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1 . Supermarkets, conservationists and farming groups have shown their concerns about pollution of the Wye, one of the UK’s longest rivers. “The pollution pressures upon the Wye are unacceptable and there was strong enthusiasm for cooperative action to resolve the problem.” said Craig Bennett, head of the Wildlife Trusts.

The pollution referred largely to runoff of the nutrient-rich waste matter produced by the 20 million-plus chickens near the river.

Bennett said: “We discussed how, if the Wye were a school or a hospital, we would be calling for it to be placed into ‘special measures’. We agreed the same level of urgency must be applied.”

Increasing concern led the local government to hold a discussion in May, when they promised to publish a plan for the Wye by the autumn. However, the local government’s push on the river was marred in June when the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs published a Wye video showing sea otters (海獺) rather than the river’s local European otters. The pollution of the Wye was not mentioned at all.

In July Bennett hosted a Wye round table in Powys, Wales, bringing together local groups, the Environment Agency, the chicken produce Avara Foodsr, regional branches of the National Farmers Union and local authorities. They agreed on a plan that included cutting the nutrient pollution “through a reduction in animal numbers” and other measures.

Bennett also wrote to Julie James, the Welsh Climate Change Minister, who said, “I share your concern for the health of the River Wye and other Welsh rivers.”

A supermarket chain said they are committed to protecting the river and engaging with their chicken suppliers to tackle water pollution. They have detailed management plans to make sure their suppliers are farming with care for the environment. A government spokesman said: “We are offering a wide range of support to farmers to speed up their transition to more sustainable practices and help protect this important site.”

1. Why does Bennett compare the Wye with a school or a hospital?
A.To call for urgent measures.B.To stress the impacts of the river.
C.To show the importance of the river.D.To urge people to protect the environment.
2. What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “marred” in Paragraph 4?
3. What is agreed on at the round table?
A.Making a careful plan.B.Reducing animal numbers.
C.Arousing people’s awareness.D.Asking the government for money.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Sea Otters Are under Attack for Possible Pollution
B.Cooperated Efforts Are Made to Protect the Wye
C.People Are Having More Environmental Awareness
D.More Measures Should Be Taken to Prevent Air Pollution
2024-04-21更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题

2 . Artificial intelligence (AI) is showing promise in earthquake prediction, challenging the long-held belief that it is impossible. Researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, have developed an AI algorithm (算法) that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week in advance during a trial in China and provided accurate strength calculations for the predicted earthquakes.

The research team believes their method succeeded because they stuck with a relatively simple machine learning approach. The AI was provided with a set of statistical features based on the team’s knowledge of earthquake physics, and then instructed to train itself using a five-year database of earthquake recordings. Once trained, the AI provided its prediction by listening for signs of incoming earthquakes within the background rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth.

This work is clearly a milestone in research for AI-driven earthquake prediction. “You don’t see earthquakes coming,” explains Alexandros Savvaidis, a senior research scientist who leads the Texas Seismological Network Program (TexNet). “It’s a matter of milliseconds, and the only thing you can control is how prepared you are. Even with the 70% accuracy, that’s a huge result and could help minimize economic and human losses and has the potential to remarkably improve earthquake preparation worldwide.”

While it is unknown whether the same approach will work at other locations, the researchers are confident that their AI algorithm could produce more accurate predictions if used in areas with reliable earthquake tracking networks. The next step is to test artificial intelligence in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNet has 300 earthquake stations and over six years worth of continuous records, making it an ideal location for these purposes.

Eventually, the authors hope to combine the system with physics-based models. This strategy could prove especially important where data is poor or lacking. “That may be a long way off, but many advances such as this one, taken together, are what moves science forward,” concludes Scott Tinker, the bureau’s director.

1. How does the AI predict earthquakes?
A.By identifying data from the satellites.
B.By analyzing background sounds in the Earth.
C.By modeling data based on earthquake recordings.
D.By monitoring changes in the Earth’s magnetic field.
2. What does Alexandros Savvaidis intend to show in paragraph3?
A.The ways to reduce losses in earthquakes.
B.The importance of preparing for earthquakes.
C.The significance of developing the AI prediction.
D.The limitation of AI algorithms in earthquake prediction.
3. What does the follow-up research focus on?
A.Conducting tests in different locations.
B.Applying the AI approach to other fields.
C.Building more earthquake stations in Texas.
D.Enlarging the database to train the calculation accuracy.
4. Which words can best describe the earthquake-predicting technology?
A.Stable but outdated.B.Effective but costly.
C.Potential and economical.D.Advanced and promising.
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。为提升你市的文化品位,你市正在开展“黄河文化带”的建设。请你代表学生会写一份倡议书,向全校学生发出倡议,为打造“黄河文化带”助力。内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 倡议内容:清理活动,保护环境;
3. 活动意义。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A Call for Assistance in Building “the Yellow River Cultural Belt”

Dear fellow students,

Yours faithfully,

The Student Union

完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . My work in cancer research was generating a lot of waste every day. As our research turned to full capacity, our waste production ________.

I went to my adviser and suggested the idea of ________3D-printed lab tools out of some of our waste. She ________me and then I secured funding to purchase recycling equipment. But after months of ________, the project didn’t go as I had imagined and progressed slowly. So it was a welcome ________ when my co-workers brainstormed other ways to reduce our environmental________

We created a group to push for greener ways to ________. We began meeting monthly to come up with solutions. Over the following months, we ________ new recycling bins to each lab so that our plastic waste could be sorted ________.We created rules for each device to be energy-efficient. I’m still disappointed that I couldn’t fully realize my 3D-printing ________.I am stubborn enough to keep trying. But I’ve also learned that if one approach isn’t working, sometimes it’s best to ________ and look for other solutions. I’m thankful that with the help of the ________ community around me, we are able to do that.

I encourage scientists everywhere to think about ways to reduce the ________ impact of their own research. The work we do is important. But we should also do our part to be as sustainable as we can. After all, what ________does our science have if, ultimately, there remains no ________ planet we can call our home?

A.set offB.speak outC.hold onD.step back
2024-04-12更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省部分学校高三下学期语数英第一次模拟联合检测英语试题
书信写作-报道 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华,为迎接第55个世界地球日的到来,你组织同学们举办了一些有意义的活动,响应今年世界地球日主题“Planet vs Plastics:全球战塑”。请写一篇报道投寄给English Forum. com,内容包括:
注意:1. 词数80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Planet vs Plastics-we are coming

2024-04-12更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省保定市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Eli walked to school every day, a familiar routine that never failed to bring him a sense of peace. The school day ________ with the bell, and Eli would walk home, his ________ often included a shortcut through a vacant (空着的) lot where beautiful flowers and trees were growing wild.

One particular day, Eli’s eyes were caught by a ________ of blue in the old maple tree on the vacant lot. A blue bird had flown into the tree, ________ loudly as it landed on a low branch. Eli watched as the bird flew up to higher branches and ________ into the distance.

With the bird gone, Eli noticed something ________. The branch where the bird had been sitting wasn’t empty. There was a bright red ________ hanging from it, swaying gently in the breeze (微风). ________, Eli walked towards the tree for a closer look. It was a flat balloon. Eli ________ that balloons were a form of ________ and wondered what if a bird tried to ________ it. He reached out to grab the balloon, ________ to throw it away.

But as he picked up the balloon, Eli noticed a ________ attached to it, which read “these beautiful trees are the home of some special birds. Let’s do our bit to ________ them”. Having seen this, Eli ________ put back the balloon and walked at a brisk pace towards his home.

2024-04-12更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省保定市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The American robin (知更鸟) is the state bird for Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin because it is a very common, easily seen and handsome bird with a beautiful song. But it is now facing extinction due to the hidden dangers involved in the use of insecticides, a chemical used for killing insects.

Insecticides is usually sprayed on lawns to kill the grass disease. The chemicals used in the US break down into non-poisonous molecules (分子) far faster than DDT did, but most are still highly poisonous to robins for the time that they work on insects. Adult robins hopping on a freshly-sprayed lawn get their feathers coated, and then if they hatch their eggs or babies, the poison can be taken in, to kill the babies.

Elm trees in the United States, like those in Europe, are being attacked by Dutch elm disease. This disease is spread by the elm bark beetle. American scientists have attacked the disease by attacking the carrier. They have treated the trees with a chemical which kills the beetles. But the substance they use sticks to the leaves of the trees. These leaves are a basic food of a certain type of earthworm (蚯蚓) which is itself not attacked by the insecticide. The worms can store up huge quantities of this poison in their bodies. The robin eats these worms and is thus being poisoned by its normal food. The bird is already in danger of dying out in some areas.

It is sometimes difficult to foresee side effects like these, which is why many people object to the use of chemical sprays. They fear that man may be poisoning himself the same way as he has poisoned the American robin and other higher organisms at the top of the food chains.

1. What is the carrier that spreads Dutch elm disease?
A.The American robin.B.The earthworm.
C.The elm leaf.D.The elm bark beetle.
2. What do the American scientists use the insecticide for?
A.Killing the beetles.B.Poisoning the earthworms.
C.Protecting the robins.D.Attacking the elm trees.
3. The American robins will die when they_____.
A.touch the insecticideB.touch the elm leaves
C.eat the earthwormsD.eat the beetles
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The side effects of insecticide is endangering the robin.
B.American scientists have attacked Dutch elm disease.
C.The robin is dying out in some parts of the world.
D.Many people object to the use of chemical sprays.
2024-04-12更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省保定市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A composting (堆肥) program at The Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping students get hands-on experience and ways     1     (handle) human-driven climate change. For the past year, all the leftover food waste from the school has gone into composting containers rather than a landfill     2     it would be buried and would produce planet-warming gases.

The school’s composting program     3     (come) into being in 2022, and this year, the school held a     4    (celebrate) to reveal what happened inside a series of five-foot-tall containers. Steven Wynbrandt, a local farmer     5     composting consultant who has helped the school with its program, broke the ties that held the container closed. Rich black compost spilled out from the container.

The school will use the compost on plants around campus. Some will     6     (offer) to families that want to use it at home, and whatever is left will be donated.

It takes two hours for the container to be emptied and prepared to receive     7     next day’s lunch leftovers. The other containers remain full of food waste that is in the process of     8     (break) down. Decorated     9     (poster) on the outside of each container indicate when they can be opened so that the next generation of plants on campus can benefit     10     the rich soil.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . California’s Water Resources Control Board recently approved new regulations in a unanimous (一致同意的) vote — toilet or shower wastewater will be recycled and pumped into the public drinking water system.

In 2023, more than 97% of California has been in moderate to severe drought, while water suppliers are struggling to keep up. A 2022 water supply and demand report indicated that around 18% of water suppliers were at risk of facing potential shortages. “The reality is that anyone out there on Mississippi River and on Colorado River, and anyone out there taking drinking water downstream is already drinking ‘toilet to tap’,” said Esquivel, a director of the Board.

Early in the 1990s, the state was struggling to overcome the distaste its residents had toward drinking recycled water. Their efforts fizzled out when the phrase “toilet to tap” caught on and met with fierce resistance. The idea became too unpopular to be implemented. Despite the negative name, the regulations are the key to ensuring the supply of drinking water.

California’s new regulations would let water agencies to treat wastewater, and then put it back into the drinking water system. It has taken officials more than 10 years to develop these regulations, a process that included several studies by independent groups of scientists. To put the scheme into effect and build huge water recycling plants, however, water agencies say they will need to prove to people that recycled water is not only safe to drink but also under monitoring.

The new regulations require the wastewater be treated for all bacteria and viruses. In fact, the treatment is so intense that it removes all of the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good. That means the minerals need to be added back at the end of the process. “What we have here are standards, science, and importantly monitoring that allow us to have safe pure water, and probably better in many instances,” said Esquivel. He added that it takes time and money to build these treatment centers. So, they will only be available for bigger cities at first.

1. What is the purpose of paragraph 2?
A.To highlight the current severe climate crisis in California.
B.To describe the role of California’s new water regulations.
C.To reveal the distribution of water resources in California.
D.To show the urgency of water supply reform in California.
2. What does the underlined phrase “fizzled out” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Failed.B.Worked.C.Stood out.D.Paid off.
3. What is critical for water agencies to conduct the recycling wastewater project?
A.Policies from the government.B.The recognition by the public.
C.Scientific research on wastewater.D.The construction of recycling plants.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The minerals will be preserved in the treatment.B.The treatment centers will be built in rural areas.
C.The recycled water seems to be of better quality.D.Bacteria will be produced in the treating process.
2024-04-09更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省雄安新区部分高中高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Extended producer responsibility (EPR) refers to a policy approach where producers are given responsibility for the environmental impacts of their products throughout the product lifecycle. Based on the polluter pays principle, this approach requires producers to finance the costs of recycling or disposing of products that consumers no longer want. It aims to shift the costs associated with the management of dealing with solid waste away from the local government.

The term EPR was first coined in 1990 by a Swedish professor, Thomas Lindhqvist, who introduced the idea of producers being responsible for their products to the Swedish Ministry of the Environment. The first example of EPR came in Germany in 1991, where manufacturers picked up household packaging alongside municipal waste collections. Since 1990, countries around the world have adopted EPR policies around key sectors such as packaging, electronics, batteries, and vehicles.

EPR creates a financial motivation for producers to design products that last longer and can be recycled. This is because EPR places the end-of-life costs on the producer. EPR has historically been successful in the managing of products that pose risks to communities such as batteries, paint and old medicines. EPR has led many producers to redesign these items to reduce their risks. Finally, due to ERP closing the loop (循环) on materials management, this approach uses much less energy than it takes to produce items from the beginning.

However, critics of EPR have issues with producers adding recycling costs to the initial price tag of a product. Another disadvantage is that at the international level, it can negatively affect imports to countries that have strict EPR policies as producers in other countries will not want to be subject to extra fees from these policies. Additionally, it restricts competition at the local level as producers who take on the extra costs to accommodate EPR policies are at a competitive disadvantage to those who are able to bend the rules and get out of paying these costs.

1. Who may be most in favor of the policy EPR?
A.The local government.B.The producers.
C.The end consumers.D.The retail traders.
2. What are the producers likely to do under the policy EPR?
A.Cut down their selling costs.B.Increase production capacity.
C.Produce sustainable products.D.Reproduce out-of-date goods.
3. Which word can best describe the author’s attitude to the policy EPR?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Constantly Varying Policy EPR
B.Challenges of EPR Implementation
C.Holding Back Global Trade and Competition: EPR
D.Reducing Waste and Shifting Responsibilities: EPR
2024-04-09更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省雄安新区部分高中高三下学期一模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般