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1 . My community and state are still recovering from the disaster that hit the area recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds _____ late on a Friday evening knocking down trees, _____ roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines. Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly _____themselves in the dark without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, internet, and television. They were _____ from the modern world suffering unbearable 90 degree plus heat with no help and no idea _____ it would be over.

The most _____ thing happened, however, as the reality of the crisis sank in: it brought out the best in us. While there were a few acts of _____ and stealing, they were overwhelmed (压倒) by the wave of _____ and compassion that came from the hearts of so many. People shared their food, ice, and gasoline. People who still had _____ opened their homes to those who had none. People rushed out to _____roads and homes of fallen trees. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and _____ electricity.

Life’s disasters strike all of us from time to time. No one is _____. We all get hurt. We all get _____. How we respond to them, though, is up to us. We can let them bring out the worst in us or we can let them bring out the best in us. We can _____ them like devils of selfishness or like angels of love. May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may _____ at you then. May you live all of your days here with so much love that you sing and smile.

A.cut offB.called offC.torn downD.taken off
A.weigh onB.react toC.take inD.care for
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Where do Indonesians put their garbage?
A.In the front of their houses.
B.In the public garbage cans.
C.In the official garbage bags.
2. What colored cans do Germans put metals?
3. What do we know about the garbage bags in Korea?
A.Their price depends on the type of waste.
B.They are provided by the government for free.
C.Different districts have different official garbage bags.
2024-04-04更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市金凤区北京师范大学银川学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

3 . The rapid increase of the oil price has brought the world to its senses. Scientists are seeking suitable alternative (替换) but so far in vain. They are considering how they can make better use of the two other major fuels, coal and natural gas, but they have found that neither can replace oil in their economics. In recent years, there has been a growing concern for the environment and coal is not a popular fuel with environmentalists. Natural gas, the purest of the three fuels, is also the most limited in supply.

The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations. They need very little fuel to produce enormous amounts of power and they do not pollute the atmosphere. Their dangers, however, are so great and the costs of building them are also high. Not only could one accident in a nuclear power station spread as much radioactivity (放射物) as a thousand Hiroshima atom bombs, but the radioactive waste from these stations is extremely dangerous.

Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot spring, of which the sun seems the most promising source for the future. Houses have already been built which are heated entirely by solar energy. However, solar energy can only be collected during daylight hours, and in countries where the weather is unreliable, an alternative heating system has to be included.

However, many scientists are optimistic that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully developed, but at the same time they fear the consequences. If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth’s atmosphere. By raising the temperature of the atmosphere,we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world——a frightening possibility.

1. What does the underlined phrase “in vain” in Paragraph1 mean?
A.without doubtB.without resultsC.in progressD.under attack
2. The natural gas cannot take the place of oil because       .
A.it is too pureB.the source of it is limited
C.its price is increasingD.it may cause more pollution
3. Which of the following will cause pollution to the environment?
A.coalB.natural gasC.wind energyD.solar energy
4. Nuclear power cannot take the place of the oil because       .
A.it may pollute the atmosphere
B.it cannot generate large amounts of power
C.it may use up enormous amounts of fuel
D.it may cause great danger to us if not properly handled
2024-04-04更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题

4 . In the rich countries of the West, the electric vehicle revolution is well underway. Climate-conscious consumers drive Teslas or Polestars for reasons of morality and fashion. Poorer countries are also experiencing a wave of electrified trend. In Bangladesh, electric three-wheeler taxis, known as tuk-tuks, are rapidly replacing gas-powered ones on the streets. Such electric vehicles are climate friendly, cost effective, and help reduce air pollution.

Yet a glance under the hood (引擎盖) of these vehicles reveals a poisonous secret: each tuk-tuk runs on five massive lead-acid batteries, containing almost 300 pounds of lead in total. Every year and a half or so, when those batteries need to be replaced and recycled, about 60 pounds of lead leak into the environment. Battery recycling, often at small-scale unregulated factories, is a highly profitable but deadly business.

Lead is dangerous, and any exposure to it is harmful to human health. Lead that has entered the environment hurts people on an extraordinary scale. The numerous ways lead enters air, water, soil, and homes across the developing world — and the enormous damage it does to human health, wealth, and welfare — causes one of the biggest environmental crises in the world yet receives little attention.

The World Bank estimates that lead kills 5. 5 million people per year, which would make it a bigger global killer than AIDS, malaria, diabetes, and road traffic deaths combined. On top of the shocking deaths, the social burden of lead poisoning is extraordinary, as is its contribution to global inequality — our research on the cognitive effects of lead poisoning suggests that it may explain about one-fifth of the educational achievement gap between rich and poor countries.

But unlike many challenges faced by developing countries, lead poisoning is a problem that is fixable with some attention and a relatively modest financial investment. Better monitoring, research, and rules can help protect children all over the world from the dreadful effects of lead poisoning and reduce the massive global costs it brings.

1. How does the author describe the lead problem in paragraph 2?
A.By making a comparison.B.By analyzing hidden causes.
C.By listing convincing numbers.D.By explaining its working principle.
2. What can we learn from the text?
A.Lead enters rich countries in various ways.
B.Lead poisoning may make poor societies poorer.
C.Exposure to lead doesn’t necessarily harm someone.
D.Lead leaking has caused great panic in both countries.
3. What can be done to solve lead poisoning in developing countries?
A.Fixing these used batteries.B.Putting certain effort and money.
C.Prohibiting the illegal use of lead.D.Reducing the cost of recycling lead.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Impacts of Lead Poisoning on Human Health
B.The Outcomes of Using Electric Vehicles
C.The Ways to Solve Lead Problem
D.The Global Lead Poisoning Crisis
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet     1     the air is thin     2     (watch) them move slowly across the green grass, I’m struck by their beauty. But the 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelopes when they were     3     (illegal) hunted for their valuable fur. Their habitats became smaller because new roads and railways     4     (build).As a result, the population of the Tibetan antelopes dropped by more than 50 percent. In order to prevent this species from extinction, the Chinese government took     5     (effect) measures to place it under national     6     (protect).Luckily, the antelope population has recovered. However, the government does not intend     7     (stop) the protection programmes, since the     8     (threat) to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared. Only when we learn to exist in harmony     9     nature can we stop being     10     threat to wildlife and to our planet.

2024-03-05更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏青铜峡市宁朔中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 在世界环境日之前,某英文网站开展了以“Our Environment in the Future”为主题的征稿活动。假定你是李华,请你写一篇英语短文投稿。内容包括:

Our Environment in the Future

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

Light pollution is a serious problem. This became completely obvious when the World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness, a computer-created map based on thousands of satellite (卫星) photos,     1     (publish) in 2016. The map shows how and where     2    (we) world is lit up at night. Large areas of North America, Europe, and Asia are glowing (发光) with light, while only the most remote (偏远的) places on Earth are in total darkness. Some of the most light-polluted    3     (country) in the world are Singapore, Qatar, and Kuwait.

Sky glow is the brightening of the night sky, mostly over cities, because    4    the electric lights of cars, streetlamps, offices, factories and buildings, turning night into day.

People     5     live in cities with high levels of sky glow have a hard time     6     (see) stars at night. Scientists are     7     (particular) worried about sky glow pollution as it influences their ability     8     (view) space.

According to research, more    9     80% of the world’s population, and 99% of Americans and Europeans, live under sky glow. It sounds pretty, but sky glow    10    (cause) by human activities is one of the most common forms of light pollution.

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

At the Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve in Hubei Province, about 2,000 creatures wander freely. Their numbers include 460 deer born this year, showing that the species,     1     was once endangered in China in the early 20th century, has staged a remarkable     2     (recover).

Often     3     (refer) to as sìbuxiang, a milu deer seems to consist of parts of various creatures. It has antlers (鹿角) like other deer, but seems to have the head of a horse, the feet of cattle and the tail of a donkey (驴).

    4     one of the animal’s three major protected areas in China, the Shishou reserve was established in 1991. Close to the Yangtze River, the area has a complete wetland ecosystem,an ideal habitat for the deer. Its conservation story provides     5     example for other endangered animals under a threat of extinction.

    6     (ensure) a safe environment, two engineers and eight rangers (护林员) are sent to get around the reserve. Advanced technologies are applied to help observe and analyze     7     (they) habits and environment. The efforts of those responsible for the deer have     8     (significant) resulted in the increase in numbers.

In the     9     (country) three major protected areas the Nanhaizi Milu Park in Beijing, the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, and the Shishou reserve——the number of the animal     10     (increase) from 39 to over 10,000 since 1986.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In the blue-green depths of the sea off the coast of Tuscany, Italy, an unusual seafloor sculpture park is defending its watery setting.

Since fisherman Paolo Fanciulli’s teens, he has been heading out daily to fish in these coastal waters along the Maremma coastline. It was in the 1980s that he began to notice the clear signs: a seabed that was becoming barren (贫瘠的), with exhausted fish stocks. Until recently, he has been forced to share catches with a threatening part: illegal “bottom trawlers (拖网捕鱼的人)”, who randomly spoil a large quantity of ocean life as they fish, dragging a weighted net along the seafloor behind their boats.

Fanciulli’s style of artisanal fishing (手工捕鱼), in contrast, needs to be friendly to nature as damaging the ecosystem could reduce fishermen’s income. Fanciulli understood that the success of his fishing activity was linked to the good state of the environment. The underwater “House of Fish” sculpture park, which was started in 2015 was encouraged by this fisherman. “One of the most effective solutions is to physically prevent trawling through artificial reefs…so I started working on this project, trying to combine the protection of the seabed with something that could also give an added value to our environment, something as beautiful as a sculpture,” he said.

Rocks or sculptures can break weighted trawler nets. They can also play a role as artificial reefs, giving corals and other sea life a place to live. Thanks to the underwater sculptures, some species not seen in a long while such as groupers and lobsters have returned. The sculpture park represents both an artistic statement and a physical barrier to seafloor trawling.

Today, 39 huge stone sculptures dot the seabed along an area of Tuscan coastline near the town of Talamone. In the immediate future, Fanciulli hopes to continue his great solution in coastal waters. “Man is still destroying the seas,” he says, “and my task continues.”

1. What poses a threat to Fanciulli’s work of artisanal fishing?
A.Rocks on the seafloor.B.Frequent terrible weather.
C.A growing number of fishermen.D.Illegal trawling industry.
2. Why was the underwater sculpture park built?
A.To show artists’ creativity.
B.To develop the local green tourism.
C.To protect the ecosystem of the sea.
D.To warn against fishing in coastal waters.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The results of banning seafloor trawling.
B.The process of building the sculpture park.
C.The damaging effects of trawling on sea life.
D.The roles of the sculpture park under the sea.
4. What could be the best title for this text?
A.The first underwater park in the world
B.Fanciulli’s innovation in cleaning the ocean
C.A seafloor park: Artworks for sea protection
D.Waters with sculptures: Better habitats for fish
2024-01-10更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2023-2024学年高三上学期第五次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Are flash floods becoming more severe? Natural disasters are generally getting worse—and that's true for floods, too.

As climate change warms the atmosphere, extreme rainfall is rising, which increases the risk of flash floods. Heavy precipitation(降水) events are predicted to increase by 2 to 3 times the historical average. The Federal Emergency Management Agency expects the nation’s floodplains to expand by 45 percent by the end of this century, as the agency reported in a recent study. A study in early 2021 found that increased precipitation—resulting partially from climate change—costs the US an additional $ 2.5 billion each year in flood damage. And some studies show that flood frequency was increasing in the Mississippi River valley and across the Midwest in the last century, as well as in the Northeast over the past 50 years.

There are several steps you can take to prepare for flash floods

First, know the level of risk by looking at flood maps. You may be required to have flood insurance if you live in a high-risk area.

Pay attention to flash flood watches, which the National Weather Service issues to indicate when conditions could result.in flash floods. People in these areas-should be-ready to take action—particularly if the NWS announces a flash flood warning. That’s issued when flash floods are approaching and, at that point, people should immediately leave the area.

But be particularly careful when travelling by car. Don’t drive through flooded streets—it's difficult to judge the water depth, and roadways hidden below the water can collapse. If floodwaters cause your vehicle to lose control, abandon it and seek the higher ground. Rapidly rising water can sweep the vehicle away. Know your surroundings and head to the higher ground, and listen to the radio updates when in a flood.

It’s also important to develop an emergency prepared plan with your family or those you live with to have a few days’ worth of resources.

1. Why does the author ask the question in paragraph 1?
A.To confirm an idea.B.To conclude the text.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To express some doubts.
2. How does the authors support the theme of the second paragraph?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By listing relevant data.
C.By describing processes.D.By making comparisons.
3. What are the drivers especially advised to do in the text?
A.Purchase insurance.B.Look at flood maps.
C.Have an emergency plan.D.Avoid the flooded streets.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.What Is a Flash Flood?
B.Do Flash Floods Need Controlling?
C.How Do We Prepare for Flash Floods?
D.Are Flash Floods Becoming More Severe?
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