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1 . Ways to Embrace Solitude (独处)

For many, being alone is something they shy away from because it’s like loneliness. But loneliness and solitude are not the same.    1    . The latter offers a chance to direct attention to self-care and self-discovery without outside influences or expectations from others. It sharpens your concentration and helps you focus on your tasks and also boosts your creativity regularly.

Psychologists even consider solitude as important as relationships and view the ability to be alone as a sign of healthy emotional development.    2    , just as people learn social skills to guide themselves in the world of relationships successfully. And some specific strategies may make it a constructive, enjoyable experience.

Enjoy solitary activities

People who enjoy solitude find satisfaction and meaning when getting absorbed in a hobby, reading for pleasure, or getting out in nature. They rarely experience boredom when they’re alone and genuinely enjoy themselves while doing something interesting.


In solitude, buried feelings, memories, or problems can surface. Rather than avoid being discouraged by them, you can learn to engage in the regulation with curiosity, using the private time to explore your feelings without judgment. Accepting and expressing them safely helps you self-regulate and release stress.

Be self-reflective

People who enjoy solitude are willing to self-reflect.    4    , reflecting on their values, or considering the bigger picture. Instead of going round about situations you can’t control, self-reflection invites self- awareness, bringing you closer to insight about who you are.

Know when to exit solitude

    5    , if you begin to feel lonely or your thoughts turn to self-harm. It is equally important to know when it’s time to leave solitude and seek the company of others.

A.Protect your privacy
B.Feel and regulate your emotions
C.They prefer listening to solitude signals
D.Break your solitude and turn for support
E.The former is marked by negative feelings
F.There are skills associated with its capacity
G.They spend time considering behavior patterns
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Two managers in the same organization were coming into conflict when having disagreements in their work. After thinking about a particularly troubling issue throughout the night, the first manager wrote a letter to the other one, outlining his thoughts as reasonably as possible. He gave it to the other person and asked him to read it later and suggested that after working through their anger, they discuss it again.

The following day the first manager stopped by the office of the other and asked how it would go. The second one admitted that he was very upset at first, but after thinking it over he realized that most of their disagreements were for a lack of understanding. He stated that he felt if they could discuss it without losing their tempers, they could work things out. That is exactly what they did later and got the issue settled with flying colors (成功地).

American president Abraham Lincoln was known for writing two letters when he needed to communicate with someone else who had made him angry. He first wrote a letter that severely conveyed just what he thought. Then he tore up that letter and wrote a second one that was appropriate and reasonable, and sent the letter out.

Effective communication is the key to any relationship. When we allow ourselves to become emotional and react immediately to what we feel without thinking, emotions overwhelm (压倒) the situation and prevent true communication. Step back, think evaluate what happened or what was said, and ask to clarify questions if it is needed. Then, you can respond appropriately.

Don’t let overwhelming emotion control your life. Instead, choose to think and process internally whatever comes your way before externally responding. That is when you can communicate with others effectively and you will be able to keep good relationships with them.

1. What did the first manager do in his letter?
A.He expressed his general ideas reasonably.
B.He explained why the issue was troubling.
C.He apologized to the second manager sincerely.
D.He invited the second manager to discuss the issue.
2. What is the story of Lincoln intended to express?
A.Any great man can get angry.
B.Making plan B is necessary in work.
C.Writing letters was very popular in the past.
D.We should deal with matters after calming down.
3. What will reacting immediately without thinking probably lead to?
A.A bad first impression.B.Ineffective communication.
C.The high chance of failure.D.The breakdown of a relationship.
4. What should people do for better communication?
A.Learn to answer questions indirectly.B.Avoid anger to keep good relationships.
C.Never be overwhelmed by your emotions.D.Think reasonably before making a decision.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . ●Teenagers are looking for identity.

As we search for belonging, teenagers are looking for their identity. They are making the physical and emotional transition to independence and they are constantly looking for the thing that will define their lives. They are asking     1     in order to understand their personhood, eager for the identity that will give them meaning. they want to look to romance. School, friends, popularity, money, technology, or their bodies for that meaning.

Teenagers want to belong.

We want acceptance, which is what we so often search for online. We fear missing out. because we never want to be the one who doesn’t fit in. Teenagers also want to be known truly and loved deeply.     2    

Teenagers can think.

Some people may have the stereotype(成见)that teenagers are strictly shallow thinkers.     3     That means the teens in your Sunday school class or youth group can understand much more than just listening to simple stories.


The teen years are a time full of trouble and fear can go into almost every area of life-school work, friendships, church, family members, and, perhaps biggest of all, the future. Life feels very much unknown to teenagers. So even though they may feel confident, or promise you they have everything planned out, they are anxious about life.

Teenagers want their lives to matter.

    5     They have studied history and now they’re ready to take their place in it. They’re ready to make their mark. They want to change the world. Finally, they want their lives to matter forever. And for that to happen, they need the belief.

A.“Who am I?”
B.Teenagers are afraid.
C.They long to belong.
D.Teenagers worries about their future.
E.Sometimes our parents may also make mistakes.
F.And one of their greatest fears is that their lives won’t matter.
G.But teenagers can actually think about serious topics like death and philosophy.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When reading, my mother likes to slice a paragraph or a sentence out and attach it to the wall of her kitchen. She picks boring sentences that puzzle me. But I prefer copying favorite bright lines into a journal in soft, gray No. 2 pencil, word by word.

She doesn’t know any of this. There's nothing shocking: for our chatting. we seldom begin certain conversations though we talk on the phone weekly, sometimes making each other laugh so hard that I choke and she cries. But what we don't say could fill up rooms. Fights with my father. Small failures in school. Anything that really upsets us.

My mother has never told me “I love you, Lisa.”—as if the four-word absence explains who I am—so I carry it with me, like a label on me. The last time she almost spoke the words was two years ago, when she called to tell me a friend had been in hospital. I said, “I love you, Mom.” She stopped for a while and then said, “Thank you.” I haven't said it since, but I've wondered why my mother doesn't until I've found a poem that supplies words for the blank spaces I try to understand in our conversations:

Don’t fill up on bread. I say absent-mindedly. The servings here are huge.

My son, middle-aged, says: Did you really just say that to me?

What he doesn’t know is that when we’re walking together, I desire to reach for his hand.

It's humble, yet heartbreaking. After copying it down in my journal, I emailed it to mom, adding “This poem makes me think of you.” My mother doesn’t read poetry—or at least, she doesn’t tell me, and I felt nervous clicking “Send”.

She never mentioned the poem. But the next time I went home for vacation, I noticed something new in the kitchen fixed to an antique board: the poem. The board hung above the heater, the warmest spot in the kitchen. The poem still hangs there. Neither my mother nor I have ever spoken about it.

1. What's the function of paragraph 1?
A.To stress the theme.B.To establish the setting.
C.To represent the characters.D.To create the atmosphere.
2. Which of the following best describes the mother daughter relationship?
3. Why did the author send the poem to her mom?
A.It reminded her of mom's love.
B.She wanted to apologize to mom.
C.It suited mom's taste of literature.
D.She needed an interpretation from mom.
4. What does the poem mean to mom?
A.A memory of golden days.
B.Daughter’s gratefulness to her.
C.A decoration in the plain kitchen.
D.Daughter's understanding of her.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Develop a Positive Attitude towards Life

Negative attitudes bring about negative results and positive attitudes can bring positive changes. For those who want to develop a positive attitude towards life, here are some simple steps.

Stop complaining.     1    Wear a bracelet(手镯) or a rubber band around one wrist. Whenever you find yourself complaining, switch the bracelet to the other wrist. Your goal should be to have the bracelet stay on the original wrist as long as possible.

    2    We all have negative thoughts from time to time, either about ourselves or our situation. While it is impossible to stop negative thoughts from forming, it is possible to change the negative thought to something positive.

Be grateful.    3    Even if it is just gratitude for being alive, for breathing, for the beautiful weather, there is truly something positive occurring. Make the effort to recognize all that is right in your life instead of always focusing on what is wrong.

Love yourself. Contrary to what many people think, loving yourself is really a wise decision.    4    If you have problems with this, positive affirmation(肯定) and self-esteem-building exercises may help.

    5    This doesn't mean you should accept bad behavior or allow others to treat you poorly, but realizing that acting lovingly towards others will go much further than acting selfishly. Not only that but also doing nice things for others can help you feel good as well.

A.It is hard for many of us to forget the wrongdoings of our past.
B.Turn negative thoughts to positive ones.
C.Decide to love others, no matter what.
D.Adopt the motto “Everything happens for a reason.”
E.Too many of us focus on our faults instead of recognizing how truly special we are.
F.This is easier said than done, but a simple trick may help.
G.No matter how difficult your life seems, there is always something to thank for.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We’ve all heard the expression, “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Since happiness is a side effect of laughter, shift your focus from the secret of happiness to experiences that bring you laughter. Instead of asking yourself “How can I be happy?”, ask “What makes me laugh?” This approach creates space for more actionable practices.     1    

•Look at the situation through a child’s eyes.

When times get stressful, take a moment to think about how you saw things as a kid. The more we can experience that childlike wonder and enthusiasm, the less we sweat even the big stuff.

•Add laughter to your mornings.

    2     Therefore, laughter should be right up there with brushing your teeth on your priority list. If you’re short on time, kill two birds and brush your teeth to a funny YouTube clip (短视频)!

•Learn to laugh at yourself.

Relieving yourself of pressure is the joy of learning to laugh at yourself. It also allows you to show more of your true self.     3     And set an intention to find humor in hardship. Merely laughing will fight off depression and fill you with light.


There is no better way to practice laughing at yourself than going outside your comfort zone. From learning German to taking up rollerblading and Zumba, plenty of new activities will fuel your laughter. With so many ways to laugh more, why wait for your bit of happiness?     5     A bit of laughter can be the best medicine!

A.Hang out with friends.
B.Take up something new.
C.Permit yourself to be silly.
D.Morning routines set the tone for the entire day.
E.Read on four ways to get your daily amount of laughter.
F.Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can help us find happiness.
G.Instead, try any of the ideas above, and start feeling better now.
2022-02-02更新 | 241次组卷 | 4卷引用:宁夏吴忠市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末调研英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A smile makes a person look approachable. You can get the attention of other people by this simple gesture. You may even change someone’s mood for the day.

How Your Smile Affects Other People

A simple smile can make a difference to other people. Your smile can make them happy. Those with bad feelings can immediately change after seeing your bright smile.    1     Besides, a smiling face allows them to feel that life has to go on despite any bad situation.

    2     They will think of you as a friendly, attractive, and confident person. Apart from that, your smile can change the things they think about you, such as being beyond reach.

A genuine smile can earn other people’s trust. It can make other people see that you are worthy of it. Moreover, they will become responsive to your smile.

These are the effects of your smile on other people. Your smile may be beneficial to anyone who sees it.     3     It is not only the other people who benefit from it. You can also enjoy its benefits for yourself.

How Smiling Benefits You

Smiling is an excellent way to release endorphins, which are the chemicals responsible for feeling happy. In effect, you can have an improved mood and increased positive thoughts. Your smile is also a stress-reliever.    4     As a result, you can get over your source of stress sooner or later.

Furthermore, a smile can help you maintain positivity. You can face any situation with calmness.     5    

Above all, smiling can benefit you and the other people surrounding you. In general, it is best to share bright smiles that all of you can benefit from in the long run.

A.Moreover, your smile can build connections.
B.Relieving stress is a good way to make you smile.
C.Meanwhile, smiling can give you a win-win situation.
D.A smile can influence how other people think about you.
E.It can prevent you from showing signs of tiredness or sadness.
F.Thus, you’re unlikely to get angry or disappointed with small things.
G.The moment they see the sincerity in your smile, their mood can improve.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . Dear Mum,

You didn't carry me inside you,or give birth to me. Yet our connection as mother and daughter is just as deep,maybe even deeper,as it would have been if we'd had a physical connection.

Even though I’m in my twenties now,we still celebrate my "special day" every June; the anniversary of the date that I legally became your daughter,and was brought from my home to live with you and.Dad.It's a date that I never want to forget, because it marked the beginning of our lives together as a family.

I was just nine weeks old when I was given up by my birth mother. I don't know much about her,only that she wanted me to grow up in a proper family, with a better life than she could give me.I'm certain that I've had every opportunity in life that my birth mother would have dreamed for me. You paid for me to go to a private school, and encouraged me to study hard and to go on to university.When I was a teenager. You were my taxi driver, encouraging me to diving competitions and cheering me on from the sidelines.

Every year we took family holidays.As an only child, because you and Dad understandably didn't want to put yourselves through the difficult adoption process again, I was always spoiled with toys, and so much attention.

Probably the greatest gift that you've ever given me was to feel proud about being adopted. It was never kept a secret in our house and you were always very open about how I’d come to be your daughter.

You're my mother in all the ways that really matter, Mum. When I'm stressed with work, or heartbroken over a failed relationship.It's you I call. When I'm sick, you'll drive to my flat to look after me, when I have something to celebrate, we'll go out together. You're my best friend,Mum.

Love, Hannah

1. The“special day" in the second paragraph refers to the day________.
A.the author was bornB.the author was adopted
C.the author went to a private schoolD.marked the beginning of the author's life
2. We can infer from the passage that the author________.
A.is very satisfied with the familyB.was spoiled too much by the family
C.hates the mother who gave birth to herD.was heartbroken because of being adopted
3. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to________.
A.comment on her family life
B.demonstrate how she was brought up
C.express thanks to the mother who adopted her
D.explain how she became a daughter of the family
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