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1 . The Fight against Fast Furniture

Fast furniture is a term that refers to furniture that is produced cheaply and quickly. These items are often bad for the environment because they are made from materials that break easily and need to be replaced often.     1    

To help protect the environment, a movement to move away from fast furniture has begun. Many companies are joining the fight by finding cleaner ways to manufacture furniture. For example, IKEA has agreed to switch to using renewable or recycled materials for their furniture by the year 2030.     2    

There is also a push to encourage shoppers to buy more used furniture for their homes. Small businesses that help transform old chairs and sofas into completely new products have even popped up recently. At the end of the day, consumers will play the most important role in the fight to end fast furniture. Shoppers should try to think more about the long term when preparing to purchase new furniture. They should stay away from furniture that is made from cheap materials like fiberboard or plastic because they will often fall apart after a few years.     3    

A much better alternative is furniture made from real wood because it won’t break as easily. If wood furniture is damaged, it can often be repaired to last longer. High-quality metals are another good material, as they are durable. If the furniture is no longer fit for use, these metals can still be recycled and used to make new products.

    4     So, the next time you buy furniture, think about whether it’s something that will last a long time or it’s just fast furniture that will break soon and go into the trash.

A.It has also designed a special program that lets people return used furniture pieces to its stores so they can be fixed and used again by consumers.
B.This would help to reduce overall waste, as it would extend the life cycle of old furniture items.
C.Although these items may cost less initially, they are more expensive because they will need to be replaced sooner than traditional pieces of furniture.
D.This creates a lot of pollution, as the furniture ends up buried in landfills where it can harm the soil.
E.Homeowners are looking for furniture that is kinder to the environment.
F.By choosing furniture that’s made to last, we can help reduce waste and protect the environment.
2024-04-21更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024市上海市杨浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章通过Shahid Ali捡垃圾为引入,说明了全球垃圾贸易基本上已经崩溃的事实。


Cut into hillside in northern Malaysia stands a large, open-air warehouse. This is a recycling factory, which opened last November. On a very hot afternoon in January, Shahid Ali was working his very first week on the job. He stood knee-deep in soggy, white bits of plastic. Around him, more bits floated of the conveyor belt and fell to the ground like snowflakes.

Hour after hour, Ali sorts through the plastic jumble moving down the belt, picking out pieces that look off-color or soiled-rejects (废品) in the recycling process. Though it looks like backbreaking work, Ali says it is a great improvement over his previous job, folding bed-sheets in a nearby textile factory, for much lower pay. Now, if he eats simply, he can save money from his wages of just over $l an hour and send $250 a month to his parents and six brothers and sisters in Peshawar, Pakistan, 2,700 miles away, “As soon as I heard about this work, I asked for a job,” says Ali, 24, a bearded man with glasses and an easy smile. Still, he’s working 12 hours a day, seven days a week. “If I take a day off, I lose a day’s wages,” he says.

In the warehouse, hundreds of bags are stacked more than 60 feet high-each stuffed with plastic wrappers and bags thrown away weeks earlier by their original users in California. The fact that the waste has traveled to this distant corner of the planet in the first place shows how badly the global recycling economy has failed to keep pace with humanity’s plastics addiction. This is an ecosystem that is deeply dysfunctional, if not on the point of collapse: About 90% of the millions of tons of plastic the world produces every year will eventually end up not recycled, but burned, buried, or dumped.

Plastic recycling enjoys ever-wider support among consumers: Putting yogurt containers and juice bottles in a blue bin is an eco-friendly act of faith in millions of households. But faith goes only so far. The tidal wave of plastic items that enters the recycling stream each year is increasingly likely to fall right back out again, casualties of a broken market. Many products that consumers believe (and industries claim) are “recyclable" are in reality not, because of hard economics. With oil and gas prices near 20-year lows, so-called virgin plastic, a product of petroleum feed-stocks, is now far cheaper and easier to obtain than recycled material. That unforeseen shift has yanked the financial rug out from under what was until recently a practical recycling industry. “The global waste trade is essentially broken,” says the head of the global plastics campaign at Greenpeace. “We are sitting on vast amounts of plastic with nowhere to send it and nothing to do with it.”

1. What is the author’s attitude towards Shahid Ali?
2. What most probably causes the problem of global waste recycling?
A.The prices of oil and gas have been increasing.
B.Tons of wastes travel so far before being recycled.
C.Recyclable products are not really recycled.
D.Governments don’t support the recycling industry.
3. What does the italicized word “dysfunctional” mean in the passage?
A.Out of stock.B.Far from pleased.C.Full of energy.D.Out of order.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To illustrate how plastic waste has been recycled in the world.
B.To warn people that the global waste trade is essentially broken.
C.To analyze the relationship between consumers and factories.
D.To solve the conflict between the recycling industry and governments.
2024-04-21更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市长宁区高三下学期二模英语试卷
完形填空(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . City air is in a sorry state. It is dirty and hot. Outdoor pollution kills 4.2m people a year, according to the World Health Organization. Concrete and tarmac, meanwhile, absorb the sun’s rays rather than reflecting them back into space, and also _____ plants which would otherwise cool things down by evaporative transpiration (蒸腾作用). The never-ceasing _____ of buildings and roads thus turns urban areas into heat islands, discomforting residents and worsening dangerous heatwaves.

A possible answer to the twin problems of pollution and heat is trees. Their leaves may destroy at least some chemical pollutants and they certainly _____ tiny particles floating in the air, which are then washed to the ground by rain. Besides transpiration, they provide _____.

To cool an area effectively, trees must be planted in quantity. Two years ago, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that American cities need 40% tree _____ to cut urban heat back meaningfully. Unfortunately, not all cities — and especially not those now springing up in the world’s poor and middle-income countries — are _____ with parks, private gardens or a sufficient number of street trees. And the problem is likely to get worse. At the moment, 55% of people live in cities. By 2050 that share is expected to reach 68%.

One group of botanists believe they have at least a partial _____ to this lack of urban vegetation. It is to plant miniature simulacra (模拟物) of natural forests, ecologically engineered for rapid growth. Over the course of a career that began in the 1950s, their leader, Miyawaki Akira, a plant ecologist at Yokohama National University in Japan, has developed a way to do this starting with even the most _____ deserted areas. And the Miyawaki method is finding increasing _____ around the world.

Dr Miyawaki’s insight was to deconstruct and rebuild the process of ecological succession, by which _____ land develops naturally into mature forest. Usually, the first arrival is grass, followed by small trees and, finally, larger ones. The Miyawaki method _____ some of the early phases and jumps directly to planting the kinds of species found in a mature wood.

Dr Miyawaki has _____ the planting of more than 1,500 of these miniature forests, first in Japan, then in other parts of the world. Wherever they are planting, though, gardeners are not restricted to _____ nature’s recipe book to the letter. Miyawaki forests can be customized to local requirements. A popular choice, _____, is to include more fruit trees than a natural forest might support, thus creating an orchard that requires no maintenance.

If your goal is to better your _____ surroundings, rather than to save the planet from global warming, then Dr Miyawaki might well be your man.

A.for exampleB.in essenceC.on the other handD.after all
2024-04-13更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市静安区高三下学期二模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇采访。Vanessa Nakate是来自乌干达的气候活动家,也是联合国儿童基金会的亲善大使。文章是Vanessa Nakate对6个问题进行的回答。


Vanessa Nakate is a climate activist from Uganda, and a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Q1: What does it mean     1     (be) a UNICEF goodwill ambassador?

I get to meet people on the front lines of the climate crisis. I see my role as    2     (make) their voices louder. I want to shine a light on the issue of climate change and    3    it’s affecting people, especially children.

Q2: You’ve given speeches about the impact    4    climate change. Which has been your most powerful?

One that has been very powerful for me was when I spoke at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Glasgow, Scotland. I    5     (present)the opportunity to ask government leaders, and also business leaders, to do the right thing to ensure that our planet is protected.

Q3: What’s the hardest part of being an activist?

One of the hardest things is having to see the consequences of climate change. For example, the drought in the Horn of Africa, the flooding in Pakistan, or the recent hurricanes in the United States. It’s very sad to see all those events    6     (happen).

Q4: What keeps you motivated to fight climate change?

You’re interviewing me, and I think that’s so    7     (inspire). It gives me the energy for what I’ll do tomorrow. My motivation comes from young people who are doing    8    for our planet.

Q5: What’s the most recent climate-related project you’ve worked on?

In 2019, I launched a project,     9    we gave solar panels to schools in Uganda. The solar panels have helped bring lighting to the schools, which makes education much easier for the children.

Q6:Climate change can feel frustrating and scary for some kids. What advice do you have for them?

To address this big issue, just find one thing you can do,     10    you are not sure about the outcome. After all, no person is too small to make a difference and no action is too small to transform the world.

2024-04-03更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市杨浦区高三下学期模拟质量调研(二模)英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在全球气温升高的前提下,城市中的绿化树木可能面临着巨大威胁。Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez和他的团队正在探索解决这一难题的方法。
5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. replacing     B. tolerate       C. extremes        D. experiencing          E. average
F. estimates       G. impact       H. reserved   I. assess       J. cover       K. continued

Urban Trees Are Threatened by Climate Change

By 2050, about three-quarters of the species will be at risk as a result of climate change, a study has found. Cities around the world may need to start planting different types of trees and shrubs that can     1     warmer and drier conditions.

“By ‘at risk’, we mean these species might be     2     stressful climatic conditions,” says Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez at Western Sydney University in Australia. “Those trees are likely to die.”

City trees have many benefits, from making urban spaces look beautiful and providing a refuge for wildlife to keeping places up to 12°C cooler than they would otherwise be in summer. Losing tree     3     would lead to cities becoming even hotter as the planet heats up.

To     4     the threat, Esperon Rodriguez and his colleagues used database called the Global Urban Tree Inventory to work out the conditions required by 3100 tree and shrub species currently grown in 164 cities worldwide. The researchers then looked at how these conditions would be affected by climate change under medium-emissions scenario known as RCP 6.0.

By 2050, 76 per cent of these species will be at risk from rising     5     temperatures and 70 percent from decreasing rainfall, the team concludes.

The study doesn’t take account of       6     urban growth, which could warm cities even faster. Nor does it take account of greater weather     7     caused by climate change, or the effects of pests and diseases. Warmer conditions are allowing more pests, such as bark beetles, to survive winters as well as to reproduce faster in summer, greatly increasing their     8    .

“Our     9     have scientific basis,” says Esperon-Rodriguez. There are some things that can be done to help trees survive. The best strategy is to choose tough species when     10     trees or planting new ones, the team concludes.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Conservationists go to war over whether humans are the measure of nature’s value. New Conservationists argue such trade-offs are necessary in this human dominated epoch. And they support “re-wilding”, a concept originally proposed by Soule where people curtail economic growth and withdraw from landscapes, which then return to nature.

New Conservationists believe the withdrawal could happen together with economic growth. The California-based Breakthrough Institute believes in a future where most people live in cities and rely less on natural resources for economic growth.

They would get food from industrial agriculture, including genetically modified foods, desalination intensified meat production and aquaculture, all of which have a smaller land footprint. And they would get their energy from renewables and natural gas.

Driving these profound shifts would be greater efficiency of production, where more products could be manufactured from fewer inputs. And some unsustainable commodities would be replaced in the market by other, greener ones — natural gas for coal, for instance, explained Michael Heisenberg, president of the Breakthrough Institute. Nature would, in essence, be decoupled from the economy.

And then he added a caveat: We are not suggesting decoupling as the paradigm to save the world, or that it solves all the problems or eliminates all the trade-offs.

Cynics (悲观者) may say all this sounds too utopian, but Breakthrough maintains the world is already on this path toward decoupling. Nowhere is this more evident than in the United Sates, according to Iddo Wernick, a research scholar at the Rockefeller University, who has examined the nation’s use of 100 main commodities.

Wenick and his colleagues looked at data carefully from the U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center, which keeps a record of commodities used from 1900 through the present day. They found that the use of 36 commodities (sand, iron ore, cotton etc.) in the U. S. Economy had peaked.

Another 53 commodities (nitrogen, timber, beef, etc.) are being used more efficiently per dollar value of gross domestic product than in the pre-1970s era. Their use would peak soon, Wernick said.

Only 11 commodities (industrial diamond, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nov.6), and most of these are employed by industries in small quantities to improve systems processes. Chicken use is rising because people are eating less beef, a desirable development since poultry cultivation has a smaller environmental footprint.

The numbers show the United States has not intensified resource consumption since the 1970s even while increasing its GDP and population, said Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University.

“It seems like the 20th-century expectation we had, we were always assuming the future entailed greater consumption of resources,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the developed countries is, of course, peaks.”

1. What does the underlined word “trade-offs” refer to in the first paragraph?
A.The balance between human development and natural ecology.
B.The profitability of import and export trade.
C.The consumption of natural resources by industrial development.
D.The difficult plight of economies growth.
2. Which of the following is true of the views of the new environmentalists?
A.They believe that mankind should live in forests with rich vegetation.
B.They believe that mankind will need more natural resources in the future.
C.They believe that mankind is the master of the whole universe.
D.They believe that mankind should limit economic growth.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the passage?
A.Natural resources cannot support economic development.
B.More resource consumption will not occur in a certain period of time.
C.Excessive resource consumption will not affect the ecological environment.
D.All resource consumption in developed countries has reached a peak.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Urbanization and re-wildness.
B.Human existence and industrial development.
C.Socioeconomic development and resource consumption.
D.Commodity trading and raw material development.
2024-03-29更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:大题03 阅读理解:说明文或议论文 -【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(上海专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A shocking 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste was discarded last year, a new UN-backed report has revealed. The report shows that e-waste is up by 21% from five years ago. This isn’t surprising, considering how many more people are adopting new technology and updating devices regularly to have the latest versions, but the report also shows that national collection and recycling strategies are nowhere close to matching consumption rates.

E-waste contains materials including copper (铜), iron, gold and silver, which the report gives a conservative value of $ 57 billion. But most are thrown away or burned rather than being collected for recycling. Precious metals in waste are estimated to be worth $ 14 billion, but only $ 4 billion-worth is recovered at the moment.

While the number of countries with national e-waste policies has grown from 61 to 78 since 2014, there is little encouragement to obey and a mere 17% of collected items are recycled. If recycling does occur, it’s often under dangerous conditions, such as burning circuit boards to recover copper, which “releases highly poisonous metals” and harms the health of workers.

The report found that Asia has the highest amounts of waste overall, producing 24.9 million metric tons (MMT), followed by Europe at 12 MMT, Africa at 2.9 MMT, and Oceania at 0.7 MMT.

But whose responsibility is it? Are governments in charge of setting up collection and recycling points, or should companies be responsible for recycling the goods they produce? It goes both ways. Companies do need to be held accountable by government regulations and have incentives to design products that are easily repaired. At the same time, governments need to make it easy for citizens to access collection points and deal with their broken electronics in a convenient way. Otherwise, they may turn to the easiest option — the landfill.

1. What does the underlined word “discarded” most probably mean?
A.increasedB.distributedC.thrown awayD.consumed
2. What do the statistics in Paragraph 2 show?
A.The functions of policies.B.The great damage to environment.
C.The change of consumption rates.D.The urgency of recovering e-waste.
3. What is the problem with recycling e-waste at present?
A.It does harm to the workers’ health.B.It lacks national policy support.
C.It hardly makes profits.D.It takes too much time.
4. How should the problem be solved according to the passage?
A.New technology should be used to update old devices.
B.Governments and companies should take responsibilities.
C.Non-poisonous metals had better be used in e-device.
D.Citizens must play a key role in recycling e-waste.
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A.applauding     B. entry-level     C. struck       D. fascination       E. back-seal          F. stuck

G. stand          H. promoter        I. hook          J. dominant            K. empowered

The nature is part of us. Therefore, it holds a mysterious     1     for me. In my memory, the valley was quiet and calm, only to see the wheat all over the mountains waving together in rhythm when the wind blew through, like a ballet troupe. The sun rose every morning as usual, sweeping across the valley and ultimately falling behind the peaks. The snow that falls in winter always melts in spring, bringing new hope to this nature where everything was pleasant and beautiful.

Led by fate, I have became an environmentalist and had the honor of being invited to address students about my green lifestyle for a long time. The students were surprised at my lifestyle and maybe they thought my lifestyle was no longer suitable for modern life. Fortunately, they were still listened to whole lecture, saluting or     2     me——to some extent the applause implied their encouragement to me. As I began to interact with them under the stage, I was     3     by kids’ lack of knowledge of nature so that they had little knowledge of protecting environment.

After the address, I put up a stand in the     4     offering green food, hoping them interested in it to get the     5     experiencing a first-hand feeling of the green lifestyle no one shows any interest in. So I decided to team up with the concert     6     to run a campaign: “anyone who can answer a(n)     7     environmental question is qualified to attend the concert. Soon the music can     8     them coming here”.

Since then , I have been considering why kids today do not have the same deep appreciation for nature that I do. One of the significant factors may be that the former rural civilization has been replaced by the urban civilization. In the past, the poor played the     9     role in the nature, so they cleared the wasteland, planted crops and reproduced civilization. With the massive invasion of industrialization and urbanization, people were forced to move away from nature. The struggle between tradition and modernity, the confrontation between humans and nature has led people to believe that they are the masters of the universe. Is this really the case? It is time to think about who     10     us to destroy nature.

2024-03-27更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:大题06 词汇填空 -【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(上海专用)
完形填空(约420词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . The misery of my bike commute in Calgary, Alberta, is the river valley hill. It’s not particularly steep, but at about a mile long, I rarely climbed up without arriving with sweat. Studies have shown the prospect of arriving at work sweaty is one of the biggest _________ to getting would-be bike commuters out of their cars. That’s especially true in a city like Los Angeles, where _________ may face long routes , hills or hot streets with a lack of shade.

“Pedelec”, or pedal electric-assisted bikes like the one I rode, can end that worry. They look and act like traditional bicycles, but their motors make pedaling much easier when required. Sometimes called the most energy-efficient motorized mode of transportation ever built, they’re also incredibly green. The biggest barrier may be the outdated attitude that sees bikes only as a recreational athletic opportunity rather than a practical _________ option.

At a time when cities across North America are struggling to combat crippling traffic and reduce climate emissions, e-bikes have the _________ to ease the both problems. And yet ridership has yet to truly _______.About 152,000 e-bikes were sold last year in the U.S., a figure that would be more than 5 million if Americans used them at the same rate as western Europeans.   

Many of the barriers to e-bike _________in North America are legislative. Patchwork rules treat e-bikes more like mopeds than traditional pedal bikes in some jurisdictions,meaning they are _______from bike lanes and from boarding public transportation.

Few places on the continent, _________, are better poised to break through barriers than California. Legislation was approved last year to encourage e-bike use, by legally differentiating the cycles from mopeds. In an attempt to head off worries about turbocharged machines flying down sidewalks and bike lanes at unsafe speeds, the law classifies bikes into different tiers to _______ lower-speed e-bikes, which top out at 20 mph, from faster-moving “speed pedelecs”, which are restricted from protected bike paths.

Amid these legislative ________, e-bikes have become more accessible to consumer. Finding them in bike shops isn’t as __________ as it once was, and their cost has fallen as the price of lithium-ion batteries has dropped. Today, a decent e-bike, while still __________, is comparable in price to a high-end mountain bike. After years of ____________over mixing pedal and motor power, cycling advocacy organizations also are finally throwing their support behind e-bikes. Dave Snyder, the executive director of the California Bicycle Coalition, __________ the state’s new legislation based partly on the __________that e-bikes help out those who“just can’t ride as far or as fast as they need to”.

A.make ofB.carry onC.bring upD.take off
2024-03-26更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:大题07 完形填空 -【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(上海专用)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . What are the speakers talking about?

A.Air pollution.B.Water pollution.C.Ocean pollution.
2024-03-25更新 | 6次组卷 | 2卷引用:听力变式题-短对话4
共计 平均难度:一般