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1 . Around seven out of every ten Americans who work in offices do their work in an open environment, defined as at desks without meaningful partitions (隔板), according to an International Facility Management Association survey. That is, if they even have a desk- workers may be assigned only a few feet of a communal (共用的) table. The open-plan office space trend, popularized by creative agencies and technology start-ups, went mainstream because of the belief that open-space environments support innovation. More nearness between employees, the thinking went, would create more interaction and teamwork, promote social interaction and urge productivity.

But in fact, purely open-plan offices have been shown to have the opposite effects, creating so much distraction (分心) that employees stayed away from each other. A study funded by Harvard Business Sehaol, the results of which were published last year, tracked what happened when a British company moved its employees from traditional office space, with offices with walls, to an open office. Face-to-face interaction became less — employees spent 72 percent less time interacting with their colleagues. Instead of talking more with each other, the employees put on headphones and began communicating by text and email. As digital communication channels surged, productivity declined.

Neuroscience also holds some clues as to why the tight quarters in communal work spaces- where workers are only given about half the space they were given a decade ago- are so hard to work in. “The human voice sets off the most powerful emotional response in our auditory (听觉的) experience. Voice above 55 decibels (分贝) — roughly the sound of a loud phone call- causes measurable stress, ” according to a Wall Street Journal article,   “The Neuroscience-Optimized Office”. “Even more troublesome are overheard ‘halfversations’, in which the listener only knows about one side of a dialogue; our brains automatically imagine the other, ” wrote authors John Medina and Ryan Mullenix.

But the solution, say experts including Newport, isn’t to go back to putting everyone into offices with walls.

1. What can we learn about the open office trend according to paragraph 1?
A.It allows 10 people at most to work together.
B.It is believed to stimulate workers’ creativity.
C.It is only popular with new technology companies.
D.It is aimed at promoting workers’ social interaction.
2. What does the underlined word “surged” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Suspended timely.B.Became useless.
C.Cost less.D.Increased quickly.
3. What makes an open office hard to work in?
A.Hearing endless noisy phone calls.
B.Showing real emotions publicly.
C.Facing communication barriers at work.
D.Hearing part of a dialogue between colleagues.
4. What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.What are benefits of the open offices with walls.
B.Why the open office makes workers distracted.
C.How to deal with the disadvantages of the open office.
D.How to draw workers’ attention to their colleagues nearby.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Some people are interested in volunteer service, and here are four programs for volunteer service. With just a click of the mouse, you will get more detailed information.

Volunteer Board Position — Secretary

Welcome to GoSinergy, where we are working hard to make the world better. As a non-profit organization, GoSinergy is devoted to empowering communities through a variety of educational and community richness programs. At GoSinergy, we work together to promote equality for all and use our strengths to support and teach. Our positive approach ensures we learn from every situation to improve growth and build a large community that is focused on creating positive change.

Adoption (领养) Assistance Coordinator

The volunteers need to work with pet owners who need to give up their pets to find them new homes through our adoption assistance program. The position involves organizing meetings and greets between owners and possible adopters, organizing meetings of animals for personality matching and so on.

A Study Zone Reading Buddy at the Newcastle Library

Help students practice and get excited about reading! Study Zone provides many academic supports for K-12 students in the library and online and we need volunteers to help us host our programs. Reading Buddy duties include: Share e-books on screen and look through the pages as students read; coach 1-2 students at a time on pronunciation, pace, comprehension, etc; keep track of students’ reading time.

Math Tutors — Summer (Elementary Math to Calculus)

Remote (远程的) math tutors for the summer can help students from elementary through high school levels, focusing on subjects including Pre-Algebra (预备代数), Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus and so on. This plan aims to reduce the educational stops caused by certain reasons or by providing students with the support and professional knowledge needed to be very good in mathematics.

1. What are the volunteers in Adoption Assistance Coordinator required to do?
A.Educate owners giving up their pets.
B.Find new homes for pets.
C.Organize gatherings among pet owners.
D.Arrange meetings between the pets and their owners.
2. Which program is most suitable for a volunteer doing well in Pre-Algebra?
A.Volunteer Board Position — Secretary.
B.Adoption Assistance Coordinator.
C.A Study Zone Reading Buddy at the Newcastle Library.
D.Math Tutors — Summer (Elementary Math to Calculus).
3. Where can you probably find the text?
A.In a literature book.B.On a website.
C.In a travel brochure.D.In a research paper.
2024-08-02更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳地区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Writing things out by hand might seem boring and slow. But handwriting can increase links (联系) across brain regions. That includes some with roles in learning and memory. The new finding adds to growing evidence of handwriting’s benefits.

Scientists researched on the brain activity of college students who wrote by hand or typed words. Compared with when they typed, more of the students’ brain regions worked together when students wrote hurriedly with a pen. This condition also showed up in brainwaves — patterns of electrical activity — that have been linked with forming memories. That might mean writing notes by hand could improve memory of the material for a test, for instance.

Previous research had shown that handwriting improves spelling and the ability to remember what you’ve learned. Handwriting also strengthens the understanding of concepts (概念). Scientists think that the slow process of tracing (描摹) out letters and words gives people more time to process material and learn it.

This new study indicates why handwriting seems so good for memory. “There is a key difference in brain organization for handwriting, when compared with typing,” says Ramesh, a scientist who works at the University of California, Merced. With handwriting, the researchers expected to see an increase of brain activity in areas linked to movement. But they also saw an improvement in certain waves related to learning and memory. And when students wrote by hand, interesting connections appeared.

Handwriting may aid learning. But typing is often easier, faster and more practical. So students and teachers alike should decide, based on the task, whether to write it out or type. For example, using handwriting to take notes might help you hang on to information, while typing an essay could help you get ideas down to the page faster, before you forget them.

Though more work is needed to find the best strategy for learning, handwriting has shown its value. So it shouldn’t be left behind in the digital age. “Schools need to bring in more handwriting into course design,” Ramesh says. Some places are even creating laws that would make students handwrite more.

1. What does the new study find about handwriting?
A.It can strengthen one’s spelling ability.B.It can help throw light on concepts.
C.It can help master what you’ve learned.D.It can improve learning and memory.
2. How can handwriting benefit us?
A.By separating our brain regions.B.By adding pressure to our brain.
C.By promoting our brain activity.D.By connecting our hands with the brain.
3. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.Respective benefits of handwriting and typing.
B.Positive effects handwriting has on learning.
C.Advantages and disadvantages of handwriting.
D.Advantages that typing has over handwriting.
4. What’s Ramesh’s attitude toward handwriting in schools?
2024-08-02更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省周口市河南太康一高、河南郸城一高、河南淮阳中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . For a long time, I thought only skinny and strong people could finish the half marathon (马拉松) at the Baltimore Running Festival.     1    . Preparing for the event has taught me some valuable lessons I’d like to share.

Train yourself as people first and marathoners second.     2    . It is the confidence that will carry you across the finish line on the race day. The saying “life is a marathon, not a short run” applies!

Make sure to take your time.     3    . Your goal is to get comfortable running three to four times a week, with your longest run being roughly 5 or 6 miles.

    4    . Once you’ve completed your basic training, look for a training program that lasts about four months. Week-to-week, the plan should guide you to increase the distance by no more than 10 to 15% a week. Don’t go to the coach who pushes you too hard in a single training cycle. It could result in injuries.

Running a marathon is an investment (投入) of time and money. If you’re going to spend your hard-earned money somewhere, it’s worth investing in an excellent pair of running shoes.     5    .

A.Sign up for a race
B.Choose a training plan that’s safe
C.But last year, I eventually made up my mind to have a try
D.Keep your relationship to your training program a positive one.
E.It’s much cheaper to buy a new pair of shoes than to visit a doctor
F.You can start by running 1 or 1.5 miles and build up week after week
G.It means doing the basic training at an easy pace that can give you confidence
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We are currently experiencing an unprecedented era in the realm of space exploration, marked by a surge in the retrieval and study of celestial samples. This “golden age” is characterized by the active efforts of global space agencies to gather and analyze material from various celestial bodies, including asteroids, moons, and planets.

China’s Chang’e 5 mission stands out as a recent triumph in this endeavor. On December 17, the Chang’e 5 lunar probe successfully concluded its journey by landing in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, as reported by China Daily. This mission, the first lunar sample-return endeavor since 1976, managed to secure an impressive 1,713 grams of lunar rocks and dust, utilizing advanced drilling technology and robotic arms.

Similarly, on December 6, Japan’s Hayabusa 2 probe achieved a remarkable feat by returning a capsule filled with samples from the asteroid Ryugu. This marks the second instance of asteroid samples being collected and brought back to Earth, following the original Hayabusa spacecraft’s accomplishment in 2010.

The momentum in this field is set to continue, with NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft anticipated to return to Earth in 2023, carrying samples from the asteroid Bennu. Additionally, Russia’s Lunar-25 mission is poised to launch in 2021, with the objective of collecting lunar samples.

The significance of these sample-return missions cannot be overstated. They hold the potential to shed light on long-standing mysteries that have baffled scientists, such as the origins of life and the emergence of water on Earth. As Ann Nguyen, a NASA planetary scientist, emphasizes, “I cannot emphasize enough how valuable return samples are for increasing our understanding of the origin and evolution of our solar system and our place in the universe, and how we came to be.”

Upon arrival on Earth, these celestial samples undergo meticulous analysis using sophisticated instruments. These analyses can yield more detailed insights than what can be gleaned from photographs or robotic rovers alone.

In the case of the Chang’e 5 lunar samples, scientists will employ a variety of analytical methods, tests, and experiments to determine the composition, structure, and physical properties of the lunar material. This comprehensive understanding will contribute to a deeper comprehension of the moon’s history and, by extension, the broader history of our solar system.

Though we have only begun to explore the surface of these celestial bodies, both in a literal and figurative sense, the knowledge we have gained is already substantial. The journey of discovery is far from over, with a wealth of mysteries still waiting to be unveiled.

1. What do we know about the Chang’e 5 lunar probe?
A.It was launched on Dec 17.
B.It collected the world’s first lunar sample.
C.It brought back 1,713 grams of lunar samples.
D.It completed the most successful mission recently.
2. Which of the following collected the first asteroid samples?
A.Hayabusa.B.Hayabusa 2.C.OSIRIS-REx.D.Russia’s Lunar-25.
3. What can the samples shed light on (阐明)?
A.The origin of life.B.Structure of the solar system.
C.Which celestial bodies have water.D.How water first appeared on the moon.
4. What will scientists do with the samples?
A.Analyze them and conduct experiments.B.Determine their sources.
C.Compare them with space photos.D.Scratch their surfaces.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Thousands of Americans take part in the National River Cleanup Day every year, organized by the nonprofit American Rivers since 1991. The event brings communities together to become responsible protectors of local waterways. However, the day-to-day work is largely done by full-time guardians like “riverkeepers” “baykeepers” or “waterkeepers”.

Fifty years ago, many U. S. waterways were even worse than they are today. Rivers were often dammed or changed, and pollution was poisoning water ecosystems. River fires had become surprisingly common, with Ohio’s Cuyahoga River experiencing its tenth fire in 100 years in 1969. New York’s Hudson River was also full of industrial waste and waste water by the mid-1960s.

This inspired various citizen-led actions, including supportive groups like Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, founded by folk singer Pete Seeger in 1966. The effects on fish angered local fishermen, who used a 1888 federal (联邦的) law to take on polluters directly in 1966. This led to the formation of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, renamed Riverkeeper in 1986. Other protection groups around the country soon borrowed its name and strategies. In 1999, the Waterkeeper Alliance (联盟) was founded to unite and support all the “keeper” groups in the U. S. and abroad.

Today, the alliance includes more than 350 organizations and branches around the world, protecting over 2.75 million square miles of waterways on six continents. Riverkeeper found early success with two federal laws: the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1888 and the Refuse Act of 1899. These laws banned pollution of U. S. waters and offered awards for reporting law-breaking behaviors.

Riverkeepers now work to protect rivers by monitoring waterways and finding sources of pollution. They have various methods for doing so, including going on boats to check, testing water quality at different sites and looking into who might be causing pollution. They investigate potential (潜在的) polluters and determine whether legal action is necessary. Riverkeepers make sure waterways are clean and safe for animals and people living there.

1. What is the main purpose of the National River Cleanup Day?
A.To fund waterway protection projects.
B.To promote American folk river culture.
C.To raise people’s awareness about water pollution.
D.To encourage communities to tend their local waterways.
2. How did the original Riverkeeper group benefit other protection groups?
A.By hosting cleanup events annually.B.By forming the Waterkeeper Alliance.
C.By sharing its name and successful methods.D.By asking the government for stricter laws.
3. What is the overall impact of the Waterkeeper Alliance on global waterways?
A.They standardized water quality testing globally.
B.They removed industrial pollution in the world.
C.They protected large areas of waterways worldwide.
D.They prevented all future river fires from occurring.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?
A.Sources of river pollution.B.Responsibilities of riverkeepers.
C.Methods for cleaning waterways.D.Impacts of federal laws on river protection.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文, 文章主要介绍了美国科学家研制出一款能深入探索火星的滑翔机。

7 . Engineers at the University of Arizona and a scientist at the American space agency NASA have developed a lightweight sailplane that can fly above Mars for several days at a time. The plane is equipped with flight, temperature and gas sensors, as well as cameras. It is designed to gather data about the Red Planet’s atmosphere.

There are currently eight active spacecraft orbiting Mars and three rover vehicles also exploring the surface. But these research vehicles are limited in their ability to collect data on the area just above the Mars surface, because they depend on energy from the sun and need batteries to operate.

The researchers say the sailplane they developed is lightweight and low-cost. It will be able to use a method called dynamic soaring. This method permits a plane to gain energy by repeatedly crossing boundaries between air masses of different strength levels. This kind of wind activity is known to be common on Mars.

NASA has experimented with a small helicopter on Mars, the Ingenuity. So far, tests of Ingenuity have been successful. But the experimental helicopter is only able to fly for a few minutes at a time and can only reach heights of about 12 meters. “Its technology has been very limited by energy,” says the study’s lead author, Adrien Bouskela. Sailplanes, on the other hand, can fly over the Martian skies for days, allowing them to reach far beyond Ingenuity and visit new places.

The team has carried out tests of the sailplane by attaching it to a balloon floating in the sky. More tests are planned for this summer when researchers are expected to send the plane up to about 4500 meters above sea level, where Earth’s atmosphere is thinner and flight conditions are similar to those of Mars. “We can use Earth as a laboratory to study fight to Mars,” said Sergei Shakrayev, a professor at the University of Arizona.

1. Why do people create the lightweight sailplane?
A.To detect the resources on Mars.B.To explore the atmosphere on Mars.
C.To collect the data of the outer space.D.To record changes in the solar system.
2. What is the advantage of the sailplane compared with other research vehicles?
A.It is easier to operate.B.It can be powered by wind.
C.It provides more accurate data.D.It weighs less and moves faster.
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The development of the sailplane cost less.
B.Sailplanes can work longer than other research vehicles.
C.The Ingenuity can reach heights of more than 12 meters.
D.To collect data, some research vehicles are being used to explore the Mars.
4. What can you infer from the last paragraph?
A.Researchers will do more tests in the laboratory.
B.Researchers will apply the sailplane to other fields.
C.Earth’s atmosphere is thinner than that on the Mars.
D.Researchers will test the sailplane at high altitudes.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Mastering time management is a crucial skill that can enhance productivity and reduce stress, especially for beginners. Here are some straightforward strategies to help you get started:

Prioritize Tasks

Begin by listing all the tasks you need to accomplish in a period. Then, categorize them into “urgent,” “important,” and “can wait.”     1     The Eisenhower Box is a useful method for distinguishing between tasks that require immediate attention and those that can be scheduled for later. It can help you prioritize your tasks and focus on what is most important.


Large tasks can seem overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach not only makes the task seem more achievable but also provides a clear road map of what needs to be done.

Use a Planner

Whether it’s a digital app or a traditional paper planner, use what works best for you. Record all your tasks, appointments, and deadlines.    3    

Set Time Limits

    4    This technique, known as time-blocking, helps prevent procrastination (拖延症) and keeps you focused on the task at hand. Remember to include short breaks to recharge, following methods like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break).

Reflect and Adjust

At the end of each day or week, reflect on what you accomplished and what could be improved. Adjust your strategies accordingly.     5    

A.Avoid Multitasking.
B.Break Tasks into Smaller Steps.
C.Allocate specific time blocks for each task.
D.Focus on completing the urgent and important tasks first.
E.Time management is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another.
F.By incorporating these simple strategies into your daily routine, you can take control of your time.
G.Checking off completed tasks can also provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Do you know there are sounds produced by plants? Have you ever wondered what animals are talking about? With the development of AI, we may be able to understand their languages!

In Professor Karen Bakker’s new book, The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plants, she talks about how AI and other technologies are helping us to translate (翻译) and understand animals’ and plants’ words.

All around the animal world, there are sounds that we can hardly pick up (接收到) and decipher (破译). Elephants, for example, talk with each other using infra-sound (次声), which cannot be heard by human ears. Coral (珊瑚) in the ocean also sends sound waves to lead (带领) baby coral to safer areas to grow. Baby coral “listens” for the sounds and finds its way to the right place. This is surprising as coral doesn’t have any ears! Scientists have placed (放置) machines into these environments to pick up the sounds humans cannot hear.

After the sounds are recorded, AI can study their meaning. For example, Isracli researchers used AI to translate bats’ (蝙蝠) 15,000 calls. They found that more than 60 percent were arguments about such things: food, ways of sleeping, getting into personal space, and unwanted courtship (求偶).

Technologies can not only understand the animals but communicate back to them. For example, bees use dances to communicate. So a research team in Germany put the bee language AI system into a robot bee. They asked the robot to create a set of dance moves to tell the bees where they can find their food.

Researchers said the technology could someday help disabled people to communicate. It might also help scientists understand how animals see the world.

1. How does the writer lead into the topic?
A.By listing facts.B.By offering ideas.
C.By asking questions.D.By giving examples.
2. What can we learn from Karen Bakker’s new book?
A.What role AI plays in protecting animals.
B.What makes it hard for us to take care of plants.
C.How animals and plants communicate with the help of AI.
D.How technologies help us understand the voices of nature.
3. What does the underlined word “this” refer to (指的是)?
A.Baby coral “listens” for the sounds.
B.Coral doesn't have any ears
C.Machines can be used to pick up sounds
D.Coral can find safer areas to grow by itself.
4. What is the researchers’ attitude (态度) towards the future of the AI technology?
C.Doubtful (怀疑的).D.Supportive.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . When my barber for more than 45 years, Deminick, retired earlier this year, I was in a fix. I can not drive, and only one other barbershop was walkable from my house in Freeport. Dominick represented more than a good haircut. For me, he was a moving landmark and a long tradition. He always asked about my boys, now 44 and 49, and admired our family hair.

I’d walk by his empty shop on Grand Avenue in Baldwin, hoping another barber would move in. Otherwise, the one other shop in the same area available to me was small, like Dominick’s, but uninviting, often empty, with no elderly men or mothers with kids. Dominick’s was a one-man operation and often had customers waiting.

But my luck changed — I thought. There appeared a barber pole above Dominick’s! Red, white and blue! A bright sign said BARBER. Open for business! But a large notice in the window displayed the barber’s name — Alicia Zayala. A woman!

My heart sank. As a man, I didn’t want a chemical hair treatment. I wanted a haircut! Going to a female barber wasn't my cup of tea. I believe in the equality of the two genders (性别) and I respect women. But I didn’t feel comfortable with a female hairdresser.

So I chose the male barber with empty chairs in Baldwin. He was young and confident. With big movements, he cut my hair. I felt like grass under a lawnmower (割草机).It was my quickest haircut since 1952. It wasn’t bad;he had made the cut. But he wasn’t my old barber.

When my hair once again grew over my hearing aid, I wondered whether I should try the lady barber. Why not? My hair would grow back. The new barber was middle-aged, silent at first but outgoing. Small talk to break the ice turned into a chat. Alicia was pleasant. She had Dominick's concentration that I had taken for granted (视为当然). I coughed. She rushed to get me a hard candy. It was the longest haircut I’d ever had, but she matched Dominick’s care and skill. I was very pleased.

1. How did the author feel after Dominick’s retirement announcement?
A.A bit worried.B.Quite angry.C.Really relieved.D.Deeply hurt.
2. Why did the author choose the young barber at first?
A.The barber had a small barbershop, like Dominick’s, but uninviting.
B.The barber was known for his quick haircuts.
C.The author was used to being served by male barbers.
D.The author liked chatting with the barber’s elderly customers.
3. Which of the following could be used to describe Alicia Zayala?
4. What does the author’s story tell us?
A.Sweet are the uses of adversity.B.Constant drop wears away a stone.
C.Never judge a book by its cover.D.Practice makes perfect.
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