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阅读理解-五选四(约110词) | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

Ben is very happy because it is Friday(周五)today. Every Friday evening, he eats out with his parents.     1     Mr. Jackson eats beef noodles and Mrs. Jackson eats tomato and egg noodles. What about Ben? He has fish.     2    

At dinner, Ben’s parents talk about their work. Mr. Jackson is a policeman and Mrs. Jackson is a doctor. Now they are very tired(累的). But they love their jobs. Ben says something about his school life.     3     His name is Jack, and he’s from London. Jack loves playing basketball. Ben loves basketball, too. But table tennis is his favorite sport. Jack has a very good eating habit(习惯).     4     And he doesn’t eat junk food(垃圾食品),

A.He thinks it is very delicious.
B.He eats lots of vegetables and fruit every day.
C.He has a new friend.
D.But he doesn’t vegetables.
E.This Friday, they have dinner in a Chinese restaurant(餐馆).
2023-09-02更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市2022-2023学年七年级上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Do you drink milk every day?     1     That milk is good for your health. But is that the truth? Let’s take a closer look! Milk might be one of the best things we can drink. It has a lot of nutrients(营养物质) to help children grow.     2     Calcium gives us strong bones. Vitamins can regulate(调节)the metabolism(新陈代谢)of the human body. Without them, our body can’t work well. Doctors say that milk is also good for our teeth and heart.     3     So if you have trouble getting to sleep at night, it is a good idea to drink some milk before going to bed.     4     For example, drinking a lot of milk (three or more times a day)may make children get fat. And milk might not actually make our bones stronger. That’s because some scientists discovered that people who drank too much milk also had some problems with their bones. In a word, milk may not be a super food(超级食物), but it can really give us a lot of nutrients.

A.So should we still drink milk?
B.It’s rich in calcium and vitamins.
C.Besides, a glass of warm milk can help us get a good sleep.
D.However, some studies show milk may cause health problems.
E.Maybe your mother wants you to drink milk every day.
2023-06-08更新 | 170次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市铁西区雨田实验中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约130词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . People often talks about healthy children.     1     If you are healthy, your body works well, and you can do all the things you want to do. Parents only ask the children to have healthy meals.     2    

Eat different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetable. You may have a favorite food, but you’d better eat different kinds of food. If you do so, you can meet more of your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while. Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are more pleasing.     3    

    4     When you’re really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Children need calcium to grow strong bones, and milk is the best choice. Maybe you will want something other, so it’s OK to have 100% juice, too.

A.The more water, the better.
B.So you can have some every day.
C.Drink water and milk most often.
D.But children can also do something by themselves.
E.They want to know how to help children keep healthy.
2023-05-27更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大版英语七年级下册Unit 3 Food and Drink 单元练习卷
阅读理解-五选四(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的六个选项中选出四个可以填入空白处的最佳选项

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” These words of Benjamin Franklin have been backed by science. It has been proved that morning people are persistent and active. It leads to better performance, greater success, and higher standards of living. Rising up early also reduces stress because it gives you the time to squeeze in a workout before you get distracted(心烦意乱的).     1    

Recent research has found that late sleepers generally need about 248 more calories than those who rise early. They prefer to only eat half as much fruit and vegetables and twice as much fast food as those early risers.

    2    You should limit the usage of smartphones at once before going to bed, which will help you become an early riser. Researchers have also said that early morning is the best time to study and gain knowledge. It will help you in staying ahead in the class and keep your grades up.

If you get into the habit of rising early and going to bed early you are more likely to have a better sleeping pattern.     3    You will feel more energetic throughout the day, and complete your goals in a faster and more productive manner. Most businessmen are early risers as they believe it is the key to successful, happy and satisfied.

Getting up early has many benefits(益处)for both your body and your mind.     4     If you don’t get into the habit of waking up before the rest of the world, you won’t be able to change the world.

A.Better sleep equals more energy.
B.You need to do exercise in the early morning.
C.This is why morning people are healthier and happier.
D.If you wish to be an early bird, you need to make a plan.
E.One needs to maintain a proper schedule(时间安排)and has to go to bed on time.
F.The hardest part is convincing (yourself to do it, and then making it a habit.
2023-04-25更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年江苏省常州市溧阳市南渡初级中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Hello! I’m John. I’m interviewing (采访) four students in a health club. Here are the results.

My name is David. I hardly did any exercise in the past, so I often felt tired. Then I come here to exercise myself. Good health makes my body great.     1     I exercise for thirty minutes each time.

I’m Alice. I was fat a year ago. I liked eating junk food.     2     So I come here to lose weight. I have many good friends in the club now. We often exercise together.

I’m Ann. I have lots of homework to do every day.     3     Although I am very busy every day, I spend at least forty minutes here.

I’m Bill. I always sat before a computer and played on the Internet. So I didn’t feel well. I went to see a doctor.     4     So I come here and do exercise for twenty minutes each day. I find that I am healthy now.

A.I come here twice a week.
B.I hardly ever exercise on weekdays.
C.The doctor asked me to do more exercise.
D.Because of my large body, I had few friends.
E.I think exercise can make me relaxed and help me study well.
2022-10-06更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市河东区育杰学校2022-2023学年八年级上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As cold air sweeps across China, many of us are reaching for more clothes and turning on the heat. Increasing our food intake can help protect us against cold. So what food keeps us warm?

Red meat—Red meat, such as beef and pork, is great when you find yourself in cold conditions because it is a fantastic source of iron, which is important for circulating (循环) your blood. Iron is an important mineral to help carry oxygen throughout your body.     1    . Red meat can also supply vitamin B12, according to US Department of Health and Human services.

Oatmeal (燕麦)—Oatmeal can keep you warm in winter. It’s great thermogenic (产热的) food and is filled with nutrients (营养物) that release energy slowly throughout the day to keep your body warm, according to a London-based nutritionist. You can start your day with a hot breakfast of oats or other types of porridge. Oats are a great source of whole grains and fiber (纤维).     2    . Dition to keeping you full and warm, oats are full of other nutrients.

Ginger (姜) tea—Hot ginger tea can make you feel warm inside on a cold day. Ginger is known to be good for health.     3    . It can help blood circulation in our bodies, making us warm.

Sweet potatoes (番薯)—Sweet potatoes and other root vegetables need more energy to move through the digestion (消化) process.     4    . High in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium (钾), sweet potatoes add fiber and other nutrients to a warm winter meal. Sweet potatoes also have beta-carotene (β-胡萝卜素) that is good for eye health.

A.So it raises your body temperature.
B.Eating red meat can make people heavier.
C.Fiber can lower your cholesterol (胆固醇) and make you feel full.
D.It can help your body warm from the inside.
E.People with low iron may have cold hands and feet or become tired easily.
2022-05-11更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年山东省临沂市莒南县中考一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-五选四(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. Someone who is born today can live about 25 years longer than someone who was born in the 19th century. It’s even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays. Here are five rules for a healthy life.


Sure, it’s comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV. But experts(专家) say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. In the past, people’s jobs required more physical effort. When farmers were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same time. Think about it: do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past?


It’s important to eat food that is fresh and natural, for example, fruit and vegetables. Fast food is not healthy. You should only have it once in a while. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health. The wrong diet means you’ll put on weight, one of the fastest ways to an unhealthy life.


When we were babies, we slept for much of the day. Teenagers don’t need as much sleep as babies, but it’s important for you to get about eight hours’ sleep. At weekends, you’ve got more time, so use it not just for your friends, but for rest, too.


Many people believe that happiness is important for our general health. Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the difficulties of school, exams or friendships. If you are worried about something, talk to your parents or teachers.

Say no to smoking!

Yes, you knew I was going to say this! But it’s so important. Smoking is not cool. It’s dangerous. It harms nearly every part of your body. Think about how your family and friends will feel, and think about what it will do to your health.

A.Don’t worry. Be happy!
B.It’s dangerous out there!
C.Enough sleep is necessary!
D.Watch your diet(饮食)!
E.Get off the sofa!
2021-11-18更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市兰陵县2021-2022学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many of us don’t pay attention to the importance of eye care. It’s said that if you take care of your body, then you can be healthy.     1     Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.

There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes (基因) and aging (年龄增长).     2    

Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable.     3     If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from UV rays (紫外线).

    4     Remember that vitamins (维生素) A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly (规律地) and eats the right kind of food, his eves will stay in good condition for a long time.

All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.

A.That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care.
B.Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight.
C.It is bad for your eyes, too.
D.Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight.
E.The following are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes.
阅读理解-五选四(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。

Many facts suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse, according to the doctors.     1    .

Some people blame the fact that we are surrounded by shops selling unhealthy,fatty foods,such as fried chicken and ice cream, at low prices.     2    , then probably children would buy less take-away food.

There is another argument that blames parents for allowing their children to become overweight.I agree with this,because good eating habits begin early in life,long before children start to visit fast food shops.If parents often give their children fried chicken and chocolate rather than healthy food,they will go for sweet and salty foods,and children will find it hard to get rid of the habit.

There is a third reason for this situation.Children these days take very little exercise.They do not walk to school.When they get home,they sit in front of the television or their computers and play computer games.    3    .What they need is to go outside and play active games or sports.

The above are the main reasons for this problem..    4    ,as well as forcing them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.

A.I feel there are a number of reasons for this
B.If there were fewer of these restaurants
C.Therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active
D.Not only is this an unhealthy pastime (消遣),it also gives them time to eat more unhealthy food
E.Adults are becoming fatter and unhealthier, too
2020-10-23更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省怀化市沅陵县2019-2020学年九年级上学期竞赛英语试题
阅读理解-五选四(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Candy: the not-so-sweet story

Your parents warn you not to have too much sugar, but you think, "So what? It is just a small candy.     1     "

One candy is fine, but things can quickly get out of hand if you are not careful, and the result may not be so sweet.

Did you know that candy was used as medicine at first? Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used honey-coated fruits, nuts and flowers to treat digestive disorders (消化失调).     2    

    3     Real sugar comes from plants such as sugarcane and sugar beets. The sugar in candy is artificial (人造的). It not only has nothing healthy, but causes blood sugar to go up.

The clearest harm is to our teeth because candy provides easily digestible energy for the bad bacteria (细菌) in our mouth.     4     Not surprisingly, people who have a lot of sugar are most likely to become overweight. This is true for all age groups, especially for children. In addition, sugar can lead to serious problems such as cancer and other illnesses.

So, as you can see, too much of a good thing can be bad. Cut down on sugar and you will find yourself doing better in school and sleeping better at home! Just remember, "You are what you eat."

A.Even as late as 18th century, candy was used for people with digestive problems.
B.Candies are popular with children.
C.It can't possibly do much harm.
D.Unexpectedly, candy doesn't even have real sugar in it.
E.Sugar also sends a message to our brain and body that it is OK to take more.
2020-07-16更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省淄博市临淄区初中学业质量阶段检测(一模)英语试题
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