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1 . In a groundbreaking achievement, a rhino has successfully undergone embryo (胚胎) transfer, marking the first successful use of a method that holds promise for saving the nearly extinct northern white rhino subspecies.

The experiment, conducted with the less endangered southern white rhino subspecies, involved creating an embryo in a lab using eggs and sperm (精子) collected from other rhinos. This embryo was then transferred into a southern white rhino alternative mother in Kenya. Despite the unfortunate death of the alternative mother due to an infection in November 2023, researchers praised the successful embryo transfer and pregnancy (怀孕) as a proof of concept. They are now ready to proceed to the next stage of the project: transferring northern white rhinoembryos.

Professor Thomas Hildebrandt expressed optimism about the findings, highlighting the significance of the successful embryo transfer in demonstrating that frozen and defrosted embryos produced in a lab can survive. This development offers hope for the revival of the northern white rhino population.

However, challenges facing rhino conservation remain significant. While the southern white rhino subspecies and the black rhino species have shown signs of recovery from population declines due to illegal hunting for their horns (牛角), the northern white rhino subspecies is on the edge of extinction. With only two known members left in the world, Najin and her daughter Fatu, both unable to reproduce naturally, and the recent death of the last male white rhino, Sudan, in 2018, urgent action is needed to prevent the extinction of this subspecies. Dr. Jo Shaw, CEO of Save the Rhino International, emphasized the importance of addressing the primary threats facing rhinos worldwide: illegal hunting for their horns and habitat loss due to development. She stressed the need to provide rhinos with the space and security they need to succeed in their natural environment.

While the successful embryo transfer representsa significant advancement in rhino conservation efforts, organized action is required to address the main challenges facing rhino populations worldwide.

1. What is the purpose of the experiment mentioned in the text?
A.To evaluate the efficiency of a new rhino birth program.
B.To observe the behavior of rhinos in a controlled environment.
C.To assess the effects of climate change on the southem rhino habitats.
D.To develop a way of rescuing the endangered northern white rhinos subspecies.
2. Which word can replace the underlined word “revival” in paragraph 3?
3. What is the current condition of the northern white rhino subspecies?       
A.Facing extinction.B.Showing signs of recovery.
C.Developing in their natural habitat.D.Recovering from population declines
4. What might be the best title of this text?
A.Dr. Jo Shaw’s Call to Action: Addressing Threats to Rhino Survival
B.Challenges Facing Rhino Conservation Efforts: Urgent Action Needed
C.The Successful Embryo Transfer: A Breakthrough in Rhino Conservation
D.Professor Thomas Hildebrandt’s Optimism: Hope for Rhino Population Revival
7日内更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省省级名校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题(AB卷)(含听力)
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How do students celebrate Earth Day?
A.By holding a celebration.B.By doing some clean-up.
C.By promoting a volunteer job.
2. How long will the event last?
A.Two hours.B.Three and half hours.C.Four hours.
3. What requires the participants to do?
A.Go there with parents.B.Complete an online form.C.Bring their own gloves.
7日内更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省省级名校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题(AB卷)(含听力)
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3 . Not much trash and almost no plastic actually gets recycled. About a third of U.S. garbage gets recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s most recent estimate. The rest goes to landfills, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and pollute their surroundings.

To make recycling easier, many U.S. cities don’t ask Americans to separate paper, glass, metal and plastic. ‘They just ask people to put anything recyclable into one bin and let waste plants do the sorting. But waste plants don’t catch everything. AI is now an essential tool for the world’s waste management leaders. Greyparrot, a tech company has already installed more than l00 AI trash spotters in about 50 sorting facilities.

Greyparrot’s device is, basically, a set of visual and infrared (红外线的) cameras hooked up to a computer, which monitors trash as it passes by on a conveyor belt and labels it under 70 categories, from loose bottle caps to books to aluminum cans. Waste plants could connect these AI systems to sorting robots to help them separate trash from recyclables more accurately. They could also use the AI as a quality control system to measure how well they’re sorting trash from recyclables. That could help plant managers adjust their production lines to cover more recyclables, or cheek that a bundle of recyclables is free of pollutants, which would allow them to sell at a higher price.

In the next few years, some recycling companies plan to retrofit (改良) thousands of material- recovery facilities with Al trash - spotting tools. Of these companies, Bollegraaf has built thousands of these facilities, including 340 in North America, accounting for a majority of the recovery plants in the world.

The trash-spotting computers could one day help regulators punish companies that produce tsunamis of non - recyclable packaging because the AI systems are so accurate that they can identify the brands on individual items. Putting the AI tools in thousands of waste plants can raise recycling percentage. If the needle can be moved by even 5 to 10 percent, that would be a phenomenal outcome for greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact.

1. What does the author want to show in paragraph 1?
A.People pay little attention to environmental protection.
B.Greenhouse gas is a major contributor to air pollution.
C.Americans show little enthusiasm for recycling.
D.All trash has not been recycled in the US.
2. How does Greyparrot’s AI system work?
A.By working with sorting robots.
B.By adjusting the production line.
C.By monitoring the conveyor belt.
D.By controlling cameras in a computer.
3. What can he inferred about AI tools in the last two paragraphs?
A.They are well received.
B.They are highly profitable.
C.They have unpredictable prospect.
D.They present a challenge for regulators.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Use of the Useless
B.AI Assistants in Recycling
C.A Pressing Trash Issue in US
D.AI Tools with Great Potential
2024-04-19更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Damon Carson经营公司,为一些被废弃的垃圾寻找新的归宿,保护环境的故事。

4 . Damon Carson calls himself a matchmaker (媒人) of the never-ending waste of American society, trying not to pair people with people, but things with people.

In the late 1990s, Carson was on break from business school in Vail, Colorado, when he ______ the vast world of waste. He began ______ creating a secondhand store that would sell old ______ and keep them out of being ______. As a result, in 2010, his company, Repurposed Materials ______.

For nearly ten years, his company, Repurposed Materials, has not been looking to ______ the waste he gets—breaking it down to make something new —but rather finding new homes for thrown-away goods in their original ______.

Carson, a husband and father of three adult children, is far from ______. Frugal (节俭) is how he describes himself. The clothes he’s wearing all came from a(n)______ shop; his truck was bought with 290, 000 kilometers driven.

“Why break something down, why melt something down, if it still has ______?” he asks. An old oil-field pipe might be melted down and turned into a car bumper, but it still takes an amount of ______ to finish the complete change. Why not leave it as a steel pipe? Why not turn it into a ______ post (杆、柱) on a farm? The only cost is ______.

American industrial facilities create and ______ about 7.6 billion tons of unwanted industrial materials every year. For the moment, Carson’s unique business finds new ______ for millions of kilograms of industrial waste every year.

A.thinking aboutB.protesting againstC.objecting toD.complaining of
2024-04-19更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省平遥县第二中学校高三冲刺调研押题卷英语(四)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

5 . We’re all familiar with the idea of climate change and how our planet is warming. Extremes in temperature have become more commonplace, making parts of the world difficult to live in. But one place where excessive heat is making life very uncomfortable is our cities. Luckily, innovation might be keeping a lid on it.

As thermometers record temperatures, sometimes above 50 degrees Celsius, solutions are being sought to cool the air in our cities. In India, for example, heatwaves and rapid urbanisation have led to a big rise in the use of air-conditioning units, adding to CO2 emissions. So, architects, looking for a sustainable cooling solution, are reviving an ancient “lattice” design, used in old buildings like the Taj Mahal, to construct comfortable, low-car-bon buildings. Yatin Pandya said: “Traditional architectural forms have proven their performance in combatting environmental conditions.”

In America, about 80% of the population lives in cities, and it’s these cities that suffer from an urban heat island effect, caused by factors such as trapped waste heat, concrete structures and pavements absorbing the sun and tall buildings blocking the wind. Residents and developers have tried to heatproof these places by planting large trees that offer shade and putting plants and gardens on top of roofs that use vegetation to help trap heat. And in Los Angeles, there’s an experiment to cover streets with light-coloured material that reflects rather than absorbs the sun and so they remain cooler than typical black roads.

But it’s satellites in space that are really giving us the best picture of our over-heated cities. Glynn Hulley, who is leading an image-capturing project, called the Land Surface Temperature Monitoring mission, said: “The data can be used to identify hotspots, vulnerable regions, and assess the cooling impacts of heat mitigation approaches.” It’s already found how green spaces, white roads and water features, have helped prevent our cities from boiling over. But with excessive heat still posing a threat to our lives, more solutions are still needed.

1. What may make cities comfortable for us to live in?
A.Low temperature.B.Innovation.
C.Enormous heat.D.Climate change.
2. What does the underlined word “combatting” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Worsening.B.Compromising with.
C.Fighting against.D.Challenging.
3. Which one can’t cause an urban heat island effect?
A.Concrete structures.B.Skyscrapers.
C.Black squares.D.White roads.
4. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.How to make the most use of the data.
B.How the image-capturing project works.
C.Other solutions to the threat of overheating.
D.Beautiful images captured by satellites in space.
2024-04-19更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省平遥县第二中学校高三冲刺调研押题卷英语(四)

6 . Xu Hai’ou has spent most of her life promoting environmental protection work in Beihai, a coastal city in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, by cleaning beaches, protecting mi-grant birds and recycling kitchen waste.

Though her family originally comes from the eastern province of Shandong, the 60-year-old was raised in Guangxi and moved to Beihai for work at age 23, directly after graduating from college. Before she retired, she worked as a reporter for the Guangxi Daily Media Group, a news outlet in the region. In her free time, she became involved in voluntary work.

“In initially, in the 1990s, I helped impoverished children in Guangxi’s rural areas obtain financial aid from donors in Hong Kong, and set up my own NGO in 2004. At the time, it was Beihai’s only nonprofit social organization involved in volunteer work,” she said, “It’s very enjoyable to do this charity work and I have made many friends through it.”

She said her NGO focuses on environmental protection work and organizes a range of voluntary activities, including cleaning up beaches, and protecting mangrove forests and migratory birds.

In 2008, the organization joined a marine life protection event supported by the central government, the UN Environment Programme and the Global Environmental Facility.

Xu and her colleagues at the association arranged a number of voluntary events such as raising awareness of marine biodiversity among local residents and students, and beach-cleaning activities to help promote understanding of the need to protect marine animals and plants.

“Undertaking voluntary activities or charitable work has become my mission, and I want to contribute my own efforts to the nation’s environmental protection work, even if they only produce a small improvement. However, protecting the environment is very hard work. which can’t be done by a single person. I sometimes feel like my ability falls short of my wishes.”

According to Xu, her NGO is currently promoting the classification of waste in Beihai and recycling kitchen waste into compost. “We have mature technologies, but still face difficulties in promoting the program because many residents lack awareness of environmental protection. We hope the government can figure out better ways of managing the garbage after we classify it to make full use of this ‘waste’.”

1. What can we learn about Xu Hai’ou from the first two paragraphs?
A.She grew up in Shandong Province.
B.She graduated in Beihai at the age of 23.
C.She works as a journalist for a newspaper at present.
D.She is a retired reporter volunteering to protect the environment.
2. What did Xu Hai’ou think of her voluntary work?
3. What is Xu and her colleagues’ purpose in arranging voluntary events?
A.To clean beaches and recycle kitchen waste.
B.To get support from the central government.
C.To raise people’s awareness of marine biodiversity.
D.To help people understand the necessity of protecting marine life.
4. Why does Xu Hai’ou persist in her volunteer work?
A.She wants to win a good reputation.
B.She wants to do what others don’t want to do.
C.She wants to do her part to protect the environment.
D.She wants to make the most of kitchen waste on her own.
2024-04-19更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省平遥县第二中学校高三冲刺调研押题卷英语(四)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面的材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Wang Xin, a marketing manager based in Shanghai, paid special attention to the carbon consumption figures shown on a flight booking platform. “When booking a flight, I will first check the flights     1     meet my time requirements. If multiple flights within the time range are approximately the same price, I will     2     (definite) choose the one with     3     (little) carbon consumption.” Wang says.

Business travelers like Wang have shown a     4     (prefer) for trips that leave a smaller carbon footprint, according to a recent report. More than 60 percent of its business customers have options     5     low-carbon travel products. “The low-carbon travel trend began in 2022 when we launched flight carbon emission data, which has been recognized by     6     increasing number of business clients,” says Zha Jun, an official with the travel management division.

Afterwards, the carbon emission data of hotels, trains and cars     7     (add) up to now. Business travelers have been encouraged to use new energy vehicles and save electricity and water at hotels, as well as food on flights. Those     8     (choose) low-carbon travel products can also get rewards, such as air miles and credits that can be used     9     (reduce) future travel costs.

According to the US-headquartered Global Business Travel Association, 25 percent of companies worldwide consider carbon footprint and sustainability important in business travel. Among     10     (they), 35 percent have carried out sustainable policies.

2024-04-19更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(一)英语试题
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假设你是校学生会主席李华,你校打算邀请外教Professor Smith为全校学生做一次以保护环境为主题的讲座,请给他写一封邀请信。内容包括:
1. 写信目的;
2. 讲座的时间和地点;
3. 讲座的内容。
Dear Professor Smith,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2024-04-17更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省运城市康杰中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次(4月)月考英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。该篇文章讲述了经济学教授Michael Rizzo在演讲中反驳了地球正在面临气候灾难的观点。他强调了自己对于气候变化所不知道的事情的恐惧,并呼吁学生们要做更多的研究来理解气候变化问题。同时,他指出气候变化的“灾难”这一说法往往更多地源于信息报道的方式,而非科学本身。

9 . A GIF of the Wicked Witch (巫婆) of the West from “The Wizard of Oz” saying “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!” played behind Economics Professor Michael Rizzo as students gathered in Wegmans Hall on Oct. 30 to hear him argue against the opinion that the Earth is going through a climate disaster.

“I’m curious to see how many people will misunderstand the point of my talk, which is about addressing the issue of disaster and not at all the issue of whether climate change is happening, or even the mechanics of it,” he said in an interview with the Cambus Times.

The talk included Rizzo stating his biggest fear—that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know about climate change. The talk, he said, was assembled from everything he’s read, and, to him, things don’t look so bad, but he knows he hasn’t read everything.

First-year Aidan Lieberman, who attended the talk after hearing about it in Rizzo’s Prin- ciples of Economics class, thought the professor tried to fit too much into his time, but he agreed with the points that he could follow, saying “they seemed to make sense.”

“I was only able to follow a few of the points he was making, ” Lieberman said. “My biggest takeaway is that humans will be able to manage the effects of climate change as they become more severe. ”

Rizzo said he wanted students to leave the talk understanding that the rhetoric around climate “disaster” often comes more from how information is reported rather than the science it- self. Addressing issues of climate change, he stressed, requires a careful understanding that takes lots of research to achieve-research that he found students weren’t doing before coming to him with disagreements.

1. Why is the “The Wizard of Oz” saying mentioned?
A.To explain the dog is vital for the witch.
B.To prove students misunderstood the talk.
C.To suggest students made no sense of the talk.
D.To show the earth is facing a climate challenge.
2. What does the underlined word “assembled” probably mean in Paragraph 3?
3. How does Aidan feel about Rizzo’s lecture?
4. What does Rizzo suggest doing in the last paragraph?
A.Being creative.B.Doing more research.
C.Reporting objectively.D.Focusing on the information.
2024-04-15更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . We have all heard that reducing meat and dairy (乳制品的) consumption is an important behavioral change that can help with our planet’s climate. However, what is a successful strategy to get people to consume more plant-based food?

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital has an answer. They pioneered a vegetarian/ vegan option to reduce climate change. Faulkner is among the 60 hospitals, universities, major companies, and cities that have signed an international pledge (保证) to reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions (排放) by 25%by 2030.

The hospital focused on the benefits of the ingredients in the dish rather than mention “vegan” or “vegetarian” in the name of any dishes on the hospital cafeteria menu. Another strategy that has been experimented with is the order of foods. For example, putting vegan and vegetarian foods before the ones containing meat urges the patients to take plant-based foods first.

Through the research, the hospital has found that vegan and vegetarian labeled foods tend to categorize foods and attract only a certain number of the hospital’s patients. Much like other labels, vegan and vegetarian foods have been left out of the diets of people who don’t have any dietary restrictions.

Although food is only a small percentage of hospital carbon emissions, reducing meat in cafeteria food will reduce the carbon emissions significantly. Additionally, vegan and vegetarian diets will help diversify people’s diets, increasing their intake of healthful fiber, vitamins, and other micro-nutrients. Adding fish to their menu in the future is another good option since it can be sustainably fished.

Since starting the pledge, the hospital has seen a 2.2%decrease in total emissions per calorie. This result of this strategy matches a similar study from MIT and could change what we think of plant-based foods.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 1?
A.To make a comparison.
B.To lead in the topic.
C.To provide background information.
D.To introduce a new theory.
2. What aspect of the research is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Its target.
B.Its findings.
C.Its methods.
D.Its influence.
3. To reduce food-related carbon emissions, one can _________.
A.limit the food intakeB.change diets frequently
C.avoid fish in the dietD.reduce meat consumption
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.Do Labels Impact How We Eat?
B.A Tendency Toward Labeled Foods Does Exist
C.Plant-Based Foods — the Best Choice for Your Health
D.Does Going on a Green Diet Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
2024-04-15更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省部分学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月阶段性测试(定位)英语试题
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