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阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Imagine you are watching a movie you've been waiting months to see at a movie theater. All of a sudden, a man's cell phone rings. Not only does the man answer it, he keeps talking on the phone for a long time. Situations like this make many people need cell blocking equipment (屏蔽设备). While this is quite understandable, it's much fairer and safer to allow people to use their cell phones in movie theaters.

Using cell phones in movie theaters is a matter of culture. If you look around a theater, most people there are not using phones and are enjoying the film they paid to see. The few bad apples are those that are rude (粗鲁的) in almost all situations, and those who shout at waiters and cut in line. Putting in the blocking equipment would cause trouble for everyone, not just the impolite, but the polite people as well.

There are also some people who disagree to put in cell phone blocking equipment because of emergency situations (紧急情况). There are times when people might be getting a message that needs them to leave the theater. Some of these might be car accidents, births, deaths, or someone getting locked out etc. All of these are situations that would just need someone to leave the theater at once.

Putting in cell phone blocking equipment would be unfair to those who know how to use their phones politely. The answer to this problem is to make sure rules are followed, not to stop everyone in the theater from using their cell phones.

1. The man mentioned in Paragraph 1 can be described as ________.
2. According to the text, the bad apples ________.
A.are rude not just in movie theatersB.show no interest in the movies at all
C.welcome the blocking equipmentD.like to spend money on the newest phone
3. How does the writer explain that cell blocking equipment is bad for emergency situations?
A.By giving examples.B.By comparing two situations.
C.By giving advice.D.By sharing a saying.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P=Paragraph)
2020-12-10更新 | 144次组卷 | 3卷引用:【杭州新东方】【初中英语621】新东方八下开学考

2 . How do you feel about nature? After spending hours indoors, do you feel better when you visit your local park? Most people think that nature is good for our bodies and brains. However, humans are spending more time inside and less time outside. For example, the number of visitors to Canada's national parks is getting lower every year. And in countries such as the USA, only 10% teenagers can spend time outside every day. Many doctors feel this is a problem in the 2lst century.

As a result, some doctors are studying the connection between nature and health: one example of this is the work of Dr. Matilda in Sweden. The doctor gave people a maths test. During the test, their heart rates(心率)were fast. After the test, one group of people sat in a 3D-vitual-reality(虚拟现实)room for fifteen minutes with pictures and sounds of nature. Their heart rates were slower than people's in the other group.

The virtual touch with nature helped them feel more relaxed. Another god example of how nature is good for health comes from Canada. In Toronto, researchers studied 31,000 people living in the city. In general, they found that healthier people lived near parks.

Because of studies like these, some countries and cities want nature to be part of people's everyday life. In Dubai, for example, there are plans for a new shopping mall with a large garden so shoppers can relax outside with trees, plants and water. In Switzerland, "forest schools" are popular. Many children study their subjects in the forests and do lots of exercise outside.

And South Korea is another good example: it has new forests near its cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year. So after building cities for so long, perhaps it's now time to start rebuilding nature.

1. The writer starts the passage by __________.
A.telling storiesB.comparing numbers
C.asking questionsD.giving suggestions
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.In Switzerland, many children study in the forests and do lots of activities outside.
B.In South Korea, about 13 million people visit new forests near the cities every year.
C.In Dubai, a new shopping mall with a large garden has been built already.
D.In the USA, only 10% teenagers can spend time outside every day.
3. We can infer from the passage that __________.
A.fewer and fewer Canadians will live near parks
B.people used to break the rule of nature to develop cities
C.the virtual touch with nature helped them feel more relaxed
D.people's heart rates get quicker in a 3D-virtual-reality room
4. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?
(①=Para. (自然段)1 ②-Para. 2③-Para. 3 ④=Para. 4 ⑤=Para. 5……)
A.①; ②; ③④⑤B.①②; ③; ④⑤
C.①②; ③④; ⑤D.①; ②③; ④⑤
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . ①Can students wear their favorite clothes to school? In some schools, students can. But in Wood church High School, a middle school in Birkenhead, the UK, students can’t. Why?

②The school says some students always wear expensive(昂贵的)clothes, and it is difficult for the poor(贫穷的)students. They can’t always buy expensive clothes. Some teachers think it can bring many problems to them. They may be sorry because their parents can’t make so much money to buy expensive clothes for them. Then they may not be happy in school.

③Some people think Wood church High School is ___________. When students wear uniforms, they only think about their study, not their clothes. So it is good for them.

④But other people think students can wear what they like. Expensive clothes are usually comfortable(舒适的) for students to wear. Also, students can wear them for a very long time. If a student has some expensive clothes, it’s a waste (浪费)of money to stop him or her weaning them.

1. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?
A.Some parents.B.All the students.C.Poor students.D.Teachers.
2. Which of the following is the best to be put back into the blank “____________”?
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Wood church High School only welcomes poor students.
B.Not all people think expensive clothes are not good for students.
C.School uniforms are always expensive.
D.The writer thinks it is a waste of money to wear expensive clothes.
4. What is the structure(结构) of the passage?
2020-11-12更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:【杭州新东方】【初中英语562】新东方七下4月复课检测

4 . Who is Li Ziqi? For 7 million YouTube viewers and 20 million Weibo users, it’s easy to answer. The 29-year-old vlogger’s videos about her country life recently become well-known. Her fans call her “the goddess of nature.”

She is worthy of this title. Cooking, painting, designing, farming, she is good at practising many kinds of skills. In her videos, Li wears Hanfu, Chinese traditional clothes that she made herself. She also keeps silkworms in order to make quilts (被子) for winter. Li grows plants as well. She is often seen preparing meals with vegetables picked from her backyard. She eats a seasonal diet.

“She performs the work of a famer with the grace of a fairy,” the South China Morning Post said.

Li was raised by her grandparents in a small village in Sichuan province. When she was 14, she went to the city to work, but returned to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her grandmother who was not in good health.

To make a living, Li runs an online store. At first, she just used her videos to advertise her products. But the simple pleasures she presented quickly won her many fans and she was encouraged to make more videos to show her traditional lifestyle. “In such a tech-driven age, where everything comes so quickly, it's nice to watch such a slow process shown without her getting stressed,” one of her fans said online.

For her global audience, what is even more interesting is Li’s deep understanding of food, nature and Chinese culture. “I can see how good Chinese people are at cooking! I never thought of preserving (保存) meat like that!” one foreign fan wrote on YouTube.

As China Daily said, Li shows the world that Chinese people love good food and are good at making art out of the simplest materials. With her videos, she has spread Chinese culture to the world.

1. Why does the writer think Li Ziqi is worthy of the title “the goddess of nature”?
A.Because she knows many kinds of skills.
B.Because her country life recently become well-known.
C.Because she has many fans.
D.Because she has the ability to make a living through making videos.
2. What does the underlined word “silkworm” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. The writer mainly wants to tell us________in Paragraph 5.
A.why Li made a livingB.why Li runs an online store
C.how fans get less stressedD.why fans like Li and her videos
4. Which is the correct order according to the passage?
① Li came back to the village to look after her grandmother.
② Li began to make videos to advertise the products she sold in her online store.
③ Li grew up in a small village with her grandmother.
④ Li becomes famous at home and abroad because of the videos.
⑤ Li practises cooking, painting, designing and farming.
2020-09-25更新 | 214次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题

5 . The FDA is the common name for the Food and Drug Administration (食品药品监督管理局). It is a government agency that makes food and drugs safe. It regulates (调节) food and the food supply. It also controls diet supplement ( 补充物). The FDA also makes sure that drugs and medical instruments are safe and effective.

For drugs and medical machines to be accepted, they must go through a certain process. There are many strict tests. First anything that humans use must be tested on animals. This may take up to 6 years. Then, it must be tested with a few people. Testing on 15 to 20 people can last up to a year and a half. Third, a mid-sized group (100 to 500 people) is used. This often takes two years. Then a large group is tested over 3 years. Of 5,000 drugs discovered, only 5 go to the final test. Of that, only one passes on to the market Food supplements like ginseng ( 人 参 ) follow a different path. The FDA does not test them as they do for drugs. The agency only controls these products if they are unsafe but are already being sold. Two exceptions are baby and medical food. Because those consumers who use them are not strong, the FDA is more careful with these products.

Labeling ( 标 签 ) is a major focus. A label must show what a product is for. For drugs,labels should say the name of the drug and what it is used for. It should also detail who should take it and list any side effects (副作用). It needs to detail directions for pregnant (怀孕的) women, children, or old people. It also needs to detail safety information.

The FDA protects the public from harm. It achieves this through controls and labeling. It has standards for effectiveness in medical products. It also has standards for how information is shared.

1. According to the passage, how many drugs make it to the market?
A.Nearly five thousand.B.One of five thousand.
C.Five of five thousand.D.Over five thousand.
2. “Food supplements” is used as an example to show_________.
A.things the FDA avoidsB.things the FDA controls
C.things the FDA buysD.things the FDA refuses
3. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
4. Which of the following is Not True?
A.The FDA is a government agency that is responsible for the safety of food and drugs.
B.It takes a long time for a drug to enter the market,
C.All the food supplements are not tested in the same way as drugs.
D.The FDA protects the public through controls and labeling.
2020-09-25更新 | 174次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题

6 . A few weeks ago, we attended a lesson given by our classmate Wu Ruijie who talked about some of her experiences in America. It was very interesting and lively, we all listened carefully and were moved by the lesson.

During the lesson, she shared some stories about her daily life in the United States with us and some culture shocks(文化冲突) that she experienced. I still remember the story she told which took place in the New York subway. One day, she was talking to her Chinese friend on her mobile phone while a black woman was standing beside her. She often used a Chinese word whose pronunciation was similar to the rude N-word, so the black woman started to very angrily glare at (怒视) her. This was only one of her stories.

Ms. Tang also shared a story she had experienced when she was in Australia. On a hot sunny day, while she was walking on the street holding an umbrella to protect her from the strong sunlight, suddenly a man behind her said to her, “is it raining?” The reason is that in Australia people don’t use umbrellas on sunny days, so the man thought it was strange and asked Ms Tang.

Through the embarrassing stories, we can see many differences from country to country to decide how we should face these situations when we go abroad. Here are some suggestions: First, we should respect everyone wherever we are. Second, learn some local culture before you get there. Third, if you make some mistakes, you should explain the reasons. Finally, keep a kind heart at all times.

All in all, culture shock is not a big deal as long as we treat others kindly. Please pay attention to learning Western culture.

1. If you say a word similar to the N-word to a black man, he will think__________.
A.you are interesting
B.you are boring
C.you are lonely
D.You are unfriendly
2. When we go abroad and face the differences, we___________.
A.should only respect the local people
B.should leave the country at once
C.should keep a kind heart at all times
D.should take a lot of money with us
3. The organization of this passage is___________.
4. The writer’s purpose is to____________.
A.show people how to respect the black woman
B.encourage people to be more active
C.give suggestions to deal with the culture shock
D.share some interesting stories with people
2020-09-16更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市萧山区高桥初中2020-2021学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题

7 . How are you feeling today? Often when we ask people that question, they reply “not bad”, or “could be worse”. But what would make us feel “perfect”? Maybe we could live better by being healthier, less stressed, more active– but how?

Of course there are many ways for improving our mental health(精神健康状态), but sometimes there are small and simple ways to help improve our health. It’s something the BBC TV program Easy Ways to Live Well has been looking at. It offered several health suggestions. And maybe they could help us.

Firstly, to deal with putting on weight and to cut the calories (热量), the program found the strong smell of peppermint (薄荷) can distract our brain from the food we’re thinking about. That is to say, peppermint can help us give up the idea to have a snack.

If your addiction (上瘾) to your smartphone is getting you down, it’s suggested that turning your phone screen white and black helps you cut down screen time because a black and white screen becomes less pleasant to look at. With recent studies showing our phones can make us 26% less productive and give us less stress.

Imagine a swim in ice-cold water? Well, the BBC program found a daily swim in freezing water gets you used to the stress of doing it and therefore prepares you for other life stresses. And another way to relax is to leave your smartphone at home, lose yourself in a forest, and breathe in the fresh air. Forest bathing is the perfect medicine for the stresses of city life.

In conclusion, whatever way we choose, it seems any change to our lifestyle can help improve our body and mind.

1. What’s the writer’s purpose (目的) in writing the first paragraph?
A.To introduce one of the ways for improving health.
B.To provide readers with more background information.
C.To call on more people to focus on the topic.
D.To draw out the topic of the passage.
2. The underlined word “distract” in Paragraph 3 probably means _______.
A.make something less or smaller in size, amount, price, etc
B.feel uncertain about something and do not know if it is true or possible
C.take someone’s interest away from what they are trying to do
D.like one activity very much and spend as much time doing it as they can
3. It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that _______.
A.forest bathing can help you get away from the stresses of city life
B.making the phone screen colorful helps you free from your your phone
C.swimming in ice-cold water every day can help you eat less
D.smelling peppermint from time to time can make you do your job better
4. Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage?(1=paragraph 1 …)
2020-09-16更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市第一一0中学校2020-2021学年九年级上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . ①The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits (好处) to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

②Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology in the application (应用) of science has made big advancesthat have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

③The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings: in pure science —a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning; in applied science —a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.

④Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction (大规模杀伤武器) has created a real danger to the continued existence (存在) of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons. Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.

⑤William Shakespeare said, “The web of our life is of a mingled yarn (纱线), good and ill together.” The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities — science seems to prove what Shakespeare said. But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?

1. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
2. From the fourth paragraph, we can infer (推断) that .
A.a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for war
B.a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for war
C.the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weapons
D.the author is anxious (焦虑的) about the huge number of nuclear weapons on the earth
3. The underlined word "mingled" in the last paragraph most probably means .
4. What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?
A.Further application of science to war.
B.More reading of William Shakespeare.
C.Proper use of science in the new century.
D.Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.

9 . Monday, Oct. 23, marks the beginning of Shuangjiang or "Frost's Descent", the 18thof the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar .It usually falls around October 23 and ends around November 7, making it the last term of autumn and meaning the last two weeks of the season. Since many foreign tourists have known little about, here is some information about it.

An end and new beginning

By the time of Shuangjiang. most of the harvesting (丰收) work is already completed in northern China .Farmers are now able to enjoy a period of rest.

But in the south .the harvest is still in its best time, as farmers have to take home the sweet potatoes before they are destroyed by the coming frost.

Across the country, after year of farming, now it is time to plow the fields and prepare the soil for next year.

Enjoy the flaming red maple leaves (枫叶)

Autumn might be the most colorful season in China with the leaves turning from golden yellow to red. Activities like hiking become popular as people appreciate the bright red leaves.

Nearly all the tourist websites list the best places for admiring the red maple leaves during this time, and many cities start to offer official routes for the best views of the leaves.

Appreciating in the view an old tradition starting in ancient times .Du Mu ,a well-known poet from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) described the mountainous scenery in a poem :“ stopped the coach as charmed by the maple woods ; Frosted autumn leaves outshine February flowers in redness.”

Best time to adjust (调整)to a healthy lifestyle

It is said that Shuangjiang is the best time to adjust to a nourishing (营养的) life, which reflects the belief that this is an important time to focus (关注) on health."Keeping warm "should be dealt with first.

Persimmon is the most popular fruit in many areas .Chinese believe that persimmon could not only keep off the coldness ,but also strengthen the muscles and bones .Other fruits ,including apples and bananas, are believed to help provide the necessary nutrition for the human body.

1. The writer uses the poem to show that ______.
A.poets take more interest in autumn
B.it has just become popular for people to appreciate the bright red leaves
C.different routes are provided for us to enjoy the view
D.admiring the autumn view is a Chinese traditional custom
2. By saying "Keeping warm should be dealt with first", the author probably means that ______.
A.People might feel warmer around Shuangjiang.
B.People usually have difficulty keeping warm around Shuangjiang.
C.It's unnecessary to keep warm around Shuangjiang
D.It's more important to keep warm than other things around Shuangjiang.
3. This passage probably tries to interest _______.
A.kids aged 3-6B.travelers from other countries
C.rock music loversD.football fans
4. Which of the following structures will you choose for the mind map of this passage?
2020-09-15更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学2019-2020学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . "The Chinese Dream" is a hot topic of this year. Many young people are inspired(鼓舞) by the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Here is some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.

Never giving up is the key to making our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not full of roses. It sometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.

Cooperation is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides, in our society most problems can't be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.

At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages(优缺点) as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.

Follow the suggestions above, then our dreams are sure to come true.

1. How many suggestions of making dreams come true are mentioned in this passage?
2. We can achieve our dreams by          .
A.giving up our dreamsB.solving problems alone
C.failing from time to timeD.knowing our advantages and disadvantages
3. How is this passage organized?
4. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.The Chinese DreamB.Cooperation Is Necessary
C.Examine Our AbilitiesD.Advice on How to Realize Our Beautiful Dreams
2020-04-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 2卷引用:【杭州新东方】【初中英语553】新东方八下4月回校检测
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