked in, and then went to her room to change before dinner. She was just ready to go downstairs when she found that her Spanish money wasn’t in her handbag. She carefully looked in all her luggage, but she couldn’t find it. All she had was a small purse with ten English pound notes in it!
Ann found a place to change her English money. She had very few pesetas(西班牙货币单位), and she would be here for two weeks. On her way back to the hotel, Ann bought some cheese, some bread and some oranges. When she got back, she told the manager that her doctor had told her not to eat Spanish food; she’d just have breakfast each day, as she knew the price of hotels included breakfast.
For the rest of her holiday, Ann swam in the hotel swimming pool, or lay on the beach and got a sunbath. When the other tourists went to interesting places, she always said she wasn’t well. In fact, her holiday wasn’t bad, except that she was always hungry. After all, a piece of fruit for lunch, and bread and cheese for supper isn’t very much.
Late in the afternoon of their last day, a girl, Jane, asked her why she never ate with them in the hotel restaurant. Ann told her about her money problems. Jane looked at her for a minute, and then said, “But didn’t you know? The price of this holiday includes everything!”
1. “A package trip” probably means _________.
A.a free trip
B.a long journey
C.a pleasant trip
D.a trip that includes the cost of all the tickets and services
2. Ann didn’t eat dinners in the restaurant of the hotel because _________.
A.she was afraid that she couldn’t pay for them with her little money
B.her doctor told her not to eat them
C.she wasn’t well
D.she wasn’t hungry
3. Why did Ann buy some cheese, some bread and some oranges?
A.Because they were good for her health.
B.Because she planned to eat them instead of lunch and supper.
C.Because she liked them more than dinners in the hotel restaurant.
D.Because she is afraid that she couldn’t eat enough in the hotel restaurant.
4. How do you think Jane would feel after she heard Ann’s answer?
2016-11-25更新 | 413次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One cold day last November, my wife and I came home from work to a sick young daughter and we decided to stay at home for the night. Problem was, we had two tickets to see Miranda July, the performance artist, being interviewed at the Herbst Theatre. We decided to sell them online for $50. One hour before the event, a guy named Peter called me and said he wanted to buy the tickets. Since the time was limited, I told Peter to pay me the next day. Peter seemed touched and we said a fond goodbye.

However, a month later, Peter still didn’t pay me back. A few more weeks passed. Another month. There’d been one e-mail promising to mail the check, then silence.

Maybe he was having a hard time, I thought. But truth was, Peter seemed to be having a pretty normal time. According to the pictures and messages on his Facebook, he had been playing golf, dancing happily with his friends, and traveling on a boat. But he just refused to answer my calls, or reply to my e-mails or messages. So I tried reaching him with my wife’s phone one night. And he didn’t pick up when I called,but texted right back, playfully wondering who might be calling him.

“You should go to his office,”my wife said, “He would have to give you the money if all his coworkers were watching.”

But I didn’t want to become a debt collector. My efforts to reach Peter over these months had been light and I wanted to keep it that way. My initial exchange with Peter had been just two regular people agreeing to handle things humanly. There was a rare niceness in that, and I still wanted to keep that balloon in the air, however disappointing it was starting to look. I wanted to believe we could still trust each other.

1. For what reason did the author and his wife decide to sell the ticket?
A.They thought it was too cold that night.
B.They needed to look after their daughter.
C.They wanted to save some money.
D.They were going to be interviewed.
2. On the night the author sold his tickets to Peter, he________.
A.knew he might not get the $50.B.felt a little hesitant.
C.thought he could trust Peter.D.was moved by Peter’s kindness.
3. Why didn’t Peter pay the author back?
A.Because he didn’t remember it.B.Because he was too busy to pay.
C.Because he didn’t want to pay.D.Because he was having a tough time.
4. What can we infer about the author?
A.He would never trust strangers.
B.He might call the police for help.
C.He would go to Peter’s office to talk to him.
D.He still hoped Peter would pay him back.
2017-10-03更新 | 168次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I was traveling in Spain with my sister who was living there. I went into a bakery to order a couple of pastries(点心). There were different kinds of bread on a shelf, but only one kind had a little sign hanging from the shelf that said “something something borrachos”. I didn’t necessarily want that kind, but it was the only labeled one, so naturally I waved the guy behind the counter and ordered “dos borrachos por favor”.

I was pretty timid about my Spanish, so I whispered it. The men sitting near me all stopped talking and looked at me. The guy, very seriously, said, “que? quieras? (What do you want?)”

I shyly said again, with less confidence, “dos borrachos por favor.”

All the men around me started snickering(偷笑).

The guy again asked me what I wanted, and he was getting louder. He was raising his voice over the noise of the whole shop. He told me to speak up. Most of the tables now were also quiet.

I was getting a bit embarrassed. I thought he was making fun of my accent or I was pronouncing it wrong. I looked hard at the sign, made sure to pronounce correctly, and shouted “quiero dos borrachos! (I WANT 2 BORRACHOS!)”

He shouted, “aaaah, quieras dos BORRACHOS!” This time, he couldn’t keep a straight face and started guffawing(狂笑), and the rest in the shop followed.

I had no idea what was happening, so I just ran out, empty-handed and ashamed.

I came back and told my sister the story. She started laughing and explained “borrachos” means “drunk men” and the sign probably said that “drunk men were not welcome here” and that sign happened to hang under the shelf.

I had just shouted to a full shop that I WANTED a couple of drunk men.

1. Why did the author go to the shop?
A.To buy something to eat.B.To see her sister.
C.To find a drunk man.D.To practise her Spanish.
2. What does the underlined word “timid” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What made all the people in the shop laugh?
A.The author’s strange accent.B.The author’s wrong pronunciation.
C.The author’s shy behaviors.D.The author’s unusual order.
4. How was the author feeling when she left the shop?
2022-09-07更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般