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1 . I live in a town, about half a mile from the banks of a river, It had been raining buckets that week and there were _________ warnings for nearby areas, but not where I was.

As a precaution (预防), I’d _________ sandbags outside my garden door just in case water managed to flow through. As I fell asleep, I was _________ by the sound of rushing water.When I swung my legs off the bed, I was _________ to feel cold water already up to my kneesand rising fast. Trembling, I _______ my phone on the table and _________ the flashlight. Water was coming from the garden door. The river must have _________ burst its banks and broke the sandbags. And now I had to get out--fast!

With the water up to my waist, in bare feet I started to paddle (蹚水) to my only _________ the door leading to outdoors. Finally, I made it to that door and _________ to pull it open, but the water’s __________ was high. Anyhow, with great efforts, I made a __________ of about 30 centimeters, enough for me to get through. Rushing down outside, I __________ that if I hadn’t woken up in time, I would have drowned. Many houses around us were __________ , including a home for the disabled.

I learned to be grateful through the experience and determined to live each day to its __________ .I will remember a famous saying: “Don’t remember the day when you lost everything. Remember the day you__________ .”

A.annoyedB.shocked       C.embarrassedD.relieved
A.showed offB.threw   awayC.switched onD.set aside
A.recoveredB.matteredC. survivedD.matured
2024-04-21更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省邹城市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 假定你是李华,你校正在举办以“四月八日国际珍稀动物保护日”为主题的英语征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 珍稀动物的重要性;
2. 保护珍稀动物的倡议。

Protecting Rare Animals

书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是校英语报编辑李华,在4月22日“世界地球日”(Earth Day )来临之际,请写一封英文倡议书,呼吁同学们低碳生活,关爱地球。内容包括:
Dear schoolmates,

Li Hua

2024-04-17更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
书信写作-倡议信 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活(low-carbon life)。内容包括:
1. 保护环境的重要性;
2. 如何低碳生活;
3. 发出倡议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow students,
2024-04-15更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省大联考2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . As awareness of climate change grows, so does the desire to do something about it. One way to gain a quantifiable (可量化的) understanding of the impacts of our actions, for good and bad, is through what is known as a carbon footprint. While the concept is gaining traction, it is not always fully understood.

According to Mike Berners-Lee, a professor at Lancaster University in the UK and author of The Carbon Footprint of Everything, a carbon footprint is “the sum total of all the greenhouse gas emissions that had to take place in order for a product to be produced or for an activity to take place.”

What steps a person can take to reduce their personal footprint depends on the kind of lifestyle they presently live, and the same actions are not equally effective for everyone. Berners-Lee notes that, “for some people, flying may be 10 percent of their footprint, for some people it’s zero, and for some it’s such a huge number that it should be the only thing they should be thinking about.”

It isn’t easy to calculate a carbon footprint. The earliest such calculator is thought to have appeared in 2004 as part of the “Beyond Petroleum” campaign of oil giant BP, which makes observers criticize the pressure to reduce personal carbon footprints as an indication that climate change is not the fault of an oil giant, but that of individuals.

“I would say personal carbon footprint calculators are a useful tool to assess the impact of your immediate actions.” Berners-Lee says. “But what’s much more important than your personal carbon footprint is your climate shadow, which aims to paint a picture of the full sum of one’s choices and the impact they have on the planet. For example, how you vote, where you work, how you invest your money, and how much you talk about climate change.”

1. What does the underlined word “traction” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. How does Berners-Lee explain his opinion according to paragraph 3?
A.By presenting a fact.B.By giving suggestions.
C.By clarifying a concept.D.By making a comparison.
3. What is the observers’ attitude to the “Beyond Petroleum” campaign of oil giant BP?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Tools are more important than choices.
B.Climate shadow covers a broad range of actions.
C.Calculating carbon footprint is the most effective.
D.Only individuals are responsible for climate change.
2024-04-15更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Shop Sustainably

If you have to name one thing that contributes most to your ecological footprints, you may say the energy you use at home, or your car’s emissions.     1     Knowing this can make your grocery shops more planet-friendly. Here is what you can do to help shop sustainably.

    2     Using those is a great first step. If you get some, do remember to fill them with your purchases. When you adapt yourself to reusing them, then you’ll cut your consumption of single-use plastic bags even further.

●Avoid unnecessary packing. Buy loose fruit and vegetables instead of pre-packaged produce, and avoid products that contain multiple single packages or double packaging, like grain in a box and a bag. Consider switching from tea bags and coffee pods to tea leaves and ground coffee.     3    

●Go organic when you can. In addition to the benefit organic farming has to insect biodiversity, it’s also considered more sustainable and better for the environment.     4    Choosing free-range or Marine Stewardship Council-certified products also encourages environment- and animal-friendly food production.

●Buy seasonal and native products.     5     So you can avoid buying goods that have travelled long distances to reach your plate. As well as opting for local goods, depending on where you live, in the supermarket, you can also buy directly from the source at farmers’ markets.

A.Take reusable grocery bags.
B.Select single-use plastic bags.
C.It supports local farmers and food producers.
D.You can also refill your own containers with loose-packed food.
E.When buying organic products, look for those officially certified.
F.But it’s what we eat that accounts for up to 60% of our personal demand.
G.You’ll find it convenient whenever you buy tea or coffee in the supermarket.

7 . Butterflies, a familiar sight around the world, are disappearing now.Over the past four decades, more than 450 butterfly species have been affected by threats from climate change. In the US alone, the monarch butterfly has seen a drop of 80%, from millions of them in the 1980s to only 29,000 in 2020; in 2017, scientists in Germany raised alarm bells after stressing that insects had decreased by more than 70% in 30 years.

As of now, there is no long-term data available to develop effective conservation strategies in those areas where the threat is particularly widespread. And long-term monitoring programs worldwide face a challenge—training locals as citizen biologists, which, although successful, requires significant and constant funding to cover wages.

In Ecuador, however, scientists have come up with a novel approach.In Yasuni National Park, they started a monitoring project where park rangers(护林员) were trained and then performed monitoring.The rangers were able to identify sampled butterflies with impressive accuracy-an 85% success rate-which is key to the success of these monitoring programs. The data gathered by the park rangers was so accurate that it did not significantly differ from data obtained by trained biologists in the area.

Other monitoring projects select individuals from the community to act as citizen biologists, so scientists may pull the plug on them when funding dries up. However, this study represents a long-term solution.Monitoring with an infrastructure (基础设施)already in place means that it can continue into the future regardless of funding.

"Our approach increases the possibility of constant monitoring in the long term by reducing costs such as lodging(住宿)and wages,"said lead author Maria Checa. "Furthermore, it also empowers(授权)local people, offers opportunities to public institutions to accomplish their environmental goals, and opens up possibilities for expansion into other highly threatened and important areas for biodiversity(生物多样性)conservation."

1. What do the figures in paragraph 1 show?
A.The rich varieties of butterflies.
B.The scientists' close attention to the butterfly.
C.The growing concern about climate change.
D.The sharp decline in the number of butterflies.
2. What stands in the way of butterfly monitoring?
A.The high cost of training staff.B.The wide areas to be monitored.
C.The lack of professional trainers.D.The difficulty in dealing with the data.
3. What might be the biggest success of Yasuni National Park's project?
A.Improving the lives of park rangers.
B.Producing many trained biologists.
C.Providing habitat for endangered butterflies.
D.Collecting reliable data for butterfly conservation.
4. What does the underlined part "pull the plug on" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
2024-04-12更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省五莲天立学校2021-2022学年高二英语下学期阶段性模拟考试英语
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.并将答案填写在答题卡上

In downtown Xiamen, Fujian Province, a 6-meter-high mound(土堆) that stretches for 60 to 70 meters stands in contrast to the high-rise     1    (construction) all around. It is a vital place for the blue-tailed bee-eaters. Now they are under second-level state     2     (protect).

The blue-tailed bee-eater, or Merops philippinus, is known for its colorful plumage and on the Chinese mainland it     3     (find) in coastal provinces, such as Fujian and Hainan.

    4    (establish) in 2011 as Xiamen’s inaugural city-level nature reserve in an urban area, the Wuyuanwan Nature Reserve provides     5     crucial habitat for the species.

In recent years, with improved environmental conditions in Xiamen and the city government’s commitment    6     nature conservation, the blue-tailed bee-eaters have become regular visitors.

In 2015, the center     7     (observe) some 70 to 80 birds in the area while in 2023, over 200 of the birds were watched at the nesting site.

The birds,     8     are sensitive to smell, build a new nest every year. Therefore, the mound must be cleared and refilled after the blue-tailed bee-eaters fly south.

    9     (safeguard) their habitat better, the city government issued a notice in 2017, setting up a protective zone around the nesting site, where noise and pollution-producing industries are prohibited     10     (strict).

The 13-year experience of preserving blue-tailed bee-eaters has given the center a grasp of their habits and made the Wuyuanwan Nature Reserve a stable home for them.

2024-04-11更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省高三下学期齐鲁名校联盟第七次联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to limit your environmental impact while travelling

Travelling unlocks a world of endless possibilities and adventures, allowing us to hike through breathtaking landscapes, encounter kangaroos and deer in their natural habitat, and witness the power of volcanoes.     1     Increased plastic waste and noise pollution can damage ecosystems. Thankfully, there are ways to limit our impact on the environment.

Try to travel by land instead of air. While air travel can often be quicker, it is typically one of the most polluting forms of transport.     2     For example, if you’re heading to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, driving for around four hours emits (排放) around 75% less CO2 compared to the one-hour flight (provided you have several friends with you).

    3     A typical hotel uses about 73,000 gallons of water per year. As laundering towels (洗熨毛巾) is an energy-and-water-consuming process, many hotels often put up signs asking you to re-use your towels. By doing so, you’ll reduce your environmental impact.

Make the most of safe tap water (自来水). Drinking tap water may come as a shock to many travelers. But when you’re in countries where tap water is safe to consume, avoid bottled options. Not only are they more expensive, but they have a higher level of pollution compared to treated tap water.     4    

Respect the local environment. When visiting different destinations, we should recognize the importance of protecting the natural beauty. We mustn’t throw rubbish everywhere.     5     Additionally, supporting local conservation (保护) efforts, such as participating in community-led clean-up projects, can make a positive impact on the local environment.

A.Be a responsible hotel guest.
B.Explore with green tour companies.
C.Instead, carry a bottle and refill it wherever you can
D.And we should avoid activities that may harm wildlife.
E.However, tourism can also be harmful to the environment.
F.Low-cost airlines have made it much more affordable to travel.
G.Taking the train or driving in some countries may be better options.
2024-04-10更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市夏津县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Like many of the Indigenous (土著的) communities across the Australian continent, the remote communities in north-west New South Wales are struggling. Many of the 300 or so residents rely on welfare. Higher electricity bills—up to $3,000 a quarter for some households—further worsen the poverty. They’re always at the end of the power line, so the service that is there is quite extraordinary in terms of cost. It’s a real problem that needs to be fixed.

To that end, Anderson and other Indigenous leaders have formed the First Nations Renewable Energy Alliance (FREA) to push for renewable energy in Indigenous communities. They partner with private enterprise to support Indigenous communities looking to switch to renewable energy.

“We can build a power station where the community exists,” Anderson says, “so people are able to successfully live in the environment the way they want to live and have access to power which enables them to better determine their economic future.”

Only a handful of Indigenous communities have set up renewable energy projects in Australia. The Indigenous-owned and -operated company AllGrid Energy, for instance, has installed solar panels and battery storage systems to replace diesel (柴油) generators in the communities of Ngurrara and Kurnturlpara in the Northern Territory’s Barkly Tableland. Within two months of the system being installed in May 2016, people were moving back to their homelands, the communities growing from just two permanent residents to about 40.

But FREA will go one step further, working with community leaders and acting as a conduit (纽带) between the communities and the businesses they are dealing with. This is essential, says Anderson, to avoid predatory (吞并) practices they have seen in the past, with companies “playing on the psychology of poverty” to gain advantage. The FREA has drafted terms of agreements that will guide how companies engage with Indigenous communities for renewable energy projects.

One of the next steps for FREA will be to identify a community that can act as a test case for a renewables project. “Our experience is that if we can make it work for one community, it will work in every other community,” Anderson says.

1. What is FREA expected to do for the remote Indigenous communities?
A.Increase power supply to them.B.Help them return to their homelands.
C.Shake them off poverty.D.Reduce their higher power costs.
2. What does the author indicate by mentioning AllGrid Energy?
A.Renewables projects are inaccessible.
B.Renewables projects are quite workable.
C.Renewables projects can increase locals’ income.
D.Renewables projects can coexist with diesel power plants.
3. What’s paragraph 5 mainly about concerning FREA?
A.Its strategies to win over the businesses.B.Its cooperation with community leaders.
C.Its potential conflict with energy companies.D.Its innovation in directing renewables projects.
4. What’s FREA going to do next?
A.Consult the experts.B.Select a piloting community.
C.Collect sufficient construction fund.D.Make renewables projects available to all.
共计 平均难度:一般