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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:192 题号:12887474

Doug Falter, an American photographer, returned home, teary-eyed and exhausted. He pouted online that evening, "I lost my baby." That "baby" referred to a surfboard that had been custom-made for him. Hours earlier, a big wave had separated Falter from this prized possession.

Months passed with no sign of the surfboard. Falter saved money to buy a new surfboard for $ 1,500. But Falter never completely forgot the surfboard, which - six months later and more than 5,000 miles away from where it disappeared-floated to the southern Philippines.The local fisherman who found it didn't have much use of his unusual catch of the day, so he sold the board for s 40 to Giovanne Branzuela, an elementary school teacher. Branzuela hoped to learn to surf and one day share the skill with his students,who regularly accompany him on beach clean-ups.

The once-blue board had faded to a pale straw color during its journey, but its distinctive markings were still there: two elephants, one at either end. Underneath the elephants were the words "Doug Falter Surfboard".

Branzuela couldn't believe it on realizing how far the surfboard had traveled. He reached Falter online and sent him a photo of the surfboard. Falter was shocked to learn that his "baby"had drifted(漂流) across the world's largest ocean and survived. He was overjoyed.

But the story was far from over. Falter wanted to thank Branzuela with some surfing supplies for his kind act, but the teacher asked for school supplies instead, such as backpacks for his students and materials to help them learn English.

Falter said it made him raise money for the kids. So far, he has collected $ 2,500,which he has used to buy and ship maps, puzzles, classroom posters, textbooks, and workbooks.

1. What happened to Doug Falter that afternoon?
A.His baby was lost on the beach.B.The sea carried away his surfboard.
C.He took excellent photos of the surf.D.His custom-made camera was damaged.
2. Why did Giovanne Branzuela buy the surlboard?
A.He liked the pale straw color of it.
B.He found it belonged to Doug Falter.
C.He found the fisherman charged low for it.
D.He wanted to learn a new skill to teach his students.
3. What can we infer about the surfboard?
A.Branzuela kept it as a prized possession.
B.Branzuela's students learned surfing with it.
C.It was returned to its owner after a long journey.
D.Falter sold it to help Philippine children.
4. Which of the following can best describe Giovanne Branzuela?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Sewing is an art. It is one that takes patience, time, and true talent. Julia,a woman from Chicago, is the definition of a talented tailor.

Julia’s inspiration for her designs comes from her grandma’s sketches (草图) from the 1940s. Julia’s grandma went to fashion school in her late teens and dropped out but she kept many of her sketches. Grandma showed Julia the designs she made back in fashion school, and Julia’s mind was blown.

When Grandma expressed her regret for not having the opportunity to see her sketches come to life, Julia decided not to have Grandma wait to witness it.

After sewing her grandma’s designs, Julia has been posting the final products on social media one by one, which has made popular. One of the most excellent designs she made was a beautiful gold cocktail dress, which took Julia about two months to finish.

Julia taught herself how to sew and has no professional training. Every month or so Julia continues to make her grandma’s designs a reality. Julia says,“She was very happy. I think she loves getting to connect with me and have something to do because she’s at a stage in life where, you know, many people don’t have many things to do. I think she is really proud and excited that I have completed it.”

From the social media, Julia has even gotten offers from people willing to buy her dresses, Julia is very pleased, but she claims since she isn’t an expert, she doesn’t feel comfortable selling them. However, seeing Julia teach herself how to sew with social media videos and design these dresses is giving her viewers the confidence to attempt something of their own!

1. How did Julia like Grandma’s sketches?
A.She was excited about them
B.She thought they were out of fashion.
C.She felt regretful for their poor preservation
D.She thought they were inspirational to other designers.
2. Why did Julia do sewing?
A.To prove her talent.
B.To test her patience.
C.To attract people’s attention.
D.To help realize Grandma’s wish.
3. How did Julia learn sewing?
A.She consulted professionals.
B.She attended a fashion school.
C.She learned from social media videos.
D.She followed Grandma’s instructions
4. What is the viewers’ attitude towards Julia’s posts on social media?
2023-05-21更新 | 161次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Ahlam Sarai,a 54-year-old Syrian woman,finally realized her dream of opening the first vegetarian(素食的)restaurant in her hometown of Sweida.

Sarai’s dream began more than 1l years ago, when she was inspired by her two children, who had decided to become vegetarians, and tried to cook appealing food without meat or other animal products. After becoming a master cook of vegetarian dishes, an idea came to her mind, which was “Why don’t I open a restaurant to cook vegetarian dishes for people?”

However, Sarai tried running the business from home at first due to a lack of money and resources needed to open a restaurant. She promoted her home-made vegetarian dishes on social media and delivered the food by bus. When Sarai’s business grew, she met her current partner and opened a restaurant which has grown larger in the past year and attracted more customers. She also brought in a young dessert chef, a vegetarian who makes desserts with natural sweeteners(甜味剂)such as grapes and molasses(糖浆). Now every morning,Sarai comes to the kitchen, puts on a head covering and gloves,and cooks various vegetarian dishes for her customers.

The Syrian woman hopes to spread the idea of vegetarianism in her country, where meat is the main ingredient in the majority of the local cuisines, by creating a special place for vegetarians who may feel uncomfortable when dining out with friends.

Zeir Atrash, a 22-year-old regular customer of Sarai’s restaurant, said that she felt a sense of belonging after the vegetarian restaurant was opened in Sweida, as she used to feel embarrassed when going to normal restaurants with her friends.

Nowadays, even restaurants in the capital Damascus have started to order food from Sarai’s restaurant in Sweida to cater to(迎合)the vegetarians and other customers curious about this kind of food. It is worth noting that non-vegetarian eaters are attracted partly by the much lower prices Sarai’s restaurant offers, since many are struggling with their livelihoods in the tough economic situation.

1. Why does the author write the second paragraph?
A.To explain what food a vegetarian tends to consume.
B.To emphasize how Sarai would open a vegetarian restaurant.
C.To reveal the inspiration for Sarai to open a vegetarian restaurant.
D.To praise Ahlam Sarai for her determination to realize her childhood dream.
2. How is the third paragraph mainly developed?
A.By following the time order.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing causes and effects.D.By giving examples.
3. What is Ahlam Sarai’s purpose of opening the vegetarian restaurant?
A.To increase her children’s appetite.
B.To expand her business in a short time.
C.To improve the health of the local population.
D.To raise awareness of vegetarianism in Syria.
4. What is the appeal of Sarai’s restaurant to non-vegetarians?
A.It charges much less money.B.It offers online reservations.
C.It provides a home delivery service.D.It serves desserts with natural sweeteners.
2023-01-31更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Latanya DeVaughn设法开了一家特殊的书店——Bronx Bound Books,尽自己的一份力量确保附近的每个人都有书读。

【推荐3】What will you do when one of the few bookstores in your neighborhood shuts down? If you’re Latanya DeVaughn, you will make a new and improved one! As a mom and writer, she had always dreamed of opening her own bookstore, so after watching another close its doors for good, she saw her chance.

While Latanya said every neighborhood deserved a bookstore, actually making it happen simply wasn’t possible. What she came up with instead was to turn a bus into a bookmobile! With the help of her community, she raised money for her dream and, at the end of 2021, it came true! Bronx Bound Books rolled out in style as a bus with orange cube bookshelves. “People love the way it smells,” Latanya added. “One woman said the wood smell makes her feel like she’s at home.”

Although the bookstore on wheels carries around 30,000 new and used books, it has more room than you might expect! Latanya also makes sure to prepare books with a variety of characters, so all readers can see themselves in the pages. Of course, her collection also features works of noted Black authors like James Baldwin and Alice Walker. “It’s meant to be that way,” she explained, “because I remember going to bookstores and having to look through books just to find someone I felt I could identify with.”

Setting up her bookstore in a new spot each day, Latanya is doing her part to make sure that everyone in the neighborhood has books to read. That’s what Bronx Bound Books is for. “I can’t open up a bookstore on every corner, but I can probably pop up on tons of different corners,” she said.

Thanks to Latanya and her Bronx Bound Books, the town is becoming a heaven for book lovers day by day. I’m sure that the little bookstore will continue to develop quickly!

1. How did Latanga DeVoughn respond to the shutdown of bookstores?
A.She took over and reopened them soon.B.She set up her own special bookstore.
C.She opened bookstores on every block.D.She called on neighbors to open a new one.
2. James Baldwin and Alice Walker are mentioned in paragraph 3 to show that________.
A.it’s hard to store books with various characters.B.all readers can identify with Black authors.
C.Latanya cares for individual readers’ need.D.Bronx Bound Books has limited room.
3. Why is Bronx Bound Books open?
A.To recycle old books around the neighborhood.
B.To raise money for Latanya DeVaughn’s dream.
C.To make reading accessible to everyone in the neighborhood.
D.To open up a bookstore on every comer across the world.
4. What does the author think of Bronx Bound Books?
2023-05-13更新 | 69次组卷
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