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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:420 题号:1778233
All around the world, shoppers flock to Wal-Mart to buy everything. In Texas, they come for another reason: to see the wind turbine(涡轮机), which supplies 5% of the store’s electricity. It along with other facilities, such as exterior walls coated with heat-reflective paint, makes this Wal-Mart a green giant.
The laws of economics suggest that Wal-Mart, with 5, 200 stores worldwide, influences everything including the price of all kinds of goods. It throws its weight behind environmental responsibility, and the impact could be amazing. “One little change in product packaging could save 1, 500 trees,” says Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott.“If everybody saves 1, 500 trees or 50 barrels of oil, at the end of the day you have made a huge difference.”
Scott wants Wal-Mart to do its part too. He has promised to cut the existing greenhouse-gas emissions(排放)over the next few years and promised to construct new stores that are more efficient. He wants Wal-Mart’s fleet of more than 7, 000 trucks to get twice as many miles per gallon by 2015. Factories that show Wal-Mart they’re cutting air pollution will get preferential treatment in the supply chain. Wal-Mart says it’s working with consumer-product manufacturers to reduce their packaging and will reward them if they do so.
Some people may doubt it is a bid to attract attention from Wal-Mart’s controversial labor and health-insurance practices. But it’s not just window dressing, because Wal-Mart sees profits in going green. Scott says, “___________________________ We don’t go where we don’t think there’s a great interest in change.”
Like Bill Gates, who started his charitable foundation, Scott happens to be promoting Wal-Mart’s image at a time when his company’s reputation is declining. He acknowledges that he launched the plan partly to shield (保护)Wal-Mart from bad press about its contribution to global warming. “By doing what we’re doing today, we avoid the headline risks that are going to come for people who did not do anything,” he says. “At some point businesses will be held responsible for the action they take.” Meanwhile, should Wal-Mart succeed at shrinking its environmental footprint and lowering prices for green products, both the planet and the company will profit.
1. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.Lee Scott is Wal-Mart’s CEO
B.there are 5, 200 stores in the world
C.Wal-Mart has a great influence on the world market
D.Wal-Mart has more than 7, 000 trucks all over the world
2. What does the underlined sentence “This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophy.” mean in the fourth paragraph?
A.Wal-Mart predicts huge profits in its green activity.
B.Wal-Mart’s green activity is just window dressing.
C.Wal-Mart aims to solve its health-insurance practices.
D.Wal-Mart doesn’t have any social responsibility at all.
3. What will Wal-Mart probably do in the future?
A.Reduce air pollution in its present stores.
B.Give favorable treatment to its consumers.
C.Ask the factories to reduce their packaging.
D.Demand the fleet of trucks to use more fuel than before.
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Provide the background of the green plan.
B.Stress the purpose of Wal-Mart’s green plan.
C.Present the risk that Wal-Mart is facing nowadays.
D.Analyze the similarity between Bill Gates and Scott.
13-14高三上·黑龙江绥化·阶段练习 查看更多[5]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Avantium, a renewable chemical company based in the Netherlands, plans to start making plastics from plant sugars rather than fossil fuels, according to The Guardian. Plant sugars from wheat, beets and corn will be used to produce the plant plastic.

“This plastic has very attractive sustainability certificate because it uses no fossil fuels, and can be recycled— but would also break down in nature much faster than normal plastics do,” said Tom Van Aken, Avantium’s chief executive. The plant plastic would break down within a year using a composter or a few years longer under normal outdoor conditions according to trials.

Bottle manufacturer Alpla and packaging developer BillerudKorsnas are also working with Avantium on the drive to produce the world’s first 100 percent recyclable and biodegradable plant-based bottles which is known as the Paper Bottle Project, according to Green Matters.

The project is currently backed by Coca-Cola and Danone, a food and beverage company.

“It is a milestone in the development of high-value applications such as specialty bottles,” said Avantium marketing director Marcel Lubben.

Despite the coronavirus lockdowns, the project is still on track. More partnerships with food and drink companies will be revealed later as businesses continue to seek environmentally friendly alternatives to ensure the future of their bottled products.

Plant plastic may appear in supermarkets by 2023. The project will produce 5,000 tons of plastic every year and increase its production as the demand for renewable plastic rises.

1. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.The advantages of plant plastic.B.The way of producing the paper bottles.
C.The raw materials of plant-based bottles.D.The companies associated with the project.
2. What is Marcel Lubben’s attitude to the Project?
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The coronavirus held back the development of the research.
B.Coca-Cola and Danone have made a profit out of the project.
C.The number of plant-based bottles will satisfy the demand by 2023.
D.An increasing number of companies will be involved in the project.
4. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Plant Plastic on the way.B.Plant Sugars, a New Material.
C.The Choices of Bottle Products.D.Increasing Demand for Plastic Products.
2021-05-25更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约590词) | 适中 (0.64)
【推荐2】If you were given a chance to choose your favorite life metaphor(比喻), what would it be? Do you agree with Forrest Gump’s mother that life is “a box of chocolates” because “you never know what you’re going to get”? Or do you prefer the phrase from the 1930’s song that “life is just a bowl of cherries(樱桃)”? Though simply stated, each conveys a very different view. A “box” implies mystery, because we don’t know what is in a closed box. Meanwhile, a “bowl” of cherries is completely in view.
For many centuries, the metaphor of life that probably burst into most people’s mind was the one suggested by Shakespeare: “All of life is a stage…” On that stage, we take seven roles. More recently, psychologist Erik Erikson took up the idea of life as a stage. Erikson regarded development as a “powerful unfolding” in which we are driven from one stage to the next as our bodies, minds, and social roles develop.
Stage metaphors fit with many of our common-sense ideas about change, but the problem with the stage metaphor is that it isn’t particularly accurate. None of the studies that try to clarify the universality of adult life stages actually studied people as they developed over time. All of them were based on performances of their samples(样本) at one point in time. People’s actual lives don’t fit into these stage metaphors. They don’t automatically transform when people reach a certain age. Instead, people’s real lives are messy, unpredictable, and full of surprises.
Today, I’d like to focus on an even longer study, an 80-year study which is the subject of a recent book by Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin. Their final chapter summarizes the “many changes of healthy and unhealthy pathways” that their participants took over the course of their lives. As I too discovered in my research, the pathway provides a perfect metaphor of human development. We don’t all go down the same road marked with the same signposts based on age. People travel through diverse routes as they track the years of adulthood. Friedman and Martin use health and long life as their measure; I’ve used sense of achievement. In both cases, we are in perfect agreement in evaluating development not according to age but “the key features of life”.
The paths that Friedman and Martin describe seize the changes that characterize people as they age. Some examples are “The High Road” (reliable, full of plans); “Not Easy Street” (exposed to high stress throughout life), “Catastrophe Lane” (a downwardly twisty life); “Happy Trails to You” (cheerful, sociable), “The Road to Resilience” (able to handle stress with a strong will). Though I haven’t yet been able to follow my participants for 80 years, I too saw some of these pathways among my samples: “The Minding Way” , “The Downward Slope” , “The Straight and Narrow Path” , and “The Successful Trail”.
The pathway metaphor gives you hope for changing the direction of your life if you are unhappy with it so far. You can’t stop the clock from ticking the minutes between one birthday and the next, but you can adjust the road that you’re on by changing yourself, your situation, or both.
1. The author introduces the topic of the passage in the first paragraph by ______.
A.making comparisonsB.giving examples
C.describing scenesD.providing explanations
2. According to the passage, the “stage metaphor” ______.
A.leads to misunderstandings
B.is used in memory of Shakespeare
C.doesn’t exactly reflect one’s real life
D.hasn’t enough stages to clarify life changes
3. The author is convinced of the life metaphor Friedman and Martin suggest because she ______.
A.spent less time on her researchB.has found their book a bestseller
C.considers their measure more scientificD.got a similar finding to theirs
4. When a person is facing difficulties bravely, which metaphor can best describe him?
A.“Not Easy Street”B.“Happy Trails to You”
C.“Catastrophe Lane”D.“The Road to Resilience”
5. What does the passage focus on?
A.The pathway as a perfect life metaphor.
B.Various views on life metaphors.
C.The stage as a common life metaphor.
D.Different kinds of life metaphors.
2015-06-11更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Every four or five years, vast quantities of warm water build up along the west coast of South America. This phenomenon, El Nino, creates storms that cause destructive floods. The result is costly.

Modern farmers come to terms with El Nino. They use money saved in good years to rebuild in bad ones. But history suggests it need not be like that. In a paper published recently, Ari Caramanica, an archaeologist at University of the Pacific, in Lima, shows how it used to be done. And the answer seems to be, “better”.

Dr Caramanica and her colleagues have been studying the Pampa de Mocan, a coastal desert plain in northern Peru. Pampa de Mocan is not suitable for farming. Its soil contains little organic matter and the annual rainfall in non-Nino years is usually less than two centimeters. Today’s farmers therefore depend on canals to carry water from local rivers to their fields.

It had been assumed that ancient farmers had a similar arrangement — and so they did. But Dr Caramanica also found eight canals that could carry water far beyond the range of modern farms. She thinks that they were intended to guide the floodwaters arriving during Nino years. Around a quarter of the ancient agricultural infrastructure of this area seems to have been built only for managing Nino-generated floodwaters.

Evidence from pollen supports this theory, revealing that Pampa de Mocan produced lots of crops in some years, while remaining nearly barren in others. The team also uncovered two cisterns in the area serviced by the extended canals. These, probably, were used to store extra flood-water.

These findings suggest that, rather than resisting El Nino, early farmers in Pampa de Mocan were ready to make use of it when it arrived. Modern farmers might do well to learn from them.

1. What does the recent study focus on?
A.Living with El Nino.B.Effects of El Nino.
C.Farming on desert.D.Water shortage in Peru.
2. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Ancient farmers.B.Rivers.C.Farms.D.Canals.
3. What lesson can be learned from early farmers?
A.Every advantage has its disadvantage.B.In every difficulty lies an opportunity.
C.Sharp tools make good work.D.It’s never too late to mend.
4. In which section of a website may this text appear?
2021-04-19更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般