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1 . 2020 is special. When we dip into the model “suspended class, ongoing learning” during the pandemic(大流行)of NCP, have you thought of the inventors that supply us the convenience on the computers? Here, let’s know a respectable person who left us a few months ago.

Larry Tesler: computer scientist ,an icon of early computing, died at the age of 74 in this spring. Mr Tesler started working in Silicon Valley in the early 1960s, at a time when computers were inaccessible to the vast majority of people.It was thanks to his innovations ,which included the “cut”, “copy” and “paste” commands that the personal computer became simple to learn and use. Xerox, where Mr Tesler spent part of his career, paid tribute to him. “The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more, was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler,” the company tweeted. “Your workday is easier thanks to his revolutionary ideas.”

Mr Tesler was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1945, and studied at Stanford University in California. After graduating, he specialised in user interface(界面) design, that is, making computer systems more user-friendly. He worked for a number of major tech firms during his long career. He started at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Parc), before Steve Jobs invited him for Apple, where he spent 17 years and rose to chief scientist. After leaving Apple he set up an education firm, and worked for brief periods at Amazon and Yahoo.

In 2012, he told the BBC of Silicon Valley: “There’s almost a custom -- after you’ve made some money, you don’t just retire, you spend your time funding other companies.”

“There’s a very strong element of excitement, of being able to share what you’ve learned with the next generation.” he added.

1. Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?
A.Mr Tesler innovated the computer.
B.Mr Tesler invented the “cut”, “copy” and “paste” commands.
C.Mr Tesler spent part of his career as a data man in Xerox company.
D.Most people have many chances to use computers in the early 1960s.
2. How many companies did Larry Tesler once worked in ?
3. Which word can best describe Mr Tesler as a scientist?
4. What will the passage continue to talk about after the last paragraph?
A.Educating the next generation.
B.Discussing his retired life.
C.Showing the prospect of the Silicon Valley.
D.Sharing his knowledge with the next generation.
2020-08-22更新 | 54次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省抚州市黎川县第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Life satisfaction is the way persons evaluate their lives and how they feel about their directions and options for the future. It's a measure of well-being and may be evaluated in terms of mood, satisfaction with relations with others and with achieved goals and self-concepts to cope with daily life. It's having a favorable attitude towards one's life as a whole rather than just an evaluation of current feelings. Life satisfaction has been measured in relation to economy, education, experiences, and residence, as well as many other topics.

Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have influenced a person in, a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals. As a matter of fact, in these experiences there are two kinds of emotions that may positively influence how people understand their life. Hope and optimism both consist of emotional processes that are usually directed towards the reaching of goals. People who have higher life satisfaction are always full of hope for a better future; additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction, while pessimism is related to symptoms in depression.

The psychologist, Yuval Palgi, studied the old-old-people who were primarily in their nineties. This subject group was found to have thought highly of their past and present, but they thought lower of their future. A large factor that was talked about in life satisfaction was intelligence. The experiments talk of how life satisfaction grows as people become older because they become wiser and more knowledgeable, so they begin to see that life will be better as they grow older and understand the important things in life more. But when they step into their nineties, future becomes a luxury to them.

According to Seligman, the happier people are, the less they are focused on the negative. Happier people also have a greater tendency to like other people, which promotes a happier environment, which then correlates to a higher level of the persons' satisfaction with their life.

1. What can we learn about life satisfaction from Paragraph 1?
A.It can be easily measured through income and education.
B.It includes a positive attitude towards people's entire life.
C.It merely determines people's attitude towards the future.
D.It has nothing to do with the evaluation of current feelings.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A.The wealthier a person is, the happier he will feel.
B.Happy people are more likely to get along well with others.
C.Happy people won’t be influenced by the negative items in life.
D.Intelligence plays a leading role in determining people’s happiness.
3. What was the attitude of most old-old towards their future?
A.They were less hopeful about it.B.They thought highly of it.
C.They felt satisfied with it.D.They were scared of it.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Old People Have Much More Life Satisfaction
B.Life Satisfaction—the Key to a Happier Life
C.Optimism Ensures Life Satisfaction
D.Emotions Affect Life Satisfaction

3 . Mirroring body language is a way to bond and to build understanding. It is a powerful tool that we use without even knowing it.

The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. When you see someone yawn, you are likely to yawn immediately. Smiling is also pretty contagious-seeing a smiling person makes you want to smile too.

Mirroring body language is a nonverbal way to say “I am like you, I feel the same”. Research shows that people who experience the same feelings are likely to trust, understand and accept each other.

Women have the natural ability to pick up and understand body signals. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman is more likely to mirror another woman than a man is to mirror another man. That's why women are regarded as better talkers, even if they might not really have more close friends.

It is interesting that when a man tries to mirror a woman's body language while she is talking, he may seem to her as caring, intelligent and attractive.

Mirroring body language is an excellent way to build trust and understanding quickly. If you want to set up a connection with a new person, mirror his or her gestures, sitting position, tone of voice and talking pace. This will make them feel that there is something about you that they like.

While mirroring body language gains you acceptance, you still need to take into consideration your relationship with the person you are mirroring. If you are in a lower social position and are mirroring the body language of your boss, he will view you as arrogant. However, if you want to defeat those who are trying to prove superior to you, mirroring their body language will help defeat them and change their position.

1. What does the underlined word “contagious” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Affecting each other.B.Powerful to show one's feelings.
C.Attractive to the others.D.Being gentle to people around.
2. When copying others' body language, one usually can ______.
A.send wrong messagesB.hide true feelings
C.win others' acceptanceD.avoid misunderstanding
3. What might happen if you try to mirror your boss's body language?
A.You will appear very attractive.B.It will help to soften his position.
C.You will seem unacceptably proud.D.It will be a good way to build trust.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.It is important to copy the others' gestures.
B.Why women are regarded as better talkers.
C.Men is not good at nonverbal communication.
D.Mirroring body language can be a useful tool.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Deciding to get her money's worth out of the wedding dress on which she spent over $1,000, an Australian woman has been wearing her wedding dress, a year after her wedding.

43-year-old Tammy Hall adopted a new lifestyle-anti-consumerism (反消费主义) lifestyle in 2016, after a trip to India opened her eyes to how much we as a society consumed. She decided not to buy any new clothes or footwear for a whole year after she returned home to Adelaide, in Southern Australia, and she managed to make it.

But last year, as her wedding day approached, she faced a dilemma. She wanted to look good on the most important day of her life, but how could she spend a small fortune on the wedding dress she would only wear on that day?

"In the end I decided that if I was going to get a wedding dress, I'd make sure I could get my money's worth," Hall tells PA Real Life.

"The first time I wore it after the wedding was to vote in the Australian election in early 2019," the 43-year-old adds. "Since then, it's been to all sorts of places. Wearing it on a crowded train was especially funny, but I've worn it to do housework, to football games and to the gym."

Hall says that she has gotten some strange looks from people, but no irritating comments. It may have something to do with the fact that the dress is not the fanciest, but she believes people are just too reserved to say anything. Anyway, she doesn't really care, because she knows she has to hit the goal she has set and wearing the dress multiple times is the most reasonable way she could think of to make the most of her wedding dress.

Hall now plans to wear her wedding dress on a trip to Iceland that she and her partner will take next summer.

1. Why did Tammy Hall adopt a new lifestyle?
A.To adapt herself to Indian life.B.To cut down her consumption.
C.To save money for her next trip.D.To get prepared for her wedding.
2. What did Tammy Hall do to get her money's worth out of her wedding dress?
A.She brought fun to people with it.B.She tried to wear it to earn money.
C.She wore it repeatedly in daily life.D.She got it exchanged again and again.
3. Which of the following best explains the word "irritating" underlined in paragraph 6?
4. What can we infer about Tammy Hall?
A.She is determined to turn her ideas into practice.
B.She values her wedding dress less than her trips.
C.She has been struggling to make the ends meet.
D.She has influenced people's lifestyle widely.
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5 . 3D printing is a recent technological development that has started making its way into the marketplace. It is a way of making 3D objects from computer models. 3D printing works by adding together layers of material. This pattern is repeated until the layers form a shape for almost any purpose. The almost unlimited possibility of 3D printing is quickly leading to a revolution in how things are made and produced. As with most technology, 3D printing may help to create things that could benefit humans. However, it could also be used to create things that could harm other people.

One of the promising aspects (方面) of 3D printing is that it may help doctors treat patients in need. Currently, 3D printing is being used to create prostheses (假体) that helps replace missing noses and eyeballs, thus greatly cutting down on the usual wait time for a new prostheses. Dentists are also using 3D printers to create custom toothbrushes for patients’ teeth. The toothbrush fits a person's teeth well, which means that they get a much cleaner mouth than with regular toothbrushes. Many scientists see the potential for 3D printing to create replacement organs for people who need organ transplants. This would save lives as it remove the need for such patients to wait for an organ donation (捐献).

Although many people believe 3D printing is a positive technology that could help humans, it may also have the opposite effect. There is a recent controversy (争议) about the ability of 3D printing to produce arms such as guns. Recently, one organization announced the plans to produce a 3D plastic gun. Anyone with the proper technology and with the determination to make a gun could potentially do so. Will the future of 3D printing provide hope or danger to humans?

1. According to the article, how does 3D printing work?
A.It helps companies enter the marketplace.
B.It adds together layers of material together to make a shape.
C.It uses 3D objects to make computer models.
D.It uses printers to make different models of computers.
2. According to the article, what is one possible future benefit of 3D printing?
A.It may help to prevent deaths.B.It can create controversy.
C.It can make a toothbrush.D.It could produce computers.
3. Which paragraph talks about the controversial aspects of 3D printing?
A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.
C.Paragraph 3.D.All of the above.
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A.It is not yet known whether there will be more benefits than dangers in 3D printing.
B.Most of companies will start to use 3D printing technology in the future.
C.Soldiers will benefit greatly from advances in 3D printing.
D.The government will probably forbid 3D printing because it is too dangerous.

6 . Why play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following the rules, planning your next move and acting as a team member are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life.

Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating .

Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which sharpens the hand-eye coordination (协调) needed in hunting.

Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.

Sports are also an event that unites people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it — some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future.

Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life.

1. What are children expected to learn Through playing hide-and-seek?
A.Be a team leaderB.Obey the basic rules
C.Act as a grown-upD.Predict possible danger
2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably mean ?
A.Games can describe life in an exciting way
B.Games can turn real-life experiences into a play
C.Games can make learning life skills more interesting
D.Games can change people’s views of sporting events
3. According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?
A.It inspires people’s deep love for the country.
B.It proves the exceptional skills of the winners.
C.It helps the country out of natural disasters.
D.It earns the winners fame and fortune.
4. What’s Iribarne’s goal of forming the foundation ?
A.Bringing fun to poor kids.
B.Providing soccer balls for children.
C.Giving poor kids a chance for a better life.
D.Attracting soccer players to help poor kids.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The Nobel Prize in Literature, which has been awarded annually almost every year since 1901, netted(净赚)the winning author 747,000 pounds ($915,000), a medal and certificate, and the legal duty to deliver a lecture in Sweden at some future date. The winner was selected, as usual, by the Swedish Academy, which also picked a second laureate(获奖者)this year to make up for the fact that no prize was presented in 2018 because of a scandal(丑闻).

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 was awarded to the Polish author Olga Tokarczuk “for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic(百科全书式的)passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life”. She won last year’s Man Booker International Prize for her novel Flights. Her representative works include Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead and Primeval and Other Times.

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2019 was awarded to the Austrian author Peter Handke “for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity(语言的独创性) has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience”. His representative works include Sorrow Beyond Dreams, Slow Homecoming and The Great Fall.

Before the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature winners, there are also two nominees(被提名者)who have attracted much attention. Chinese people are keeping their eyes on nominee Can Xue. Can Xue, whose real name is Deng Xiaohua, was born in Central China’s Hunan Province in 1953. She had a tough childhood working as a worker in a street factory for eight years. Her life experience has formed her own unique literary path. Can’s books have been translated and published outside China. Frontier, published in the US in 2017, won attention and applause from the West.

The other hot guess is Japanese writer Haruki Murakami whose books and stories have been bestsellers in Japan as well as internationally, with his work being translated into 50 languages and selling millions of copies outside his native country. His work has received numerous awards. Internet users keep eyes on him in the Nobel Prize in Literature because he has become hot guess for years. His representative works include Norwegian Wood, Kafka on the Shore and 1Q84.

1. Why are two writers awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature this year?
A.To fill the prize gap of 2018.
B.To attract more people’s attention.
C.To inspire more outstanding writers.
D.To satisfy the development of literature.
2. What made Olga Tokarczuk win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
A.Her high popularity.B.Her language skills.
C.Her numerous works.D.Her writing style.
3. Which book can you choose if you are interested in Peter’s style?
A.Flights.B.The Great Fall.
C.Frontier.D.Kafka on the Shore.
4. Why do the Internet users pay close attention to Haruki Murakami?
A.He has created hundreds of great novels.
B.He has received lots of awards all the time.
C.He has been supposed to win the prize for years.
D.He has been recognized as the most popular writer.
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8 . Bright Side did some research on many places throughout the world where you can buy a house for 1 dollar or for free!

Roubaix, France

If you like France, Roubaix located in the north of France is just for you. The local authorities want it to be populated and attractive. You can buy a small house in the industrial district for just $1. The buyer is supposed to live in this house for 3 years.

Buffalo. USA

Buffalo offers whoever qualifies to buy a house for $1. All you need is to be a lawful citizen of the city and invest amount of money into its decoration. Doing this, the authorities are hoping to make the city beautiful again without spending money.

Liverpool, Great Britain

In Liverpool, most of houses were abandoned (遗弃)by the working class during the years of unemployment. The government is trying to sell the houses for just $1. If you want to buy such a house, it has to be your first deal on buying property(房产).

Candela, Italy

If you still have any doubts about spending $1 on a house, you should know: the government will pay you some money, if you move to Candela. In order to be paid, you need to become a permanent(永久的)citizen and have an income of $7500 per year. If moving alone, you will get $800, and if you are going with your family, the pay can be four times as much as only one person.

For more information of other cities, please Click Here.

1. Why do the authorities of Buffalo provide a house for people with 1$?
A.To improve the lives of poor people.
B.To make the city attractive at no cost.
C.To solve the problems of employment.
D.To attract people to the industrial areas.
2. What is required to buy a house for 1 dollar in Liverpool?
A.You need to be an unemployed citizen.
B.You should live in the house for 3 years.
C.It must be your first house purchase.
D.You have to repair and decorate the house.
3. How much money can you get if moving to Candela with a whole family?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When we are kids, we don’t know what we will overcome. At the age of thirteen, I fell ill. This illness lasted three years and I missed a lot of schooling. Doctors tried their best to help me as much as possible, but in the end this was something I just had to be used to. I felt little hope in life. However, in my junior year of high school, I had a turning point. I discovered my gift for writing and then I realized if I continued to let this problem hold me back, my dream would never come true. So my state of mind changed. Going through the difficulty also gave me the strong desire to write. Writing what mattered most to me helped me overcome what sickened me.

During my freshman and sophomore (高中二年级的) year I did not learn much due to illness. So I became focused and determined and actually completed high school in two years instead of four. At the close of my junior year, I had straight A’s and became an honor roll student. Seeing what I had accomplished, I realized that having disadvantages doesn’t mean it is impossible to achieve success.

By becoming a writer, I’ve become a reader. While performing community service at the library, I read to those who are less fortunate and unable to read. From pre-school children to the elderly, I enjoy my time reading to people of all ages. It is pleasing to see the awesome expressions on their faces as the words become a vision in their minds. Giving back is one of the greatest gifts you could give in life. It inspires me to write something people can learn from.

1. How did the author feel when she got ill?
2. What led to the author’s turning point in life?
A.Her efforts in study.B.Her talent for writing.
C.The change of her dream.D.The desire to read to others.
3. What’s probably the author’s disadvantage in her mind?
A.Missing schooling due to illness.B.Becoming an honor roll student.
C.Having a negative state of mind.D.Failing to take exercise regularly.
4. What can we learn about the author?
A.The author enjoys imagining things.
B.The author encourages others to read for life.
C.The author wants to benefit others by writing.
D.The author prefers to be a reader rather than a writer.
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Many books have been written about “the art of giving”. And we also know that it’s hard to give people a gift,______a personal one. If we want to make it better, we should understand who you will give the gift to and their likes and______.

As is often the case, some little kids think they don’t get enough gifts______some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifts. Some presents are never too______. For example, when a little child just gives his or her mother a leaf from a tree, it is enough to make her very________.

Gift giving is different in different______. Here are some of their likes. In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts. But they are not opened. Later, the same gift may be given away to someone______, because many people have enough things and don’t want______gifts themselves. In Canada, a tree can help remember a______. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. In Sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift. People don’t need to_______too much money. Instead, making a meal for him or her is enough.

To make things______, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, however,_______money can make people uncomfortable. “When someone gives me money, it just makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that______. When someone gives me money, I feel they don’t think it about at all. I prefer to receive a gift______has some thought behind it.”

Different people have very different thoughts______this subject! So maybe the art of giving is difficult! What do you think?

A.elseB.otherC.else’ sD.another
A.many tooB.much tooC.too manyD.too much
A.more difficultB.easilyC.easierD.more easily
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