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In the small town of Elmsworth, there lived a boy named Daniel, who was often overshadowed by his more outgoing siblings(兄弟姐妹). He was quiet and thoughtful, preferring the company of books to that of people. Yet, deep inside, there was a burning desire to prove himself, to step out of the shadows and into the light.

One day, a golden opportunity presented itself when his school announced a public speaking competition, an opportunity that Daniel knew he had to seize. The competition represented not just an academic challenge but a personal one. It was a chance to remove his self-doubts and show his true abilities to himself and others. But the thought of standing alone on a stage filled him with fear, a terrible feeling that always kept him in the shadows Daniel didn't tell his mother the news of the speaking competition when he got home after school that day. But his mother sensed his hesitation and pain. Instead of suggesting anything, she took him for a walk in the woods just beyond their backyard. There, among the towering trees, she showed him a tiny acorn(橡子)lying in the soil. “This small acorn,” she bent down and said, “has the potential to become a powerful oak(橡树). It will push through the soil, fighting against the darkness seeking the light. It's the same with you, Daniel. The strength to grow, to reach for the sky, is already within you.” She paused, allowing the words to sink into his heart, her gaze filled with the belief that he too could achieve greatness.

Daniel looked at the acorn, then at his mother, and felt a spark of determination. It was as if the tiny acorn had whispered to his soul, “You too can rise above the ordinary.” With a newfound sense of purpose, he knew he would face the competition with the same strength that the acorn would one day display as a towering oak.

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Paragraph 1:

With renewed courage, Daniel began to prepare for the competition.

Paragraph 2:

The day of the competition arrived.

2024-09-16更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市普通高中2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷
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My father was sixty-five. Though he had planned on retiring at sixty, he was still working hard. For him, raising four children—especially now that my mother had stopped working and was at home full time—meant he couldn’t afford to retire. It also meant he failed to achieve anything he promised my mom. “Sweetheart,” he’d say, “I’m going to take you on a cruise (乘船游览).” He still told her that, and only these days he added, “as soon as the kids are out of college.”

I knew that putting all of us kids through college probably meant it was going to be a while before my father achieved his dream of going away with my mother on a cruise—though it didn’t stop him from cutting out ads about cruise vacations! It was cute, but it was kind of sad, too. I remember my grandmother always wanted to go to Nova Scotia. My grandfather would always say, “We’ll go next year, sweetheart.” Then she died. My grandmother never got to see Nova Scotia. I just didn’t want my parents to wait until it was too late.

I decided to save up my money to send my parents on a cruise even if it was a short three-day cruise. My friends said to me, “Get real! Saving up for a cruise is something you will never be able to do.” But I didn’t believe that. It was not like I could send them around the world or anything, but I didn’t think my putting together the money for a short trip was an impossible goal. I was determined that just as my parents had made my dreams come true for all these years from my first bicycle to my first soccer camp—I was going to do all I could to make their dream of going on a cruise come true.


I started doing odd jobs (零工) and yard work around the neighborhood.


One year later, I finally saved up enough money!

2024-09-11更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟(东北三省三校)2024-2025学年高三上学期9月联合考试英语试卷
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It was a sunny morning, when Jessie sat at her desk in Mrs. Williamson’s class. They were learning about science, which Jessie normally enjoyed. However, a bird stayed outside the classroom window, which Jessie’s desk was right next to. So it caught much of Jessie’s attention.

“Jessie, are you listening?” Mrs. Williamson’s question cut in Jessie’s thoughts.

Jessie turned to her teacher. “What was that?” she asked.

The teacher frowned (皱眉), saying it was the second time that morning that she hadn’t been listening and that she was supposed to do better. Jessie’s face turned red, thinking Mrs. Williamson shouldn’t have said that to her. Jessie couldn’t help it if the bird by her desk was distracting (分心) her.

When the bell rang for a break, the teacher stopped Jessie. “I hope you will think about what I said in class,” she told her. “A rule is a rule. And it’s important for everyone to follow the rules.”

Jessie nodded to show she understood, but she didn’t really take it seriously, still thinking Mrs. Williamson was being too strict. Then she rushed outside to play ball games with other kids. They first picked teams and made the rules for the game. According to the rules, when a team got two outs, they had to go to the outfield (外场).

Jessie’s team was in the outfield first. In the game, she tried her best. Soon, the other team got two outs, and then it was Jessie’s turn to kick the ball.

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Instead of giving Jessie’s team a chance to score, the other team quit.


Jessie went to Mrs. Williamson’s office.

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The past summer in Antarctica, Elaine had spent long hours inside the plain, practical buildings of the McMurdo research station. With winter coming, she’d be heading home soon. But before she left, there was one more thing Elaine wanted to do. She was determined to see a penguin (企鹅) — up close. That night after dinner, someone said there was a lone penguin on the ice on the far side of the station. Elaine rushed out, hoping to get a closer look.

The day had been sunny and warm. But a frosty wind circled, which was a warning. Elaine knew the weather could change in a heartbeat. A sudden storm could drop the temperature by 50℃ in just a few minutes.

A biting wind blew, and she suddenly found that she had left her hat and radio back at McMurdo! But hearing about the penguin, she’d rushed out without them. This was trouble. She was out on the ice alone, without her gear (装备).

Maybe the cold had slowed down her brain, but Elaine didn’t consider the danger. All she could think of was the penguin. Watching the swinging penguin shape coming closer, she saw a flash of yellow. It was an emperor penguin!

It was against the rules to approach a penguin, she knew. So she had to wait and see if the penguin would come to her. Elaine held her breath, concentrating on the penguin walking towards her. Soon the penguin stood right in front of her: Its eyes were level with hers, its beak (喙) almost touching her nose.

She admired the golden-orange designs edging the penguin’s beak. She tried not to close her eyes as the penguin eyed her closely. Then it reached out its beak, leaned in, and tapped her cheek.   Elaine’s heart beat with the thrill. The penguin bent forward, then reached its beak inside her collar. Elaine couldn’t help it — she giggled (咯咯笑). Her laugh scared the penguin. And it slipped away.

A storm was already coming, and it was past time to head back to McMurdo. Suddenly, a strong wind knocked her off her feet.

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She was pulled by the wind onto a thin skin of ice above an large ice crack (裂缝).


Realizing the penguin was leading her out of danger, Elaine decided to follow the penguin.

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Grace sat quietly in the empty dressing room at the ice-skating rink (溜冰场). She had not been skating in any competition since her left knee was badly injured in an accident six months ago. As she waited for her turn to skate. Grace was very nervous. “If I can win today,” she thought, “I can skate in the World Cup next year and then maybe I can make it to the Olympics.”

Grace was told that she had a tough competitor this year, a girl named Jinny Jordan who was really strong in everything. “She is the one you have to beat this year,” said the coach.

Minutes later, the door swung open and Grace saw a young lady who was about her own age. She dropped her skating bag onto a chair. The bag fell to the floor with a loud sound, “Hi, I’m Jinny Jordan,” she said.

Grace felt uncomfortable as she looked at Jinny. “So this is my competitor,” thought Grace. “Because of her, I may lose tonight.”

“This costume was my mom’s idea,” Jinny said, looking down at her red, white, and blue skating dress. “It looks like a flag.”

Grace couldn’t keep from smiling. She pointed to Jinny’s bag, “Some stuff fell out of your bag.” Jinny looked down. As she began to gather her belongings, the door opened.

“Jinny.” called someone, “You’d better give the music tape to the sound engineer right now.”

“Oh, my God! I thought I had handed it hours ago. It’s a green box with my initials J.J. written on it,” screamed Jinny, hurrying out.

Grace knew that music was nearly as important to the program as the skating itself. If she lost her music tape, she might as well forget about skating. Grace stood up and walked to the chair to do a few more knee bends.


All of a sudden, Grace saw a dark green box with letters “J.J.” behind the leg of the dressing table.


Feeling relieved, Grace was waiting for the announcer to call her turn.

2024-07-01更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第三次质量监测英语试卷
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Looking back on it now, all I can remember is pain that never seemed to end. I could do nothing except lie motionless and beg my body to stop hurting.

The memory of doctors, nurses, and the conclusion of appendicitis (阑尾炎) was still clear. Based on my experience, nothing hurt more than three days with appendicitis, but after an emergency surgery, a severe flu, and stomach infection, the nurse had to come in every six hours to check my condition.

I lost my appetite. I was simply not hungry, and was often not allowed to eat because of the possibility of more surgery. I lost twenty pounds. All the muscle that had taken years of swimming to acquire was eaten away. Before the operations, 1 could swim miles daily, Now it was an effort to sit up. When I finally did accomplish walking, it was only a few steps leaning on my parents.

Through all this, the knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to swim again for almost three months mentally broke me down. When I finally got back in the pool, I struggled with my newly limited ability and the frustration of disappointment. Race after race, I fell short of my goals. Every time I attempted to enter the national competitions, I failed by a tiny amount. It was upsetting-so close, yet so far.

Finally, I came to the last event that could qualify me for nationals. My last chance. I couldn’t help but feel extremely angry about what I had been through. This was my last shot: now or never.

Swimmers learn at an early age that to swim well, you must take everything in one blow, because eighty seconds of the hardest work will be worth it later. You learn to love every second of it, because otherwise, you’ll never make it. You have to believe.

When my name was called, my fear melted away like a stick of hot butter. I   mumbled (低声说), “I can’t be absent-minded during my race; the pool owns everything for that moment. I can’t mess up.”

Paragraph 1: The race started, and I dived into the pool.
Paragraph 2: When I saw my time, a wave of relief swept over me.
2024-06-28更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市第十二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月份学情反馈英语试卷
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While walking along the street, the bitter cold of a December day in Barrow was ruining my mood. The temperature was below zero so I rushed into the subway station, hoping to get warm.

Warmth came to my body as I settled onto a bench with a cup of hot coffee. Now I was ready to relax and do some serious people-watching. I noticed a homeless man seated nearby. The pleasant smell of delicious food from the subway food court(美食广场) was attracting me to consider an early dinner. From the longing look in my neighbor’s eyes, it was obvious that he, too, noticed the good smell. I wondered how long it had been since he had eaten anything, expecting he would approach me for some food. But he never did. My head and heart were battling it out: the former telling me to mind my own business, and the latter urging me to make an immediate trip to the food court for him.

While this inner debate was fierce, a well-dressed young couple suddenly approached. “Excuse me, sir,” began the husband. “We just finished eating and our appetite wasn’t as big as we thought. We hate to waste food.   Can you help us out and put this to good use?” The kind stranger handed a large container with food. “Thank you.” came the grateful reply. Feeling good about what I had seen, but disappointed by my own lack of action, I observed my neighbor’s response to his sudden good fortune.

He lifted the soup, cupping his hands around the steaming bowl. It was obvious that he was going to enjoy this miracle meal. He opened mouth and suddenly, he stopped.

The reason for this unexpected behavior soon became clear. Entering the hall was a new arrival, in his seventies, without a hat and gloves. His lightweight jacket was a poor protection against cold. His face and hands were red and damaged. People around focused on him with pity and whispered at this sad sight.


My neighbor was the only one taking action.


I went to buy food from the food court, with tears welling up in my eyes.

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Mary waited anxiously for her turn in the empty dressing room. Never had she been so nervous before. This competition was of vital importance to her comeback. “If I can win today,” she said to herself, “I can dance on the national stage next month.” Three months ago, her left arm was seriously injured in a car accident. After the medical treatment, she began to recover slowly. She practiced over and over again in order to regain her dancing skills.

“Hi, Mary,” in rushed her friend Jessica. “How is your arm? Is it going to influence your performance?”

“I guess it can be tolerated for I am to win the match.” said Mary with a determined look.

“Admirable! But I hear that a girl called Linda is really gifted and strong. She can be your real well-matched competitor. Come on!”

After Jessica left, Mary decided to practice her most difficult spin (旋转). “If I don’t try harder. I won’t grasp this chance.” She thought. But her arm began to hurt, making her worried. “Mary, what makes you think you have a chance tonight?” she said to herself. After the pain was gone, she continued to warm up.

A slim girl hurried in and put down an equipment bag on the chair. Then, she took out her dance dress quickly and put it on skillfully. Seeing Mary, she smiled politely and said “Hi, I’m Linda. I am the next one!” Mary nodded in reply but felt uncomfortable. “This is just my competitor. Because of her, I may lose tonight.” Her mind was wandering when Linda let out a scream, “Oh, God, I can’t find my music tape!” Linda searched her bag but in vain. “It may be missing on the way.” With these words, she then rushed out.

Paragraph 1:
Suddenly, Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bags.
Paragraph 2:
After watching Lindas excellent performance, Mary stepped onto the stage.
2024-06-15更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市滨城高中联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月考试英语试卷
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9 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的故事。

16-year-old Lisa hated looking at herself in the mirror. She was not comfortable in her own skin and feared people would label her “ugly” after seeing the burn scar on her face. It hurt her every time she had to recall that tragedy where her face was badly burned in a big fire. She enjoyed being alone, lost in books and melodies on her guitar. Shortly after Lisa’s 15th birthday, Chris, Lisa’s father, was stricken by a severe illness and lost his ability to walk. However, Chris managed to provide for the family. He sent his daughters to school and did everything possible to improve their lives. But their difficulties never ceased, mainly after he had to spend much on his mother’s heart treatment. It appeared as though fate had only terrible plans for this family.

Lisa knew everything, and she couldn’t bear to watch her daddy struggling so much. She wanted to help relieve her family’s burden. “What can I do to improve our lives?” Lisa lost in deep thought. One day, a leaflet promoting a local music contest landed on Lisa’s foot. Lisa’s eyes sparkled with hope when she read it and saw that the cash prize was $25,000.

Lisa secretly registered for the music contest. Over the years, she had been passionate about music, skilled at playing the guitar and mastering numerous musical pieces. Now, she needed to compose an original song, sing it and accompany it with her guitar. Lisa locked herself in her room in her spare time, preparing for the contest. In her original composition, she illustrated the joyful moments spent with her family, and she emphasized her heart felt gratitude for her father’s contribution to the entire household. Her lyrics over-flowed with genuine emotion. She tirelessly worked on the song, determined to perfect her performance. With the date for the contest approaching, Lisa spent more time on her preparations. She seemed no longer afraid to look at herself in the mirror. She often stood in front of the mirror, practiced her song and imagined her performance on the stage. Hopefully, she thought she would give her father a big surprise.

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The big day arrived, and Lisa was nervous.


Despite not winning the contest, Lisa’s performance impressed many audiences, including a musician.

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David’s parents left him forever in a car accident. He was brought up by his dear grandma, who was now in her eighties and in poor health. David was so excellent at his studies that he was admitted into his ideal college. He developed friendship with Christ when they were seated next to each other on the first college day. They were like brothers.

Whenever Christ was challenged with those difficult courses, David was always there to help Christ. Christ showed his thanks to David from the bottom of his heart, saying, “Without your help, I couldn’t get on well with my studies. I really don’t know how to repay your help.” David responded, “We are good friends. It’s natural for us to help each other.”

It was the early morning of Saturday. David had a fever and couldn’t get out of bed. Christ took good care of him. He cooked David some soup and then gave him some medicine. He thought a sound sleep would help David get better. David felt comforted with the care of his friend. Then he fell asleep.

David didn’t know how long it had been before he woke up. He saw some food which was newly cooked on the table and there was also a note, which read, “Take the food and you will get better. I need to be away for several days. Take good care of yourself. Christ.” He didn’t detail David about what he was going to do. Later someone told David that Christ bought a bus ticket to David’s hometown. David felt confused. But he thought that maybe Christ had something personal to attend to and it was not suitable to tell him.

On Monday, David got better and went to classes. Obviously, Christ was not there. He missed the classes.

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In the evening, Christ came back and meanwhile David received a call from his grandma, requesting whether Christ had returned to the college safely.


On learning about this, David suddenly realized the truth.

2024-06-13更新 | 103次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省辽宁省部分高中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月联考英语试题
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