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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:223 题号:12590392

UPS (联合包裹) driver Ryan Arens was making his rounds near a pond in Bozeman, Montana, when he heard an unearthly sound. “Like a cry for help,” he told the Dodo. It was December 2019, and about 15 feet from the frozen banks was the source of that cry — a half-submerged brown-and-white wirehaired hound (猎犬), struggling to hold to a thin layer of ice. How she got there no one knows, but an elderly man was already on the scene. He’d entered the pond in a rowboat and was knocked at the ice with a rock to create a path to the dog. It was slow going, and Arens, 44, thought he stood a better chance.

“Animals are my weakness,” he told the Great Falls Tribune, explaining why he stripped (拆开) down to his boxers and socks, even though the temperature was freezing cold, and commandeered the rowboat.

His heart thumping, Arens slid closer to the dog and used the other man’s rock to smash away at the ice. He gave one strong knock and slipped off the boat, crashing into 16 feet of freezing water.

He resurfaced in time to see the dog going under. Using nervous energy to keep warm, he swam about five feet toward her, grabbed hold of her collar, and pulled her to the ice. He then boosted the dog into the boat and slid it back to the shore, where anxious bystanders carried the dog to the home of the rowboat owner, a retired veterinarian. Once in the house himself, Arens jumped into a warm shower with the dog until they both defrosted (解冻). A few more minutes in the pond, the vet told Arens, the dog would have likely suffered cardiac arrest (心脏骤停).

The next day, Arens was back working the same neighborhood when the dog’s owner came over to thank him for saving Sadie. “Would you like to meet her?” he asked.

He opened the door to his pickup (皮卡), and Sadie rushed out. She made a beeline for Arens, leaping on him and bathing him in wet kisses. That special delivery, says Arens, “was the highlight of my UPS career.”

1. The underlined word “unearthly” most probably means ________.
2. What was an elderly doing when Ryan Arens arrived on the scene?
A.He was skating on the ice.
B.He was rowing in the pond.
C.He was trying to save the dog.
D.He was walking on the path.
3. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Why Arens fell into the water.
B.How Arens rescued the dog.
C.How dangerous it was in freezing water.
D.Who the dog belonged to.
4. What did Sadie do when its owner opened the door of the pickup?
A.She jumped on him.
B.She kissed him.
C.She ran directly to Arens.
D.She remained still.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Thirteen-year-old Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when Leigh Williams, her mother, told her that a little boy fell into a septic tank(化粪池)and no one could reach him.

Madison and Leigh ran to a neighbor's yard, where they found the boy's worried mother and other adults surrounding the tank opening. It stuck out a few inches above the ground and was 11 inches in width-slightly wider than a basketball-with a hatch(盖子)that had been moved unnoticed. The two-year-old boy had slipped in and was drowning in four feet of waste water inside the eight-feet-deep tank.

Madison surveyed the situation. She was the only one who could fit through the small hole. Without hesitation, she told the adults, "Lower me in. Inside, the tank was dark, and the air was smelly . In the process , she jammed her left wrist against a hidden pole , injuring the muscles in her wrist so severely that the hand was left useless.

Rather than tending to her injury ,Madison tried to feel the underwater boy. Minutes went by before she saw the outline of his foot. Madison shot her good hand out and grasped the foot tightly "Pull me up!" she shouted. Then, ten minutes after Madison had entered the tank, she and the boy were lifted out.

But the boy wasn't out of trouble. He had lacked Oxygen long enough that he wasn't breathing. He was placed on his side, and an adult hit him hard on the back. It was only when Madison heard him cry that she knew he was all right . It took Madison longer to recover than the boy, who was taken to hospital and left hospital that same night .She, however, experienced months of painful treatment, for the injury that she had postponed tending was more severe, which, says neighbor Mary Holley, made the girl's actions all the more impressive.

1. What most likely caused the boy to fall into the septic tank?
A.The tank was very hard to be noticed.
B.The boy was curious about the unknown.
C.The hatch was not in the correct position.
D.The tank opening stood out on the ground.
2. Why did Madison take longer to recover?
A.The injury to her wrist became worse
B.She wasn't sent to hospital in time.
C.She paid all her attention to the boy.
D.Serious infection set in to her wound.
3. Which of the following can be used to best describe Madison?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A lucky little boy.B.A terrible drowning accident.
C.A hidden septic tank.D.An admirable teen hero.
2020-02-19更新 | 192次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Dave Wardell’s breath came thick and fast as he struggled to keep up. In the dark alley ahead, he could make out the shape of the fleeing suspect(嫌疑人),with his police dog, Finn. The 16-year-old boy they were chasing was suspected of armed robbery, but Dave wasn’t too worried. He and Finn had been in similar situations dozens of times, and they knew exactly what to do. They were a brilliant team. Police dogs like Finn follow a lengthy training program, learning skills such as how to trace a suspect’s scent(气味)for up to four miles and how to chase and catch a suspect. In seven years, Finn had helped bring more than 200 criminals. He was brave, bold and curious, and would do anything to protect his master.

Dave thought that night would be no different. Up ahead, he saw the suspect throw himself over a fence. Finn was on him in a second, pulling him back down. In a moment of absolute horror, Dave saw him pull a long piece of bloody metal from Finn’s chest, Dave realized it was a 10-inch hunting knife. Finn was in pain, but didn’t let go of the boy’s leg.

Dave just had time to hit an emergency button on his radio. The suspect, on the fence, pulled the knife up high and aimed at Dave’s neck. In an instant, Finn jumped between them, and the knife came crashing down on Finn’s head and Dave’s hand. Straight away, Finn got hold of the boy again. Dave caught the attacker and threw him on the ground so he let go of the knife.

In time, officers surrounded the attacker, pinning him to the floor. Dave gave Finn the signal to let go, and only then did Finn drop his head to the ground.

1. Why did Dave run after the 16-year-old boy?
A.The boy hurt his beloved dog, Finn.
B.The boy was a suspect who robbed.
C.The boy robbed him and was fleeing.
D.The boy had a hunting knife with him.
2. What do we know about Finn?
A.It is a loyal pet dog to Dave.
B.It is a homeless dog adopted by Dave.
C.It is a fierce dog that can not follow orders.
D.It is an experienced police dog as a helper to Dave.
3. How did Dave feel at the beginning of their catching the boy?
A.He didn’t feel nervous.
B.He felt alarmed at the boy.
C.He didn’t think it that easy.
D.He felt mad at the armed boy.
4. Which is the best word in describing Finn?
2020-05-11更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】A merchant wanted to purchase a good-looking camel in the market and after spotting one began to bargain for it with the seller! There was a long bargain between the merchant and the camel seller, and finally the merchant bought the camel and took it home!

On reaching home, the merchant called his servant to take out the camel’s saddle. Under the   saddle, the servant found a small velvet bag which upon opening revealed him to be full of precious diamonds! The servant shouted, “Boss, you bought a camel, but look what came with it for free!”

The Merchant was also surprised when he saw diamonds in his servant’s hands which were shining and twinkling even more in the sunlight! The Merchant said: “I have bought a camel and not the diamonds, I should return it immediately!”

The servant was thinking in his mind “How stupid my boss is! Nobody will know who the owner is!”

However, the merchant did not listen to him and immediately reached the market and returned the velvet bag to the shopkeeper.

The camel seller was very happy and said, “I had forgotten that I had hidden my precious diamonds under the saddle. Now you choose any one diamond!”

The Merchant said, “I have paid the right price for the camel, so I do not need any gift and prizes!”

The more the merchant was refusing, the more the camel seller was insisting. Finally, the merchant smiled and said: “In fact, when I decided to bring back the bag, I had already kept two of the most precious diamonds with me!”

After this declaration, the camel seller was infuriated and he quickly emptied the bag and began to count his diamond! But after he counted with a heavy sigh of relief, he said “These are all my diamonds, so what were the two most precious ones that you kept?”

The Merchant said: “My honesty and my self-respect.”

1. If the servant had bought the camel, what would he have done?
A.Giving them to his master.
B.Returning the diamonds.
C.Pocketing the diamonds.
D.Dividing them with his boss.
2. Why did the seller ask the merchant take one diamond?
A.He thought he should reward him.
B.He regretted he had bargained with him.
C.He knew the he had made a big mistake.
D.He volunteered to lower the price.
3. What does the underlined word “infuriated” mean?
2024-03-08更新 | 26次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般